Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package CO (R/3 Application development: PP Production orders) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CO |
Short Text | R/3 Application development: PP Production orders |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CO contains 101 function groups.
C0GD | Date help for factory calendar |
CK02 | PPC posting rules |
CK03 | Cost check routines in PPC |
CO00 | Order: Global modules |
CO01 | Main functions in PPC orders |
CO03 | Reset time slice in SAP System |
CO61 | Common access: Pln/prod. order processg |
CO99 | Read order for external applications |
COA0 | Control function group PP order reorg. |
COAB | Order Progress Report |
COAF | Network-like functions in SFC order |
COAH | Function group arch.class order header |
COAM | Function group arch.class components |
COAO | Function group arch.class operations |
COAPPLLOG | Workbench interface application log |
COAR | PP Tools for archiving |
COB1 | Rolled out COBH functions |
COBC | Document table: Components |
COBD | Extension to functions COBC (4.5 only) |
COBH | Document table: Headers and items |
COBI | Management of order items |
COBO | Document table: Operations and sequences |
COBP | Read accesses for operation/sequences |
COBPO | Document table planned order |
COBS | Buffer table for sequences |
COBT | CIM: Order document table processing |
COCE | CO conversion exit |
COCL | Classification orders/networks |
COCO | Create order with reference |
COCOM | Common functions |
COCOM10 | General functions for production orders |
COCOPY | Create prod.ord/network using defaults |
COCOST | Functions which refer to costs |
COCP | Common functions routings/orders |
COCU | CIM order: Set and confirm CUA status |
CODB | Production order: Database accesses |
CODC | CHDO ORDER => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
CODD | Prod. Orders: Display Document Links |
CODI | CIM order: Functions on dialog tables |
CODM | Prod.Orders: Document Link Management |
CODR | Print shop floor papers |
CODS | Detail screens for order sequences |
CODT | Production order: Dialog tables |
COEX | External data selection - reservations |
COEXOP | Functions for external processing |
COEXT | External calls production order |
COF4 | Help views for orders |
COFS | Variable filter and sort |
COFUNREQ | Management of prepostings |
COIB | Assignment of Serialized Materials |
COIK | Structure of index table key |
COIT | CIM order: Index table processing |
COIW | Further ITAB functions in the order |
COKO | Production orders header screens |
COKO1 | Copy of SAPLCOKO |
COLA | Read operations for log. databases |
COLC | Read components for log. databases |
COMC | Matchcode-display for production ord. |
COMD | Detail screens: Material components |
COMES | Output logs/messages |
COMF | CIM order: Field modifications |
COMK | CIM order: Material components |
COMP | Pop-ups for mat. component allocations |
CONB | Routine of NBAU processing |
COOB | Object number routines in PP |
COOI | Production order: Order item |
COPRINT | Print production orders |
COPU | Modal dialog box |
COQM | Create inspection lot from order |
CORE | Order reorganization functions |
CORO | Reorganisation of PP orders |
CORR | Read routing |
COS1 | Service Routines for the Order Header |
COS2 | Service Routines for Order Operations |
COS3 | Service Routines for Order Components |
COSB | General status selection |
COSC | Scroll functions - general |
COSD | Transfer of master data to order |
COSF | Service routines for orders |
COST | Status changes - order |
COTA | Production order: ATAB accesses |
COTX | Production order: Word processing |
COUP | Convert planned order |
COVB | Production order: Posting |
COVC | Operation check modules |
COVF | CIM order: Detail screens |
COVG | Prod. orders: Lists for ops. and seqs. |
COVP | Update header from order |
COW1 | Production Order Employee Workplace |
COWB | Function group of goods movements |
COWB_PROC | Goods Movement Processes & Functions |
COWBHU | Dialog HU Processing Production Order |
COWF | Workflows |
COZA | Availability checks PP |
COZA1 | Display result of availability check |
COZF | Production order: Central functions |
COZK | Object text keys |
COZP | Central dialog boxes (delete, exit etc.) |
COZR | Release functions for orders |
COZV | Central posting routines |
PPCA | CATT functions for the PP area |
SAP Package CO contains 51 transactions.
