
SAP Package CNVS

R/3 Application development: Version Management

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The package CNVS (R/3 Application development: Version Management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CNVS
Short Text R/3 Application development: Version Management
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CNVS contains 8 function groups.

CJVK Maintenance interface VSKOPF
VSBT Doc. table for versions
VSCO Conversion exit order header (version)
VSCU Control CUA status for versions
VSDB Versions: Data base access
VSDI Interactive processing of versions
VSHP Help function for versions
VSVB Posting routines for versions


SAP Package CNVS contains 8 transactions.

CJV1 Create project version (simulation)
CJV2 Change project version (simulation)
CJV3 Display project version (simulation)
CJV4 Transfer project
CJV5 Delete simulation version
CJV6 Maintenance: Version administration
CJV7 Display transfer log
CN72 Create Project Version

Database Tables

SAP Package CNVS contains 55 database tables.

PROJVS_ENQ Block key project (project versions)
TC54T Language dependent texts for TCN54: Simulation profile
TCN52 Valid user status for version profile
TCN53 Valid system status for version profile
TCN54 Simualtion control
TCNVSC Customizing: Possible version number per version category
TCNVSCT Customizing: Short description of possible version numbers
VSAFAB_CN Version: Network relationships
VSAFFH_CN Version: PRT allocation to work order
VSAFFL_CN Version: Order sequences PP orders
VSAFIH_CN Version: Order header for plant maintenance
VSAFKO_CN Version: Order header data for PP orders
VSAFPO_CN Version: Order items in PP orders
VSAFVC_CN Version: Operation in order
VSAFVU_CN Version: User fields in operation in order
VSAFVV_CN Version: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation
VSAUFK_CN Version: Order master data
VSEBAN_CN Version: Purchase requisition
VSEBKN_CN Version: Purchase requisition account assignment
VSEVFG_CN Version: PS EV, percent of completion
VSEVOF_CN Object parameter PS earned value analysis
VSFPLA_CN Version: Billing schedule
VSFPLT_CN Version: Billing schedule: Dates
VSHIST_NP Tranfer history for network
VSHIST_NV Tranfer history for network activity
VSHIST_OK Transfer history material components
VSHIST_OR Transfer history order
VSHIST_OV Transfer history activity
VSHIST_PD Transfer history project definition
VSHIST_PR Transfer history WBS element
VSJEST_CN Version: Individual status per object
VSJSTO_CN Version: Information on status object
VSKBED_CN Version: Capacity requirement records
VSKBEZ_CN Version: Additional data for table KBED (ind. capacities)
VSKBKO_CN Version: Capacity requirements header for an order
VSKOPF Version: Header - general data for a version -
VSKPER_CN Version: Workforce Planning
VSMLST_CN Version: Milestone
VSNPTX_CN Version: PS texts (network)
VSPLAF_CN Version: Planned order
VSPRHI_CN Version: WBS, edges (hierarchy pointer)
VSPROJ_CN Version: Project definition
VSPRPS_CN Version: WBS Element (Work Breakdwn Struc. Elem.) Mast. Data
VSPRTE_CN Version: Scheduling data for project item
VSPRTX_CN Version: PS texts (WBS)
VSPSTX_CN Version: PS texts (header)
VSRESB_CN Version: Reservation/Dependent requirements
VSRPSCO_CN Version: Cumulation table for project reporting
VSRSADD_CN Version: Additional fields for reservation
VSRSDB_CN Version: Index of RESB for direct procurement elements
VSSTEU Version: Control table - one entry per version object -
VSVBAK_CN Version: Sales document: Header data
VSVBAP_CN Version: Sales document: Item data
VSVBEP_CN Version: Sales document: Schedule line data
VSVBKD_CN Version: Sales document - commercial data


SAP Package CNVS contains 40 views.

