Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package CKML (Material Ledger) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CKML |
Short Text | Material Ledger |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CKML contains 26 function groups.
CK88 | Order Settlement |
CKM0 | Status Management Material Ledger |
CKM1 | Period Closing Functions |
CKM2 | Read Control Table for Material Ledger |
CKM3 | Transaction-Based Update ML |
CKM4 | Currency Types, Currencies, Org. Units |
CKM6 | Conversion of Documents for Analysis |
CKM8 | Dialog Control Material Ledger |
CKMA | Application Handler for Mat. Valuation |
CKMB | Material Postings |
CKMC | Single-Level Price Determination |
CKMCD | Summarization Records (MLCD) |
CKMD | Material Ledger Document |
CKMH | General Utilities |
CKML | Interface to Other Applications |
CKML_ORG_MEASURES_ADMIN | Organizational Measures |
CKMM | Multilevel Price Determination |
CKMMAT | Subscreen - Material Master: Display |
CKMO | Order History |
CKMS | Read/Write Access to Database and Buffer |
CKMT | Material Ledger in Valuation Interface |
CKMU | Conversion Between Purchasing and MM |
CKMV | Modules Between Application and RWIN |
CKMW | Purchase Order History |
CKMZ | Do Not Capitalize Delivery Costs |
DRB_CO_PC | DRB Connection CO-PC (Price Changes) |
SAP Package CKML contains 43 transactions.
CKM_CURRENCIES_LIST | Currency and Val.types in ML, FI, CO |
CKM3 | Material Price Analysis |
CKM3OLD | Material Price Analysis |
CKM3VERYOLD | Display Material Ledger Data |
CKM9 | Show Customizing Settings for Plant |
CKMADJUST | Reconcil. with Bal. Sheet Acct in FI |
CKMARCHBEL | Archive Document |
CKMARCHDAT | Archive Period Records |
CKMARCHIDX | Archive Index Entries |
CKMARCHSPL | Archiving Actl Cost Comp. Split Recs |
CKMB | Display Material Ledger Document |
CKMC | Consistency Check for a Material |
CKMCCS | Display Actual Cost Component Split |
CKMD | Transactions for a Material |
CKMDISPACT | Technical Activity Type View |
CKMDISPDOC | Technical View ML Document |
CKMDISPPOH | Technical View of Order Development |
CKMDISPTAB | Technical View of ML Master Data |
CKMF | Allow Price Determination |
CKMF_RUN | Allow Price Determination for Run |
CKMG | Allow Closing Entries |
CKMG_RUN | Allow Closing Entries for Run |
CKMH | Single-Level Price Determination |
CKMH_RUN | Single-Level Price Det.for Costg Run |
CKMI | Post Closing |
CKMI_RUN | Post Closing for Costing Run |
CKMJ | Display Organizational Measures |
CKMJ_RUN | Organizational Measures for Run |
CKML | Actual Costing/Material Ledger |
CKMLOH | PO History/Multiple Currencies |
CKMLPOH | Order History Display |
CKMLSTATUS | Materials by Period Status |
CKMLXPRA46A | Postprocessing Report for 46A-XPRA |
CKMM | Change Price Determination |
CKMPROTDIS | Display Log |
CKMREP | Repair Program for ML Tables |
CKMS | Material Ledger Docs for Material |
CKMSTART | Production Startup of Mat. Ledger |
CKMTOPPRICEDIF | Mat. with Highest Diff. in V Price |
CKMTOPSTOCKVAL | Materials w/ Highest Inventory Value |
KALNRCHECK | Consist. Check for Costing Run Nos. |
KALNRREORG | Reorg. of Old Costing Number Entries |
OMX4 | Number Range Maintenence: ML-DOCU. |
SAP Package CKML contains 32 database tables.
