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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The Message Class HRWPC_REQ (Message class to catch errors in the Requisition Scenario) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PWPC_MAN_RECR_US_46CFF.
Message Class | HRWPC_REQ |
Short Text | Message class to catch errors in the Requisition Scenario |
Package | PWPC_MAN_RECR_US_46CFF |
ID | Language | Text |
000 | E | |
001 | E | User name &1 for the Hiring Manager does not exist in the system |
002 | E | Position with object ID &1 does not exist in the system |
003 | E | Job with object ID &1 does not exist in the system |
004 | E | Recruitment Ínstrument with object ID &1 does not exist in the system |
005 | E | User name &1 for the recruitment team does not exist in the system |
006 | E | Increase the Number of Positions (&1) to fit the actual positions (&2) |
007 | E | Number of Positions cannot be left blank. Please specify valid input |
008 | E | Please specify the name (system user) of the Hiring Manager |
009 | E | Please specify either the Position or the Job information |
010 | E | Please specify the Requisition Name |
011 | E | Please specify the Requisition (Effective) Date |
012 | E | Requisition object could not be created in the system |
013 | E | Position with object ID &1 does not have a corresponding job |
021 | E | This requisition object could not be maintained in Manager's Desktop |
022 | E | This requisition object could not be posted to the TRM system |
023 | E | Positions specified do not have the same job. Please adjust your entries |
024 | E | Job data derived from the position conflicts with the job data entered |
025 | E | The notification object could not be updated with the new RQ object data |
026 | E | This requisition has not been approved for posting to the TRM system |
027 | E | This requisition object was successfully posted to the TRM system |
028 | E | Requisition data of ' &1 ' cannot be read due to error in Infotype 1000 |
029 | E | Requisition data of ' &1 ' cannot be read due to error in relationship &2 |
030 | E | Personnel number &1 for the Recruitment Team does not exist in the system |
031 | E | The Media &1 is not being maintained in table T750H |
032 | E | The Recruitment Instrument &1 does not exist in the system |
033 | E | Problem occurred and could not read Infotype 1008 of the &1 position |
034 | E | Problem occurred and could not read Infotype 1013 of the &1 position |
035 | E | Problem occurred and could not read Infotype 1011 of the &1 position |
036 | E | Problem occurred and could not read cost center of the &1 position |
037 | E | Problem occurred and could not read planned compensation data |
038 | E | The Recruitment Instrument Begin Date is higher than the End Date. |
039 | E | Error occurred! This requisition object could not be closed |
040 | E | The Desired Start Date is later than the Desired End Date - &1 |
041 | E | Incorrect input for 'Desired End Date' or 'Length of Assignment' fields |
042 | E | Error occurred when converting external date into internal date format |
043 | E | Please specify the Desired Start Date on the requisition form |
044 | E | Please specify either the Desired End Date or the Length of Assignment |
045 | E | The requisition object was successfully created. The new object ID is &1 |
046 | E | The requisition object was already created. &1 &2 &3 |
047 | E | Could not connect to the TRM Internet application |
048 | E | User name &1 for the Personnel Officer does not exist in the system |
049 | E | Please specify the name (system user) of the Personnel Officer |
050 | E | User name &1 for the Second Approver does not exist in the system |
051 | E | Request - '&1' needs to be approved, before creating the object |
052 | E | User name &1 for the First Approver does not exist in the system |
053 | E | Requisition object could not be created due to a database error. |
054 | E | Requisition object could not be created. Check your &1 |
055 | E | Nothing found for the search object using the existing search criteria |
056 | E | Job &1 derived from the added position &2 conflicts with existing job &3 |
057 | E | Please specify the Recruitment Instrument Begin Date |
058 | E | Please specify the Recruitment Instrument End Date |
059 | E | Error occurred. E-mail application could not be launched |
060 | E | Use Create Requisition Object follow-up function, before &1 '&2' |
061 | E | The draft form was successfully deleted. Please close this window. |
062 | E | Error occurred, the draft form was not deleted. |
063 | E | The draft requisition object does not exist on today's date. |
064 | E | Requisition object could not be updated due to a database error. |
065 | E | Requisition object could not be updated. Check your &1 |