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Bei ansehen →The package CN_NET_OPR (Operative Network) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CN_NET_OPR |
Short Text | Operative Network |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CN_NET_OPR contains 22 function groups.
CNBM | Networks: Document table methods |
CNBT | Networks: Int. Doc. Table: Objects |
CNDB | Networks: Database accesses |
CNDI | Networks: Dialogs |
CNDM | Networks: Dialog table methods |
CNDO | Networks: Activity detail screens |
CNMF | Networks: Field modications |
CNMS | Network milestones |
CNVB | Networks: Update: Relationships |
CO05 | Start in order/network |
CONW | Detail screens for networks |
COVG2 | Networks: Activty lists (ex. COVG) |
NW01 | Selection screens for networks |
NWBT | Networks: Internal document table,netwks |
NWCU | CUA status networks |
NWDB | Networks: Database accesses |
NWDI | Networks: Functions in dial./doc. tables |
NWDO | Networks: Activity detail screens |
NWEX | Networks: External networks |
NWGR | Connection to network graphic |
NWMF | Field modifications for networks |
NWTM | Monitoring Dates for Networks |
SAP Package CN_NET_OPR contains 22 transactions.
CN19 | Display Activity (From DMS) |
CN20 | Dsply network/act.bsc data init.scrn |
CN21 | Create Network |
CN22 | Change Network |
CN23 | Display Network |
CN24 | Overall Network Scheduling |
CODC | Change Documents for Network |
OPS0 | Maintain print control for networks |
OPS2 | Maintain Relationship Texts |
OPSC | Create network types |
OPSR | Maintain milestones |
OPSS | Maintain milestones |
OPSU | Maintain Activity Control Key |
OPT5 | Customizing matchcode for network |
OPTC | Command file for network |
OPTP | Sub-network parameters |
OPUA | Field selection: Network: Header |
OPUB | Field selection: Network: Overview |
OPUC | Field selection: Network: Details |
OPUD | Field selection:Network confirmation |
OPUU | Maintain Network Profile |
OPUV | Network Type Parameters |
SAP Package CN_NET_OPR contains 37 database tables.
AFAB | Network - Relationships |
MLST | Milestone |
MLTX | Milestone Description |
MSET | Standard milestone set |
PLAB | Relationships |
SMGT | Milestone group description |
SMLG | Standard milestone group |
SMLS | Standard milestone |
T433 | Milestone Indicator |
T433T | Milestone texts |
TABLO | Assignment table-orders to activities |
TCN05 | Distinguishing Item Groups for Network Screen Sequence |
TCN06 | Activity status that can trigger a workflow process |
TCN41 | Network Defaults |
TCN4T | Language-dependent Texts for TCN41: Network Profiles |
TCN51 | Version profile for PS versions |
TCN5T | Language-dependent texts for TCN51: Version profiles |
TCN61 | Parameter: Create network from sales order |
TCNPRRL | Assignment of Users to Roles for Monitoring Dates |
TCNROLE | Roles in Monitoring Dates |
TCNTM01 | Date type |
TCNTM01F | Reference Dates for Date Types of an Event |
TCNTM01T | Language dependent description of date types |
TCNTM02 | Group for monitoring dates |
TCNTM03 | Assignment of date type/milestone to group |
TCNTM04 | Status of Event in Monitoring Dates |
TCNTM04T | Language Dependent Description of Status |
TCNTM05 | Assignment Components to Groups |
TCNTM06 | Dates for Components, Events and Date Type |
TCNTM07 | Status of a Date Type for a Component |
TCNTMPR | Profile for Monitoring Dates |
TCNTMPRT | Language Dependent Description of the Profile |
TCNTMSCHD | Suggestions for Scheduling Events |
TCNTMSPR | Scenarios for Scheduling in Monitoring Dates |
TCNTMSPRT | Language Dependent Description of the Scheduling Profile |
TCNTS | Permissible subscrrens per object |
TCOFP | FORM subscreen for functions in milestone/trigger point |
SAP Package CN_NET_OPR contains 13 views.