CKMI1 | Index for Accounting Documents for Material |
CKML1 | Material Ledger Period Totals Records (Release 3.xx) |
CKML2 | Material Ledger Header Record (Release 3.xx) |
CKMLCR | Material Ledger: Period Totals Records Values |
CKMLCT | Currency Types and Valuation Types in a Valuation Area |
CKMLHD | Material Ledger: Header Record |
CKMLKALNR | Material Ledger: Cost Estimate Number Control |
CKMLO | Material Ledger: Organizational Jobs |
CKMLPP | Material Ledger Period Totals Records Quantity |
CKMLPR | Material Ledger: Prices |
CKMLPR_EB | Prices for Ending Inventory/Balance Sheet Valuation |
CKMLV | Material Ledger Control Records |
CKMLW | Material Ledger Currencies in Valuation Area |
MLARC_IDX | Index for ML Document |
MLAUF | Material Ledger Item Table for Order History |
MLAUFCR | Material Ledger Currency Table for Order History |
MLBE | Material Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction |
MLBECR | Material Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact. |
MLBECRH | Material Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact. |
MLBEH | Material Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction |
MLCD | Material Ledger: Summarization Record (from Documents) |
MLCR | Material Ledger Document: Currencies and Values |
MLCRF | Material Ledger Document: Field Groups (Currencies) |
MLCRP | Material Ledger Document: Price Changes (Currencies, Prices) |
MLFG | Material Ledger Document: Field Groups |
MLHD | Material Ledger Document: Header |
MLIT | Material Ledger Document: Items |
MLMST | Material Ledger Document: Costing Run Header Data |
MLORDERHIST | Conversion Table for Order History |
MLPP | Material Ledger Document: Posting Periods and Quantities |
MLPPF | Material Ledger Document: Field Groups (Posting Periods) |
MLWERE | Conversion Table between Purchasing and Material Ledger |
SAP Package CKML contains 10 views.
H_CMFK_CKML | Input Help for Material Ledger Logs |
H_ML_BUKRS_AKTIV | DB_View: Company Codes with the Material Ledger = Active |
H_ML_BUKRS_PROD | DB_View: Company Codes with Material Ledger = Productive |
H_ML_WERKS_ACTIV | DB_View: Plants with the Material Ledger = Active |
H_ML_WERKS_PROD | DB_View: Plants with Material Ledger = Productive |
H_T001K_MLACT | Input Help for Valuation Areas Where Material Ledger Active |
MLLIFNR | Search View for Vendor For Material (OBEW) |
MLREADST | View of ML Buffer Tables for Reading Price Determ. Documents |
MLREPORT | View of ML Tables for Data Display |
MLXXV | View of All ML Document Tables |
SAP Package CKML contains 234 structures.
CKI_A11_ML | Currency fields from CKI_AB1_ML with _1 |
CKI_A21_ML | Currency fields from CKI_AB1_ML with _2 |
CKI_A31_ML | Currency fields from CKI_AB1_ML with _3 |
CKI_AB1_ML | Transfer of closing fields to dialog administrator |
CKI_AB2_ML | Closing fields (extended) for dialog control |
CKI_ABR_ML | Closing fields for material ledger |
CKI_ACCIT_ML | Transfer from MM to ML in accit-structure |
CKI_AUFBE | Transfer of Goods Movements to Order History |
CKI_AUFBE_CR | Currency-Dependant Fields for Order History |
CKI_BECR_K | Material ledger currency table for GR/IR relevant transact. |
CKI_CKMLCR_CURR | Value Fields ckmlcr |
CKI_CKMLPP_QUAN | Value Fields for ckmlpp |
CKI_CUR_ML | Currency key for ledger with local currency |
CKI_DOC_ML | Structure for documenting reports,... |
CKI_DY8_ML | Screen fields for material ledger FB SAPLCKM8 |
CKI_EKBECR | Currency Dependant Information of Purchase Order Hist. EKBE |
CKI_EKBECR_NON_KEY | Fields for ekbecr do not have key for EKBE |
CKI_EKBZCR | Currency Dependant Information of Purchase Order Hist. EKBZ |
CKI_EKBZCR_NON_KEY | Delivery costs in foreign currency without a key |
CKI_EKLS | SC Components Consumption Value |
CKI_EKX_ML | Exchange rate differences credit amount (standard price) |
CKI_EKY_ML | Exchange rate differences credit amount (moving price) |