AP_ORD_PRV View AUFPL-AUFNR for prefetching in order administration
M_VSCNA Generated view for matchcode ID VCCN-A
M_VSCNB Generated view for matchcode ID VSCN-B
RCJ_VSNUMPD DB view external/internal number f. project def. (version)
RCJ_VSNUMPR Db view internal/external numbers WBS element
V_PRPVA View for search help PRPV Id A
V_PRPVK View for search help ID PRPV -K
V_PRPVP View for search help ID PRPV -P
V_PRPVW View for Search Help PRPVW
V_PRPVZ View for search help ID PRPV -Z
V_PRSVI View for search help PRSV Id I
V_PRSVZ Generated view for matchcode ID PRSV -Z
V_TCNVSCT View of Customizing tables for versions
V_VMPVA DB View for Search Help VMPVA
V_VMPVB DB View for Search Help VMPVB
V_VSAFVC_ORG View for VSAFVC_CN: Original keys (simulation)
V_VSAUFK_ORG View for VSAUFK_CN: Originalkeys (Simulation)
V_VSKBED Database View Using KBED and KBEZ
V_VSKOPF View for search help VSK
V_VSMLST_ORG View for VSMLST_CN: Original Keys (Simulation)
V_VSPROJ_ORG View for VSPROJ_CN: Original keys (simulation)
V_VSPRPS_ORG View for VSPRPS_CN: Originalkeys (Simulation)
V_VSRESB_ORG View for VSRESB_CN: Originalkeys (Simulation)
V_VSSTEU_ORG View on Original Object Numbers
V_VSSTEU_WO_ORG View on VSSTEU for Update (w/o OBJNR_OLD)
VSAFVCP Activities for project (versions)
VSCAUFV View of order headers PP/CO (versions)
VSCAUFV_CN Version: View of Order Headers PPS/RK
VSCYAUKO Fields from AUFK/AFKO relevant for Capacity Planning
VSPRPSO Database view object numbers for WBS number (version)
VSVALLC Database view subnetworks (versions)


SAP Package CNVS contains 155 structures.

