SAP Package CO

R/3 Application development: PP Production orders

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The package CO (R/3 Application development: PP Production orders) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CO
Short Text R/3 Application development: PP Production orders
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CO contains 101 function groups.

C0GD Date help for factory calendar
CK02 PPC posting rules
CK03 Cost check routines in PPC
CO00 Order: Global modules
CO01 Main functions in PPC orders
CO03 Reset time slice in SAP System
CO61 Common access: Pln/prod. order processg
CO99 Read order for external applications
COA0 Control function group PP order reorg.
COAB Order Progress Report
COAF Network-like functions in SFC order
COAH Function group arch.class order header
COAM Function group arch.class components
COAO Function group arch.class operations
COAPPLLOG Workbench interface application log
COAR PP Tools for archiving
COB1 Rolled out COBH functions
COBC Document table: Components
COBD Extension to functions COBC (4.5 only)
COBH Document table: Headers and items
COBI Management of order items
COBO Document table: Operations and sequences
COBP Read accesses for operation/sequences
COBPO Document table planned order
COBS Buffer table for sequences
COBT CIM: Order document table processing
COCE CO conversion exit
COCL Classification orders/networks
COCO Create order with reference
COCOM Common functions
COCOM10 General functions for production orders
COCOPY Create prod.ord/network using defaults
COCOST Functions which refer to costs
COCP Common functions routings/orders
COCU CIM order: Set and confirm CUA status
CODB Production order: Database accesses
CODD Prod. Orders: Display Document Links
CODI CIM order: Functions on dialog tables
CODM Prod.Orders: Document Link Management
CODR Print shop floor papers
CODS Detail screens for order sequences
CODT Production order: Dialog tables
COEX External data selection - reservations
COEXOP Functions for external processing
COEXT External calls production order
COF4 Help views for orders
COFS Variable filter and sort
COFUNREQ Management of prepostings
COIB Assignment of Serialized Materials
COIK Structure of index table key
COIT CIM order: Index table processing
COIW Further ITAB functions in the order
COKO Production orders header screens
COLA Read operations for log. databases
COLC Read components for log. databases
COMC Matchcode-display for production ord.
COMD Detail screens: Material components
COMES Output logs/messages
COMF CIM order: Field modifications
COMK CIM order: Material components
COMP Pop-ups for mat. component allocations
CONB Routine of NBAU processing
COOB Object number routines in PP
COOI Production order: Order item
COPRINT Print production orders
COPU Modal dialog box
COQM Create inspection lot from order
CORE Order reorganization functions
CORO Reorganisation of PP orders
CORR Read routing
COS1 Service Routines for the Order Header
COS2 Service Routines for Order Operations
COS3 Service Routines for Order Components
COSB General status selection
COSC Scroll functions - general
COSD Transfer of master data to order
COSF Service routines for orders
COST Status changes - order
COTA Production order: ATAB accesses
COTX Production order: Word processing
COUP Convert planned order
COVB Production order: Posting
COVC Operation check modules
COVF CIM order: Detail screens
COVG Prod. orders: Lists for ops. and seqs.
COVP Update header from order
COW1 Production Order Employee Workplace
COWB Function group of goods movements
COWB_PROC Goods Movement Processes & Functions
COWBHU Dialog HU Processing Production Order
COWF Workflows
COZA Availability checks PP
COZA1 Display result of availability check
COZF Production order: Central functions
COZK Object text keys
COZP Central dialog boxes (delete, exit etc.)
COZR Release functions for orders
COZV Central posting routines
PPCA CATT functions for the PP area


SAP Package CO contains 51 transactions.