CKI_EKZ_ML | Exchange rate differences credit amount (financial acctg.) |
CKI_ENX_ML | Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, value var. (S-pr.) |
CKI_ENY_ML | Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, val. changes(V pr) |
CKI_ENZ_ML | Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, value var.(accntg) |
CKI_EUX_ML | Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, p. prev.per(S-pr.) |
CKI_EUY_ML | Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, p prev.per (V-pr.) |
CKI_EUZ_ML | Subseq. credit amounts, price difference, p. prev.per.(Actg) |
CKI_IN1_ML | Transfer structure for initialization dialog data admin. |
CKI_KEW_ML | Exchange rate differences adjustment amount -ZUABW- |
CKI_KOSTENHERKUNFT | do not use any more. it will be deleted (new: cki_kosth) |
CKI_KOSTH | Cost origin |
CKI_LVA_ML | Subsequent debit amounts SubVar -SubVar- |
CKI_MGA_ML | Closing fields quantities (already closed) |
CKI_MGO_ML | Closing fields quantities (original) |
CKI_ML_CTY | Currency types and currencies |
CKI_MLAUF_D | Data Part of Order History Item |
CKI_MLAUF_K | Key for Order History Tables - Items |
CKI_MLBE | Record for Table MLBE |
CKI_MLBE_D | Data from the Material Ledger History Tables |
CKI_MLBE_K | Key for the Material Ledger History Tables - Items |
CKI_MSG_ML | Object specification for error analysis in the mat. ledger |
CKI_NAA_ML | Subs. deb./cred amnts SC-VAR current period (ML clsng) |
CKI_NAV_ML | Sub. debit/credit amnts SC-VAR from prev. per. (ML cls) |
CKI_NBA_ML | Subs. debit/credit amnt and qty SC-VAR (ML closing) |
CKI_NBB_ML | Subsequent debit amount and qty GR/IR Subc. (ML closing) |
CKI_NBK_ML | Exch. rt. differences adjustment amt. and qty. (ML sttlmnt) |
CKI_NBL_ML | Fields for subsequent debit -SALK3- (Clsg.ML) |
CKI_NBN_ML | Subsequent debit amount and qty neutral (Closing ML) |
CKI_NBU_ML | Revaluate amount & qty of subs. debit/credit (ML closing) |
CKI_NBV_ML | Fields for subsequent debit -SALKV- (Clsg.ML) |
CKI_NBW_ML | Subsequent debit amount and qty GR/IR (ML closing) |
CKI_NEW_ML | Subseq. debit amounts neutral -ZUABW- |
CKI_NKA_ML | Exch. rt. differences credit amount curr. per. (ML sttlmnt) |
CKI_NKV_ML | Exch. rt. differences credit amount fr. prev. per. (ML sttl) |
CKI_NKX_ML | Exch. rt. differences adjustment amt cur. per. (Std price) |
CKI_NKZ_ML | Exch. rt. diff. adjustment amount cur. per. (fin. acctg) |
CKI_NLB_ML | Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting, curr. per, SC |
CKI_NLF_ML | Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (ext. activity) |
CKI_NLM_ML | Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (Material) |
CKI_NLX_ML | Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (S price) |
CKI_NLY_ML | Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (V price) |
CKI_NLZ_ML | Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR subcontracting (Acctg) |
CKI_NNA_ML | Subseq. debit amounts neutral current period (Clsg.ML) |
CKI_NNV_ML | Subseq. debit amounts neutral from prev. periods (Clsg.ML) |
CKI_NNX_ML | Subseq. debit amounts neutral current period (S price) |
CKI_NNZ_ML | Subseq. debit amounts neutral current period (Acctg) |
CKI_NUA_ML | Revaluate subs. deb./cred. amnts: current per. (ML clsg) |
CKI_NUV_ML | Reval. subs.deb./cred.amnts: from prev. per. (ML clsg) |
CKI_NUX_ML | Subseq. debit amounts post. prev.,current period (S price) |
CKI_NUZ_ML | Subseq. debit amnts post. prev. current period (Acctg) |
CKI_NWA_ML | Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR Total current period (ML clsg) |
CKI_NWV_ML | Subs. cred./deb.amts GR/IR Total from prev. per. (ML clsg) |
CKI_NWX_ML | Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR Total current period (S price) |
CKI_NWZ_ML | Subseq. debit amounts GR/IR Total current period (Acctg) |
CKI_ORDER_INPUTS | Input Materials for an Order |