ACT01_REF Reference structure for source and target network activity
ACT01_UPD_OP2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFVC,V,V(sim.)
ACT01_UPD_VS2OP Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFVC,V,V(sim.)
ACT01_UPD_VS2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFVC,V,V(sim.)
ACT01_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields relevant to update from AFVC,V,V (sim. vers.)
AFAB_UPD_OP2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFAB (sim. ver)
AFAB_UPD_VS2OP Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFAB (sim. ver)
AFAB_UPD_VS2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFAB (sim. ver)
AFAB_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields relevant to update from AFAB (sim. vers.)
AFFL_UPD_OP2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFFL (sim.ver.)
AFFL_UPD_VS2OP Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFFL (sim.ver.)
AFFL_UPD_VS2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFFL (sim.ver.)
AFFL_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields that are relevant for update from AFFL (sim. vers.)
AFKO_UPD_OP2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFKO (sim.ver.)
AFKO_UPD_VS2OP Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFKO (sim.ver.)
AFKO_UPD_VS2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFKO (sim.ver.)
AFKO_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields that are relevant for update from AFKO (sim. vers.)
AFPO_UPD_OP2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim.ver.)
AFPO_UPD_VS2OP Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim.ver.)
AFPO_UPD_VS2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim.ver.)
AFPO_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields that are relevant for update from AFPO (sim. vers.)
AFVGD_SIM Activity record for simulation versions
AUFK_REF Reference structure for source and target network
AUFK_UPD_OP2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim. ver)
AUFK_UPD_VS2OP Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim. ver)
AUFK_UPD_VS2VS Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim. ver)
AUFK_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields that are relevant for update from AUFK (sim. vers.)
CNVS_OBJNR_OP_VS Mapping of Operative Object Numbers to Version Object Nos.
COORDINF Versions include for order headers
COVERSINF Include structure order header for versions
KBED01_UPD_OP2VS Fields from KBED01(Sim.vers.) NOT relevant for update
KBED01_UPD_VS2OP Fields from KBED01(Sim.vers.) NOT relevant for update
KBED01_UPD_VS2VS Fields from KBED01(Sim.vers.) NOT relevant for update
KBED01_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields relevant to the update from KBED/Z (sim. vers.)
KBEZ_UPD_OP2VS Fields from KBED01(Sim.vers.) NOT relevant for update
KBEZ_UPD_VS2OP Fields from KBEZ(Sim.vers.) that are NOT relevant for update
KBEZ_UPD_VS2VS Fields from KBEZ(Sim.vers.) that are NOT relevant for update
MLST_UPD_OP2VS Fields NOT relevant to the update from MLST (sim. vers.)
MLST_UPD_VS2OP Fields NOT relevant to the update from MLST (sim. vers.)
MLST_UPD_VS2VS Fields NOT relevant to the update from MLST (sim. vers.)
MLST_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields from MLST (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update
MLTX_INC Milestone Description
PROJ_UPD_OP2VS Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PROJ_UPD_VS2OP Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PROJ_UPD_VS2VS Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PROJ_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update
PRPS_REF Reference structurte for source and target WBS element
PRPS_UPD_OP2VS Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PRPS_UPD_VS2OP Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PRPS_UPD_VS2VS Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PRPS_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields from PRPS (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update
PRTE_UPD_OP2VS Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PRTE_UPD_VS2OP Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PRTE_UPD_VS2VS Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PRTE_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update
PSMLST_UPD_OP2VS Fields from PSMLST (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PSMLST_UPD_VS2OP Fields from PSMLST (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PSMLST_UPD_VS2VS Fields from PSMLST (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PSMLST_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields from MLST (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update
PSTX_UPD_OP2VS Fields from PSTX(sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PSTX_UPD_VS2OP Fields from PSTX(sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PSTX_UPD_VS2VS Fields from PSTX(sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update
PSTX_UPDATE_RELEVANT ields from PSTX (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update
RCJ_BEDID Key for Reqmnts ID
RCJ_VSNMR_OBJNR Structure VsnNo/Objectnummrt
RCJ_VSNMR_PSPID Structure VsnNo/external project number
RCJ_VSNMR_PSPNR Structure VsnNo/internal project number
RCJ_VSNMRINACT Structure version number and version flag
RCNVS Structure for use in SAPMXCNVS module pool
RESB01_UPD_OP2VS Fields from RESB01 (sim.vers.) NOT relevant for the update
RESB01_UPD_VS2OP Fields from RESB01 (sim.vers.) NOT relevant for the update
RESB01_UPD_VS2VS Fields from RESB01 (sim.vers.) NOT relevant for the update
RESB01_UPDATE_RELEVANT Fields from RESB (sim.vers.)relevant for the update
VKBED_VSNMR Structure version number Reqmnts ID for VSKBED_CN
VSACTINF Version include for original key activity
VSAFABB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFAB_CN
VSAFFHB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFHB_CN
VSAFFHORG Original key for production resources/tools (versions)
VSAFFLB Versions: Doc. table structure VSAFFL_CN
VSAFIHB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFIH_CN
VSAFKOB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFIH_CN
VSAFKOINF Version-include for AFKO
VSAFLINF Version-include for AFFL
VSAFPOB Versions: Doc table structure for VSAFPO_CN
VSAFPOINF Versions include for items
VSAFVC_ORG_B Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSAFVC_ORG
VSAFVGB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFVGB_CN
VSAFVGB_CN Version: Order, activity structure for doc. table
VSAOBINF Versions-include for AOB
VSAUFK_ORG_B Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSAUFK_ORG
VSAUFKB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAUFK_CN
VSEBANB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSEBAN_CN
VSEBKNB Versions: Document table structure of VSEBKN_CN
VSEVFGB Versions: document table structure of table VSEVFG_CN
VSEVOFB Versions: document table structure of table VSEVOF_CN
VSFPLAB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSFPLA_CN
VSFPLTB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSFPLT_CN
VSHIST_NPB Versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_NP
VSHIST_NVB Versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_NV
VSHIST_OKB Versions: Document table structure for table VS_HIST_OK
VSHIST_ORB versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_OR
VSHIST_OVB Versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_OV
VSHIST_PDB Versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_PD
VSHIST_PRB Versions: Document table structure for the table VSHIST_PR
VSJESTB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSJEST_CN
VSJSTOB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSJSTO_CN
VSKBEDB Versions: buffer table structure for table VSKBED_CN
VSKBEDORG Include for KBED (versions)
VSKBEZB Versions: Document table structure for table VSKBEZ_CN
VSKEY Version: Version table key common part
VSKEY_INC Version: PS version, version-related key fields
VSKOPFB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSKOPF_CN
VSKOPFD Version: Dialog table for VSKOPF
VSKOPFH Structure for VSKOPF for F4 Help
VSKPERB Versions: Document table structure for the table VSKPER_CN
VSMLST_ORG_B Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSRESB_ORG
VSMLSTB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSMLST_CN
VSMSTINF Include miolestones for versions
VSMSTORGKEY Milestone original key
VSNMR_LIST Version number with test
VSNPTXB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSNPTX_CN
VSNTEXT Version number with short text
VSOBJL Bar for objects in a version
VSOPRINF Include activities for versions
VSPLAFB Versions: Doc table structure for VSPLAF_CN
VSPRHIB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPRHI_CN
VSPROJ_ORG_B Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSPROJ_ORG
VSPROJB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPROJ_CN
VSPROJINF Versions include Proj
VSPRPS_ORG_B Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSPRPS_ORG
VSPRPSB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPRPS_CN
VSPRPSINF Versions-include for PRPS
VSPRTEB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPRTE_CN
VSPRTXB Versions: Doc table structure for VSPRTX_CN
VSPSTXB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPSTX_CN
VSRESB_ORG_B Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSRESB_ORG
VSRESBB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSRESB_CN
VSRESBINF Include structure material components (version)
VSRESEXT External RESB number
VSRESORG Original key reservation (version)
VSRPSCOB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSRPSCO_CN
VSRPSQT_CN Version: Summarization Table for Project Reporting (Quant.)
VSRPSQTB Versions: Document Table Structure for Structure VSRPSQT_CN
VSRSDBB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSRSDB_CN
VSSIM_INC Include structure for simulation
VSSTEU_ORG_B Versions: Document Table Structure for View V_VSSGEU_ORG
VSSTEUB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSSTEU
VSSTEUD Version: Dialog table for version control data VSSTEU
VSTXTINF Include PS texts for versions
VSVBAKB Versions: Doc. table structure for table VSVBAK_CN
VSVBAPB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSVBAP_CN
VSVBEPB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSVBEP_CN
VSVBKDB Versions: Doc. table structure for VSVBKD_CN
VSVBKZ Structure for posting versions


