Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package CNVS (R/3 Application development: Version Management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CNVS |
Short Text | R/3 Application development: Version Management |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CNVS contains 8 function groups.
CJVK | Maintenance interface VSKOPF |
VSBT | Doc. table for versions |
VSCO | Conversion exit order header (version) |
VSCU | Control CUA status for versions |
VSDB | Versions: Data base access |
VSDI | Interactive processing of versions |
VSHP | Help function for versions |
VSVB | Posting routines for versions |
SAP Package CNVS contains 8 transactions.
CJV1 | Create project version (simulation) |
CJV2 | Change project version (simulation) |
CJV3 | Display project version (simulation) |
CJV4 | Transfer project |
CJV5 | Delete simulation version |
CJV6 | Maintenance: Version administration |
CJV7 | Display transfer log |
CN72 | Create Project Version |
SAP Package CNVS contains 55 database tables.
PROJVS_ENQ | Block key project (project versions) |
TC54T | Language dependent texts for TCN54: Simulation profile |
TCN52 | Valid user status for version profile |
TCN53 | Valid system status for version profile |
TCN54 | Simualtion control |
TCNVSC | Customizing: Possible version number per version category |
TCNVSCT | Customizing: Short description of possible version numbers |
VSAFAB_CN | Version: Network relationships |
VSAFFH_CN | Version: PRT allocation to work order |
VSAFFL_CN | Version: Order sequences PP orders |
VSAFIH_CN | Version: Order header for plant maintenance |
VSAFKO_CN | Version: Order header data for PP orders |
VSAFPO_CN | Version: Order items in PP orders |
VSAFVC_CN | Version: Operation in order |
VSAFVU_CN | Version: User fields in operation in order |
VSAFVV_CN | Version: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation |
VSAUFK_CN | Version: Order master data |
VSEBAN_CN | Version: Purchase requisition |
VSEBKN_CN | Version: Purchase requisition account assignment |
VSEVFG_CN | Version: PS EV, percent of completion |
VSEVOF_CN | Object parameter PS earned value analysis |
VSFPLA_CN | Version: Billing schedule |
VSFPLT_CN | Version: Billing schedule: Dates |
VSHIST_NP | Tranfer history for network |
VSHIST_NV | Tranfer history for network activity |
VSHIST_OK | Transfer history material components |
VSHIST_OR | Transfer history order |
VSHIST_OV | Transfer history activity |
VSHIST_PD | Transfer history project definition |
VSHIST_PR | Transfer history WBS element |
VSJEST_CN | Version: Individual status per object |
VSJSTO_CN | Version: Information on status object |
VSKBED_CN | Version: Capacity requirement records |
VSKBEZ_CN | Version: Additional data for table KBED (ind. capacities) |
VSKBKO_CN | Version: Capacity requirements header for an order |
VSKOPF | Version: Header - general data for a version - |
VSKPER_CN | Version: Workforce Planning |
VSMLST_CN | Version: Milestone |
VSNPTX_CN | Version: PS texts (network) |
VSPLAF_CN | Version: Planned order |
VSPRHI_CN | Version: WBS, edges (hierarchy pointer) |
VSPROJ_CN | Version: Project definition |
VSPRPS_CN | Version: WBS Element (Work Breakdwn Struc. Elem.) Mast. Data |
VSPRTE_CN | Version: Scheduling data for project item |
VSPRTX_CN | Version: PS texts (WBS) |
VSPSTX_CN | Version: PS texts (header) |
VSRESB_CN | Version: Reservation/Dependent requirements |
VSRPSCO_CN | Version: Cumulation table for project reporting |
VSRSADD_CN | Version: Additional fields for reservation |
VSRSDB_CN | Version: Index of RESB for direct procurement elements |
VSSTEU | Version: Control table - one entry per version object - |
VSVBAK_CN | Version: Sales document: Header data |
VSVBAP_CN | Version: Sales document: Item data |
VSVBEP_CN | Version: Sales document: Schedule line data |
VSVBKD_CN | Version: Sales document - commercial data |
SAP Package CNVS contains 40 views.