CKI_ORDER_INPUTS_CR | Amounts of Withdrawls associated with a Production Order |
CKI_PAV_ML | Amnts carried forward for price changes in ML |
CKI_PBK_ML | Price delimiter amount and quantity exch.rt.diff (ML stlmnt) |
CKI_PBN_ML | Price delimiter amount and quantity neutral (ML settlement) |
CKI_PDS_ML | GR/IR and price diff. posting with standard price control |
CKI_PER_ML | Fields for period determination |
CKI_PERIOD | Periods |
CKI_PKX_ML | Value of the Price Difference Posting (ex.rate diff S Price) |
CKI_PKY_ML | Value of the Price Difference Posting (ex.rate diff V Price) |
CKI_PKZ_ML | Value of the Price Difference Posting (ExRtDiff acctg. view) |
CKI_PLB_ML | Value of price difference postings (GR/IR subcontracting) |
CKI_PLX_ML | Value of price difference posting (GR/IR subcon., S price) |
CKI_PLY_ML | Value of price difference posting (GR/IR subcon., V price) |
CKI_PLZ_ML | Value of price difference posting (GR/IR subcon.) Accntg |
CKI_PNX_ML | Value of price difference posting (var., S price) |
CKI_PNY_ML | Value of price difference posting (var., v price) |
CKI_PNZ_ML | Value of price difference posting (var., accntg view) |
CKI_PR1_ML | Transfer for module CKML_F_ckml1_prices_get |
CKI_PRC_ML | Rules for price translation in price maintenance program |
CKI_PRICE_CONVERT_ML | Rules for price translation in price maintenance program |
CKI_PRS_ML | Transfer for module CKML_F_ckml1_prices_get |
CKI_PRY_ML | Value of price difference posting -PRDIF- |
CKI_PUX_ML | Value of pstngs to prev.per.that cannot be activ.(S-pr.pstg) |
CKI_PUY_ML | Value of pstngs to prev.per.that cannot be activ.(V-pr.pstg) |
CKI_PUZ_ML | Value of pstngs to prev.per.that cannot be activ.(acc. view) |
CKI_PWX_ML | Value of price difference posting (GR/IR S price) |
CKI_PWY_ML | Value of price difference posting (GR/IR V price) |
CKI_PWZ_ML | Value of price difference posting (GR/IR accntg view) |
CKI_RANGES_STATUS | Selection Table for ML Period Status |
CKI_RE0_ML | Invoice values GR/IR field group |
CKI_REL_ML | IR values GR/IR subcontracting |
CKI_REW_ML | IR values GR/IR total -IRVal- |
CKI_RLO_ML | IR values GR/IR, subcontracting, with qty (original) |
CKI_RLV_ML | IR values GR/IR subcontracting (crd for.) -Subc.- |
CKI_RWO_ML | IR values GR/IR total with qty (original) |
CKI_RWV_ML | IR values GR/IR total (crd for.)-IRVal- |
CKI_SPR_ML | Future planned price in all three currencies |
CKI_TCKM2E | Currencies of the Material Ledger |
CKI_UEW_ML | Subsequent debit amounts neutral -ZUUMB- |
CKI_UMB_ML | Value for pstngs to prev. per. that cnnt be act.(no pr.dif.) |
CKI_UP1_ML | Structure for update MBEW>CKML1 |
CKI_VLA_ML | Fields for old balance car. forw. (GR/IR Subcon) |
CKI_VLN_ML | Fields for new balance car.forw. (GR/IR Subcon) |
CKI_VTA_ML | Fields for old balance carried forward (GR/IR total) |
CKI_VTN_ML | Fields for new balance carried forward (GR/IR total) |
CKI_W01_ML | Currency fields closing (prices and values) |
CKI_W02_ML | Currency fields closing |
CKI_W03_ML | Currency fields ckml1 |
CKI_W04_ML | Closing fields first currency |
CKI_W05_ML | CKML1 currency fields from MBEW in first ledger currency |
CKI_W06_ML | Quantity fields from closing field group CKML1 |
CKI_W1A_ML | Settlement fields (already closed) in first ledger currency |
CKI_W1M_ML | CKML1 currency fields from MBEW in first ledger currency |
CKI_W1O_ML | Closing fields (accumulated) in first currency |
CKI_W2A_ML | Settlement fields (already closed) in second ledger currency |
CKI_W2M_ML | CKML1 currency fields from MBEW in second ledger currency |
CKI_W2O_ML | Settlement currency fields (accum) in second ledger currency |
CKI_W3A_ML | Settlement fields (already closed) in third ledger currency |
CKI_W3M_ML | CKML1 currency fields from MBEW in third ledger currency |
CKI_W3O_ML | Settlement currency fields (accum.) in third ledger currency |
CKI_WAE_ML | Currency fields ML |
