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Bei ansehen →The package CEV (R/3 Applic. development: PPS CAPP standard times calculation) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CEV |
Short Text | R/3 Applic. development: PPS CAPP standard times calculation |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CEV contains 18 function groups.
CECK | CAPP: General checks |
CECU | CAPP: GUI interface |
CEDI | Online control for CAPP task lists |
CEPA | CAPP: Dialog for param. list in tsklists |
CETA | Read CAPP tables |
CETO | CAPP: List of sub-calculations |
CETU | CAPP: Count/read uses |
CEV1 | Convert CAPP formulas |
CEV2 | Expand CAPP formulas |
CEV3 | Read and check CAPP parameters |
CEV4 | Maintain CAPP technical data |
CEV5 | Generation of process text |
CEV8 | Master data accesses CAPP |
CEVA | Select CAPP processes and methods |
CEVB | Posting CAPP elements |
CEVK | Cumulate CAPP standard values |
CEVY | CAPP: Menus for standard time calc. |
CVCU | Determ. of GUI status in CAPP task lists |
SAP Package CEV contains 17 transactions.
CE00 | Menu: CAPP-based calc. of std.values |
CE11 | Create standard value formula |
CE12 | Change standard value formula |
CE13 | Display standard value formula |
CE16 | Use of CAPP elements (single-level) |
CE21 | Create standard value method |
CE22 | Change standard value method |
CE23 | Display standard value method |
CE31 | Create standard value process |
CE32 | Change standard value process |
CE33 | Display standard value process |
CE41 | Simulate calculation of std. values |
CEVC | Copy custom. tab. for std.val. calc. |
CEVF | Number ranges for CAPP formulas |
CEVM | Number ranges for CAPP methods |
CEVP | Display CAPP tables |
CEVV | Number ranges for CAPP processes |
SAP Package CEV contains 42 database tables.
PLPH | CAPP: Sub-operations |
TCAM1 | CAPP menus, level 1 |
TCAM2 | CAPP menus, level 2: header lines |
TCAM3 | CAPP menus, level 3: menu components |
TCAPI | CAPP status |
TCAPM | Date of the last mini reorg |
TCAPR | Rounding rules |
TCAPS | Files that can be read in CAPP |
TCAPT | Tables used in CAPP formulas and methods |
TCARA | Rounding categories |
TCART | Rounding categories (Text) |
TCEH | Characteristic origins for formulas and methods |
TCEHT | Characteristic origins for formulas and methods (text) |
TCEIT | CAPP status (text) |
TCER1 | Parameter ID for rounding and additional value keys |
TCERS | Rounding & additional values keys |
TCERT | Keys for rounding categories & additional values (text) |
TCETV | Indicator for rules (text) |
TCEVC | Control table for CAPP-based calculation of std. values |
TCEVV | Rule indicators for characteristics in methods |
TCEVVT | Indicator for rules (text) |
TMATT | Machine types (text) |
TMATY | Machine types |
TSRTB | Sort strings |
TSRTT | Sort strings (text) |
TTTAB | Tables for technical data |
TZART | Value types for CAPP |
TZATT | Value types for CAPP (texts) |
VERFK | Process header data |
VERFT | Process texts |
VERME | Assignment of CAPP methods to CAPP processes |
VERTE | Assignment of CAPP processes to work centers |
VFORK | Formula header data |
VFORP | Characteristics for formulas |
VFORS | Formula strings |
VFORT | Formula texts |
VMETK | Method header data |
VMETP | Characteristics for methods |
VMETT | Method texts |
VMETV | Rules for characteristics |
VMETVOR | Data base for CAPP rules |
VMETW | Default values for characteristics |
SAP Package CEV contains 12 views.
H_T024C | CAPP planner group |
H_TCAPI | Status for CAPP elements |
H_TCARA | Rounding category (CAPP-based calculation of std. values) |
H_TCEH | Characteristic origins for formulas and methods |
H_TCERS | Key: rounding and additional values |
H_TMATY | Machine type |
H_TSRTB | Sort String |
H_TZART | Value Types for CAPP-based Calc. of Std. Values |
M_METHA | Generated View for Matchcode ID METH -A |
M_METHB | Generated view for matchcode ID METH-B |
M_VERFA | Generated view for matchcode ID VERF-A |
M_VFORA | Generated view for matchcode ID VFOR-A |
SAP Package CEV contains 22 structures.
CEV_ATNAM | Characteristic name |
CEV_FOTXT | Formula string |
CEV_HIER | Hierarchy recursive formulas |
DSEC | Table fields |
PARAMS | Internal table for CAPP characteristics |
PLFVCAP | Additional fields for CAPP in PLFV |
PLPHB | Buffer Table for Sub-operations |
PLPHCAP | Additional fields for CAPP in PLPH |
PLPHD | Dialog Structure for sub-operations in task lists and orders |
PLPHDTB | Datub |
RCES | Control table for dialog control in CAPP |
RCETO | Structure for dialog table with sub-calculations |
RCEVF | Screen fields for formula maintenance |
RCEVM | Screen fields for method maintenance |
RCEVT | Screen fields used to maintain technical data |
RCEVU | Structure for CAPP elements where-used |
RCEVV | Screen fields for process maintenance |
RCEVX | Screen fields for online help when calculating std. values |
RCEVZ | Screen fields used when simulating the calc. of std. values |
RCEX | Help fields for CAPP list processing |
TCAPINN | Data base structure: internal numbers for CAPP elements |
SAP Package CEV contains 14 programs.
RCCEVU01 | Use of Characteristics in Formulas and Methods |
RCCEVU02 | Use of Formulas in Formulas and Methods |
RCCEVU03 | Use of Methods in Processes |
RCCEVU04 | Use of processes in work centers |
RCCEVU05 | Use of CAPP Elements (Single-level) |
RCCEVU06 | Use of CAPP tables in formulas or methods |
RCCEVU08 | Where-used lists CAPP elements (single level) |
RCCEVU09 | Maintain origins on BOM and mat.master in TCEH and TCEHT |
RCCEVU10 | CAPP elements which are not used |
RCCEVU12 | Generation of Table Accesses |
SAPMCEVF | Module Pool for CAPP Formulas Procedure |
SAPMCEVM | Module Pool for Processing of CAPP Methods |
SAPMCEVT | Module Pool for Reading CAPP Tables |
SAPMCEVV | Managing CAPP Processes |
SAP Package CEV contains 15 search helps.
H_T024C | CAPP Planner Group |
H_TCAPI | Status for CAPP Elements |
H_TCARA | Rounding Category (CAPP-based Calculation of Std Values) |
H_TCEH | Characteristic Origins for Formulas and Methods |
H_TCERS | Key for Rounding and Additional Values |
H_TMATY | Machine Types |
H_TSRTB | Sort String |
H_TZART | Value Types for CAPP-based Calc. of Std. Values |
METH | Matchcode for methods |
METHA | Search via method number |
METHB | Search using description |
VERF | CAPP Processes |
VERFA | Search via name, description and sort string |
VFOR | CAPP formulas |
VFORA | Search via name, description and sort string |
SAP Package CEV contains 1 message classes.
CE | CAP - Messages |
SAP Package CEV contains 2 authorization objects.
C_CAPV_ANW | CAPP: Standard value calculation - application |
C_CAPV_STA | CAPP: Standard value calculation - master data maintenance |