CB85 | Maintain print control process order |
CMNK | Nummernkreispflege: COMPNUM |
CN65 | Change documents order /network |
CO00 | |
CO01 | Create production order |
CO01S | Adding simulation order |
CO02 | Change Production Order |
CO02S | Change simulation order |
CO03 | Display Production Order |
CO03S | Display simulation order |
CO04 | Print Production Orders |
CO05 | Collective Release of Prod. Orders |
CO07 | Create order without a material |
CO08 | Production order with sales order |
CO10 | Production order with project |
CO20 | Orders acc. to Order Numbers |
CO21 | Orders for Material |
CO22 | Orders for the MRP controller |
CO23 | Orders for the production scheduler |
CO30 | Standard trigger points |
CO40 | Converting Planned Order |
CO41 | Coll. Conversion of Planned Orders |
CO44 | Mass processing of orders |
CO46 | Order progress report |
CO48 | Conv.plan.ord.to prod.ord.part.redct |
CO78 | Archiving orders |
CO80 | Number range maintenance: AUF_RUECK |
CO81 | Number assignment: routing to order |
CO82 | Number ranges for orders |
CO83 | Number range maintenance: RESB |
COA1 | PP: Archiving orders - preparation |
COA2 | PP: Archiving orders |
COA3 | PP: Archiving orders - retrieval |
COA4 | PP: Archiving order - administration |
COA9 | PP: Archiving delete orders |
COF4 | Maintain filter profs.for proc.order |
COMP | Customizing Missing Parts Info Syst. |
COPAWA | Pack components for order |
CORU | Maintain prod. scheduler group |
COS4 | Sort profiles - maintain proc. order |
COSS | Transport of C Tables |
COTB | Transport table contents SFC |
COTF | Comm. File Missing Parts Info System |
COW1 | Production Order Workplace |
COWBHUWA | GI HU for Production Order |
COWF1 | Task Customizing (Production Order) |
CQ85 | Maintain prt control for insp. order |
MB26 | Picking list |
OPKR | Print flag |
OPSG | Order change management profile |
S_ALR_87099943 | Dispatching of function requests |
SAP Package CO contains 73 database tables.
AFBP | CIM order: Batch print requests |
AFFL | Work order sequence |
AFKO | Order header data PP orders |
AFPO | Order item |
AFSPOPR | Split Operations in an Order Split |
AFSPREL | Relation Between Orders in an Order Split |
AFVC | Operation within an order |
AFVU | DB structure of the user fields of the operation |
AFVV | DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation |
DRAD_PORDER | Attributes for Links: Document to Production Order |
FAPW | Index of production-/issuing plant for production order |
FTIND | Missing parts index |
ORDCOM | Communication control Operation download |
ORDLY | Table of delays for production order |
T024F | Production scheduler |
T399X | Parameters dependent on order type |
T441C | Profile - availability check |
T441CT | Texts for Profile 'Display Availability Check' |
T490 | Transactions PP - orders - order category |
T496B | CIM order: Assigning document types to reference doc. types |
T496D | CIM: Destination/lists/spool parameters per user/plant |
T496F | CIM order: Form description of the list |
T496K | CIM order: Entity table of possible table identifiers |
T496N | CIM order: List descriptions |
T496P | Print PP documents: Determination of output device |
T496R | Print PP shop papers: Report control |
T496T | Print PP shop papers: Transaction control |
T496V | PP Print: Default Value for Printing Online or Background |
T496Z | CIM order: Table-controlled table access |
TC32 | Assigning subscreen to processing location |
TC34 | Allocating operation to object type for the check routine |
TC62 | Sequence of detail screens when processing header externally |
TCO01 | Sequence/operations control in logicstics orders |
TCO03 | CIM order: Texts for TCO01, Description of order categories |
TCO04 | Table for controlling the screen sequence group |
TCO05 | CUA status depending on panel, trans. type, funct. type etc. |
TCO06 | Exclusive functions for PP orders |
TCO09 | CIM order: Text IDs of objects in orders |
TCO10 | Valuation variant for order costing |
TCO11 | Control table for production orders - availability check |
