

Project Planning Board

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The package CN_PPT_GRAFIK (Project Planning Board) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Short Text Project Planning Board
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 3 function groups.

CJG1 Hierarchy graphic - Date maint. - PS
CJGG Routines for field selection
CJGR Graphics for Project System


SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 5 transactions.

CJ27 Project planning board
CJ2B Change project planning board
CJ2C Display project planning board
OPT7 Project planning board profile
OPT8 Maintain hierarchy graphic / dates

Database Tables

SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 8 database tables.

PSPPT_INDX System table INDX
TBALK Screen sequence control: paths between processing locations
TCBP Gantt chart settings
TCBPF Field Assignment PPB Structure -> DB Structure
TCBPT Text for settings in Gantt chart
TCTH Settings for hierarchy graphic (schedule maint.)
TCTHT Texts for settings in hierarchy graphic (schedule maint.)
TFELD Assignment of Table Fields to Field Selection


SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 62 structures.

PROJD Dialog: Project definition
PRPS_BALK PRPS structure for Gantt chart
PRPSD Dialog: WBS element master data
PRTAB Transfer Table from Graphic Selection
PSIND_BAP Hierarchy index graphic
RCJ_ACTIND Index structure - Activities
RCJ_ALLCCO Transfer structure for cost calculation to project
RCJ_AOBMOD Relationship maintenance
RCJ_AOIND Index structure - Relationships (Gantt chart)
RCJ_BEZGZP Definition of reference time points for areas of time axis
RCJ_CHARTS_FOR_WIZ Charts to display with texts
RCJ_CUS_DIA Table attributes in bar chart
RCJ_CUS_TAB Table attributes in bar chart
RCJ_CUS_TBCG_40A TBCG in Rel. 4.0A for user related Customizing
RCJ_CUS_TBCL_40A TBCL in Rel. 4.0A for user related Customizing
RCJ_CUS_TFAT_40A TBAT in Rel. 4.0A for user related Customizing
RCJ_CUS_THLT_40A THLT in Rel. 4.0A for user related Customizing
RCJ_DATLIN Position of time line in Gantt chart
RCJ_DISPC Display and selection list of WBS elements and activities
RCJ_EIGEN Attributes ('status') WBS element
RCJ_INSMOV Determines mode when inserting bars
RCJ_MATIND Index structure - Activities
RCJ_MSTIND Index structure - Activities
RCJ_NWIND Index structure - Networks
RCJ_NZTAB Network Dates for WBS Element
RCJ_OBJ_FOR_WIZZ Objects to be displayed in the wizard
RCJ_ORDPM Structure PM Order
RCJ_POSID Transfer structure of external WBS number
RCJ_POSTLB Positioning of chart at a certain time
RCJ_PPT_OPT Planning Board Options
RCJ_PS_CAPA Object Structure for Project Reporting
RCJ_PS_CURVE_INDEX Indices for the curves in PPB
RCJ_PS_MAT Object Structure for Project Reporting
RCJ_PS_ORD All Objects in the Project Planning Board
RCJ_PS_PLAN Object Structure for Project Reporting
RCJ_PS_PLAN_EXT Structur extension for planned data
RCJ_PS_PM_OBJ All Fields for the PM Chart in the Project Planning Board
RCJ_PS_PPT All Objects in the Project Planning Board
RCJ_PS_PPT_ZOOM Zoom Factor for the Planning Board
RCJ_PS_PRINT Field Selection for the Print Box in Project Planning Board
RCJ_PSPNR Internal table with WBS numbers
RCJ_TABTIT Determines title of table in Project System graphic
RCJ_TBCNEX Settings, which are only active in PS Gantt chart
RCJ_TCBP TCBP Values that are Presented Differently
RCJ_TCBP_TRANSFER Transfer structure of user-specific values
RCJ_TITATT Attributes which determine table and chart titles
RCJ_TRMKS Selection bar: Set of dates with earliest/latest dates
RCJ_TRMRLV Ind: Shows relevance to scheduling
RCJ_TYPES_FOR_WIZZ All object types in the wizzard
RCJ_WBSIND Index structure - WBS elements
RCJ_WORKC Work center transfer structure
RCJ_ZUORD Assignments of activities to WBS elements
RCJGR Gantt chart structure
RCJRECH Transfer values/texts from plg. brd. to drill-down reporting
RCN_SEL Selection line
RCNCOMP Component data for the planning board
RCNWARES Good issue for the reservation for planning board
RCOTNR Field list: Temp. Number Assignment AUFNR,RSNUM,BEDID,AUFPL
RCX_FUNC Table to Dynamically Deactivate Function Codes
RPSUBN Hierarchy information for subnetworks
RX27P Contains Data Necessary for Project Time Scheduling


SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 1 programs.

RSAPFCJGR CJ2B: Reset User Settings