CKI_WEL_ML | GR values GR/IR subcon -SBGRV- |
CKI_WEW_ML | GR values GR/IR total -GRVal- |
CKI_WJ1_ML | Currency fields MBEW (previous year) |
CKI_WLA_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR subcontracting (closed) |
CKI_WLB_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR subcon. (closed, standard) |
CKI_WLC_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR subc. (diff.to be clsd, stand.) |
CKI_WLN_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR subcon. (standard) |
CKI_WLO_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR subc. (original) |
CKI_WLV_ML | GR values GR/IR subcon /crd for.) -SBGRV- |
CKI_WMA_ML | Quantity fields, closing complete |
CKI_WMO_ML | Quantity fields closing original |
CKI_WP1_ML | Currency fields MBEW (curr. month) |
CKI_WRA_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR total (closed) |
CKI_WRB_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR total (closed, standard) |
CKI_WRC_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR total (diff.to be closed, stan) |
CKI_WRN_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR total (standard) |
CKI_WRO_ML | Quantities and values GR/IR total (original) |
CKI_WV1_ML | Currency fields MBEW (previous month) |
CKI_WWO_ML | Currencies, currency types, org. levels, material ledger |
CKI_WWV_ML | GR values GR/IR total (Crd for.)-GRVal- |
CKI_XAB_ML | Closing fields for material ledger (already closed) |
CKI_XAD_ML | Difference to be closed for material ledger |
CKI_XAS_ML | Difference to be closed, Material ledger (Std pr., acctg) |
CKI_XAZ_ML | Difference to be closed for material ledger, accntg |
CKI_XOR_ML | Closing fields for material ledger (original) |
CKI_ZPR_ML | Future valuation price in all three currencies |
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF | Materials: Largest Difference in Moving Price |
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF2 | Materials: Largest Diff. in Moving Price (Valuation Type) |
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF3 | Materials: Largest Difference in Moving Price (Sales Orders) |
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF4 | Materials: Largest Difference in Moving Price (WBS Elements) |
CKINVACC_TOP_PRICE_DIFF5 | Materials: Largest Difference in Moving Price (Entire Key) |
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE | Materials with Highest Inventory Value |
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE2 | Materials with Highest Inventory Value (Valuation Types) |
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE3 | Materials with Highest Inventory Value (Sales Orders) |
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE4 | Materials with Highest Inventory Value (WBS Elements) |
CKINVACC_TOP_STOCK_VALUE5 | Materials with Highest Inventory Value (Entire Key) |
CKL_S001 | ML structure for list output |
CKMATKEY | Material with Plant and Company Code |
CKMD_MLCR | Structure MLPP for the Display of Material Ledger Document |
CKMD_MLHD | Structure MLHD for the Display of Material Ledger Document |
CKMD_MLIT | Structure MLIT for the Display of Material Ledger Document |
CKMD_MLPP | Structure MLPP for the Display of Material Ledger Document |
CKML_ARCH_SYST | Attatchment to system information for ML archiving |
CKML_BWKEY_INFO | Information on single-level settlement |
CKML_CLOSE_INFO | Information on closing entries |
CKML_MGV_ANALYSIS | Analysis Structure for a QST Entry |
CKML_MULTI_SETTLE_INFO_HEADER | Header information on multi-level settlement |
CKML_MULTI_TREE | Structure for Displaying Multilevel Document as ALV Tree |
CKML_S_ACCIT_COBL | CO Account Assignment Key Fields in ACCIT |
CKML_S_BAI_SPLIT | Apportionment Structure BAI |
CKML_S_BAI_SPLIT_AQZIF | Apportionment According To Equivalence Numbers (Line) |
CKML_S_CLOSING_STATUS | New ML Period-End Closing Status (Include in CMLPP) |
