
SAP Package BUCC

Payment Cards

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The package BUCC (Payment Cards) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.

Technical Information

Package BUCC
Short Text Payment Cards
Parent Package ABA

Function Groups

SAP Package BUCC contains 9 function groups.

CC01 Payment Cards: Checks
CC02 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
CC03 Payment Cards: Read Access
CC04 CHDO CCARD => Gen. by RSSCD000
CC0V Credit Cards: Posting
CCARD_ARCHIVE Archiving of Payment Card Master
CCARD_DIALOG Payment Card Dialog
CCARD_READ Read Modules Payment Cards
CCARD_SAVE Update Modules Payment Card Master

Database Tables

SAP Package BUCC contains 9 database tables.

CCARD Payment Cards Master Data
TB033 Payment Cards: Type
TB033T BP Payment Cards: Texts Card Types
TB034 BP: Payment Card Category
TB034T BP: Texts Payment Card Categories
TB035 BP: Blocking Reason for Payment Cards
TB035T BP: Texts for Blocking Payment Cards
TCC1 Payment Cards: Verification Rules for Card Numbers
TCC1T Payment Cards: Texts for Verification Rules


SAP Package BUCC contains 3 views.

V_CCARD View for Reading Card Type and Number
V_CCARD_A Search According to Card Type and Number
V_CCARD_B Find Payment Cards Via Business Partner Assignment


SAP Package BUCC contains 8 structures.

CCARD_DAT Payment Cards (External Data)
CCARD_DATA Payment Card Master: Data Part
CCARD_DATAX Update Bar for Fragment 0040 Sales Classification
CCARD_DI BP: Payment Cards Master Data (DI)
CCARD_FLDS Screen Fields Payment Cards
CCARD_KEY Key Structure for Payment Cards
CCARD_STAT Payment Card Master: Status Information
VCCARD Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000

Search Helps

SAP Package BUCC contains 3 search helps.

PCA_CCARD Collective Search Help for Payment Card Master (CCARD)
PCA_CCARD_A Card by Card Type and Number
PCA_CCARD_B Selection of Card via Business Partner Assignment

Authorization Objects

SAP Package BUCC contains 1 authorization objects.

B_CCARD Payment Cards