
SAP Package CKML

Material Ledger

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The package CKML (Material Ledger) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CKML
Short Text Material Ledger
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CKML contains 26 function groups.

CK88 Order Settlement
CKM0 Status Management Material Ledger
CKM1 Period Closing Functions
CKM2 Read Control Table for Material Ledger
CKM3 Transaction-Based Update ML
CKM4 Currency Types, Currencies, Org. Units
CKM6 Conversion of Documents for Analysis
CKM8 Dialog Control Material Ledger
CKMA Application Handler for Mat. Valuation
CKMB Material Postings
CKMC Single-Level Price Determination
CKMCD Summarization Records (MLCD)
CKMD Material Ledger Document
CKMH General Utilities
CKML Interface to Other Applications
CKML_ORG_MEASURES_ADMIN Organizational Measures
CKMM Multilevel Price Determination
CKMMAT Subscreen - Material Master: Display
CKMO Order History
CKMS Read/Write Access to Database and Buffer
CKMT Material Ledger in Valuation Interface
CKMU Conversion Between Purchasing and MM
CKMV Modules Between Application and RWIN
CKMW Purchase Order History
CKMZ Do Not Capitalize Delivery Costs
DRB_CO_PC DRB Connection CO-PC (Price Changes)


SAP Package CKML contains 43 transactions.

CKM_CURRENCIES_LIST Currency and Val.types in ML, FI, CO
CKM3 Material Price Analysis
CKM3OLD Material Price Analysis
CKM3VERYOLD Display Material Ledger Data
CKM9 Show Customizing Settings for Plant
CKMADJUST Reconcil. with Bal. Sheet Acct in FI
CKMARCHBEL Archive Document
CKMARCHDAT Archive Period Records
CKMARCHIDX Archive Index Entries
CKMARCHSPL Archiving Actl Cost Comp. Split Recs
CKMB Display Material Ledger Document
CKMC Consistency Check for a Material
CKMCCS Display Actual Cost Component Split
CKMD Transactions for a Material
CKMDISPACT Technical Activity Type View
CKMDISPDOC Technical View ML Document
CKMDISPPOH Technical View of Order Development
CKMDISPTAB Technical View of ML Master Data
CKMF Allow Price Determination
CKMF_RUN Allow Price Determination for Run
CKMG Allow Closing Entries
CKMG_RUN Allow Closing Entries for Run
CKMH Single-Level Price Determination
CKMH_RUN Single-Level Price Det.for Costg Run
CKMI Post Closing
CKMI_RUN Post Closing for Costing Run
CKMJ Display Organizational Measures
CKMJ_RUN Organizational Measures for Run
CKML Actual Costing/Material Ledger
CKMLOH PO History/Multiple Currencies
CKMLPOH Order History Display
CKMLSTATUS Materials by Period Status
CKMLXPRA46A Postprocessing Report for 46A-XPRA
CKMM Change Price Determination
CKMREP Repair Program for ML Tables
CKMS Material Ledger Docs for Material
CKMSTART Production Startup of Mat. Ledger
CKMTOPPRICEDIF Mat. with Highest Diff. in V Price
CKMTOPSTOCKVAL Materials w/ Highest Inventory Value
KALNRCHECK Consist. Check for Costing Run Nos.
KALNRREORG Reorg. of Old Costing Number Entries
OMX4 Number Range Maintenence: ML-DOCU.

Database Tables

SAP Package CKML contains 32 database tables.