CB85 Maintain print control process order
CMNK Nummernkreispflege: COMPNUM
CN65 Change documents order /network
CO01 Create production order
CO01S Adding simulation order
CO02 Change Production Order
CO02S Change simulation order
CO03 Display Production Order
CO03S Display simulation order
CO04 Print Production Orders
CO05 Collective Release of Prod. Orders
CO07 Create order without a material
CO08 Production order with sales order
CO10 Production order with project
CO20 Orders acc. to Order Numbers
CO21 Orders for Material
CO22 Orders for the MRP controller
CO23 Orders for the production scheduler
CO30 Standard trigger points
CO40 Converting Planned Order
CO41 Coll. Conversion of Planned Orders
CO44 Mass processing of orders
CO46 Order progress report
CO48 prod.ord.part.redct
CO78 Archiving orders
CO80 Number range maintenance: AUF_RUECK
CO81 Number assignment: routing to order
CO82 Number ranges for orders
CO83 Number range maintenance: RESB
COA1 PP: Archiving orders - preparation
COA2 PP: Archiving orders
COA3 PP: Archiving orders - retrieval
COA4 PP: Archiving order - administration
COA9 PP: Archiving delete orders
COF4 Maintain filter profs.for proc.order
COMP Customizing Missing Parts Info Syst.
COPAWA Pack components for order
CORU Maintain prod. scheduler group
COS4 Sort profiles - maintain proc. order
COSS Transport of C Tables
COTB Transport table contents SFC
COTF Comm. File Missing Parts Info System
COW1 Production Order Workplace
COWBHUWA GI HU for Production Order
COWF1 Task Customizing (Production Order)
CQ85 Maintain prt control for insp. order
MB26 Picking list
OPKR Print flag
OPSG Order change management profile
S_ALR_87099943 Dispatching of function requests

Database Tables

SAP Package CO contains 73 database tables.

AFBP CIM order: Batch print requests
AFFL Work order sequence
AFKO Order header data PP orders
AFPO Order item
AFSPOPR Split Operations in an Order Split
AFSPREL Relation Between Orders in an Order Split
AFVC Operation within an order
AFVU DB structure of the user fields of the operation
AFVV DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
DRAD_PORDER Attributes for Links: Document to Production Order
FAPW Index of production-/issuing plant for production order
FTIND Missing parts index
ORDCOM Communication control Operation download
ORDLY Table of delays for production order
T024F Production scheduler
T399X Parameters dependent on order type
T441C Profile - availability check
T441CT Texts for Profile 'Display Availability Check'
T490 Transactions PP - orders - order category
T496B CIM order: Assigning document types to reference doc. types
T496D CIM: Destination/lists/spool parameters per user/plant
T496F CIM order: Form description of the list
T496K CIM order: Entity table of possible table identifiers
T496N CIM order: List descriptions
T496P Print PP documents: Determination of output device
T496R Print PP shop papers: Report control
T496T Print PP shop papers: Transaction control
T496V PP Print: Default Value for Printing Online or Background
T496Z CIM order: Table-controlled table access
TC32 Assigning subscreen to processing location
TC34 Allocating operation to object type for the check routine
TC62 Sequence of detail screens when processing header externally
TCO01 Sequence/operations control in logicstics orders
TCO03 CIM order: Texts for TCO01, Description of order categories
TCO04 Table for controlling the screen sequence group
TCO05 CUA status depending on panel, trans. type, funct. type etc.
TCO06 Exclusive functions for PP orders
TCO09 CIM order: Text IDs of objects in orders
TCO10 Valuation variant for order costing
TCO11 Control table for production orders - availability check
TCO12 Control table production orders - stock determination
TCO36 PP orders: Control table for calling up pop-up windows
TCO41 CIM order: Default values for generating operations
TCO43 PP-SFC order profile
TCO43T Description of production scheduler profile
TCO60 Sequence keys for input facility and verification
TCO61 Sequence key for PP orders
TCO62 Defining screen sequences for input facility and verificatn.
TCO63 Sequence of detail screens when maintaining components
TCOAF Profile order progress report
TCOAFT Texts for order progress report
TCOAOB Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objects
TCOAOBT Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objs (Text)
TCODB Database fields development class CO per order category
TCOF Profile for missing parts info system
TCOFF Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed Fields
TCOFFT Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed Fields
TCOFG Profile for missing parts info system: criteria for grouping
TCOFGT Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Criteria for Grouping
TCOFK Texts for functions in milestones/trigger points
TCOFS Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria
TCOFST Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria
TCOFT Texts for Missing Parts Info System
TCOKO Constants for PP orders
TCOKT Account assignment categories for order
TCOP Field selection profile
TCOPS Field selection profile
TCOPSFI Ranges for Fields in Table TCOPS
TCOPT Description of Profile for Field Selection
TDUMMY Dummy structure of a table for READ with VERSION
TRUG Reason for variances in completion confirmations
TRUGT Text describing the reason for a variance in a confirmation
TXPR1 XPRA control - missing parts info system


SAP Package CO contains 42 views.

