Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package CE (B2B Engineering) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CE |
Short Text | B2B Engineering |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CE contains 19 function groups.
CED1 | B2E [PDoc] Basic Functions (Low Level) |
CEDV0 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CEICONDEF | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CEP_CG | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CEP_CU | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CEP_CU2 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CEP_DOUBLE_ALV | Standard Dialogs |
CEP_FSEL | Field selection in Customizing |
CEPAUT | Authorizations for CEP |
CEPS | Open PS Integration |
CET1 | B2E [Misc] test cases |
CETS | CEP Troubleshooting Engine |
CEU1 | Dialog transactions CE |
CEU2 | CEP Dialog Elements |
IBOFACT | IB: Subscreens for object type process |
IBOFPROJ | IB:Subscreens for object type proj. def. |
IBOFWBS | IB:Subscreens for object type WBS elemnt |
INPUT_REC | Input of recipient data |
PSHI | Hierarchal relations in PS objects |
SAP Package CE contains 9 transactions.
CE01 | CEP: View |
CE02 | CEP: Transfer |
CE03 | CEP: Review |
CEP_CUST_WF | Maintain Distibution Workflows |
CEP_IAC_PO | ITS Transaction Project Overview |
CEP_R3_MON | SAP Transaction: Monitoring |
CEP_SA_DOCBOM | Document 2 BOM |
CEP_SA_DOCDOC | Document 2 Document |
CEP_SA_ICONDEF | Icon Definition for Documents |
SAP Package CE contains 19 database tables.
CEP_REVFOL_STAT | Status Administration for Review Folder |
CEPDBL | B2E [Base] PDoc <-> Master PDoc Mapping |
CEPDOC | B2E [PDoc] PDoc -> DMS Mapping |
CEPDOCBOMTYPES | Allowed Assignments for Document Structures |
CEPDOCDOCTYPES | Allowed Assignments for Document Linkages |
CEPFOLDERS | Table of CM folder for CEP scenario |
CEPMAILBODY | Table fgor saving the mail body of folders in CEP |
CEPMONITOR | Monitoring Table for CEP scenario (status changes) |
CEPNOACTIVEFLAG | Document types cannot be selected for transfer/reject |
CEPRECEIVERS | Recipients of the distributed CM folder in CEP scenario |
CEPRESENDDOCS | Documents to be sent again |
CERCLN | B2E [PDM] Reconciliation Task |
TCEPDOCICON | Document Type Icon Assignment |
TFPROF_CEP | CEP Customizing Table: Profile for Field Selection |
TFPROFT_CEP | CEP Customizing Table: Profile for Field Selection |
TFSEL_CEP | CEP Customizing table: Fields for display in CEP control |
TGLOBALCUST_CEP | CEP Customizing Table: Gloabal Fields |
TPROF_CEP | Profile for CEP |
TPROFT_CEP | Text table for CEP profile |
SAP Package CE contains 7 views.
TCEPDOCICON_V | CEP: Icon Definition |
V_TFPROF_CEP | View for field selection CEP |
V_TPROF_CEP | Customizing View for CEP Profile |
V_TPROF_CEP2 | Customizing View for CEP Profile |
SAP Package CE contains 24 structures.
CEOBJK | B2E [PDM] Object Key |
CEP_2_STRINGS | Contains 2 Strings |
CEP_KEY | CEP Key (for Example for User Exits) |
CEP_REPLY_TO_FIELDS | 'Reply-To' Field |
CEP_S_OBJS | Objekt for ALV Double Table CEP Field Customizing |
CET_FCAT_BROWSE | Field Catalog |
CET_MON | CEP: Monitoring structure |
CET_NAMED_REL_REF | B2E [RelServ] Named Node Relation |
CET_PDCCT | B2E [PDoc] Content |
CET_PDOC | B2E [PDoc] PDoc |
CET_RCCMP | B2E [Reconciliation]: Structure for browser |
CET_RCCMPX | B2E [Reconciliation]: References |
CEU1_1101_DYNP | Enter document (screen) |
CEU1_2002_DYNP | Enter document (screen) |
CEU2_0101_DYNP | Folder Basic Data (Screen) |
CEU2_0102_DYNP | Folder Workflow (Screen) |
IB0009 | IB: Detail Data PSP Element |
IB0011 | IB: Detail Data PSP Element |
IB0012 | IB: Detail Data Project Definition |
RECEIVERS | Recipient |
SARAMCO_REPLY_TO_USER | Contains reply-to field on screen |
SARAMCO_SKIP_MASK_ENTRIES | Additional fields for Saudi Aramco according to latest spec. |
STFPROF_CEP | Status field list for object exists |
SAP Package CE contains 2 programs.
CEP_IAC_PROJECT_OVERVIEW | Program CEP Overview & Monitoring |
CEP_IAC_TEXTS_02 | CEP: Lnaguage Dependent Texts 02 |
SAP Package CE contains 1 search helps.
FINDRECP | Find recipients for sending folder |
SAP Package CE contains 3 message classes.
CE0 | B2E [Base] B2B Engineering |
CECUST | B2E [Base] B2B Engineering |