AP_ORD_PRV | View AUFPL-AUFNR for prefetching in order administration |
M_VSCNA | Generated view for matchcode ID VCCN-A |
M_VSCNB | Generated view for matchcode ID VSCN-B |
RCJ_VSNUMPD | DB view external/internal number f. project def. (version) |
RCJ_VSNUMPR | Db view internal/external numbers WBS element |
V_PRPVA | View for search help PRPV Id A |
V_PRPVK | View for search help ID PRPV -K |
V_PRPVP | View for search help ID PRPV -P |
V_PRPVW | View for Search Help PRPVW |
V_PRPVZ | View for search help ID PRPV -Z |
V_PRSVI | View for search help PRSV Id I |
V_PRSVZ | Generated view for matchcode ID PRSV -Z |
V_TCNVSCT | View of Customizing tables for versions |
V_VMPVA | DB View for Search Help VMPVA |
V_VMPVB | DB View for Search Help VMPVB |
V_VSAFVC_ORG | View for VSAFVC_CN: Original keys (simulation) |
V_VSAUFK_ORG | View for VSAUFK_CN: Originalkeys (Simulation) |
V_VSKBED | Database View Using KBED and KBEZ |
V_VSKOPF | View for search help VSK |
V_VSMLST_ORG | View for VSMLST_CN: Original Keys (Simulation) |
V_VSPROJ_CN1 | Proj.def(versions): VSNMR/SPSNR/PSPNR/PSPID/POST1 ? |
V_VSPROJ_ORG | View for VSPROJ_CN: Original keys (simulation) |
V_VSPRPS_ORG | View for VSPRPS_CN: Originalkeys (Simulation) |
V_VSRESB_ORG | View for VSRESB_CN: Originalkeys (Simulation) |
V_VSSTEU_ORG | View on Original Object Numbers |
V_VSSTEU_WO_ORG | View on VSSTEU for Update (w/o OBJNR_OLD) |
VSAFVCP | Activities for project (versions) |
VSCAUFV | View of order headers PP/CO (versions) |
VSCAUFV_CN | Version: View of Order Headers PPS/RK |
VSCYAUKO | Fields from AUFK/AFKO relevant for Capacity Planning |
VSPRPSO | Database view object numbers for WBS number (version) |
VSVALLC | Database view subnetworks (versions) |
SAP Package CNVS contains 155 structures.
ACT01_REF | Reference structure for source and target network activity |
ACT01_UPD_OP2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFVC,V,V(sim.) |
ACT01_UPD_VS2OP | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFVC,V,V(sim.) |
ACT01_UPD_VS2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFVC,V,V(sim.) |
ACT01_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields relevant to update from AFVC,V,V (sim. vers.) |
AFAB_UPD_OP2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFAB (sim. ver) |
AFAB_UPD_VS2OP | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFAB (sim. ver) |
AFAB_UPD_VS2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFAB (sim. ver) |
AFAB_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields relevant to update from AFAB (sim. vers.) |
AFFL_UPD_OP2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFFL (sim.ver.) |
AFFL_UPD_VS2OP | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFFL (sim.ver.) |
AFFL_UPD_VS2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFFL (sim.ver.) |
AFFL_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields that are relevant for update from AFFL (sim. vers.) |
AFKO_UPD_OP2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFKO (sim.ver.) |
AFKO_UPD_VS2OP | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFKO (sim.ver.) |
AFKO_UPD_VS2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFKO (sim.ver.) |
AFKO_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields that are relevant for update from AFKO (sim. vers.) |
AFPO_UPD_OP2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim.ver.) |
AFPO_UPD_VS2OP | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim.ver.) |
AFPO_UPD_VS2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim.ver.) |
AFPO_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields that are relevant for update from AFPO (sim. vers.) |
AFVGD_SIM | Activity record for simulation versions |
AUFK_REF | Reference structure for source and target network |
AUFK_UPD_OP2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim. ver) |
AUFK_UPD_VS2OP | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim. ver) |
AUFK_UPD_VS2VS | Fields that are NOT relevant for update from AFPO (sim. ver) |
AUFK_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields that are relevant for update from AUFK (sim. vers.) |
CNVS_OBJNR_OP_VS | Mapping of Operative Object Numbers to Version Object Nos. |
COORDINF | Versions include for order headers |
COVERSINF | Include structure order header for versions |
J_1IVBKD_VS | APPEND in Version Table for APPEND J_1IVBKD in VBKD |
KBED01_UPD_OP2VS | Fields from KBED01(Sim.vers.) NOT relevant for update |
KBED01_UPD_VS2OP | Fields from KBED01(Sim.vers.) NOT relevant for update |
KBED01_UPD_VS2VS | Fields from KBED01(Sim.vers.) NOT relevant for update |
KBED01_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields relevant to the update from KBED/Z (sim. vers.) |
KBEZ_UPD_OP2VS | Fields from KBED01(Sim.vers.) NOT relevant for update |
KBEZ_UPD_VS2OP | Fields from KBEZ(Sim.vers.) that are NOT relevant for update |
KBEZ_UPD_VS2VS | Fields from KBEZ(Sim.vers.) that are NOT relevant for update |
MLST_UPD_OP2VS | Fields NOT relevant to the update from MLST (sim. vers.) |
MLST_UPD_VS2OP | Fields NOT relevant to the update from MLST (sim. vers.) |
