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Bei ansehen →The package CKBK (R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Valuation) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CKBK |
Short Text | R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Valuation |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CKBK contains 6 function groups.
CK_REMOTE | RFC Modules |
CK10 | Costing: Process KALKTAB |
CK12 | Costing: Various Conversion Routines |
CK13 | Auxiliary Modules: Valuation |
CK21 | Costing: Valuate Material |
CK22 | Costing: Valuate Activity |
SAP Package CKBK contains 1 database tables.
CKSBX_SERVER | Application Server for Shared Buffer |
SAP Package CKBK contains 66 structures.
CKCO_OBJECT_ITEM_DATA | Transfer Reference Object to CO_Object |
CKCO_OBJECT_ITEM_VALUES | Total and Fixed Value in CO Area, Transact. and Object Curr. |
CKF_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT | Data for Account Determination for Material Movements |
CKF_BAL_MSG_CONTEXT | PCP: Context of a message in the Application Log |
CKF_BASE_PLANNING_OBJECT | Base Planning Object Structure |
CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT | Entry Shared Buffer External Structure - PCP |
CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT_DATA | Data Part Entry Shared Buffer Cost Estimate |
CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT_DISPLAY | Object from Shared Buffer for GR Costing - Display View |
CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT_INTERNAL | Internal Structure Shared Buffer Entry - PCP |
CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT_KEY | Key for Shared Buffer |
CKF_CCS_CONTROL_DATA | Cost Component Split Structure Information |
CKF_CCS_CURRENCY | Currency Structure for Shared Buffer - PCP |
CKF_CCSKEY | Key Fields for Cost Component Split |
CKF_CO_PRODUCTION_ORDER | CO Production Order Structure |
CKF_COMPONENT_TABLE_LINE | PCP: Row of a Table With Valuation Objects |
CKF_CONDITION_LINE | PCP: Line Origin Group with Value (Info Record Valuation) |
CKF_COST_COMPONENTS | Cost Components in Cost Component split |
CKF_COST_ESTIMATE_HEADER | Header Data of a Cost Estimate |
CKF_COST_OBJECT | PCP: General Cost Object |
CKF_COSTING_DATES | Date fields of a cost estimate |
CKF_COSTING_RESULT | Control Parameters for Calling Up Unit Costing - Export |
CKF_CURR_CCS | Cost Component Split with Currency Information |
CKF_CURRENCY_INFO | PCP: Currency Information in Database |
CKF_DELTA_COMPANY_SPLIT | PCP: Delta Profit Legal View Total/Fixed |
CKF_DELTA_PC_SPLIT | PCP: Delta Profit Profit Center View Total/Fixed |
CKF_ERROR_MESSAGE | PCP: Error Structure |
CKF_INFO_RECORD | PCP: Structure for Finding a Purchasing Info Record |
CKF_INTERNAL_ORDER | Internal Order - Structure |
CKF_MAT_STRAT | Strategy for Material Valuation |
CKF_MATERIAL | Material (Structure) |
CKF_MATERIAL_COMPONENT | PCP: Material Component Project System |
CKF_MBEW | MBEW + currency key + currency type |
CKF_NETWORK_ACTIVITY | Network Activity Structure |
CKF_NOTIFICATION | Message Structure |
CKF_NS_COMPONENT_TABLE_LINE | PCP: Line in a Costing Item Table (No Service) |
CKF_ORGANIZATION | Organizational Units |
CKF_PP_DATA | Additional Information from Logistics (Reporting) |
CKF_PREFETCHED_MATERIAL | Material for which a Preread is Carried Out |
CKF_PRICE_LINE | Valuation Data |
CKF_PRICE_QUANTITY_UNIT | PCP: Price and Price Unit of Measure |
CKF_PRICE_SPLIT | PCP: Price Total/Fixed |
CKF_PRICE_UNIT | PCP: Price and Price Unit of Measure |
CKF_QUANTITY | PCP: Quantity + Quantity Unit |
CKF_S_CCS_TABLE | PCP: Line in a Cost Component Split Table |
CKF_S_CE_HEADER_FOR_EXECUTION | PCP Data for Execution Services from (via) Cost Estimate |
CKF_S_COST_ESTIMATE_USAGE | PCP: Where-Used List of a Cost Estimate |
CKF_S_EGROUP_VALUES | Cost Component Split in Cost Component Group Display |
CKF_S_TRANSACTION | PCP: Table Line of the Transaction Manager |
CKF_SALES_DOCUMENT_ID | ID for sales order cost estimate |
CKF_SALES_ORDER_ITEM | Sales Order Item Structure |
CKF_SERV_CATALOGUE_LINE | Service Line (Structure) |
CKF_SHARED_BUFFER_ENTRY | Pointer Structure to Instances of Shared Buffer Items |
CKF_SPECIAL_STOCK_DATA | PCP: special stock information |
CKF_STATE_OF_COSTING | Status Data for Cost Estimate |
CKF_STRATEGY | Strategy for Material Valuation |
CKF_SUBSTRAT | Sub-Strategy for a Material Valuation Strategy |
CKF_TYPE_CURR_CCS | Cost Component Split with Info on Currency and Structure |
CKF_USER | PCP: Persons Participating in a Costing |
CKF_VAL_RESULTS | Other Valuation Results (Excluding Value Information) |
CKF_VALUATION_VIEW_LINE | PCP: valuation view with local key |
CKF_VALUE_SPLIT | PCP: Value Total/Fixed |
CKF_WBS | PSP / Project |
CKKEKOINFO | Fields for Unit Costing Explanation Facilities |
CKSBX | Shared buffer access for costing |
SAP Package CKBK contains 1 programs.
SAPRCKBK_SB_ADMIN | Administration of PCP Shared Buffer |
SAP Package CKBK contains 1 message classes.
CKBK | Nachrichten der Bewertungsfunktionen |