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Bei ansehen →The package AR (Asset Accounting reporting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | AR |
Short Text | Asset Accounting reporting |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package AR contains 10 function groups.
AAPS | Interface FI-AA+PS |
AMGS | Asset Management - General Services |
ANLG | Function modules, gen. Asset Accounting |
ARINT | Processing of Integrated Objects |
ASPC | Re-distribution of Depreciation |
AUMF | Checks for environment analyzer |
FIAA_AW01_DISPLAY | Display-FMs for Former Reports |
FIAA_FALVREPORTS | Functions for FIAA Reports Using ALV |
ID_FIAA_AT | Asset Accounting - Austria |
RAAB | RA master data maintenance |
SAP Package AR contains 31 transactions.
ABST2 | Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA |
AR01 | Call Asset List |
AR02 | Call Up Asset History Sheet |
AR03 | Call Up Depreciation List |
AR04 | Call Up Depreciation + Interest List |
AR05 | Call Up Asset Acquisition List |
AR06 | Call Up Asset Retirement List |
AR07 | Call Up Asset Transfer List |
AR08 | Call Up Depreciation Compare List |
AR14 | Call Up Manual Depreciation List |
AR18 | Call Up Depr.Simulation |
AR19 | Call Up List of Origins |
AR20 | Retirement comparison |
AR21 | Mid-quarter Alert Report |
AR22 | Analysis of retirment revenue |
AR26 | Call up special reserve list |
AR27 | Call up: Group asset list |
AR28 | Call up asset history |
AR30 | Display Worklist |
AR32 | Call Create Worklist |
AR32N | Call Create Worklist |
ARAL | Display Application Log |
ARQ0 | FIAA - Ad hoc reports |
ART0 | FIAA - Info system |
OA90 | AM: Asset Register |
OAV9 | C AM Asset hist. group view maint. |
S_ALR_87100623 | Asset Retirements (French Law) |
S_ALR_87100819 | Capital Allowance Report (Singapore) |
S_ALR_87100820 | Balancing Adjustment Report |
S_P00_07000077 | TH01 |
S_P00_07000078 | TH02 |
SAP Package AR contains 5 database tables.
T086A | Call up of AM reports per transaction function |
T088 | Selection Table for Italian Asset Register |
T090X | Simulation Versions |
TABWQ | Asset hist. sheet group |
TABWR | Name of asset hist. sheet group |
SAP Package AR contains 3 views.
H_T090X | Help View for Simulation Versions in Reporting |
V_T086A | Call up of reports versions from asset value display |
V_TABWQ | Asset History Sheet Group and Name |
SAP Package AR contains 59 structures.
ANKA_SVE | Fields, which occur in ANKA and ANKP and are saved |
ANKAZ_0001 | Structure for Depreciation Re-distribution |
ANKV_SVE | ANKA and ANKV fields are saved |
AREP_T093SB | Choose substitution for worklists |
FIAA_AT_HISTORY_SHEET | Structure For Austria DMEE Tree |
FIAA_COMPARE_VALUES | Structure for Comparison of Asset Values over Several Years |
FIAA_EIS | Structure for data transfer from FI-AA/PM to EIS |
FIAA_S_INT_OBJ | Structure for exportingTable of FIAA_INTEGRATED_OBJECTS_FIND |
FIAA_SALVCOLLECT | General Fields for Transfer to Reports |
FIAA_SALVSORT_FELDER | Sort Fields for Sort Version |
FIAA_SALVTAB_ALL | Internal Table Fields for ALL FIAA ALV Reports |
FIAA_SALVTAB_ALVDEF | Definition of the Fields Required for ALV in FIAA Reports |
FIAA_SALVTAB_BETRAEGE | Amount Fields for ALL FIAA ALV Reports |
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR10 | Amount Fields (10) for FIAA ALV Reports |
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR15 | Amount Fields (15) for FIAA ALV Reports |
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR20 | Amount Fields (20) for FIAA ALV Reports |
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR25 | Amount Fields (25) for FIAA ALV Reports |
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR5 | Amount Fields (5) for FIAA ALV Reports |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGA | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGA |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGA2 | Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGA item |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGF | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGF |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGF2 | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGF |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABST02 | Transfer Structure for Displaying the Difference Table |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAANLA | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAANLA |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABEST | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEST |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABEWG | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEWG |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABEWG2 | Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEWG item |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABIKA | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABIKA |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAGAFA | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAGAFA |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAGITT | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAGITT |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAHAFA | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAHAFA |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAIDAUSCGT | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEST |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKAFA | Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKAFA |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKOMP | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKOMP01 |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKOMP02 | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKOMP02 |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKOMP2 | Def. of Internal Output Table 2 for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKOMP |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAMAFA | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAMAFA |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAMAFA2 | Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAMAFA item |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RASOPO | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RASOPO |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUMBU | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUMBU01 |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUMBU2 | Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUMBU01 item |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG03 | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG032 | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG04 | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG042 | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG2 | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAVERM | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAVERM |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAVERS | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAVERS |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAZUGA | Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAZUGA |
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAZUGA2 | Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAZUGA item |
FIAA_SALVTAB_SUM | General Structure for FIAA Summary Reports with ALV |
FIAACRIT | Characteristic for data transfer from FI-AA and PM to EIS |
FIAAKEYFIG | Key figures for data transfer from FI-AA/PM to EIS |
KANKL | Internal Table for Writing Off Set Contents (ANLKL) |
KBWSL | Internal Table for Writing Off Set Contents (BWASL) |
RAHIS | Master Data Changes in the Asset History |
RASPEC | Structure for RASPEC01 |
RASPECS | Structure for RASPEC01 |
SAP Package AR contains 50 programs.
RAABGA_ALV01 | Asset Retirements |
RAABGF_ALV01 | Asset Retirements (French law) |
RAABGF01 | Asset Retirements (French law) |
RAAEND01 | Changes to asset master records |
RAANLA_ALV01 | Directory of Unposted Assets |
RAAUFW01 | Revaluation |
RABARC01 | Bar codes |
RABEST_ALV01 | Asset Balances |
RABEWG_ALV01 | Asset Transactions |
RABEWG01 | Asset Transactions |
RABIKA_ALV01 | Depreciation Comparison |
RABWPL01 | Chart of dep.-dependent data for asset classes |
RACHECK1 | Consistency Check Report FI-AA Customizing |
RADEL082 | Delete Field Groups For Correction 18209 (Inter-Client) |
RAGAFA_ALV01 | Posted Depreciation |
RAGITT_ALV01 | Asset History Sheet |
RAHAFA_ALV01 | Depreciation |
RAHERK01 | List of Origins of Asset Charges |
RAHERK02 | Proof of origin by cost elements |
RAHIST01 | Asset history |
RAHIST02 | Asset History |
RAIDAUSCGT | Capital Gains Tax Report for Australia |
RAJPVERM | Statement of Net Assets (Japan) |
RAKAFA_ALV01 | Depreciation and Interest |
RAKOMP_ALV01 | Asset Balances for Group Assets |
RAKOMP_ALV02 | Balances for Individual Assets, Including Components of Group Assets |
RAKOMP01 | Asset Balances for Group Assets |
RAMAFA_ALV01 | Manual Depreciation |
RAMAFA01 | Manual depreciation |
RAMUST00 | Display Asset Classes |
RAPERIV01 | Reconcile PERIV in T001, T093C, T093B |
RAQUER01 | Jump from ASMN to the query transaction |
RAQUERY0 | Form routines pool used in FI-AA queries |
RASOPO_ALV01 | Changes to Special Reserves |
RASOPO01 | Changes to Special Reserves |
RASPEC01 | Redestribution of special assets |
RATREE00 | Access Reporting Tree |
RATREE01 | Application Log |
RAUMBU_ALV01 | Intracompany Asset Transfers |
RAUSAG_ALV01 | Retirement Comparison |
RAUSAG_ALV03 | Analysis of Retirement Revenue |
RAUSAG_ALV04 | Analysis of Retirement Revenue |
RAUSAG03 | Analysis of Retirement Revenue |
RAUSAG04 | Analysis of Retirement Revenue |
RAVERM_ALV01 | Net Worth Valuation |
RAVERS_ALV01 | Insurance Values |
RAXPRA02 | XPRA for completion of history sheet group in trans. type |
RAXPRA03 | Convert Asset Master Record Matchcode Fields |
RAXPRA04 | Initialization of asset groups in ANLB |
RAZUGA_ALV01 | Asset Acquisitions |
SAP Package AR contains 1 search helps.
H_T090X | Help View for Simulation Versions in Reporting |