TCO12 | Control table production orders - stock determination |
TCO36 | PP orders: Control table for calling up pop-up windows |
TCO41 | CIM order: Default values for generating operations |
TCO43 | PP-SFC order profile |
TCO43T | Description of production scheduler profile |
TCO60 | Sequence keys for input facility and verification |
TCO61 | Sequence key for PP orders |
TCO62 | Defining screen sequences for input facility and verificatn. |
TCO63 | Sequence of detail screens when maintaining components |
TCOAF | Profile order progress report |
TCOAFT | Texts for order progress report |
TCOAOB | Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objects |
TCOAOBT | Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objs (Text) |
TCODB | Database fields development class CO per order category |
TCOF | Profile for missing parts info system |
TCOFF | Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed Fields |
TCOFFT | Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed Fields |
TCOFG | Profile for missing parts info system: criteria for grouping |
TCOFGT | Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Criteria for Grouping |
TCOFK | Texts for functions in milestones/trigger points |
TCOFS | Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria |
TCOFST | Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria |
TCOFT | Texts for Missing Parts Info System |
TCOKO | Constants for PP orders |
TCOKT | Account assignment categories for order |
TCOP | Field selection profile |
TCOPS | Field selection profile |
TCOPSFI | Ranges for Fields in Table TCOPS |
TCOPT | Description of Profile for Field Selection |
TDUMMY | Dummy structure of a table for READ with VERSION |
TRUG | Reason for variances in completion confirmations |
TRUGT | Text describing the reason for a variance in a confirmation |
TXPR1 | XPRA control - missing parts info system |
SAP Package CO contains 42 views.
AFKO_LAUFN | View: Leading order for order number for collective order |
ARBPL_AFVC | View 'Operation ID for Work Center' |
AUFPL_BANF | View: Requisition Numbers for AUFPL |
CAUFV | View 'Order Headers PP/CO' |
H_T024F | Help View for T024F |
H_T437E | View of Withdrawal Sequence Group |
H_TCOF | Missing Parts Info System: Profile Overview |
H_TCOFF | Missing Parts Info System: Fields Displayed |
H_TCOFG | Missing Parts Info System: Grouping Criteria |
H_TCOFS | Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria |
H_TQ30 | Helpview for type of check |
ISCOMP | View of RESB for Material Staging |
M_AUKOG | Generated View for Matchcode ID AUKO -G |
M_ORDEC | Generated view for matchcode ID ORDE -C |
M_ORDED | Generated view for matchcode ID order |
M_ORDEF | Generated view for matchcode ID order |
M_ORDES | Generated view for matchcode ID ORDE -S |
M_ORDET | Generated view for matchcode ID ORDE -T |
M_ORDEU | Generated view for matchcode ID ORDE -U |
M_ORDNA | View of leading order |
M_PSFCK | Generated view for matchcode ID PSFC-K |
MARC_DISP | View of MARC, MARA for Writing MRP Record |
OPER_VIEW | View of operations in an order |
PLAF_LEAD | Superior Planned Order in Collective Order |
PPBICO040 | Planned Orders for Later Stack Conversion |
RESBDV | Database View of RESB for Availability Check |
RESBDVU | Database View of RESB for Availability Check (UPDATE) |
RESBL | Database view of RESB set deletion indicator (update) |
TCSUB_DYNPRO_TXT | View for F4 Help in the Maintenance of V_TCSCR_FAUF_VG |
V_AUKO | Order with correspondign routing - independent of order type |
V_COVS | View of search help |
V_T441C | Profile - availability check |
V_TCOFF | Missing parts information system: Fields displayed |
V_TCOFG | Missing parts information system: Grouping criteria |
V_TCOFS | Missing parts information system: Sort criteria |
VAFFHOBJNR | Object Numbers for PRTs |
VAFVCOBJNR | View 'Object Numbers For Operation' |
VAUF_RSNUM | View: RSNUM for order |
VJAUFK | View 'Order on Status' |
VRESBOBJNR | View 'Object Number for Reservation' |
VSAFKO | View 'Selecting CIM Orders By Status' |
VSVAUF_RSNUM | View: RSNUM for order version |
SAP Package CO contains 288 structures.
