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Bei ansehen →The Message Class HRPADFR_DUCS (Classe de messages pour le DUCS) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC06.
Message Class | HRPADFR_DUCS |
Short Text | Classe de messages pour le DUCS |
Package | PC06 |
ID | Language | Text |
000 | E | Declaration periodicity must correspond to Summary type |
001 | E | URSSAF sender SIRET must be completed |
002 | E | URSSAF OPS SIRET must be completed |
003 | E | Cumulation contributions <> personnel type definitions &1 &2 &3 |
004 | E | Grouping institution not defined |
005 | E | ASSEDIC sender SIRET must be completed |
006 | E | Multiple range types defined for pers. type &1 |
007 | E | Incorrect reference number (DEB) |
008 | E | No address found in table &1 for addr. type &2 and key &3 |
009 | E | No entry found in table &1 for combination &2 and &3 |
010 | E | Address &1 missing |
011 | E | No key or address type found in table &1 for &2 and &3 |
012 | E | Declaration periodicity must be completed |
013 | E | Relationships with different bases for common code &1 |
014 | E | Choose Initial or Corrective Declaration |
015 | E | Fill corrective date |
016 | E | Data to be merged: tag type &1 not correct |
017 | E | No entry for this TemSe file in B2A |
018 | E | EDI file creation is only possible for a single SIREN at a time |
019 | E | Delta already exists |
020 | E | Delete accrual date |
021 | E | Object &1 has not been instantiated |
022 | E | Wrong data in external file |
023 | E | Imported personnel type &1 has not been defined |
024 | E | You create several declarations simultaneously - no data import |
025 | E | Wrong dates for chosen periodicity |
026 | E | ASSEDIC declarations of unsupported types 924, 925 and 927 |
027 | E | Select either Sender SIRET or Other Identifier |
028 | E | 'Other ID' must be filled |
029 | E | Selection made only for annual DUCS ASSEDIC declaration |
030 | E | For &1 of &2 to &3, no CSS (&4) in history |
031 | E | For &1 of &2 to &3, a CSS (&4) is already in history |
032 | E | An accrual-BRC (&4) already exists in the history for &1 from &2 to &3 |
033 | E | For &1 of &2 to &3, (&4) of more recent data is already in history |
034 | E | Errors found in the DAQ conditions. Wrong headcount. |
035 | E | You must enter the sender SIRET for 'Other agencies' |
036 | E | Two IDs (SIRET/OTHER) found for OPS SIRET selected. Check &1. |
037 | E | Declared unit or contract not found for &1/&2/&3/&4 |
038 | E | Incorrect data in external file. Incoherent rate for &1 (&2) |
039 | E | Value imported from T5F5Q / &1 with incorrect currency: &2 |
040 | E | &1: Error. Contributions assigned to several OPS |
041 | E | There is no declared unit number (Contract) for &1/&2/&3 |
042 | E | Negative amounts not allowed in initial/supplementary declarations (&1) |
043 | E | The qualifier &1 in line COT &2/&3 must be positive |
044 | E | Some contributions have not been taken into account |
045 | E | The unitary lump sum for &1/&2 is inconsistent |
046 | E | Please confirm that start of selection period is within year/quarter |