CKML_S_ERROR_AUTOMATIC_HANDLE | Fields for Automatic Error Processing |
CKML_S_ERROR_EXPERT_MODE | Fields for Subsequent Error Handling (Expert Mode) |
CKML_S_ERROR_MAT | Material with Errors at Price Determination |
CKML_S_KALNR_IN | structure of the Cost Estimate Numbers |
CKML_S_LIST02 | Fields for ALV lists from SAPRCKMZ |
CKML_S_LOCK_USER | The Locking User for Locked Material |
CKML_S_MGV_APPL_STRG | Control Parameter between QST and Application |
CKML_S_MLAVRSCALE | Structure for Table MLAVRSCALE (Extension) |
CKML_S_OTHER_STATUS | Other New Period Status (Include in CMLPP) |
CKML_S_REORG_ALV_HEADER | ML Period Data Reorganization: Header Data for ALV Display |
CKML_S_REORG_ALV_ITEM | ML Period Data Reorganization: Item Data for ALV Output |
CKML_S_RUNSCALE | Structure for Table CKMLRUNSCALE (Extension) |
CKML_S_STULI | Fields for BOM Display |
CKML_S_VA_WITH_PERIOD | Valuation area with period |
CKML_S_YEAR_PERIOD | Fiscal Year, Period and Last Day of the Period |
CKML_SETTLE_INFO | Information on single-level settlement |
CKML_SETTLE_INFO_HEADER | Information on single-level settlement |
CKML3 | Material ledger period totals record (from Release 4.0) |
CKMLI_S_WUL_ALTN | List of Alternative for Where-Used List |
CKMLI_S_WUL_MAT | Input Material for Where-Used List |
CKMLI_S_WUL_PROC | List of Processes for Where-Used List |
CKMMAT_DISPLAY | Structure for Displaying the Currency ML Data in Mat. Master |
CKMMAT_KALK | Structure for Displaying the Costing Data in Mat. Master |
CKMO_COM | Goods receipt dates to calculate credit values |
CKMO_COM_MLCCS | Transfer Structure for GR for Prod. Order with Actual CCS |
CKMO_COM_MLCCS_CR | Transfer of Currencies for GRs for Orders |
CKMS_PERIODS | Period and Fiscal Year |
CKMS_PRS_ML | Transfer Structure for Module ckms_material_prices_get |
CKMV_BNK_VORSL | Transfer structure of new transaction key delivery costs |
CKMV_KTOSL | Transfer structure for transaction key delivery costs |
COS_DATA_STRUC | Structure for Revaluation of Cost of Sales |
MLAUFCRPP | Material Ledger Currencies for Order History |
MLCD_KEY | Key Fields for Summarization Records (Table MLCD) |
MLCD_KEY_1 | Key Fields for Summarization Records without CURTP |
MLHD_AWKEY | Structure of Field AWKEY for OBJECT Type MLHD |
MLITE | Material Ledger Document: Structure for Overview Screen |
MLKEY | Material ledger data display: Selection fields |
SML_POH_DISP_ALV | Order History Display |
SAP Package CKML contains 68 programs.
INV_TOP_PRICE_DIFF | Materials with Largest Difference in MAP in Current or Previous Period |
INV_TOP_STOCK_VALUES | Materials with Highest Inventory Value |
ML_ADJUST_FI | Reconciliation of Material Subledger and General Ledger |
ML_ALLOW_CLOSING | Allow Closing Entries |
ML_ALLOW_CLOSING_RUN | Allow Closing Entries for Run |
ML_ALLOW_SETTLEMENT | Allow Price Determination |
ML_ALLOW_SETTLEMENT_RUN | Allow Price Determination for Run |
ML_ALLOW_SHOW_LIST | Overview of Allowed Organizational Measures |
ML_ALLOW_SHOW_LIST_RUN | Overview of Allowed Organizational Measures |
ML_DELETE_MLMAA | Deletion of MLMAA in MBEW and EKPO |
ML_DISPLAY_DOCUMENT | Display Technical View for Material Ledger Document |
ML_DISPLAY_PURCHASE_HIST | Table Display: Purchase History |
ML_DISPLAY_TABLES | Display Technical View for the Material Ledger Master Data |
ML_DOCUMENTS_CKMI1_COMPARE | Adjustment of Documents with the Index Records for the Material |
ML_DOCUMENTS_PERIODS_COMPARE | Adjustment of documents with the material ledger period data |
ML_MLCD_CREATE | Create and Delete MLCD Summarization Records |
ML_SHOW_PROTOCOL | Display Message Log |
MLXPRA3X | XPRA for conversion 3.xx -> 4.xx |
MLXPRA40C | Mehrstufige Abrechnung eines Materials |
MLXPRA46A | Program MLXPRA46A |
MLXPRA46A_ACTIVATE_INDEX | Subsequent activation of indices in case of error with XPRA MLXPRA46A |
ONE_MAT_MBEW_ML_COMPARISON | Comparison of Matl Valuation Record with ML Data and Their Display |