AAFAB | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AAFFH | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AAFFL | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AAFIH | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AAFKO | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AAFPO | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AAFVC | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AAFVU | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AAFVV | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AAUFK | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
ABBT | Structure for int.table during partial conversion plan.order |
AFABD | Network: Dialog table for AFAB |
AFDLD | Order: Dialog Structure for Document Link |
AFDLD_P | Order: Dialog Structure for Document Link |
AFDLD_SEARCH | Order: Dialog Structure for Document Link |
AFFH_INC | PRT assignment data for the work order |
AFFHD_P | Production resources/tools for use in print reports |
AFFHKEY | Production Resource/Tool Key |
AFFL_INC | Work order sequence (Include structure) |
AFFLB | Order: Document table structure for AFFL |
AFFLD | Order: Dialog table for order sequences (AFFL) |
AFFLD_P | Order sequence for usage in print programs |
AFFLDGET | AFFLD structure with VBKZ |
AFFW_SORT_FIELDS | Sort Fields for AFFW |
AFKO_INC | Order header data PP orders |
AFPO_CLEAR | AFPOB fields, that are are intialized for orders with ref. |
AFPO_INC | Order item (Include structure) |
AFPOB | Document structure for order items |
AFPOD | Order item dialog structure |
AFPOD_P | Order item for use in print programs |
AFPODGET | Order Item Structure with Update Indicator |
AFPODQ | Order item structure |
AFRUB | Order: Confirmation structure for document table |
AFRUD | Dialog table for completion confirmations |
AFVC_ACTIES | Activity Types of the Operation |
AFVG_CLEAR | AFVGB fiels, that are initialised for orders with reference |
AFVG_SCHED | Field string: Fields relevant to scheduling |
AFVGB | Order: Operation structure for buffer table |
AFVGD | Order: Dialog table for Table AFVG (order operation) |
AFVGD_P | Operation for use in print programs |
AFVGDGET | Operation incl. update indicator |
AFVGI | General include structure of the operation data |
AFVGM | Help structure for processing sub-operations |
AFVKI | Include structure of the operation key |
AFVUI | Include structure of the user fields of the operation |
AFVVI | Include structure of the operation quantities/dates/values |
AIHPA | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
AILOA | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AMLST | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AMLTX | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
ANPTX | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
APMSDO | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
APOFAUFKEY | Various Keys for a Production Order |
ARESB | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
ARSADD | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
AUF_HUD | Dialog structure for goods movement with HU |
AUFNR_IDX | Order number and reference index |
AUFNR_VPR | Structure for availability check for several orders |
AUFPAR | Structure for parameter order category - application depend. |
AUFPL_PRE | Table for PRE_READ of operations and sequences |
AUFPLINF | Internal Structure for AUFPL Temporary / Original |
AUTAB | Structure to set up order |
BATCHSEL | Customer Exit Interface: Batch Determination Select.Criteria |
BDPIS | Communication structure batch determination in PI sheet |
BEDID_PRE | Structure of transfer table for PRE_READ of KBED records |
BFDOCUBATCH | Documentation Batch - Fields for Confirmation |
BUS_TRANS | Structure for business operations |