AP_ORD_PRE | View AUFPL-AUFNR for prefetch in order management |
H_T433 | View for Table T433 |
H_TCN03 | View for TCN03: PS Text Types |
M_AUKOB | Generated view for matchcode ID AUKO-B |
M_AUKOC | Generated view for matchcode ID AUKO-C |
M_AUKOD | Generated view for matchcode ID AUKO-D |
M_AUKOF | Generated view for matchcode ID AUKO-F |
M_AUKVB | Generated view for matchcode ID AUKV -B |
M_AUKVE | Generated view for matchcode ID AUKV -E |
M_AUKVG | Generated view for matchcode ID AUKV -G |
M_EVPTE | Generated View for Matchcode ID EVPT -E |
V_NPACT | Selection view activities belonging to network |
VALLC | Database view: sub-networks |
SAP Package CN_NET_OPR contains 69 structures.
AFAB_CLEAR | Relationship fields, to be renamed after being copied |
AFAB_INC | Network relationships (Include structure) |
AFABB | Network: Document Table for Relationships |
AFABE | Extract from AFAB, add. Index to Doc. Table and Graphic Type |
AFABVN | Start and finish activities |
AFKONET | Structure of Network Classification Data |
AFVGE | Extract from AFVG, add. Index of Doc. Table, Graphic Type |
ALLC | Subnet allocations |
ALLOCD | Dialog table for allocation structure |
ALLOCDB | Document table structure for network allocation |
AUFKNET | Classification Structure for the Network |
AUFNR_SEL | Network number and short text for selection |
CAUFVDP | Order numbers temp./new, WBS element |
CNCI_AFVU | AFVU-Include (Customer-specific fields in network activity) |
CNCI_PLPO | PLPO-Include (Cust.-specific flds in std. network activity) |
CNCYC | Loop Analysis Screen Fields |
CNDOK | Key Word Structure (Distinction between Networks and Orders) |
CNINDINF | Index to the Relationship in the Document Table (PLABB) |
CNPLNR | Structure for Network Header Data |
CNSUBNT | Information on sub-network |
CNTRM_AUTH | Fields for Authorization Check C_RESB_TRM |
COAOBINF | Additional Fields for Networks |
COAUTHINF | Authorizations indicator |
COMSAUTINF | Authorizations indicator |
COMSTINF | Extra fields for update milestones |
COMSTUPD | Extra fields for update milestones |
CONW_SELECT | Selection Structure for F Groups CONW and NMDB |
COUPDABINF | Additional Document Table Fields in the Network for Rel. |
CPSELINF | Selection indicator |
CPUPDINF | Update Information for Doc Tables |
EPTG | Trigger point group (dialog structure) |
FPLNR_PRE | Invoice plan/billing plan structure preread |
IFMLSTEX | Interface structure for milestone -> export only |
IFMLSTIM | Interface structure for milestone -> import only |
MLST_CLEAR | Doc. table fields, which are reset when copied |
MLST_INC | Milestone (include structure) |
MLSTB | Milestone document table |
MLSTD | Milestone I/O Table |
MLSTF | Milestone functions |
MLSTS | Structure with data for milestone selection |
MSTAUTH | Authorization fields for milestones |
MSTSD | Structure for transferring milestone data to SD |
NETACT | Keys of the Network Activities |
NWTM01 | Control Data for Monitoring Dates |
NWTMDATES | Data for Date Overview |
NWTMDETAIL | Detail Screen Data for Date Overview |
OPRAUTH | Network authorization fields |
PLABD | Relationships I/O Table |
PLABE | Copy of Table PLABB, add. to the Index of Doc. Table, PLABB |
PLPOE | Index of Table PLPO for a sequence |
RCNBT | Control Fields for Relationships |
RCNDAT | Date Overview Filter |
RCNMK | Network: Types of purchase requisitions and reservations |
RCNPUR | Fields for purchasing history |
RCNRF | Filter criteria for components in network |
RCNRS | Sort fields for components in network |
RCNWEPO | GR for purchase order item for planning board |
RMMCOFP | Interface: Network with financial budgeting |
RSEBANI | Additional data fields relevant to purchasing |
RSEBL | Index of purchase requisitions/orders for ind. cust. stock |
RSPOSACT | Maximum Reservation Item per Activity |
TCNTM01I | Events in Monitoring Dates |
TCNTM02I | Group in Monitoring Dates |
TCNTM03I | Assignment Milestone/Event to Group |
TCNTM05I | Assignment of Components to Group |
TCNTM07I | Status for Event of a Component in Monitoring Dates |
TCO47_PS | Change profile Project System |
TMFILT | Filter for Monitoring Dates |
SAP Package CN_NET_OPR contains 9 programs.
