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Bei ansehen →The package BDL3 (Service data download (as of R/3 Release 3.x)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | BDL3 |
Short Text | Service data download (as of R/3 Release 3.x) |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package BDL3 contains 5 function groups.
BDL10 | Additional SDCC Function Modules |
BDL3 | Sapnet functions for RFC-Download |
BDL4 | Service data DL: Interface data function |
BDL5 | RFC-Download: Interface data functions |
BDL9 | Functions rqd for service data collect |
SAP Package BDL3 contains 1 transactions.
SDCC | Service Data Control Center |
SAP Package BDL3 contains 64 database tables.
BDL_CLUSTL | data which is to transfer from Sapnet to Customer |
BDL_GENER | Timestamp of generated report |
BDL2TRANS | list of tables for data transfer from Sapnet to Customer |
BDL2TRANS2 | list of tables for data transfer from Sapnet to Customer |
BDLBADHOST | List of host that have not been transferred for certain dest |
BDLCOES | Definition of COE names for authority check |
BDLCONTAB | Content description for following data transmission |
BDLCTEXT | Defines the available context for each group ID |
BDLCTX2EXE | Map service contexts to execution environments |
BDLCUST | Customizing information for service data download |
BDLCUSTSE2 | Management of free sessionnumbers with extensions |
BDLCUSTSES | Management of free sessionnumbers |
BDLDATCOL | Data container for download data |
BDLDEST | List of RFC destinations to which data should be sent |
BDLDIRFUNC | Names of directory functions for add-on services |
BDLDTOC | RFC download -- Data cluster table of contents |
BDLENDFUNC | Function to be called after successful data transfer |
BDLERRORS | Help texts for error messages in the SDCC message log |
BDLEXCEPT | Exception docu |
BDLFUGRPS | Link between GROUPID and the logical function name |
BDLFUNC | Definition of Logical Functions |
BDLFUNCMAP | Tables to project logical function names on numbers |
BDLFUPDAT | Values for data definition |
BDLFUPDEF | Interface data of functions |
BDLFUPEXP | Definition of export parameters for one function version |
BDLFUPIMP | Definition of import parameters for one function version |
BDLFUPTYP | Parameters or tables for the re-import |
BDLFUVER2 | Extension of BDLFUVERS |
BDLFUVER3 | Extension of BDLFUVERS |
BDLFUVERS | Definition of all Versions for one Logical Function |
BDLGROUPS | Table of group descriptions (reference table) |
BDLHEAD | Nachbau: DSVAS: Session data (header) |
BDLIBUS | Definition of IBU names |
BDLIFCHA | BDL SDCC: Input/Output Parameters |
BDLIFDEF | Control table for interface data |
BDLIFEXC | BDL SDCC: Exceptions |
BDLIFEXP | BDLSDCC: Export Parameters |
BDLIFFIELD | BDL SDCC: Table's Fields, Data Elements, Domains |
BDLIFHEAD | BDL SDCC: Header Info for Tables/Structures |
BDLIFIMP | BDL SDCC: Import Parameters |
BDLIFTBL | BDL SDCC: Export Parameters |
BDLINTSESS | Internal service sessions (to be done by customer) |
BDLLOCKED | table for log entries - when sdcc is locked for transport |
BDLMSGLOG | Message log for service data collection or transfer |
BDLNOHOSTS | Hosts which are NOT subject to service sessions |
BDLOWNSESS | Internal service sessions (to be done on other cust. sys.) |
BDLREFSERV | Contract types |
BDLSADATA | Definition of global variables in the Service Assistant |
BDLSAIF | Interface description for the service assistant |
BDLSERGRPS | Link between contract type and GROUPID |
BDLSERTRAN | Important information to functional modules (download) |
BDLSERVICE | Contract types |
BDLSESDEST | Destinations and RFC block sizes for data transfer |
BDLSESS | Service session schedule for the system the table is in |
BDLSESSIONHEAD | Nachbau: DSVAS: Session data (header) |
BDLST14KEY | Key figure table for ST14 data download |
BDLSTATUS | Overall, collection and transfer status of service sessions |
BDLTESTSES | Session for which the last download was a test download |
BDLTMPDAT | Temporary data container for service data transmission |
BDLTRHOSTS | Host names changed by the customer |
BDLTYPEDEF | Type pool definitions of Global Variables |
BDLVARCON | Service Data Download- Data Declaration of Viewreports |
BDLVIEWREP | list of download viewer reports for sdcc |
DSVAS_STAB | Copy of structure of table dsvassessadmin |
SAP Package BDL3 contains 50 structures.