CKMI1 Index for Accounting Documents for Material
CKML1 Material Ledger Period Totals Records (Release 3.xx)
CKML2 Material Ledger Header Record (Release 3.xx)
CKMLCR Material Ledger: Period Totals Records Values
CKMLCT Currency Types and Valuation Types in a Valuation Area
CKMLHD Material Ledger: Header Record
CKMLKALNR Material Ledger: Cost Estimate Number Control
CKMLO Material Ledger: Organizational Jobs
CKMLPP Material Ledger Period Totals Records Quantity
CKMLPR Material Ledger: Prices
CKMLPR_EB Prices for Ending Inventory/Balance Sheet Valuation
CKMLV Material Ledger Control Records
CKMLW Material Ledger Currencies in Valuation Area
MLARC_IDX Index for ML Document
MLAUF Material Ledger Item Table for Order History
MLAUFCR Material Ledger Currency Table for Order History
MLBE Material Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction
MLBECR Material Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact.
MLBECRH Material Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact.
MLBEH Material Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction
MLCD Material Ledger: Summarization Record (from Documents)
MLCR Material Ledger Document: Currencies and Values
MLCRF Material Ledger Document: Field Groups (Currencies)
MLCRP Material Ledger Document: Price Changes (Currencies, Prices)
MLFG Material Ledger Document: Field Groups
MLHD Material Ledger Document: Header
MLIT Material Ledger Document: Items
MLMST Material Ledger Document: Costing Run Header Data
MLORDERHIST Conversion Table for Order History
MLPP Material Ledger Document: Posting Periods and Quantities
MLPPF Material Ledger Document: Field Groups (Posting Periods)
MLWERE Conversion Table between Purchasing and Material Ledger


SAP Package CKML contains 10 views.

H_CMFK_CKML Input Help for Material Ledger Logs
H_ML_BUKRS_AKTIV DB_View: Company Codes with the Material Ledger = Active
H_ML_BUKRS_PROD DB_View: Company Codes with Material Ledger = Productive
H_ML_WERKS_ACTIV DB_View: Plants with the Material Ledger = Active
H_ML_WERKS_PROD DB_View: Plants with Material Ledger = Productive
H_T001K_MLACT Input Help for Valuation Areas Where Material Ledger Active
MLLIFNR Search View for Vendor For Material (OBEW)
MLREADST View of ML Buffer Tables for Reading Price Determ. Documents
MLREPORT View of ML Tables for Data Display
MLXXV View of All ML Document Tables


SAP Package CKML contains 234 structures.

