
SAP Package AEU0

EMU development class: FI-AA

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The package AEU0 (EMU development class: FI-AA) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package AEU0
Short Text EMU development class: FI-AA
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package AEU0 contains 2 function groups.

ACH1 FIAA: Check for transaction types
ARFE Depr. recalculation for euro conversion


SAP Package AEU0 contains 5 transactions.

AEUB Limit transaction types
EWA1 FI-AA: Analysis of assets w/errors
EWA2 FI-AA: Asset before&after comparison
EWA3 Reconcil. of critical FI-AA documts
IMEU Euro conversion: IM postproces.prog.

Database Tables

SAP Package AEU0 contains 4 database tables.

EWUANLAVOR EWU conversion: Table for marking assets before conversion
EWUFIAASUM EWU conversion: Table for asset totals at account level
T093CE Block posting for certain fiscal years
TEUBWA Allowed transaction types BEFORE euro changeover


SAP Package AEU0 contains 2 views.

V_T093CE Limit transaction types
V_TEUBWA Allowed transaction types


SAP Package AEU0 contains 1 structures.

EWUANLASTR Structure for Displaying Table EWUANLAVOR


SAP Package AEU0 contains 18 programs.

RAABST02 Reconcil. program FI-AA <-> G/L: List of accounts showing differences
RAEWAS0A Analysis program for differences btw transactions in FI-AA and FI-GL
RAEWAS0B EWU: Analysis program- assets w/difference before and after conversion
RAEWSSUM Preprocessing program FI-AA: Display of asset totals on accounts
RAEWUAFA FI-AA: Reconciliation of line items with totals records
RAEWUC0B Reconciliation program FI-AA <-> General ledger / adjustment posting
RAEWUC0P FI-AA Correction program for ANEP with transaction currency euro
RAEWUC1B Reconcil. prog. FI-AA <-> General ledger / adjustmt posting (Analysis)
RAEWUS0A Preparation prog. FI-AA euro conversion - indicator for value fields
RAEWUS0B Reconciliation program FI-AA <-> General ledger / selection
RAEWUS1A Analysis program FI-AA euro conversion
RAEWUS1B Reconcil. prog. FI-AA <-> General ledger / selection (analysis phase)
RAEWUTES Tests the open item f.module
RAEWUVOR FI-AA preparation program for a company code (internal!!)
RAIPEWU1 Adjustment of investment programs after euro conversion
RAIPEWU2 Adjustments of investment programs after euro conversion
RAIPEWU3 Recalculation of distributed values in inv.program
RAT08401 Assets to be followed up