CAUFVD | Dialog Structure for Order Headers and Items |
CAUFVD_P | Header structure for use in print programs |
CAUFVDB | Document table structure of the order header |
CAUFVDGET | CAUFVD structure with update indicator |
CAUFVDQ | Order header structure |
CAUFVTAB | Displays data base view CAUFV as an internal table |
CAUV_CLEAR | CAUFVD fields, that are initialised for order with ref. |
CHG_PROT | Structure of changes to buffer table records |
CMIOBJCX2 | Object Spec. for Error Analysis Coll.Conv. of Planned Orders |
CMPCALCUPD | Update structure material component from costing |
CNCI_AUFK | Key and Customer Field CI_AUFK |
CO85D | CIM: Dialog structure for print control |
COACTMSG | Message structure of PPSFCACT |
COAFFLBINF | Temporary field for document table for sequences |
COAFPOBINF | Temporary fields for orders item in document table |
COAFPOINF | Dialog data for the order item |
COALV_PPBICO40 | Structure for ALV for Report PPBICO40 |
COALV_PPPRBTC | Structure for Report PPPRBTCH and PPPRBTP |
COAPPLLOG_CONTEXT | Context for Messages in Function Group COAPPLLOG |
COAPPLLOG_CONTEXT_HDR | Context for Messages in Function Group COAPPLLOG |
COAPPLLOG_CONTEXT_MSG | Context for Messages in Function Group COAPPLLOG |
COAPPLLOG_EXTNUMBER | Masks for External App. Log No. in Function Group COAPPLLOG |
COAPPLLOG_FUNCT | Planning functions for function interface |
COAPPLLOG_SETUP | Dialog structure for setup of application log selection |
COARCH | Archiving for Orders |
COBANINF | Requisition fields in material component document structure |
COBAUTAB | Control structure assembly |
COBOPLPO | Transfer structure operation in routing |
COCAUFVINF | Further data fields for order header |
COCI_AFDLD | Wrapper Customizing Include CI_AFDLD |
COCI_AUFK | AUFK-INCLUDE (customer specific fields for orders/networks) |
CODOCINF | Buffer tables - additional fields in order |
COID_SEL_COL | Order Information System: Selected Column |
COID_SEL_ROW | Order Information System: Selected Line |
COINDEX | Structure With Field Analogous to Sy-Tabix |
COKTXINF | Addit. information for mat. component in document structure |
COMP_CUST | Transfer structure for additional fields LCOSDFB1 cust.exit1 |
COMP_EXIT_EXP | Data for component from comparison exit (export) |
COMP_EXIT_IMP | Data for a new component for check exit (import) |
COMP_MAN | Component: Structure for comparison of manually changed flds |
CONFNR | Configuration object number temporary/new |
CONT_STRUC | Relationship between temporary numbers and real numbers |
COOPRINF | Order: Additional dialog fields for AFVGF |
COOPRTAB | Operation structure within the component assignment |
COPLPO | Transfer Structure of Routing Operations to Order |
COR_REWORK | Reprocessing of Confirmations With Errors |
CORESBINF | CIM order: Additional dialog fields for RESB |
CORUF | Input/output fields for order confirmations |
COSEQINF | Order: Additional fields for dialog table AFFLD |
COSFC_ACT | Action box |
COSFCACT | Mass processing: Structure of selection fields |
COTEXTCOPY | Structure for physically copying texts |
COUP_SORT_FIELDS | Possible Sort Fields Collective Conversion of Planned Orders |
COUPDINF | Buffer tables - additional fields in order |
COVBFLAG | Update flag for PP orders |
COWB_ACTIVITY | Operation selection for goods movement |
COWB_CC_KEY | Key for collective confirmation |
COWB_COMP | Interface structure of goods movement |
COWB_CTRL | Control structure FB COWB |
COWB_FILTER_FIELDS | Filter fields |
COWB_HEADER | Header for goods movement FG COWB |
COWB_KEY_STOCK | Key fields for stock- and batch determination |
COWB_MAT_DOC | Material Document Fields for Display |
COWB_MNG | Quantity variables |
COWB_MSG | Messages variables |