CKI_A11_ML Currency fields from CKI_AB1_ML with _1
CKI_A21_ML Currency fields from CKI_AB1_ML with _2
CKI_A31_ML Currency fields from CKI_AB1_ML with _3
CKI_AB1_ML Transfer of closing fields to dialog administrator
CKI_AB2_ML Closing fields (extended) for dialog control
CKI_ABR_ML Closing fields for material ledger
CKI_ACCIT_ML Transfer from MM to ML in accit-structure
CKI_AUFBE Transfer of Goods Movements to Order History
CKI_AUFBE_CR Currency-Dependant Fields for Order History
CKI_BECR_K Material ledger currency table for GR/IR relevant transact.
CKI_CKMLCR_CURR Value Fields ckmlcr
CKI_CKMLPP_QUAN Value Fields for ckmlpp
CKI_CUR_ML Currency key for ledger with local currency
CKI_DOC_ML Structure for documenting reports,...
CKI_DY8_ML Screen fields for material ledger FB SAPLCKM8
CKI_EKBECR Currency Dependant Information of Purchase Order Hist. EKBE
CKI_EKBECR_NON_KEY Fields for ekbecr do not have key for EKBE
CKI_EKBZCR Currency Dependant Information of Purchase Order Hist. EKBZ
CKI_EKBZCR_NON_KEY Delivery costs in foreign currency without a key
CKI_EKLS SC Components Consumption Value
CKI_EKX_ML Exchange rate differences credit amount (standard price)
CKI_EKY_ML Exchange rate differences credit amount (moving price)
CKI_EKZ_ML Exchange rate differences credit amount (financial acctg.)
CKI_ENX_ML Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, value var. (S-pr.)
CKI_ENY_ML Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, val. changes(V pr)
CKI_ENZ_ML Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, value var.(accntg)
CKI_EUX_ML Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, p. prev.per(S-pr.)
CKI_EUY_ML Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, p prev.per (V-pr.)
CKI_EUZ_ML Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, p. prev.per.(Actg)
CKI_IN1_ML Transfer structure for initialization dialog data admin.
CKI_KEW_ML Exchange rate differences adjustment amount -ZUABW-
CKI_KOSTENHERKUNFT do not use any more. it will be deleted (new: cki_kosth)
CKI_KOSTH Cost origin
CKI_LVA_ML Subsequent debit amounts SubVar -SubVar-
CKI_MGA_ML Closing fields quantities (already closed)
CKI_MGO_ML Closing fields quantities (original)
CKI_ML_CTY Currency types and currencies
CKI_MLAUF_D Data Part of Order History Item
CKI_MLAUF_K Key for Order History Tables - Items
CKI_MLBE Record for Table MLBE
CKI_MLBE_D Data from the Material Ledger History Tables
CKI_MLBE_K Key for the Material Ledger History Tables - Items
CKI_MSG_ML Object specification for error analysis in the mat. ledger
CKI_NAA_ML Subs. deb./cred amnts SC-VAR current period (ML clsng)
CKI_NAV_ML Sub. debit/credit amnts SC-VAR from prev. per. (ML cls)
CKI_NBA_ML Subs. debit/credit amnt and qty SC-VAR (ML closing)
CKI_NBB_ML Subsequent debit amount and qty GR/IR Subc. (ML closing)
CKI_NBK_ML Exch. rt. differences adjustment amt. and qty. (ML sttlmnt)
CKI_NBL_ML Fields for subsequent debit -SALK3- (Clsg.ML)
CKI_NBN_ML Subsequent debit amount and qty neutral (Closing ML)
CKI_NBU_ML Revaluate amount & qty of subs. debit/credit (ML closing)
CKI_NBV_ML Fields for subsequent debit -SALKV- (Clsg.ML)
CKI_NBW_ML Subsequent debit amount and qty GR/IR (ML closing)
CKI_NEW_ML Subseq. debit amounts neutral -ZUABW-
CKI_NKA_ML Exch. rt. differences credit amount curr. per. (ML sttlmnt)
CKI_NKV_ML Exch. rt. differences credit amount fr. prev. per. (ML sttl)
CKI_NKX_ML Exch. rt. differences adjustment amt cur. per. (Std price)
CKI_NKZ_ML Exch. rt. diff. adjustment amount cur. per. (fin. acctg)
CKI_NLB_ML Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting, curr. per, SC
CKI_NLF_ML Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (ext. activity)
CKI_NLM_ML Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (Material)
CKI_NLX_ML Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (S price)
CKI_NLY_ML Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (V price)
CKI_NLZ_ML Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (Acctg)
CKI_NNA_ML Subseq. debit amounts neutral current period (Clsg.ML)
CKI_NNV_ML Subseq. debit amounts neutral from prev. periods (Clsg.ML)
CKI_NNX_ML Subseq. debit amounts neutral current period (S price)
CKI_NNZ_ML Subseq. debit amounts neutral current period (Acctg)
CKI_NUA_ML Revaluate subs. deb./cred. amnts: current per. (ML clsg)
CKI_NUV_ML Reval. subs.deb./cred.amnts: from prev. per. (ML clsg)
CKI_NUX_ML Subseq. debit amounts post. prev.,current period (S price)
CKI_NUZ_ML Subseq. debit amnts post. prev. current period (Acctg)
CKI_NWA_ML Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR Total current period (ML clsg)
CKI_NWV_ML Subs. cred./deb.amts GR/IR Total from prev. per. (ML clsg)
CKI_NWX_ML Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR Total current period (S price)
