
SAP Package AR

Asset Accounting reporting

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The package AR (Asset Accounting reporting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package AR
Short Text Asset Accounting reporting
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package AR contains 10 function groups.

AAPS Interface FI-AA+PS
AMGS Asset Management - General Services
ANLG Function modules, gen. Asset Accounting
ARINT Processing of Integrated Objects
ASPC Re-distribution of Depreciation
AUMF Checks for environment analyzer
FIAA_AW01_DISPLAY Display-FMs for Former Reports
FIAA_FALVREPORTS Functions for FIAA Reports Using ALV
ID_FIAA_AT Asset Accounting - Austria
RAAB RA master data maintenance


SAP Package AR contains 31 transactions.

ABST2 Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA
AR01 Call Asset List
AR02 Call Up Asset History Sheet
AR03 Call Up Depreciation List
AR04 Call Up Depreciation + Interest List
AR05 Call Up Asset Acquisition List
AR06 Call Up Asset Retirement List
AR07 Call Up Asset Transfer List
AR08 Call Up Depreciation Compare List
AR14 Call Up Manual Depreciation List
AR18 Call Up Depr.Simulation
AR19 Call Up List of Origins
AR20 Retirement comparison
AR21 Mid-quarter Alert Report
AR22 Analysis of retirment revenue
AR26 Call up special reserve list
AR27 Call up: Group asset list
AR28 Call up asset history
AR30 Display Worklist
AR32 Call Create Worklist
AR32N Call Create Worklist
ARAL Display Application Log
ARQ0 FIAA - Ad hoc reports
ART0 FIAA - Info system
OA90 AM: Asset Register
OAV9 C AM Asset hist. group view maint.
S_ALR_87100623 Asset Retirements (French Law)
S_ALR_87100819 Capital Allowance Report (Singapore)
S_ALR_87100820 Balancing Adjustment Report
S_P00_07000077 TH01
S_P00_07000078 TH02

Database Tables

SAP Package AR contains 5 database tables.

T086A Call up of AM reports per transaction function
T088 Selection Table for Italian Asset Register
T090X Simulation Versions
TABWQ Asset hist. sheet group
TABWR Name of asset hist. sheet group


SAP Package AR contains 3 views.

H_T090X Help View for Simulation Versions in Reporting
V_T086A Call up of reports versions from asset value display
V_TABWQ Asset History Sheet Group and Name


SAP Package AR contains 59 structures.

ANKA_SVE Fields, which occur in ANKA and ANKP and are saved
ANKAZ_0001 Structure for Depreciation Re-distribution
ANKV_SVE ANKA and ANKV fields are saved
AREP_T093SB Choose substitution for worklists
FIAA_AT_HISTORY_SHEET Structure For Austria DMEE Tree
FIAA_COMPARE_VALUES Structure for Comparison of Asset Values over Several Years
FIAA_EIS Structure for data transfer from FI-AA/PM to EIS
FIAA_SALVCOLLECT General Fields for Transfer to Reports
FIAA_SALVSORT_FELDER Sort Fields for Sort Version
FIAA_SALVTAB_ALL Internal Table Fields for ALL FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_ALVDEF Definition of the Fields Required for ALV in FIAA Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR10 Amount Fields (10) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR15 Amount Fields (15) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR20 Amount Fields (20) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR25 Amount Fields (25) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR5 Amount Fields (5) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGA Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGA2 Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGA item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGF Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGF
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGF2 Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGF
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABST02 Transfer Structure for Displaying the Difference Table
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAANLA Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAANLA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABEST Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEST
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABEWG Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEWG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABEWG2 Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEWG item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABIKA Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABIKA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAGAFA Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAGAFA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAGITT Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAGITT
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAHAFA Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAHAFA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAIDAUSCGT Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEST
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKAFA Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKAFA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKOMP Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKOMP01
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKOMP02 Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKOMP02
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKOMP2 Def. of Internal Output Table 2 for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKOMP
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAMAFA Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAMAFA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAMAFA2 Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAMAFA item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RASOPO Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RASOPO
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUMBU Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUMBU01
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUMBU2 Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUMBU01 item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG03 Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG032 Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG04 Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG042 Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG2 Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAVERM Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAVERM
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAVERS Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAVERS
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAZUGA Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAZUGA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAZUGA2 Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAZUGA item
FIAA_SALVTAB_SUM General Structure for FIAA Summary Reports with ALV
FIAACRIT Characteristic for data transfer from FI-AA and PM to EIS
FIAAKEYFIG Key figures for data transfer from FI-AA/PM to EIS
KANKL Internal Table for Writing Off Set Contents (ANLKL)
KBWSL Internal Table for Writing Off Set Contents (BWASL)
RAHIS Master Data Changes in the Asset History
RASPEC Structure for RASPEC01
RASPECS Structure for RASPEC01


SAP Package AR contains 50 programs.

RAABGA_ALV01 Asset Retirements
RAABGF_ALV01 Asset Retirements (French law)
RAABGF01 Asset Retirements (French law)
RAAEND01 Changes to asset master records
RAANLA_ALV01 Directory of Unposted Assets
RAAUFW01 Revaluation
RABARC01 Bar codes
RABEST_ALV01 Asset Balances
RABEWG_ALV01 Asset Transactions
RABEWG01 Asset Transactions
RABIKA_ALV01 Depreciation Comparison
RABWPL01 Chart of dep.-dependent data for asset classes
RACHECK1 Consistency Check Report FI-AA Customizing
RADEL082 Delete Field Groups For Correction 18209 (Inter-Client)
RAGAFA_ALV01 Posted Depreciation
RAGITT_ALV01 Asset History Sheet
RAHAFA_ALV01 Depreciation
RAHERK01 List of Origins of Asset Charges
RAHERK02 Proof of origin by cost elements
RAHIST01 Asset history
RAHIST02 Asset History
RAIDAUSCGT Capital Gains Tax Report for Australia
RAJPVERM Statement of Net Assets (Japan)
RAKAFA_ALV01 Depreciation and Interest
RAKOMP_ALV01 Asset Balances for Group Assets
RAKOMP_ALV02 Balances for Individual Assets, Including Components of Group Assets
RAKOMP01 Asset Balances for Group Assets
RAMAFA_ALV01 Manual Depreciation
RAMAFA01 Manual depreciation
RAMUST00 Display Asset Classes
RAPERIV01 Reconcile PERIV in T001, T093C, T093B
RAQUER01 Jump from ASMN to the query transaction
RAQUERY0 Form routines pool used in FI-AA queries
RASOPO_ALV01 Changes to Special Reserves
RASOPO01 Changes to Special Reserves
RASPEC01 Redestribution of special assets
RATREE00 Access Reporting Tree
RATREE01 Application Log
RAUMBU_ALV01 Intracompany Asset Transfers
RAUSAG_ALV01 Retirement Comparison
RAUSAG_ALV03 Analysis of Retirement Revenue
RAUSAG_ALV04 Analysis of Retirement Revenue
RAUSAG03 Analysis of Retirement Revenue
RAUSAG04 Analysis of Retirement Revenue
RAVERM_ALV01 Net Worth Valuation
RAVERS_ALV01 Insurance Values
RAXPRA02 XPRA for completion of history sheet group in trans. type
RAXPRA03 Convert Asset Master Record Matchcode Fields
RAXPRA04 Initialization of asset groups in ANLB
RAZUGA_ALV01 Asset Acquisitions

Search Helps

SAP Package AR contains 1 search helps.

H_T090X Help View for Simulation Versions in Reporting