AFKO_LAUFN View: Leading order for order number for collective order
ARBPL_AFVC View 'Operation ID for Work Center'
AUFPL_BANF View: Requisition Numbers for AUFPL
CAUFV View 'Order Headers PP/CO'
H_T024F Help View for T024F
H_T437E View of Withdrawal Sequence Group
H_TCOF Missing Parts Info System: Profile Overview
H_TCOFF Missing Parts Info System: Fields Displayed
H_TCOFG Missing Parts Info System: Grouping Criteria
H_TCOFS Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria
H_TQ30 Helpview for type of check
ISCOMP View of RESB for Material Staging
M_AUKOG Generated View for Matchcode ID AUKO -G
M_ORDEC Generated view for matchcode ID ORDE -C
M_ORDED Generated view for matchcode ID order
M_ORDEF Generated view for matchcode ID order
M_ORDES Generated view for matchcode ID ORDE -S
M_ORDET Generated view for matchcode ID ORDE -T
M_ORDEU Generated view for matchcode ID ORDE -U
M_ORDNA View of leading order
M_PSFCK Generated view for matchcode ID PSFC-K
MARC_DISP View of MARC, MARA for Writing MRP Record
OPER_VIEW View of operations in an order
PLAF_LEAD Superior Planned Order in Collective Order
PPBICO040 Planned Orders for Later Stack Conversion
RESBDV Database View of RESB for Availability Check
RESBDVU Database View of RESB for Availability Check (UPDATE)
RESBL Database view of RESB set deletion indicator (update)
TCSUB_DYNPRO_TXT View for F4 Help in the Maintenance of V_TCSCR_FAUF_VG
V_AUKO Order with correspondign routing - independent of order type
V_COVS View of search help
V_T441C Profile - availability check
V_TCOFF Missing parts information system: Fields displayed
V_TCOFG Missing parts information system: Grouping criteria
V_TCOFS Missing parts information system: Sort criteria
VAFFHOBJNR Object Numbers for PRTs
VAFVCOBJNR View 'Object Numbers For Operation'
VAUF_RSNUM View: RSNUM for order
VJAUFK View 'Order on Status'
VRESBOBJNR View 'Object Number for Reservation'
VSAFKO View 'Selecting CIM Orders By Status'
VSVAUF_RSNUM View: RSNUM for order version


SAP Package CO contains 288 structures.