CKI_NWZ_ML Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR Total current period (Acctg)
CKI_ORDER_INPUTS Input Materials for an Order
CKI_ORDER_INPUTS_CR Amounts of Withdrawls associated with a Production Order
CKI_PAV_ML Amnts carried forward for price changes in ML
CKI_PBK_ML Price delimiter amount and quantity exch.rt.diff (ML stlmnt)
CKI_PBN_ML Price delimiter amount and quantity neutral (ML settlement)
CKI_PDS_ML GR/IR and price diff. posting with standard price control
CKI_PER_ML Fields for period determination
CKI_PKX_ML Value of the Price Difference Posting (ex.rate diff S Price)
CKI_PKY_ML Value of the Price Difference Posting (ex.rate diff V Price)
CKI_PKZ_ML Value of the Price Difference Posting (ExRtDiff acctg. view)
CKI_PLB_ML Value of price difference postings (GR/IR subcontracting)
CKI_PLX_ML Value of price difference posting (GR/IR subcon., S price)
CKI_PLY_ML Value of price difference posting (GR/IR subcon., V price)
CKI_PLZ_ML Value of price difference posting (GR/IR subcon.) Accntg
CKI_PNX_ML Value of price difference posting (var., S price)
CKI_PNY_ML Value of price difference posting (var., v price)
CKI_PNZ_ML Value of price difference posting (var., accntg view)
CKI_PR1_ML Transfer for module CKML_F_ckml1_prices_get
CKI_PRC_ML Rules for price translation in price maintenance program
CKI_PRICE_CONVERT_ML Rules for price translation in price maintenance program
CKI_PRS_ML Transfer for module CKML_F_ckml1_prices_get
CKI_PRY_ML Value of price difference posting -PRDIF-
CKI_PUX_ML Value of pstngs to prev.per.that cannot be activ.(S-pr.pstg)
CKI_PUY_ML Value of pstngs to prev.per.that cannot be activ.(V-pr.pstg)
CKI_PUZ_ML Value of pstngs to prev.per.that cannot be activ.(acc. view)
CKI_PWX_ML Value of price difference posting (GR/IR S price)
CKI_PWY_ML Value of price difference posting (GR/IR V price)
CKI_PWZ_ML Value of price difference posting (GR/IR accntg view)
CKI_RANGES_STATUS Selection Table for ML Period Status
CKI_RE0_ML Invoice values GR/IR field group
CKI_REL_ML IR values GR/IR subcontracting
CKI_REW_ML IR values GR/IR total -IRVal-
CKI_RLO_ML IR values GR/IR, subcontracting, with qty (original)
CKI_RLV_ML IR values GR/IR subcontracting (crd for.) -Subc.-
CKI_RWO_ML IR values GR/IR total with qty (original)
CKI_RWV_ML IR values GR/IR total (crd for.)-IRVal-
CKI_SPR_ML Future planned price in all three currencies
CKI_TCKM2E Currencies of the Material Ledger
CKI_UEW_ML Subsequent debit amounts neutral -ZUUMB-
CKI_UMB_ML Value for pstngs to prev. per. that cnnt be act.(no pr.dif.)
CKI_UP1_ML Structure for update MBEW>CKML1
CKI_VLA_ML Fields for old balance car. forw. (GR/IR Subcon)
CKI_VLN_ML Fields for new balance car.forw. (GR/IR Subcon)
CKI_VTA_ML Fields for old balance carried forward (GR/IR total)
CKI_VTN_ML Fields for new balance carried forward (GR/IR total)
CKI_W01_ML Currency fields closing (prices and values)
CKI_W02_ML Currency fields closing
CKI_W03_ML Currency fields ckml1
CKI_W04_ML Closing fields first currency
CKI_W05_ML CKML1 currency fields from MBEW in first ledger currency
CKI_W06_ML Quantity fields from closing field group CKML1
CKI_W1A_ML Settlement fields (already closed) in first ledger currency
CKI_W1M_ML CKML1 currency fields from MBEW in first ledger currency
CKI_W1O_ML Closing fields (accumulated) in first currency
CKI_W2A_ML Settlement fields (already closed) in second ledger currency
CKI_W2M_ML CKML1 currency fields from MBEW in second ledger currency
CKI_W2O_ML Settlement currency fields (accum) in second ledger currency
CKI_W3A_ML Settlement fields (already closed) in third ledger currency
CKI_W3M_ML CKML1 currency fields from MBEW in third ledger currency
CKI_W3O_ML Settlement currency fields (accum.) in third ledger currency
CKI_WAE_ML Currency fields ML
CKI_WEL_ML GR values GR/IR subcon -SBGRV-
CKI_WEW_ML GR values GR/IR total -GRVal-
CKI_WJ1_ML Currency fields MBEW (previous year)
CKI_WLA_ML Quantities and values GR/IR subcontracting (closed)
CKI_WLB_ML Quantities and values GR/IR subcon. (closed, standard)
CKI_WLC_ML Quantities and values GR/IR subc. ( be clsd, stand.)
CKI_WLN_ML Quantities and values GR/IR subcon. (standard)
CKI_WLO_ML Quantities and values GR/IR subc. (original)
CKI_WLV_ML GR values GR/IR subcon /crd for.) -SBGRV-
CKI_WMA_ML Quantity fields, closing complete
CKI_WMO_ML Quantity fields closing original
CKI_WP1_ML Currency fields MBEW (curr. month)
CKI_WRA_ML Quantities and values GR/IR total (closed)
CKI_WRB_ML Quantities and values GR/IR total (closed, standard)
CKI_WRC_ML Quantities and values GR/IR total ( be closed, stan)
CKI_WRN_ML Quantities and values GR/IR total (standard)
CKI_WRO_ML Quantities and values GR/IR total (original)
CKI_WV1_ML Currency fields MBEW (previous month)
CKI_WWO_ML Currencies, currency types, org. levels, material ledger