MLST_UPD_VS2VS | Fields NOT relevant to the update from MLST (sim. vers.) |
MLST_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields from MLST (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update |
MLTX_INC | Milestone Description |
PROJ_UPD_OP2VS | Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PROJ_UPD_VS2OP | Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PROJ_UPD_VS2VS | Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PROJ_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update |
PRPS_REF | Reference structurte for source and target WBS element |
PRPS_UPD_OP2VS | Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PRPS_UPD_VS2OP | Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PRPS_UPD_VS2VS | Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PRPS_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields from PRPS (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update |
PRTE_UPD_OP2VS | Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PRTE_UPD_VS2OP | Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PRTE_UPD_VS2VS | Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PRTE_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update |
PSMLST_UPD_OP2VS | Fields from PSMLST (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PSMLST_UPD_VS2OP | Fields from PSMLST (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PSMLST_UPD_VS2VS | Fields from PSMLST (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PSMLST_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields from MLST (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update |
PSTX_UPD_OP2VS | Fields from PSTX(sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PSTX_UPD_VS2OP | Fields from PSTX(sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PSTX_UPD_VS2VS | Fields from PSTX(sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update |
PSTX_UPDATE_RELEVANT | ields from PSTX (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update |
RCJ_BEDID | Key for Reqmnts ID |
RCJ_VSNMR_OBJNR | Structure VsnNo/Objectnummrt |
RCJ_VSNMR_PSPID | Structure VsnNo/external project number |
RCJ_VSNMR_PSPNR | Structure VsnNo/internal project number |
RCJ_VSNMRINACT | Structure version number and version flag |
RCNVS | Structure for use in SAPMXCNVS module pool |
RESB01_UPD_OP2VS | Fields from RESB01 (sim.vers.) NOT relevant for the update |
RESB01_UPD_VS2OP | Fields from RESB01 (sim.vers.) NOT relevant for the update |
RESB01_UPD_VS2VS | Fields from RESB01 (sim.vers.) NOT relevant for the update |
RESB01_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields from RESB (sim.vers.)relevant for the update |
VKBED_VSNMR | Structure version number Reqmnts ID for VSKBED_CN |
VSACTINF | Version include for original key activity |
VSAFABB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFAB_CN |
VSAFFHB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFHB_CN |
VSAFFHORG | Original key for production resources/tools (versions) |
VSAFFLB | Versions: Doc. table structure VSAFFL_CN |
VSAFIHB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFIH_CN |
VSAFKOB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFIH_CN |
VSAFKOINF | Version-include for AFKO |
VSAFLINF | Version-include for AFFL |
VSAFPOB | Versions: Doc table structure for VSAFPO_CN |
VSAFPOINF | Versions include for items |
VSAFVC_ORG_B | Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSAFVC_ORG |
VSAFVGB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAFVGB_CN |
VSAFVGB_CN | Version: Order, activity structure for doc. table |
VSAOBINF | Versions-include for AOB |
VSAUFK_ORG_B | Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSAUFK_ORG |
VSAUFKB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSAUFK_CN |
VSEBANB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSEBAN_CN |
VSEBKNB | Versions: Document table structure of VSEBKN_CN |
VSEVFGB | Versions: document table structure of table VSEVFG_CN |
VSEVOFB | Versions: document table structure of table VSEVOF_CN |
VSFPLAB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSFPLA_CN |
VSFPLTB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSFPLT_CN |
VSHIST_NPB | Versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_NP |
VSHIST_NVB | Versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_NV |
VSHIST_OKB | Versions: Document table structure for table VS_HIST_OK |
VSHIST_ORB | versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_OR |
VSHIST_OVB | Versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_OV |
VSHIST_PDB | Versions: Document table structure for table VSHIST_PD |
VSHIST_PRB | Versions: Document table structure for the table VSHIST_PR |
VSJESTB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSJEST_CN |
VSJSTOB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSJSTO_CN |
VSKBEDB | Versions: buffer table structure for table VSKBED_CN |
VSKBEDORG | Include for KBED (versions) |
VSKBEZB | Versions: Document table structure for table VSKBEZ_CN |
VSKEY | Version: Version table key common part |
VSKEY_INC | Version: PS version, version-related key fields |
VSKOPFB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSKOPF_CN |
