
SAP Message Class QW

Error class for SQL Trace Interpreter

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The Message Class QW (Error class for SQL Trace Interpreter) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package RSQL.

Technical Information

Message Class QW
Short Text Error class for SQL Trace Interpreter
Package RSQL


ID Language Text
000 D Please select the correct column.
001 D No statistical record is available.
002 D Please select a valid table entry.
003 D The group ID for this function ID does not exist.
004 D This function ID does not exist.
005 D The summary can not be generated.
006 D This combination of program name - table name already exists.
007 D The start time is after the end time.
008 D Please select the trace records.
009 D Selected trace records do not match the selected statistical record.
010 D Customizing data was downloaded successfully.
011 D Customizing data was not downloaded successfully.
012 D Customizing data was uploaded successfully.
013 D Customizing data was not uploaded successfully.
014 D Download of customizing data was canceled.
015 D Upload of customizing data was canceled.
016 D Please select a valid line.
017 D Please check your inputed values (sign + or - only)!
018 D Please choice correct customizing version (4.X instead of 3.X version).
000 E Select the correct column
001 E No statistical record is available
002 E Select a valid table entry
003 E The group ID for this function ID does not exist
004 E This function ID does not exist
005 E The summary can not be generated
006 E This combination of program name - table name already exists
007 E The start time is after the end time
008 E Please select the trace records
009 E Selected trace records do not match the selected statistical record
010 E Customizing data was downloaded successfully
011 E Customizing data was not downloaded successfully
012 E Customizing data was uploaded successfully
013 E Customizing data was not uploaded successfully
014 E Download of customizing data was canceled
015 E Upload of customizing data was canceled
016 E Select a valid line
017 E Check your inputed values (sign + or - only)
018 E Choose the correct customizing version (4.X instead of 3.X version)