CKI_WWV_ML GR values GR/IR total (Crd for.)-GRVal-
CKI_XAB_ML Closing fields for material ledger (already closed)
CKI_XAD_ML Difference to be closed for material ledger
CKI_XAS_ML Difference to be closed, Material ledger (Std pr., acctg)
CKI_XAZ_ML Difference to be closed for material ledger, accntg
CKI_XOR_ML Closing fields for material ledger (original)
CKI_ZPR_ML Future valuation price in all three currencies
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF Materials: Largest Difference in Moving Price
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF2 Materials: Largest Diff. in Moving Price (Valuation Type)
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF3 Materials: Largest Difference in Moving Price (Sales Orders)
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF4 Materials: Largest Difference in Moving Price (WBS Elements)
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF5 Materials: Largest Difference in Moving Price (Entire Key)
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE Materials with Highest Inventory Value
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE2 Materials with Highest Inventory Value (Valuation Types)
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE3 Materials with Highest Inventory Value (Sales Orders)
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE4 Materials with Highest Inventory Value (WBS Elements)
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE5 Materials with Highest Inventory Value (Entire Key)
CKL_S001 ML structure for list output
CKMATKEY Material with Plant and Company Code
CKMD_MLCR Structure MLPP for the Display of Material Ledger Document
CKMD_MLHD Structure MLHD for the Display of Material Ledger Document
CKMD_MLIT Structure MLIT for the Display of Material Ledger Document
CKMD_MLPP Structure MLPP for the Display of Material Ledger Document
CKML_ARCH_SYST Attatchment to system information for ML archiving
CKML_BWKEY_INFO Information on single-level settlement
CKML_CLOSE_INFO Information on closing entries
CKML_MGV_ANALYSIS Analysis Structure for a QST Entry
CKML_MULTI_SETTLE_INFO_HEADER Header information on multi-level settlement
CKML_MULTI_TREE Structure for Displaying Multilevel Document as ALV Tree
CKML_S_ACCIT_COBL CO Account Assignment Key Fields in ACCIT
CKML_S_BAI_SPLIT Apportionment Structure BAI
CKML_S_BAI_SPLIT_AQZIF Apportionment According To Equivalence Numbers (Line)
CKML_S_CLOSING_STATUS New ML Period-End Closing Status (Include in CMLPP)
CKML_S_ERROR_AUTOMATIC_HANDLE Fields for Automatic Error Processing
CKML_S_ERROR_EXPERT_MODE Fields for Subsequent Error Handling (Expert Mode)
CKML_S_ERROR_MAT Material with Errors at Price Determination
CKML_S_KALNR_IN structure of the Cost Estimate Numbers
CKML_S_LIST02 Fields for ALV lists from SAPRCKMZ
CKML_S_LOCK_USER The Locking User for Locked Material
CKML_S_MGV_APPL_STRG Control Parameter between QST and Application
CKML_S_MLAVRSCALE Structure for Table MLAVRSCALE (Extension)
CKML_S_OTHER_STATUS Other New Period Status (Include in CMLPP)
CKML_S_REORG_ALV_HEADER ML Period Data Reorganization: Header Data for ALV Display
CKML_S_REORG_ALV_ITEM ML Period Data Reorganization: Item Data for ALV Output
CKML_S_RUNSCALE Structure for Table CKMLRUNSCALE (Extension)
CKML_S_STULI Fields for BOM Display
CKML_S_VA_WITH_PERIOD Valuation area with period
CKML_S_YEAR_PERIOD Fiscal Year, Period and Last Day of the Period
CKML_SETTLE_INFO Information on single-level settlement
CKML_SETTLE_INFO_HEADER Information on single-level settlement
CKML3 Material ledger period totals record (from Release 4.0)
CKMLI_S_WUL_ALTN List of Alternative for Where-Used List
CKMLI_S_WUL_MAT Input Material for Where-Used List
CKMLI_S_WUL_PROC List of Processes for Where-Used List
CKMMAT_DISPLAY Structure for Displaying the Currency ML Data in Mat. Master
CKMMAT_KALK Structure for Displaying the Costing Data in Mat. Master
CKMO_COM Goods receipt dates to calculate credit values
CKMO_COM_MLCCS Transfer Structure for GR for Prod. Order with Actual CCS
CKMO_COM_MLCCS_CR Transfer of Currencies for GRs for Orders
CKMS_PERIODS Period and Fiscal Year
CKMS_PRS_ML Transfer Structure for Module ckms_material_prices_get
CKMV_BNK_VORSL Transfer structure of new transaction key delivery costs
CKMV_KTOSL Transfer structure for transaction key delivery costs
COS_DATA_STRUC Structure for Revaluation of Cost of Sales
MLAUFCRPP Material Ledger Currencies for Order History
MLCD_KEY Key Fields for Summarization Records (Table MLCD)
MLCD_KEY_1 Key Fields for Summarization Records without CURTP
MLHD_AWKEY Structure of Field AWKEY for OBJECT Type MLHD
MLITE Material Ledger Document: Structure for Overview Screen
MLKEY Material ledger data display: Selection fields
SML_POH_DISP_ALV Order History Display