AAFAB Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AAFFH Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AAFFL Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AAFIH Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AAFKO Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AAFPO Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AAFVC Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AAFVU Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AAFVV Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AAUFK Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
ABBT Structure for int.table during partial conversion plan.order
AFABD Network: Dialog table for AFAB
AFDLD Order: Dialog Structure for Document Link
AFDLD_P Order: Dialog Structure for Document Link
AFDLD_SEARCH Order: Dialog Structure for Document Link
AFFH_INC PRT assignment data for the work order
AFFHD_P Production resources/tools for use in print reports
AFFHKEY Production Resource/Tool Key
AFFL_INC Work order sequence (Include structure)
AFFLB Order: Document table structure for AFFL
AFFLD Order: Dialog table for order sequences (AFFL)
AFFLD_P Order sequence for usage in print programs
AFFLDGET AFFLD structure with VBKZ
AFKO_INC Order header data PP orders
AFPO_CLEAR AFPOB fields, that are are intialized for orders with ref.
AFPO_INC Order item (Include structure)
AFPOB Document structure for order items
AFPOD Order item dialog structure
AFPOD_P Order item for use in print programs
AFPODGET Order Item Structure with Update Indicator
AFPODQ Order item structure
AFRUB Order: Confirmation structure for document table
AFRUD Dialog table for completion confirmations
AFVC_ACTIES Activity Types of the Operation
AFVG_CLEAR AFVGB fiels, that are initialised for orders with reference
AFVG_SCHED Field string: Fields relevant to scheduling
AFVGB Order: Operation structure for buffer table
AFVGD Order: Dialog table for Table AFVG (order operation)
AFVGD_P Operation for use in print programs
AFVGDGET Operation incl. update indicator
AFVGI General include structure of the operation data
AFVGM Help structure for processing sub-operations
AFVKI Include structure of the operation key
AFVUI Include structure of the user fields of the operation
AFVVI Include structure of the operation quantities/dates/values
AIHPA Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
AILOA Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AMLST Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AMLTX Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
ANPTX Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
APMSDO Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
APOFAUFKEY Various Keys for a Production Order
ARESB Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
ARSADD Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AUF_HUD Dialog structure for goods movement with HU
AUFNR_IDX Order number and reference index
AUFNR_VPR Structure for availability check for several orders
AUFPAR Structure for parameter order category - application depend.
AUFPL_PRE Table for PRE_READ of operations and sequences
AUFPLINF Internal Structure for AUFPL Temporary / Original
AUTAB Structure to set up order
BATCHSEL Customer Exit Interface: Batch Determination Select.Criteria
BDPIS Communication structure batch determination in PI sheet
BEDID_PRE Structure of transfer table for PRE_READ of KBED records
BFDOCUBATCH Documentation Batch - Fields for Confirmation
BUS_TRANS Structure for business operations
CAUFVD Dialog Structure for Order Headers and Items
CAUFVD_P Header structure for use in print programs
CAUFVDB Document table structure of the order header
CAUFVDGET CAUFVD structure with update indicator
CAUFVDQ Order header structure
CAUFVTAB Displays data base view CAUFV as an internal table
CAUV_CLEAR CAUFVD fields, that are initialised for order with ref.
CHG_PROT Structure of changes to buffer table records
CMIOBJCX2 Object Spec. for Error Analysis Coll.Conv. of Planned Orders
CMPCALCUPD Update structure material component from costing
CNCI_AUFK Key and Customer Field CI_AUFK
CO85D CIM: Dialog structure for print control
COACTMSG Message structure of PPSFCACT
COAFFLBINF Temporary field for document table for sequences
COAFPOBINF Temporary fields for orders item in document table
COAFPOINF Dialog data for the order item
COALV_PPBICO40 Structure for ALV for Report PPBICO40
COAPPLLOG_CONTEXT Context for Messages in Function Group COAPPLLOG
COAPPLLOG_CONTEXT_HDR Context for Messages in Function Group COAPPLLOG
COAPPLLOG_CONTEXT_MSG Context for Messages in Function Group COAPPLLOG
COAPPLLOG_EXTNUMBER Masks for External App. Log No. in Function Group COAPPLLOG
COAPPLLOG_FUNCT Planning functions for function interface
COAPPLLOG_SETUP Dialog structure for setup of application log selection
COARCH Archiving for Orders
