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Bei ansehen →The package CN_PPT_GRAFIK (Project Planning Board) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CN_PPT_GRAFIK |
Short Text | Project Planning Board |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 3 function groups.
CJG1 | Hierarchy graphic - Date maint. - PS |
CJGG | Routines for field selection |
CJGR | Graphics for Project System |
SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 5 transactions.
CJ27 | Project planning board |
CJ2B | Change project planning board |
CJ2C | Display project planning board |
OPT7 | Project planning board profile |
OPT8 | Maintain hierarchy graphic / dates |
SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 8 database tables.
PSPPT_INDX | System table INDX |
TBALK | Screen sequence control: paths between processing locations |
TCBP | Gantt chart settings |
TCBPF | Field Assignment PPB Structure -> DB Structure |
TCBPT | Text for settings in Gantt chart |
TCTH | Settings for hierarchy graphic (schedule maint.) |
TCTHT | Texts for settings in hierarchy graphic (schedule maint.) |
TFELD | Assignment of Table Fields to Field Selection |
SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 62 structures.
PROJD | Dialog: Project definition |
PRPS_BALK | PRPS structure for Gantt chart |
PRPSD | Dialog: WBS element master data |
PRTAB | Transfer Table from Graphic Selection |
PSIND_BAP | Hierarchy index graphic |
RCJ_ACTIND | Index structure - Activities |
RCJ_ALLCCO | Transfer structure for cost calculation to project |
RCJ_AOBMOD | Relationship maintenance |
RCJ_AOIND | Index structure - Relationships (Gantt chart) |
RCJ_BEZGZP | Definition of reference time points for areas of time axis |
RCJ_CHARTS_FOR_WIZ | Charts to display with texts |
RCJ_CUS_DIA | Table attributes in bar chart |
RCJ_CUS_TAB | Table attributes in bar chart |
RCJ_CUS_TBCG_40A | TBCG in Rel. 4.0A for user related Customizing |
RCJ_CUS_TBCL_40A | TBCL in Rel. 4.0A for user related Customizing |
RCJ_CUS_TFAT_40A | TBAT in Rel. 4.0A for user related Customizing |
RCJ_CUS_THLT_40A | THLT in Rel. 4.0A for user related Customizing |
RCJ_DATLIN | Position of time line in Gantt chart |
RCJ_DISPC | Display and selection list of WBS elements and activities |
RCJ_EIGEN | Attributes ('status') WBS element |
RCJ_INSMOV | Determines mode when inserting bars |
RCJ_MATIND | Index structure - Activities |
RCJ_MSTIND | Index structure - Activities |
RCJ_NWIND | Index structure - Networks |
RCJ_NZTAB | Network Dates for WBS Element |
RCJ_OBJ_FOR_WIZZ | Objects to be displayed in the wizard |
RCJ_ORDPM | Structure PM Order |
RCJ_POSID | Transfer structure of external WBS number |
RCJ_POSTLB | Positioning of chart at a certain time |
RCJ_PPT_OPT | Planning Board Options |
RCJ_PS_CAPA | Object Structure for Project Reporting |
RCJ_PS_CURVE_INDEX | Indices for the curves in PPB |
RCJ_PS_MAT | Object Structure for Project Reporting |
RCJ_PS_ORD | All Objects in the Project Planning Board |
RCJ_PS_PLAN | Object Structure for Project Reporting |
RCJ_PS_PLAN_EXT | Structur extension for planned data |
RCJ_PS_PM_OBJ | All Fields for the PM Chart in the Project Planning Board |
RCJ_PS_PPT | All Objects in the Project Planning Board |
RCJ_PS_PPT_ZOOM | Zoom Factor for the Planning Board |
RCJ_PS_PRINT | Field Selection for the Print Box in Project Planning Board |
RCJ_PSPNR | Internal table with WBS numbers |
RCJ_RPSCO_LIS | RPSCO_LIS for graphics |
RCJ_TABTIT | Determines title of table in Project System graphic |
RCJ_TBCNEX | Settings, which are only active in PS Gantt chart |
RCJ_TCBP | TCBP Values that are Presented Differently |
RCJ_TCBP_TRANSFER | Transfer structure of user-specific values |
RCJ_TITATT | Attributes which determine table and chart titles |
RCJ_TRMKS | Selection bar: Set of dates with earliest/latest dates |
RCJ_TRMRLV | Ind: Shows relevance to scheduling |
RCJ_TYPES_FOR_WIZZ | All object types in the wizzard |
RCJ_WBSIND | Index structure - WBS elements |
RCJ_WORKC | Work center transfer structure |
RCJ_ZUORD | Assignments of activities to WBS elements |
RCJGR | Gantt chart structure |
RCJRECH | Transfer values/texts from plg. brd. to drill-down reporting |
RCN_SEL | Selection line |
RCNCOMP | Component data for the planning board |
RCNWARES | Good issue for the reservation for planning board |
RCOTNR | Field list: Temp. Number Assignment AUFNR,RSNUM,BEDID,AUFPL |
RCX_FUNC | Table to Dynamically Deactivate Function Codes |
RPSUBN | Hierarchy information for subnetworks |
RX27P | Contains Data Necessary for Project Time Scheduling |
SAP Package CN_PPT_GRAFIK contains 1 programs.
RSAPFCJGR | CJ2B: Reset User Settings |