
SAP Package CF

R/3 Appl. development: PPS production resources/tools

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The package CF (R/3 Appl. development: PPS production resources/tools) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CF
Short Text R/3 Appl. development: PPS production resources/tools
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CF contains 18 function groups.

CFAE ===> Object FHMSTAMM, generated by
CFAR Production Resources/Tools - Archiving
CFBT PRT: Document table processing
CFCK PRT: Checks
CFCV PRT: Conversion exits
CFDB PRT: Database accesses
CFDF PRT: Task lists dialog detail screens
CFDI PRT: Online list
CFMF PRT: Field modification
CFNR Screen modules PRT ID
CFRF PRT: PRT master
CFST PRT: Master data maintenance
CFTA PRT: ATAB accesses
CFTX PRT: Word processing
CFUT PRT: Utilities
CFVB PRT: Update routines
COFD Order: PRTs detail screens
COFU Order: PRT overview


SAP Package CF contains 27 transactions.

CF00 Prod. Resources/Tools Master Menu
CF01 Create Production Resource/Tool
CF02 Change Production Resource/Tool
CF03 Display Production Resources/Tools
CF10 PRT: Use of PRT master in prod.order
CF11 PRT: Use of material in prod. order
CF12 PRT: Use of document in prod. order
CF13 PRT: Use of equipment in prod. order
CF15 PRT: Use of PRT master in network
CF16 PRT: Use of material in network
CF17 PRT: Use of document in network
CF18 PRT: Use of piece of equip. in netw.
CF20 PRT: Use of PRT master in orders
CF21 PRT: Use of material in orders
CF22 PRT: Use of document in orders
CF23 PRT: Use of pc. of equip. in orders
CF25 PRT: PRT Master Usage in PM Order
CF26 PRT: Material Usage in PM Orders
CF27 PRT: Document Usage in PM Orders
CF28 PRT: Equipment Usage in PM Order
CFCP PRT: Copy C-Tables
CFNA Maintain PRT number range: FHM_CRFH
OP65 Formula Parameters
OP70 Maintain PRT Control Key
OP73 PRT Authorization Group
OP74 Maintain PRT Group Key
OP80 Maintain PRT Status

Database Tables

SAP Package CF contains 21 database tables.

AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order
CRFH CIM production resource/tool master data
CRVD_A Link of PRT to Document
CRVD_B Link of Document to PRT
CRVE_A Assignment PRT data - equipment
CRVE_B Assignment equipment - PRT data
CRVM_A Link of PRT data to a material
CRVM_B Link of material to a production resource/tool
CRVS_A Relationship of PRT internal number to PRT external number
CRVS_B Relationship of PRT external number to PRT internal number
TCF02 PRT categories
TCF03 Texts for the production resources/tools category
TCF04 Status of the PRT master
TCF05 Language-dependent text table for PRT status
TCF06 Field groups in the PRT master for reference
TCF07 Language-dependent texts for field groups in PRT master
TCF08 Assignment of PRT master fields to field groups
TCF10 PRT control key
TCF11 Language-dependent text table for PRT control keys
TCF12 Key for grouping production resources/tools
TCF13 Language-dependent text table for PRT group keys


SAP Package CF contains 13 views.

H_TCF02 Production resource/tool category
H_TCF04 Help view: 'Status of the PRT Master'
H_TCF10 Help View: 'PRT Control Key'
H_TCF12 Help View: 'Check Table TCF12'
M_FHMSG View for search help FHMSG
M_FHMSS View for search help FHMSS
M_MAT1F Generated view for matchcode ID MAT1-F
V_AFFH1 View for PRT usage order
V_TBRG PRT Authorization Group
V_TCF02 Text for the production resource/tool categories
V_TCF04 Status PRT master
V_TCF10 PRT control key
V_TCF12 Key for Grouping Production Resources/Tools


SAP Package CF contains 20 structures.

AFFH_CLEAR AFFHB fields which are initialized for a referenced order
CRFH_PRE Key for Table CRFH
CRFHD Structure of the production resources/tools master
CRTXD Structure of the texts for the production resources/tools
EFHM PRT fields in equipment master
EQUI_PRE Equipment number
INDEX_PLFH Index production/resource tool record table
PLFHB Structure of the PRT allocation
PLFHD Dialogue structure PRTs in task lists
RCF01 PRT number (PRT category 'Miscellaneous')
RCF02 Screen fields for PRT master data maintenance
RCFBT PRT: Fields for processing assignment tables
RCFBT_ORD PRT: Fields in the doc. table processing for the order
RCFEQ Equipment fields in PRT administration
RCFKY Structure of the external keys for PRTs
RCFMK Structure of the key for material
RCFMT Material view of the production resource/tool
RCFRF Structure of the PRT processing: Reference indicators
RFHMZ Formulas for the PRT maintenance: valid fields
VCRFH Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000


SAP Package CF contains 14 programs.

RCCFSTDL Reset All Tables for PRT Master Record Maintenance
RCFCO100 Production Resources/Tools Usage in Orders
RCFCO110 Use of Production Resources/Tools in Production Orders
RCFCO111 Production Resources/Tools Usage in Orders
RCFCO112 Use of Production Resources/Tools in Networks
RCFCO120 Use of Production Resources/Tools in Production Orders
RCFCO121 Production Resources/Tools Usage in Orders
RCFCO122 Use of Production Resources/Tools in Networks
RCFCO130 Use of Production Resources/Tools in Production Orders
RCFCO131 Production Resources/Tools Usage in Orders
RCFCO132 Use of Production Resources/Tools in Networks
RCFCO140 Use of Production Resources/Tools in Production Orders
RCFCO141 Production Resources/Tools Usage in Orders
RCFCO142 Use of Production Resources/Tools in Networks

Search Helps

SAP Package CF contains 9 search helps.

FHMS Production resource/tool master
FHMSG by group
FHMSK by class
FHMSS by description
H_TCF02 Production resources/tools category
H_TCF04 Help view: 'Status of the PRT Master'
H_TCF10 Help View: 'PRT Control Key'
H_TCF12 Help View: 'Check Table TCF12'
MAT1F Production resources/tools by description/PRT grouping

Message Classes

SAP Package CF contains 1 message classes.

CF Nachrichten zur FHM-Verwaltung

Authorization Objects

SAP Package CF contains 1 authorization objects.

C_CRFH_BRG CIM: Production resources/tools master - authorization group