PSF4SCRM | F4 selection for network profiles |
PSF4UVORG | Supplies All Subactivities for the Activity in the Network |
PSF4VORG | Gives all activities for a network during subnetwork maintenance |
PSPRBSEL | Selection for Printing Networks in the Background |
RCN10R01 | Read Activities Using Logical Database for Project |
RCTCNJ41 | XPRA: Replace graphic profiles in TCA41, TCN41, TCJ41 |
RINDXRNW | Reorganize the IBDX Table for Networks |
RNWTMR01 | Read Activities Using Logical Database for Project |
RPRIOREP | Report to Convert Data in the Priority Fields in Networks (Stdrd Nets) |
SAP Package CN_NET_OPR contains 43 search helps.
ASH_AUKO | Matchcode via tables AUFK and A |
ASH_PRPM | Matchcode for WBS element |
AUK | Collective Search Help Networks: Oper., Version, Std.,Arch. |
AUKO_ITS | Matchcode on tables AUFK and AFKO, w/o classification search |
AUKOA | Networks with standard networks |
AUKOB | Networks (general) |
AUKOC | Networks by project definition |
AUKOD | Networks by sales order |
AUKOE | Networks by MRP controller |
AUKOF | Networks by WBS element |
AUKOK | Networks using classification (class type 21) |
AUKV | Search Help for Networks in Simulation Versions |
AUKVB | Simualtion Version: General Networks |
AUKVC | Simulation Version: Networks for a Project Definition |
AUKVE | Simualtion Version: Networks for a Planner |
AUKVF | Simulation Version: Networks for WBS elements |
AUKVG | Simulation Version: Networks from Original Network |
AUKW | Search Help for Networks in Versions |
AUKWB | Version: General Networks |
AUKWC | Version: Networks for a Project Definition |
AUKWE | Version: Networks for an MRP Controller |
AUKWF | Version: Networks for a WBS Element |
AUKWG | Version: Networks for an Original Network |
AUVO | Matchcode for network activities |
AUVOA | Network activities: Network, description, act. descr., act. |
COBL_EX_AUKO_APPEND | Append Structure for Networks on Coding Bloak |
COBL_EX_NPACT_APPEND | Append Structure for Network Activities on Coding Block |
EVPT | Standard trigger points |
EVPTE | Standard trigger point |
H_T433 | View for Table T433 |
H_TCN03 | View for TCN03: PS Text Types |
H_TCNMF | Requirement ind. for material flow in the network |
MPTX | Matchcode for selecting PS texts |
MPTXA | Description, text type |
MPTXB | Author, description, text type |
NPACT | Search help activities from network |
VGN | Collective Search Help for Activity: Operative, Version |
VGNO | Search Help for Network Activities |
VGNOA | Activities in Network |
VGNV | Search Help for Network Activities in Simulation Versions |
VGNVA | Saimulation Version: Activities in Network |
VGNW | Search Help for Network Activities in Versions |
VGNWA | Version: Activities in Network |
SAP Package CN_NET_OPR contains 1 message classes.
CN | Meldungen für Netzpläne |
SAP Package CN_NET_OPR contains 6 authorization objects.
C_AFKO_ACT | Activities on network header level |
C_AFKO_DIS | Network: MRP Group (Plant) and Transaction Type |
C_AFVG_APL | PS: Work Center for Network Activities and Activity Elements |
C_AFVG_TYP | PS: Activity types for network act. and activity elements |
C_AFVG_USR | PS: User fields network activity. Activ. element model auth. |
C_MLST_BGR | PS: Milestones (Authorization Group) |