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Bei ansehen →The Message Class W1 (Customizing Klassen) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package CL0C.
Message Class | W1 |
Short Text | Customizing Klassen |
Package | CL0C |
ID | Language | Text |
160 | D | Bitte Cursor auf dem Feld positionieren, nach dem sortiert werden soll |
000 | E | *** Operation ...*** |
001 | E | Please enter unit of work |
002 | E | Error during purchase requisition creation (RC - &) |
028 | E | Object & class type $ not defined |
029 | E | Place the cursor on the object for which you want to print class types |
003 | E | System: Header operation flag does not exist (program error) |
004 | E | Please enter valid control key |
005 | E | External operation --> please enter purchasing organization |
006 | E | External operation --> please enter price unit |
007 | E | External operation --> please enter currency key |
008 | E | Cost element & in company code & is not valid at & |
009 | E | External operation --> please enter operation quantity and quantity unit |
095 | E | Place cursor on the object whose functions you want to display |
096 | E | Place cursor on the object whose functions you want to edit |
098 | E | No filters exist for class type & |
010 | E | Please maintain external processing data |
011 | E | External operation --> please enter purchasing group |
012 | E | External operation --> please maintain short text |
013 | E | External operation --> please enter cost element |
014 | E | Info record & & & does not exist |
015 | E | Data transferred from info record |
016 | E | External operation --> please enter price |
160 | E | Place the cursor on the field you want to sort by |
017 | E | External operation --> please enter material group |
018 | E | The new control key does not allow external processing |
019 | E | Please enter a unit of time |
020 | E | Activity type & & & does not exist (--> F4) |
021 | E | Activity type & & & in fiscal year & not valid |
022 | E | Materials cannot be allocated to sub-operations |
023 | E | Please select operation |
024 | E | Automatic operation created |
025 | E | No operation selected |
026 | E | Last operation reached |
027 | E | First operation reached |
030 | E | Cannot enter execution factor for sub-operation &1 &2 |
031 | E | No execution factor can be maintained for operation & |
032 | E | Unit for planned work copied, since plan/actual work must be same |
033 | E | Unit for planned work changed, since plan/actual work must be same |
034 | E | No purchase requisition exists for operation & |
035 | E | The relationships for the operations selected will be deleted |
036 | E | No purchase requisition exists for component &2 operation &1 |
037 | E | No relationships possible for sub-operations |
038 | E | No relationships exist for the operation |
039 | E | Consecutive key & & not maintained |
050 | E | *** General checks *** |
051 | E | PM planning group & in plant & does not exist |
052 | E | System: Maintenance order header does not exist |
053 | E | Revision dates copied for start/end dates |
054 | E | Scheduling type defined by system |
055 | E | No scheduling type maintained |
056 | E | Scheduling type & does not exist |
057 | E | Transaction not in start control table |
058 | E | Control table for order not maintained |
059 | E | Control table missing (TCODE - &) |
060 | E | Parameters for Maintenance do not exist |
061 | E | Order & does not exist |
062 | E | No authorization in plant & for order type & |
063 | E | Enter a scheduling indicator |
064 | E | Enter a valid scheduling type |
065 | E | System: Internal error in document table |
066 | E | System: Movement type cannot be defined, KEY & |
067 | E | System: Order type & will be removed, order type & will be set |
068 | E | Deletion indicator active --> display only |
069 | E | No assembly --> Function not possible |
070 | E | Key word & not recognized |
071 | E | Selection: by general maint.task list w/o assembly reference |
072 | E | Error occured during budget check, see cost log |
073 | E | No sub-orders exist for order & |
075 | E | *** Functions *** |
076 | E | The order has already been completed |
077 | E | Order cannot be completed, account assignment not maintained |
078 | E | Order & could not be archived: -> Error log |
079 | E | System: Automatic release not successful |
080 | E | Order status --> Inclusion of equipment/general task list not possible |
081 | E | No default rule could be formed |
082 | E | Default rule formed |
083 | E | Settlement rule already exists |
084 | E | System: Order not flagged for deletion |
085 | E | System: Order already flagged for deletion |
086 | E | Order & was not yet technically completed |
087 | E | Order release not successful --> see error log |
088 | E | Superior order & already completed |
089 | E | Please first complete sub-order & |
090 | E | *** Priority *** |
091 | E | Priority type not maintained for orders |
092 | E | No priorities exist for order priority type |
093 | E | Dates were determined by priority |
094 | E | Check the settlement rule |