
SAP Message Class SW

Meldungen des SAPLPD.

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The Message Class SW (Meldungen des SAPLPD.) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package SPOO.

Technical Information

Message Class SW
Short Text Meldungen des SAPLPD.
Package SPOO


ID Language Text
000 E Function group TREE
001 E Note with ID & not found
002 E Cannot be created as father of the root node
003 E Cannot be created as brother of the root node
004 E Node & cannot be deleted, since sons exist
005 E The name & already exists on this level
006 E The root node cannot be deleted
007 E Create no longer possible, IDs exhausted (--> long text)
008 E Target is in sub-tree, therefore no transfer possible
009 E Apart from the root nodes, no sub-tree can be transferred
010 E Tree is empty and must first be initialized
012 E No further nodes exist for node with ID &
013 E Path is too long for variable passed
014 E Node with ID & has no brother
015 E Node with ID & has no left brother
016 E Node with ID & is a root node
017 E Node with ID & has no right brother
018 E Path cannot be completed
999 E & & & &