COBANINF Requisition fields in material component document structure
COBAUTAB Control structure assembly
COBOPLPO Transfer structure operation in routing
COCAUFVINF Further data fields for order header
COCI_AFDLD Wrapper Customizing Include CI_AFDLD
COCI_AUFK AUFK-INCLUDE (customer specific fields for orders/networks)
CODOCINF Buffer tables - additional fields in order
COID_SEL_COL Order Information System: Selected Column
COID_SEL_ROW Order Information System: Selected Line
COINDEX Structure With Field Analogous to Sy-Tabix
COKTXINF Addit. information for mat. component in document structure
COMP_CUST Transfer structure for additional fields LCOSDFB1 cust.exit1
COMP_EXIT_EXP Data for component from comparison exit (export)
COMP_EXIT_IMP Data for a new component for check exit (import)
COMP_MAN Component: Structure for comparison of manually changed flds
CONFNR Configuration object number temporary/new
CONT_STRUC Relationship between temporary numbers and real numbers
COOPRINF Order: Additional dialog fields for AFVGF
COOPRTAB Operation structure within the component assignment
COPLPO Transfer Structure of Routing Operations to Order
COR_REWORK Reprocessing of Confirmations With Errors
CORESBINF CIM order: Additional dialog fields for RESB
CORUF Input/output fields for order confirmations
COSEQINF Order: Additional fields for dialog table AFFLD
COSFC_ACT Action box
COSFCACT Mass processing: Structure of selection fields
COTEXTCOPY Structure for physically copying texts
COUP_SORT_FIELDS Possible Sort Fields Collective Conversion of Planned Orders
COUPDINF Buffer tables - additional fields in order
COVBFLAG Update flag for PP orders
COWB_ACTIVITY Operation selection for goods movement
COWB_CC_KEY Key for collective confirmation
COWB_COMP Interface structure of goods movement
COWB_CTRL Control structure FB COWB
COWB_HEADER Header for goods movement FG COWB
COWB_KEY_STOCK Key fields for stock- and batch determination
COWB_MAT_DOC Material Document Fields for Display
COWB_MNG Quantity variables
COWB_MSG Messages variables
COWB_ORDER Order Header Data
COWB_SORT_FIELDS All possible sort fields
COWB_ZST Additional fields for control
COWFTREE Tree Control Structure in Function Group COWF
CUAFCODE Structure of the FCode field
DSFUNOCM Dialog Structure of Table FUNOCM
DYN_V_TJ49 Help structure for maintenance V_TJ49
EBAN_ORD_CUST Changeable purchase request flds with customer exit in order
EVPTD Dialog structure for trigger point
EXOP Structure for updating external processing
FABE Production order - Document history
FBEFU Production order item - inventory management view
FUNREQ_KEY Key for FUNREQ function preposting for PP / PS
HEAD20 SAPscript: Text Header
HEADER_CUST Structure for user exit PPCO0006
INDEX_FLAG Structure with index field and any indicator
ISCOMPD Data structure for RESB material staging
JCDO1 Reorg Structure Status Change Document Header for Object
JCDO2 Reorg structure status change document header for object
JCDO3 Reorg structure status change document header for object
JCDO4 Reorg structure status change document header for object
JCDS1 Reorg Status Change Document Single Record
JCDS2 Reorg status change single record
JCDS3 Reorg status change single record
JCDS4 Reorg status change single record
JEST2 Individual Status per Object
JEST3 Individual Status per Object
JEST4 Individual Status per Object
JSTO2 Status Object Information
JSTO3 Status Object Information
JSTO4 Status Object Information
LISTID_OFF Offsets for list IDs in T496D, T496T, T496DD
LTXT_KEY Key for reading long texts
MAFIELD Material structure for order progress report
MESSAGE_STRUCT Structure for copying a system message
MOPER Operation for production order - logical DB
NBAU_CTRL Control structure for collective order
NBAU_ORD Internal structure in multi-level production
OBFIELD Object structure for order progress report
OBJNR_STEU Structure wth object number and control key
OPER_MAN Operation: Structure for comparing manually changed fields
ORD_INDEX Structure for ref.order number - index in internal table
ORD_PRE Structure of transfer table for PRE_READ of orders
ORD_REOTAB Structure of Table With Selected Orders for Reorg
ORD_TAB Structure of converted planned orders
ORDCHG Order values that are updated on the sales document
ORDCHK_INF Structure when checking order changes
ORDER_STAGING Structure of transfer table for material staging
ORDERS Order structure of marked table entries for order progress
ORDINF_CU Info on orders for sales order item for SD/configuration
ORDLIST_SD Structure of orders assigned to a customer order
ORDPAR Transfer structure for FM external order processing
ORDPEX Transfer structure for funct.mod.ext.ord.proc.(enhancement)
ORDPRG Selection structure for order progress report
ORDSTA Transfer structure for FM external order status processing
ORDTYP_PRE Structure With Order (Network ext) Number and Category