SAP Package CKML contains 68 programs.

INV_TOP_PRICE_DIFF Materials with Largest Difference in MAP in Current or Previous Period
INV_TOP_STOCK_VALUES Materials with Highest Inventory Value
ML_ADJUST_FI Reconciliation of Material Subledger and General Ledger
ML_ALLOW_CLOSING Allow Closing Entries
ML_ALLOW_CLOSING_RUN Allow Closing Entries for Run
ML_ALLOW_SETTLEMENT Allow Price Determination
ML_ALLOW_SETTLEMENT_RUN Allow Price Determination for Run
ML_ALLOW_SHOW_LIST Overview of Allowed Organizational Measures
ML_ALLOW_SHOW_LIST_RUN Overview of Allowed Organizational Measures
ML_DISPLAY_DOCUMENT Display Technical View for Material Ledger Document
ML_DISPLAY_PURCHASE_HIST Table Display: Purchase History
ML_DISPLAY_TABLES Display Technical View for the Material Ledger Master Data
ML_DOCUMENTS_CKMI1_COMPARE Adjustment of Documents with the Index Records for the Material
ML_DOCUMENTS_PERIODS_COMPARE Adjustment of documents with the material ledger period data
ML_MLCD_CREATE Create and Delete MLCD Summarization Records
ML_SHOW_PROTOCOL Display Message Log
MLXPRA3X XPRA for conversion 3.xx -> 4.xx
MLXPRA40C Mehrstufige Abrechnung eines Materials
MLXPRA46A_ACTIVATE_INDEX Subsequent activation of indices in case of error with XPRA MLXPRA46A
ONE_MAT_MBEW_ML_COMPARISON Comparison of Matl Valuation Record with ML Data and Their Display
RHCKORDH Check and Complete Purchase Order History from ML View
SAPRCKM_CONVERT_30_40 Converter Program for ML Tables and Accounts from Release 3.0 to 4.0
SAPRCKM_CURRENCIES_CHECK Currency Types and Valuations in ML, FI and CO
SAPRCKM_KALNR_CONSISTENCY Consistency check of costing numbers
SAPRCKM_LIST_OF_STATUS Listing of Materials by Period Status
SAPRCKM_REPAIR_TABLES Repair for Material Ledger Tables
SAPRCKM_VERIFY_PRICE_DET Explanation tool (price determination)
SAPRCKM2 Change Price Determination for Material Ledger
SAPRCKM2_NEU Change Material Price Determination for Material Ledger
SAPRCKMA Main Program for Periodic Processing
SAPRCKMA_EINSTUF_ABRECHNUNG Single-Level Material Price Determination
SAPRCKMA_RUN Main Program for Periodic Processing of Costing Run
SAPRCKMA_RUN_CLOSE Post closing for costing run
SAPRCKMA_RUN_SETTLE Single-Level Price Determination for Costing Run
SAPRCKMG Display of ML-Relevant Customizing Settings
SAPRCKMI Subsequent Filling of Index Table for Material-Related Documents
SAPRCKMJX Deactivating the Material Ledger
SAPRCKMK Archiving: Deletion Program for Index ckmi1
SAPRCKML Archiving: Retrieving ckmi1 Records from Archive
SAPRCKML_LESEN Archiving: Read Program for Index ckmi1
SAPRCKMM Archiving: Write Program for Index ckmi1
SAPRCKMN Archiving: Write Program for Period Records CKML1
SAPRCKMN_NEU Archiving: write program period data Material Ledger/Actual Costing
SAPRCKMO Archiving: Deletion Program for Period Records CKML1
SAPRCKMO_NEU Archiving: deletion program period data Material Ledger/Actual Cstng
SAPRCKMP Archiving: Retrieving Period Records CKML1 from Archive
SAPRCKMP_NEU_LESEN Archiving: read program, period data Material Ledger / Actual Costing
SAPRCKMP_NEU_RUECKLADEN Archiving: reloading prgrm, period data Material Ledger/Actual Csting
SAPRCKMR Transaction History for a Material
SAPRCKMS Search Program for Documents
SAPRCKMU Consistency Check Between Material Master and Material Ledger
SAPRCKMV Archiving: Write Program ML Document
SAPRCKMW Archiving: ML Document Deletion Program
SAPRCKMX Archiving: ML Document Reloading Program
SAPRCKMX_LESEN Archiving: Read Program ML Document
SAPRCKMZ Material Ledger Data Over Several Periods

