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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package CMS_CAG_BAPI (Collateral: BAPIs) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-FINSERV.
Package | CMS_CAG_BAPI |
Short Text | Collateral: BAPIs |
Parent Package | EA-FINSERV |
SAP Package CMS_CAG_BAPI contains 3 function groups.
CMS_BUSISB101_BAPI | BAPI FMs for Collateral agreement |
CMS_BUSISB101_MAPPING_01 | Mapping routines for CREATE BAPI |
CMS_BUSISB101_MAPPING_02 | Mapping routines for GET MAPI structures |
SAP Package CMS_CAG_BAPI contains 123 structures.
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_ADMIN_GET | Administrative data for collateral agreements |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_ASM_PLD_GET | Assignment\Pledge specific data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_ASMT_PLD_CRT | Assignment - Pledge data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_ASMT_VAL_GET | Assesment value of Agreement |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_BASIC_CRT | Collateral agreement basic data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_BASIC_GET | Basic data for collateral agreements |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_BP_CRT | Collateral agreement - Business partner data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_BP_GET | Business partners linked to Collateral agreement |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_BP_TRM_CRT | CAG - business partner termination data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_BP_TRM_GET | BuPa termination details |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_CALC_GET | Agreement specific calcualted values |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_CHG_CRT | Charges data for the collateral agreement |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_CHG_GET | Charges on Collateral agreement |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_DCV_REL_TO | Distribution of collateral value to relations |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_DIST_CV_GET | Distributed collateral value |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_DIST_CV_REL | Distribution of collateral value to relations |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_DOC_CRT | Collateral agreement - Documents data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_DOC_GET | Documents linked to collateral agreement |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_EXP_CRT | Agreement expenses/costs |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_EXP_GET | Expenditure incurred on collateral agreements |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_FREE_COL_GET | Free collateral |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_GUAR_CRT | Guarantee data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_GUAR_GET | Guarantee data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_ID | Collateral agreement ID |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_LCHG_CRT | Land charge data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_LCHG_GET | Land charges specific data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_LL_GUAR_GET | Lending limit for guarantees |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_LV_GUAR_GET | Lending value for guarantees |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_LVR_PR_GET | Loan to value ratio wrt prior charges |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_NOTES_CRT | Collateral agreement notes |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_NOTES_GET | Notes created on Collateral agreement |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_ORG_UNIT_CRT | Organization unit data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_POR_BP_CRT | Collateral agreement portions - Business partner data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_POR_BP_GET | Business partners linked to Agreement-Portions |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_POR_CRT | Portion data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_POR_GET | Collateral agreement portions |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_PR_CHG_GET | Prior charges |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_RBL_CRT | Collateral agreement - Receivable link data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_RBL_GET | Collateral agreement receivable links |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_RBL_LNK | Existing CAG RBL link details |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_RBL_LNK_DEL | Deleted CAG RBL link details |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_RBL_LNK_INS | Inserted CAG RBL links details |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_RBL_RBL_BP | RBL-BP details for CAG-RBL link generate |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_REL_FROM_GET | Relationship: Contributions From Agreement Portions |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_REL_TO_GET | Relationship: Contributions of Portions to Agreements |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_REQD_DATA | Data to be fetched for the CAG |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_REQD_STATUS | Required status of the collateral agreement (For migration) |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_RULES_CRT | Collateral agreement rules data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_RULES_GET | Rules associated to Collateral agreement |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_SA_CRT | Special arrangements on collateral data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_SA_GET | Special agreements on collateral agreements |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_SKY_CRT | Semantic key for Collateral agreements |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_SKY_GET | Semantic key for Collateral agreements |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_SPECIFIC_CRT | Override CAG default values with user-entered values |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_TRAN_CRT | Transfer data |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_TRANS_GET | Transfer specific details |
BAPICMS_STR_CAG_TYP | Collateral agreement type |
BAPICMS_STR_CAGRBL_RBLBP_CRT | RBL-BP details for CAG-RBL link generate |
BAPICMS_STR_FLG_GEN_AUTO_LINKS | Generate links automatically |
BAPICMS_STR_RBL_DETAIL | Receivable details for CAG-RBL link generation |
BAPICMS_STR_RBL_DETAIL_CRT | Receivable details for CAG-RBL link generation |
CMS_STR_CAG_NOTES_CRT_MAP | Collateral agreement notes data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_ADMIN_GET | Administrative data for collateral agreements |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_ASM_PLD_GET | Assignment\Pledge specific data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_ASMT_PLD_CR | Assignment - Pledge data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_ASMT_VAL_GE | Assesment value of Agreement |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_BASIC_CRT | Collateral agreement basic data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_BASIC_GET | Basic data for collateral agreements |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_BP_CRT | Collateral agreement - Business partner data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_BP_GET | Business partners linked to Collateral agreement |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_BP_TRM_CRT | CAG - business partner termination data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_BP_TRM_GET | BuPa termination details |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_CALC_GET | Agreement specific calcualted values |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_CHG_CRT | Charges data for the collateral agreement |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_CHG_GET | Charges on Collateral agreement |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_DCV_REL_TO | Distribution of collateral value to relations |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_DIST_CV_GET | Distributed collateral value |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_DIST_CV_REL | Distribution of collateral value to relations |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_DOC_CRT | Collateral agreement - Documents data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_DOC_GET | Documents linked to collateral agreement |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_EXP_CRT | Agreement expenses/costs |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_EXP_GET | Expenditure incurred on collateral agreements |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_FREE_COL_GE | Free collateral |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_GUAR_CRT | Guarantee data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_GUAR_GET | Guarantee data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_LCHG_CRT | Land charge data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_LCHG_GET | Land charges specific data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_LL_GUAR_GET | Lending limit for guarantees |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_LV_GUAR_GET | Lending value for guarantees |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_LVR_PR_GET | Loan to value ratio wrt prior charges |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_NOTES_CRT | Collateral agreement notes |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_NOTES_GET | Notes created on Collateral agreement |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_ORG_UNIT_CR | Organization unit data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_POR_BP_CRT | Collateral agreement portions - Business partner data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_POR_BP_GET | Business partners linked to Agreement-Portions |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_POR_CRT | Portion data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_POR_GET | Collateral agreement portions |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_PR_CHG_GET | Prior charges |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_RBL_CRT | Collateral agreement - Receivable link data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_RBL_GET | Collateral agreement receivable links |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_REL_FROM_GE | Relationship: Contributions From Agreement Portions |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_REL_POR_CRT | Relationship: From CAG to CAG-POR |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_REL_TO_GET | Relationship: Contributions of Portions to Agreements |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_REQD_DATA | Data to be fetched for the CAG |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_RULES_CRT | Collateral agreement rules data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_RULES_GET | Rules associated to Collateral agreement |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_SA_CRT | Special arrangements on collateral data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_SA_GET | Special agreements on collateral agreements |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_SKY_GET | Semantic key for Collateral agreements |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_SPECIFIC_CR | Override CAG default values with user-entered values |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_SYS_STAT_CR | System status |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_SYS_STAT_GE | System status |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_TRAN_CRT | Transfer data |
E1BPCMS_STR_CAG_TRANS_GET | Transfer specific details |
E1CMS_MIG_CAG_CREATE_MSG | Header seg. |
SAP Package CMS_CAG_BAPI contains 1 message classes.
CMS_CAG_BAPI | Messages in BAPI |