
SAP Package CICB

Customer Interaction Center

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The package CICB (Customer Interaction Center) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CICB
Short Text Customer Interaction Center
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CICB contains 2 function groups.

CIC1 CIC Organization
CIC2 Customizing for CIC Framework


SAP Package CICB contains 16 transactions.

CIC1 Scripting: Assign Texts
CIC2 Scripting: Variable Maintenance
CIC3 Sales Summary
CIC4 Archiving Logging
CIC5 Archiving Infostore
CICAC Callback Component Configuration
CICC Maintain CIC Framework ID
CICD Assign Components to Framework ID
CICE Assignment of Visible Components
CICF CIC Component Definition
CICL CIC Profile Definition
CICM Component Profile Type Definition
CICN Customizing Toolbar Maintenance
CICO CIC Profile Definition
CICS Customer Interaction Center
CICU Toolbar Profile Maintenance

Database Tables

SAP Package CICB contains 9 database tables.

CICCCONF Call center framework components
CICCCONF_T Customer interaction component text
CICCFGTIME Configuration change time
CICCONF CCM framework screen configuration
CICFHCASSN Call center framework hidden component modules
CICFSCASSN Call Center Framework Screen Component Module
CICPROFILE Customer interaction center profile
CICPROFILES Customer interaction center profiles
CICPROFMASTER Customer interaction center profile master


SAP Package CICB contains 14 views.

V_CICCCONF CIC components
V_CICCONF CIC framework ID and parameters
V_CICFCSASSN Assignment of Visible Components to Framework ID
V_CICFHCASSN Assignment of Hidden Components to Framework IDs
V_CICPROFILE Definition of the CIC profile
V_CICPROFILES Attributes of the CIC Profile
V_CICPROFMASTER CIC Profile Master Customizing
V_CICTOOLBAR CIC application toolbar
V_CICTOOLBARSEL Toolbar selection view
V_CIMAP_SRCV Înput Mapping Constant Source
V_CIMAP_VS Înput Mapping Constant Source
V_CSRCCONSTANT Constant Source Table


SAP Package CICB contains 8 structures.

CCM_TREE Tree and grid structure
CCM_TRGDREP Internal structure for tree and grid display
CCM_TRGR_TEST Tree and grid testing structures
CIC_OBJECT CIC object record
CIC_OBJECT_LIST CIC list of objects
CICORGSTRUC Organizational Structure
CICORGSTRUCPROF CIC organizational structure profiles
HRI1260 Infotype 1260 fields - Call center management

Message Classes

SAP Package CICB contains 2 message classes.

CIC Customer Interaction Center Framework
CTI CIC/Callcenter CTI