VSKOPFD | Version: Dialog table for VSKOPF |
VSKOPFH | Structure for VSKOPF for F4 Help |
VSKPERB | Versions: Document table structure for the table VSKPER_CN |
VSMLST_ORG_B | Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSRESB_ORG |
VSMLSTB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSMLST_CN |
VSMSTINF | Include miolestones for versions |
VSMSTORGKEY | Milestone original key |
VSNMR_LIST | Version number with test |
VSNPTXB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSNPTX_CN |
VSNTEXT | Version number with short text |
VSOBJL | Bar for objects in a version |
VSOPRINF | Include activities for versions |
VSPLAFB | Versions: Doc table structure for VSPLAF_CN |
VSPRHIB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPRHI_CN |
VSPROJ_ORG_B | Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSPROJ_ORG |
VSPROJB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPROJ_CN |
VSPROJINF | Versions include Proj |
VSPRPS_ORG_B | Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSPRPS_ORG |
VSPRPSB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPRPS_CN |
VSPRPSINF | Versions-include for PRPS |
VSPRTEB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPRTE_CN |
VSPRTXB | Versions: Doc table structure for VSPRTX_CN |
VSPSTXB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSPSTX_CN |
VSRESB_ORG_B | Versions: Document table structure for view V_VSRESB_ORG |
VSRESBB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSRESB_CN |
VSRESBINF | Include structure material components (version) |
VSRESEXT | External RESB number |
VSRESORG | Original key reservation (version) |
VSRPSCOB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSRPSCO_CN |
VSRPSQT_CN | Version: Summarization Table for Project Reporting (Quant.) |
VSRPSQTB | Versions: Document Table Structure for Structure VSRPSQT_CN |
VSRSDBB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSRSDB_CN |
VSSIM_INC | Include structure for simulation |
VSSTEU_ORG_B | Versions: Document Table Structure for View V_VSSGEU_ORG |
VSSTEUB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSSTEU |
VSSTEUD | Version: Dialog table for version control data VSSTEU |
VSTXTINF | Include PS texts for versions |
VSVBAKB | Versions: Doc. table structure for table VSVBAK_CN |
VSVBAPB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSVBAP_CN |
VSVBEPB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSVBEP_CN |
VSVBKDB | Versions: Doc. table structure for VSVBKD_CN |
VSVBKZ | Structure for posting versions |
SAP Package CNVS contains 6 programs.
RCNVS000 | Versions in the Project System |
RCNVSDIF | Comparison of original tables with version tables (PS) |
RVSCN000 | Report for Selecting Version Objects |
RVSCN001 | Report for Selecting Version Objects |
SAPMCNVS | Copy from projects <--> versions |
SAPMVSIS | PS: Versions, Integration |
SAP Package CNVS contains 37 search helps.
PD | Collective Search Help for Project Definitions |
PD_NEW | New Collect. Search Help for Proj. Def. (for Settlemnt Type) |
PR | Collective Search Help for WBS Elements |
PROV | Matchcode for project version orders |
PROVA | Assignment network header to project definition f. versions |
PROVB | Assignment of order item (except network) to WBS element |
PROVC | Assignment of network item to WBS element for versions |
PROVD | Assignment of order header (only CO order) to WBS element |
PRPV | Search Help for WBS Elements in Simulation Versions |
PRPVA | Simualtion Version: WBS element, Account Assignment Element |
PRPVB | Simualtion Version: WBS element, Billing element |
PRPVK | Simualtion Version: WBS Element, Short Identification |
PRPVP | Simualtion Version: WBS el., Project Def. and Description |
PRPVW | Simul. WBS Element Wildcard, Proj. Def., Descript., Respon. |
PRPVZ | Simualtion Version: WBS element, Responsible Person |
PRPW | Search Help for WBS Elements in Snapshots |
PRPWA | Version: WBS Element, Account Assignment Element |
PRPWB | Version: WBS Element, Billing Elements |
PRPWK | Version: WBS Element, Short ID |
PRPWP | Version: WBS Element, Project Definition and Description |
PRPWW | Versions WBS Element Wildcard, Proj. Def., Descript., Resp. |
PRPWZ | Version: WBS Element, Person Responsible |
PRSD | Matchcode for project definitions in versions (delete) |
PRSDI | Simulation Version: Project Definition, Description |
PRSDZ | Simulation Version: Project Definition, Person Responsible |
PRSV | Search Help for Project Definition in Simualtion Versions |
PRSVI | Simulation Version: Project Definition, Description |
PRSVW | Simul. Project Description Wildcard, Definition, Responsible |
PRSVZ | Simulation Version: Project Definition, Person Responsible |
PRSW | Search Help for Project Definition in Versions |
PRSWI | Version: Project Definition, Description |
PRSWW | Version Proj. Description Wildcard, Definition, Responsible |
PRSWZ | Version: Project Definition, Person Responsible |
VSCN | PS: Versions |
VSCNA | Status-dependent versions |
VSCNB | Time versions |
VSK | Search help for version numbers (simulation) |
SAP Package CNVS contains 1 message classes.
OV | PS: Versionen |