P62ANBAU Utility NBAU process
P62NBAU Structure for setting up collective order
PLA_TAB Table of planned order numbers
PLNUM_PRE Structure for planned order pre-read
PPPRCOLORD Structure in SFC print: Collective order information
PPSFC_OBJECT_AFVGD_P_PDF Structure for operation AFVGD_P
PPSFC_OBJECT_AFVGD_P_S_PDF Structure for operation AFVGD_P
PPSFC_OBJECT_LTEXT_S_PDF Structure for longtexts
PPSFC_OBJECT_RESBD_P_PDF Structure for component RESBD_P
PPSFC_OBJECT_RESBD_P_S_PDF Structure for component RESBD_P
PPSFC_OBJECT_SUBOPR_PDF Structure for SubOperations
PPSFC_OBJECT_SUBOPR_S_PDF Structure for SubOperations
PPSFC_OBJECT_TDLINE_PDF Structure for long texts
PPSFC_OBJECT_TDLINE_S_PDF Structure for long texts
PRE_DEC Order: Structure of the table for preceding op. of an op.
PRINT_CO CIM order print: Structure of the print parameters of a list
PRSEL Dialog structure for entering selections for printing
PSFC_COMP Component information for PSFC layout sets
PSFC_DISP Help structure for display in production order
PSFC_FRAME Printing: Size and position for frame
PSFC_HEAD Header Information for PSFC Layout Sets
R62CLORD Control structure for collective order
RANGE_ARB Structure of a Range Table for Work Centers
RANGE_AUF Structure of a range table for order numbers
RANGE_DISP Structure of a Range Table for MRP Controllers
RANGE_FEV Structure of a Range Table for Production Schedulers
RANGE_KOMP Structure of a range table for order numbers
RANGE_LGO Structure of a range table for order numbers
RANGE_MAT Structure of a range table for order numbers
RANGE_PVB Structure of a Range Table for Supply Area
RANGE_SCHG Structure of a range table for scrap indicator
RC27T Text fields for popups in routings
RC62C Entries when copying order
RC62F Structure to set up PP order
RCLST_AFAB Access to RCLST Table
RCN11 Structure for tables of several networks
RCODOC Entry fields for order document display
RCOLP CIM order: Structure of phys. selection key in dialog table
RCOLS CIM order: Structure of sort key of dialog table
RCOSA EA structure for various selection screens (status)
RCOSU Structure to search for components/operations
RESB_CLEAR RESBD fields, that are initialised for orders with ref.
RESB_KEY Physical key for table RESB and object number
RESB_WM RESB view for WM material provision
RESBB Document table for order components
RESBC Copying Material Components
RESBCP Additional fields chemicals/pharma.
RESBD Reservation/Dependent requirements
RESBD_P Component structure for use in print reports
RESBDF Structure for variable filtering of RESBD fields
RESBDGET RESBD structure (material component) with update indicator
RESBDS Structure for variable sorting of RESBD fields
RESBK Structure with corresponds to KOMP_INT
RESBSV Structure view of RESB for availability check
RESBZD Additional Fields RESB for Missing Parts Management
RSDBB Buffer table structure RSDB
RSDBSTUFE Structure with RSDB and specification of level
RSNUM_PRE Table for PRE_READ of components
RULST Structure of dialog table for CIM confirmations
SAFRU Sib-operation confirmations - log. DB
SCROLLTAB Structure for table with dummy entries
SDCOUPD Structure for external update of sales document items
SDORD_PRE Read key for sales and distr. document
SEVPD Dialog structure for standard trigger point
SFC_CODRD Dialog structure for displaying the selected order in print
SFC_COMW Characteristics Attributes in PP
SFC_ITAB CIM order: Index table structure
SFC_ITKY Logical key of the index table
SFC_POCO List structure for collective conversion of planned orders
SFC_SEQCHG Dialog structure for swapping sequences
SFCITABINF Additional fields of ITAB which exceed the RCOLS
SFCMATDR Material master view in production order printing
SFCNBAUD Dialog structure for collective order overview
SFCTTL_ACT Operation-Related Standard Values
SKBED Capacity requirements for sub-operation - log. DB
SOPER Sub-operation for production order - log. DB
T003O_PP_STSMA Structure for Status Profile Display with Search Help
T496D_INC T496D Data Part
T496D_SUB Substructure for data per list in table T496T
T496DD CIM order: Dialog structure for maintaining T496D
T496DD_SUB Substructure of data per list in structure T496DD
T496T_SUB Substructure for data per list in table T496T
TBWART Table of movement types
TCOAOBF Selection str. for diplayed fields in order progress report
TEXTCOPY Structure for physically copying texts
TTL_ACTIV Tatal activity of an operation, calculated via formula
TYP_ORD_COPY Fields to be overwritten when creating by copying
TYP_PPSFC_PLNUM Creation of Batch Input Folders for CO40/COR8
TYP_SEQS Order Split (COOSP): Structure Category for Order Sequence
USR_AUFK User-Defined Fields of AUFK
VMNRPLANT Material master include for printing production orders
VSFHMINF Version information about production resources/tools