BDL_CA_APP | CA Application Components |
BDL_DATKEY | Key fields for download tables |
BDL_STRUCT | Help structure (onlysingle fields used!!!) |
BDL_TYPE | Declaration of DDIC types for Global Variables |
BDLADAREGN | ADABAS D: Region Statistics |
BDLADDON | Information identifiying an add-on data collection |
BDLAKEYMAP | Mapping of an addonkey to a sequence number in the download |
BDLBUFHREC | BUFHISTREC enhanced with date |
BDLCAUSAGE | Ca Component Statistics |
BDLDATKEY | Key fields for download tables |
BDLDFIES | DDIC-Interface: View on field attributes |
BDLDWLTSK1 | SAP Workload: Workload: Task Type/Time Statistics |
BDLDYNSESS | List of dynamic sessions for a customer |
BDLEMCONTE | EMCONTEXT Enhanced with Date |
BDLFILNAME | file name |
BDLHOST | Server name for which service data can be collected |
BDLLICKEY | BDL Customer Licence Key |
BDLMEMALLO | MEMALLOC Enhanced by Date |
BDLMEMHIST | MEMHIST Enhanced with Date |
BDLMSSBACK | MS SQL Server backup history overview for version 6.5 |
BDLMSSDBLS | MS SQL Server: Database Log Size |
BDLMSSDDLK | Database Deadlock Information for MSSQL Server |
BDLMSSERLG | List Structure for Transferring Log Information |
BDLMSSHELP | Structure to hold dataelements which hold F1 help docu |
BDLMSSRANG | MS SQL Server ranges for deadlock monitor |
BDLMSSSERV | MSS-SQL Server: Information |
BDLNAMTAB | Nametab Info |
BDLNOTRANS | Function module for which transfer is disabled |
BDLODESCR | One line of a hardware object description ( ST06 ) |
BDLRATING | Carried the importance rating of SDCC logical functions |
BDLROPAHIS | TUNE_HISTORY Single Value Collection |
BDLRSCHA3 | Function Builder: In/Out Parameters |
BDLRSEXC3 | Function module: Exceptions |
BDLRSEXC4 | Function module: Exceptions |
BDLRSEXP3 | Function Builder: Export Parameters |
BDLRSFDO3 | Function Builder: Documentation Interface |
BDLRSIMP3 | Function Builder: Import Parameters |
BDLRSTBL3 | Function Builder: Table Parameters |
BDLRTCC | Results of RTCCTOOL checks |
BDLSEINF | Information for a Service session |
BDLSENDCO | Structure for contents of transfer data |
BDLSENDDA | data container |
BDLSESRQ | Structure for requesting session information |
BDLSESSTRU | Structure to assist picking standard SDCC session numbers |
BDLSYSTINF | System Info |
BDLTABHEA | Headerinfo for tables/structures |
BDLTABHEAD | Headerinfo for tables/structures |
BDLTUNEHD | TUNEHD Enhanced with Date Field |
BDLWLSUMRY | SAP Workload: Workload: Zusammenfassung, tasktyp-abhängig |
BDLWLUSTCX | SAP Workload: Workload: User Statistics |
SAP Package BDL3 contains 23 programs.
BDL_COPY_SLASH_TABLE_TO_BDL | Only for Upgrade from a 4X to 620 Copy /BDL/-Tables to BDL-Tables |
BDL_DELETE_ALL_TABLES | Do not run this report !!! Expert report !!! Deletes all BDL-Tables |
BDL_DESCHEDULE_EWA_FROM_ASM | Deschedules the periodic Early Watch Alerts from the ASM |
BDL_GENERATE_ALL_INCLUDES | Generates all Reimport-Includes new |
BDL_GET_DATA_AND_CREATE_SESSIO | Report gets download data of a Session and creates a new Session |
BDL_GET_SESSION_DATA | Report gets session data per RFC call into the system |
BDL_INIT_SDCC_FOR_TRANSPORT | Initializes SDCC for Transport |
BDLATRUN | Service Data Download background job to collect and/or send data |
BDLCOLL | Collect report called by Service Data Control Center |
BDLCUST | Writes proper customizing values into BDLCUST before SDCC delivery |
BDLLOCKD | Deselect function modules for download transfer |
BDLMFUNV | Display of missing functions |
BDLSEND | Send report called by Service Data Control Center |
BDLSETUP | Change BDL customizing values in table BDLCUST |
BDLST14V | Display of St14 Service Data |
BDLTREDF | Service maintenance |
BDLVIEW4 | Service Data Viewer |
BDLVTREE | Service Data Viewer 2.0 |
RBDLCLEA | SDCC: Cleaning the BDL tables with status 'D' |
RSBDLTRA | To Transfer Data from Table in Sapnet to the Customer |
SAP Package BDL3 contains 1 message classes.
D- | Cross application: data preparation |