RHCKORDH | Check and Complete Purchase Order History from ML View |
SAPRCKM_CONVERT_30_40 | Converter Program for ML Tables and Accounts from Release 3.0 to 4.0 |
SAPRCKM_CURRENCIES_CHECK | Currency Types and Valuations in ML, FI and CO |
SAPRCKM_KALNR_CONSISTENCY | Consistency check of costing numbers |
SAPRCKM_LIST_OF_STATUS | Listing of Materials by Period Status |
SAPRCKM_REPAIR_TABLES | Repair for Material Ledger Tables |
SAPRCKM_VERIFY_PRICE_DET | Explanation tool (price determination) |
SAPRCKM2 | Change Price Determination for Material Ledger |
SAPRCKM2_NEU | Change Material Price Determination for Material Ledger |
SAPRCKMA | Main Program for Periodic Processing |
SAPRCKMA_ABSCHLUSSBUCHUNGEN | Material Ledger Closing Entries |
SAPRCKMA_EINSTUF_ABRECHNUNG | Single-Level Material Price Determination |
SAPRCKMA_RUN | Main Program for Periodic Processing of Costing Run |
SAPRCKMA_RUN_CLOSE | Post closing for costing run |
SAPRCKMA_RUN_SETTLE | Single-Level Price Determination for Costing Run |
SAPRCKMG | Display of ML-Relevant Customizing Settings |
SAPRCKMI | Subsequent Filling of Index Table for Material-Related Documents |
SAPRCKMJX | Deactivating the Material Ledger |
SAPRCKMK | Archiving: Deletion Program for Index ckmi1 |
SAPRCKML | Archiving: Retrieving ckmi1 Records from Archive |
SAPRCKML_LESEN | Archiving: Read Program for Index ckmi1 |
SAPRCKMM | Archiving: Write Program for Index ckmi1 |
SAPRCKMN | Archiving: Write Program for Period Records CKML1 |
SAPRCKMN_NEU | Archiving: write program period data Material Ledger/Actual Costing |
SAPRCKMO | Archiving: Deletion Program for Period Records CKML1 |
SAPRCKMO_NEU | Archiving: deletion program period data Material Ledger/Actual Cstng |
SAPRCKMP | Archiving: Retrieving Period Records CKML1 from Archive |
SAPRCKMP_NEU_LESEN | Archiving: read program, period data Material Ledger / Actual Costing |
SAPRCKMP_NEU_LESEN_TEST | Archiving: Read Program ML Tables CKMLPP, CKMLCR |
SAPRCKMP_NEU_RUECKLADEN | Archiving: reloading prgrm, period data Material Ledger/Actual Csting |
SAPRCKMR | Transaction History for a Material |
SAPRCKMS | Search Program for Documents |
SAPRCKMU | Consistency Check Between Material Master and Material Ledger |
SAPRCKMV | Archiving: Write Program ML Document |
SAPRCKMW | Archiving: ML Document Deletion Program |
SAPRCKMX | Archiving: ML Document Reloading Program |
SAPRCKMX_LESEN | Archiving: Read Program ML Document |
SAPRCKMZ | Material Ledger Data Over Several Periods |
SAP Package CKML contains 13 search helps.
ML_BELNR | Search help for material_ledger_document_number |
ML_PROTNR | Help view for material ledger logs |
ML_VA_BUKRS_AKTIV | Search Help: Company Codes with Material Ledger Active |
ML_VA_BUKRS_ANP | Search Help: BUKRS with ML Active, but not Productive |
ML_VA_BUKRS_PROD | Search Help: Company Code with Material Ledger Productive |
ML_VA_WERKS_AKTIV | Search Help: Plants with Material Ledger Active |
ML_VA_WERKS_ANP | Search Help: Plants with ML Active but not Productive |
ML_VA_WERKS_PROD | Search Help: Plants With Material Ledger Productive |
ML_VBELN_POSNR | Items in Sales Order for Material Ledger Material |
MLLIFNR | Search help for vendor for material (OBEW) |
MLPSPNR | Search help for project stock for material (QBEW) |
MLVA | Help view for valuation area where material ledger is active |
MLVBELN | Search help for sales order for material (EBEW) |
SAP Package CKML contains 2 message classes.
C+ | Nachrichten zum Material-Ledger |
CKPRCH | Nachrichten zu Preisänderungen |
SAP Package CKML contains 5 authorization objects.
K_ML_MTART | CO Material Ledger: Material Type |
K_ML_VA | CO Material Ledger: Valuation Area |
K_MLNUSER | CO Material Ledger: Individual settlement, (no longer used) |
K_MLPR_VA | CO Material Price Change: Valuation Area |
K_MLPUSER | CO Material Ledger: Plant settlement (no longer used) |