SAP Package CO contains 71 programs.

CN24NREPORT_SUB CN24N: Overall Network Scheduling
CN24NRESULT CN24N: Selection of Networks
CO_OCM_OBJECT_LISTH_MAP MiniApp order change process - initiating object
COWORKDISPATCH Dispatching of functional requests
COWORKDISPATCH_SCHEDULE Planning background processing of function requests
COWORKDISPATCHNEW Dispatching of Function Requests
GM_LIST Goods movement list
MMCOSA02 Value request: Display permitted user statuses
PP_ORDER_PROGRESS Order Progress Report
PPARCHP1 Production Order: Set Deletion Flag and Deletion Indicator
PPBICO40 Batch Conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders
PPBICOR8 Batch conversion of planned orders to production orders
PPCO85EI Setting of Print Control From User Perspective
PPCOALTC Exchangeable Operations
PPCOBOMR Read Bill of Material per Submit
PPCOCOMM Report to avoid timeout
PPCOFA00 Orders Acc. to Order Numbers
PPCOFA10 Orders for material
PPCOFA20 Orders for MRP Controller
PPCOFA30 Orders for Production Scheduler
PPCONBDP Order structure display in different roll area
PPCOVGEX External Check Routines for SAPLCOVG
PPCOWE00 Orders for Goods Receipt
PPCOXPR1 XPRA for Setting up a Missing Parts Index from the Table RESB
PPF4AART Order Types Allowed
PPF4POTY Order Types Allowed
PPF4SLID Order Types Allowed
PPFTINDC Creation of Missing Parts Index
PPKALKFI Report to fill table CKKALKSUBTAB from the production order
PPORPFSE View maintenance for order progress report - customizing
PPORPPLA Report to schedule the progress determination report
PPORPPRO Read logical database for projects
PPPRABAP PP print: Goods issue slip (ABAP report)
PPPRBSCM SE38 Screen Selection for Customizing PDC Transfer Frequency
PPPRBSEL Selection for Printing Orders in the Background
PPPRBTCH Printing Lists in Background
PPPRBTCM SE38 Screen Selection for Customizing PDC Transfer Frequency
PPPRBTCP Batch Printing Shop Floor Papers with Parallel Processing
PPPRFHML PP Print: PRT Overview
PPPRFHMS PP Print: Goods Issue Slip for PRTs
PPPRKANB Kanban Report
PPPRLAUF PP Print: Job Ticket
PPPRLOHN PP Print: Time Ticket
PPPRMBRL PP Print: Pick List
PPPROBJU PP Print: Object Overview
PPPRRUEC PP Print: Confirmation slip
PPPRSPLT PP Print: Operation Splits
PPPRSTEU PP Print: Operation Control Ticket
PPPRWARS PP Print: Goods Issue Slip
PPPRZUGL PP Print: Receipts List
PPSFCACT Mass Processing for Orders
PPSFCAJB SE38 Screen Selection for Customizing PDC Transfer Frequency
PR1_XPRA XPRA: Changes in production order print Customizing
PSFC_DOCLINK_DIST PPS Print: Document Distributions
PSFC_DOCLINK_LIST PP Print: Document Links
PSFC_DOCLINK_LIST_PDF PP Print: Document Links
PSFC_OBJECT_LIST PP Print: Object Overview
PSFC_OBJECT_LIST_PDF PP Print: Object Overview
PSFCCONF PP Print: Confirmation slip
PSFCGISS PP Print: Goods Issue Slip
PSFCGRCL PP Print: Receipts List
PSFCJOBT PP Print: Job Ticket
PSFCOBJL PP Print: Object list
PSFCOPCT PP Print: Operation Control Ticket
PSFCPICK PP Print: Pick List
PSFCPRTL PP Print: PRT Overview
PSFCSPLT PP Print: Operation Splits
PSFCTIME PP Print: Time Ticket
QAPR0001 Test Report: Print lists
SAPMCODC Change Documents for Order and Network
SELECT_OPERATION Selects operations. Is used by co_sf_select_operation.