SAP Package CNVS contains 6 programs.

RCNVS000 Versions in the Project System
RCNVSDIF Comparison of original tables with version tables (PS)
RVSCN000 Report for Selecting Version Objects
RVSCN001 Report for Selecting Version Objects
SAPMCNVS Copy from projects <--> versions
SAPMVSIS PS: Versions, Integration

Search Helps

SAP Package CNVS contains 37 search helps.

PD Collective Search Help for Project Definitions
PD_NEW New Collect. Search Help for Proj. Def. (for Settlemnt Type)
PR Collective Search Help for WBS Elements
PROV Matchcode for project version orders
PROVA Assignment network header to project definition f. versions
PROVB Assignment of order item (except network) to WBS element
PROVC Assignment of network item to WBS element for versions
PROVD Assignment of order header (only CO order) to WBS element
PRPV Search Help for WBS Elements in Simulation Versions
PRPVA Simualtion Version: WBS element, Account Assignment Element
PRPVB Simualtion Version: WBS element, Billing element
PRPVK Simualtion Version: WBS Element, Short Identification
PRPVP Simualtion Version: WBS el., Project Def. and Description
PRPVW Simul. WBS Element Wildcard, Proj. Def., Descript., Respon.
PRPVZ Simualtion Version: WBS element, Responsible Person
PRPW Search Help for WBS Elements in Snapshots
PRPWA Version: WBS Element, Account Assignment Element
PRPWB Version: WBS Element, Billing Elements
PRPWK Version: WBS Element, Short ID
PRPWP Version: WBS Element, Project Definition and Description
PRPWW Versions WBS Element Wildcard, Proj. Def., Descript., Resp.
PRPWZ Version: WBS Element, Person Responsible
PRSD Matchcode for project definitions in versions (delete)
PRSDI Simulation Version: Project Definition, Description
PRSDZ Simulation Version: Project Definition, Person Responsible
PRSV Search Help for Project Definition in Simualtion Versions
PRSVI Simulation Version: Project Definition, Description
PRSVW Simul. Project Description Wildcard, Definition, Responsible
PRSVZ Simulation Version: Project Definition, Person Responsible
PRSW Search Help for Project Definition in Versions
PRSWI Version: Project Definition, Description
PRSWW Version Proj. Description Wildcard, Definition, Responsible
PRSWZ Version: Project Definition, Person Responsible
VSCN PS: Versions
VSCNA Status-dependent versions
VSCNB Time versions
VSK Search help for version numbers (simulation)

Message Classes

SAP Package CNVS contains 1 message classes.

OV PS: Versionen