Search Helps

SAP Package CKML contains 13 search helps.

ML_BELNR Search help for material_ledger_document_number
ML_PROTNR Help view for material ledger logs
ML_VA_BUKRS_AKTIV Search Help: Company Codes with Material Ledger Active
ML_VA_BUKRS_ANP Search Help: BUKRS with ML Active, but not Productive
ML_VA_BUKRS_PROD Search Help: Company Code with Material Ledger Productive
ML_VA_WERKS_AKTIV Search Help: Plants with Material Ledger Active
ML_VA_WERKS_ANP Search Help: Plants with ML Active but not Productive
ML_VA_WERKS_PROD Search Help: Plants With Material Ledger Productive
ML_VBELN_POSNR Items in Sales Order for Material Ledger Material
MLLIFNR Search help for vendor for material (OBEW)
MLPSPNR Search help for project stock for material (QBEW)
MLVA Help view for valuation area where material ledger is active
MLVBELN Search help for sales order for material (EBEW)

Message Classes

SAP Package CKML contains 2 message classes.

C+ Nachrichten zum Material-Ledger
CKPRCH Nachrichten zu Preisänderungen

Authorization Objects

SAP Package CKML contains 5 authorization objects.

K_ML_MTART CO Material Ledger: Material Type
K_ML_VA CO Material Ledger: Valuation Area
K_MLNUSER CO Material Ledger: Individual settlement, (no longer used)
K_MLPR_VA CO Material Price Change: Valuation Area
K_MLPUSER CO Material Ledger: Plant settlement (no longer used)