Search Helps

SAP Package CO contains 26 search helps.

ADRS Operating Group Selection
AUKOG Networks created from original network (milestone function)
COUP_SORT Sort Profile for Collective Conversion of Planned Orders
COVS Versions for orders
H_T024F Help View for T024F
H_T399X Help View for Check Table T399X
H_T437E View of Withdrawal Sequence Group
H_TCOF Missing Parts Info System: Profile Overview
H_TCOFF Missing Parts Info System: Fields Displayed
H_TCOFG Missing Parts Info System: Grouping Criteria
H_TCOFS Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria
ORDEC Prod. Orders for the Source Order (Trigger Point Function)
ORDED Production Orders per MRP Scheduler
ORDEE Production orders using the info system
ORDEF Production Orders for the Production Scheduler
ORDER_T430 Control Key
ORDES Process orders for original order (trigger point function)
ORDET Process Orders for MRP Controller
ORDEU Process Orders for Production Scheduler
ORDN Matchcode - orders in collective order
ORDNA Matchcode for leading order of collective order
PSFC Matchcode object for production orders - sales order
PSFCK Orders for sales order
SH_TCO43 Production scheduling profile
SH_TQ30 Inspection type
TCSUB_DPID_SUBSCREENS Link Internal Screen Key with Short Text

Message Classes

SAP Package CO contains 10 message classes.

C= Messages aus Tabellenpflege Auftrag -> SAPLCOTA
C2 Weitere Nachrichten Fertigungsaufträge
C6 Messages PPS-Aufträge Service-Routinen
C8 Nachrichten zur Statusselektion
CO Meldungen PPS-Auftragsbearbeitung
COIB Nachrichten des Serialnummern-Zuordnungstools
COTU Nachrichten zur Teilumsetzung Plan- in Fertigungsauftrag
COWBHU HU Dialog für Fertigungsauftrag
GOODSMOVEMENT Meldungen zur PP-Warenbewegungen
RU Meldungen für Auftragsrückmeldung

Authorization Objects

SAP Package CO contains 10 authorization objects.

C_AFFW_DEL Authorization to delete incorrect goods mvts - not in use
C_AFKO_ATY CIM: Order category
C_AFKO_AWA CIM: Authorization for Prod.Order/Order Type/Plant/Activity
C_AFKO_AWK CIM: Plant for order type of order
C_AFKO_DEL Authorization to Delete Orders - Not in Use !!
K_KA_RC CO: Drill-down reporting - rows/columns (not up-to-date)
K_KA_RCS CO: Drill-down reporting - line-/column structures
K_KA_REP CO: Drill-down reporting - Reporting (not up-to-date)
K_KA_RPT CO: Interactive Drilldown Reporting - Reports
K_KC_PRP EC-EIS: Presentation authorizations (report names)