COWB_ORDER | Order Header Data |
COWB_SORT_FIELDS | All possible sort fields |
COWB_ZST | Additional fields for control |
COWFTREE | Tree Control Structure in Function Group COWF |
CUAFCODE | Structure of the FCode field |
DRAD_PORDER_BOM_INC | BOM Info for Document Links PORDER |
DSFUNOCM | Dialog Structure of Table FUNOCM |
DYN_V_TJ49 | Help structure for maintenance V_TJ49 |
EBAN_ORD_CUST | Changeable purchase request flds with customer exit in order |
EVPTD | Dialog structure for trigger point |
EXOP | Structure for updating external processing |
FABE | Production order - Document history |
FBEFU | Production order item - inventory management view |
FUNREQ_KEY | Key for FUNREQ function preposting for PP / PS |
HEAD20 | SAPscript: Text Header |
HEADER_CUST | Structure for user exit PPCO0006 |
INDEX_FLAG | Structure with index field and any indicator |
ISCOMPD | Data structure for RESB material staging |
JCDO1 | Reorg Structure Status Change Document Header for Object |
JCDO2 | Reorg structure status change document header for object |
JCDO3 | Reorg structure status change document header for object |
JCDO4 | Reorg structure status change document header for object |
JCDS1 | Reorg Status Change Document Single Record |
JCDS2 | Reorg status change single record |
JCDS3 | Reorg status change single record |
JCDS4 | Reorg status change single record |
JEST2 | Individual Status per Object |
JEST3 | Individual Status per Object |
JEST4 | Individual Status per Object |
JSTO2 | Status Object Information |
JSTO3 | Status Object Information |
JSTO4 | Status Object Information |
LISTID_OFF | Offsets for list IDs in T496D, T496T, T496DD |
LTXT_KEY | Key for reading long texts |
MAFIELD | Material structure for order progress report |
MESSAGE_STRUCT | Structure for copying a system message |
MOPER | Operation for production order - logical DB |
NBAU_CTRL | Control structure for collective order |
NBAU_ORD | Internal structure in multi-level production |
OBFIELD | Object structure for order progress report |
OBJNR_STEU | Structure wth object number and control key |
OPER_MAN | Operation: Structure for comparing manually changed fields |
ORD_INDEX | Structure for ref.order number - index in internal table |
ORD_PRE | Structure of transfer table for PRE_READ of orders |
ORD_REOTAB | Structure of Table With Selected Orders for Reorg |
ORD_TAB | Structure of converted planned orders |
ORDCHG | Order values that are updated on the sales document |
ORDCHK_INF | Structure when checking order changes |
ORDER_STAGING | Structure of transfer table for material staging |
ORDERS | Order structure of marked table entries for order progress |
ORDINF_CU | Info on orders for sales order item for SD/configuration |
ORDLIST_SD | Structure of orders assigned to a customer order |
ORDPAR | Transfer structure for FM external order processing |
ORDPEX | Transfer structure for funct.mod.ext.ord.proc.(enhancement) |
ORDPRG | Selection structure for order progress report |
ORDSTA | Transfer structure for FM external order status processing |
ORDTYP_PRE | Structure With Order (Network ext) Number and Category |
P62ANBAU | Utility NBAU process |
P62NBAU | Structure for setting up collective order |
PLA_TAB | Table of planned order numbers |
PLNUM_PRE | Structure for planned order pre-read |
PPPRCOLORD | Structure in SFC print: Collective order information |
PPSFC_OBJECT_AFFLD_P_PDF | Print structure for AFFLD_P |
PPSFC_OBJECT_AFFLD_P_S_PDF | Print structure for AFFLD_P |
PPSFC_OBJECT_AFVGD_P_PDF | Structure for operation AFVGD_P |
PPSFC_OBJECT_AFVGD_P_S_PDF | Structure for operation AFVGD_P |
PPSFC_OBJECT_LTEXT_S_PDF | Structure for longtexts |
PPSFC_OBJECT_RESBD_P_PDF | Structure for component RESBD_P |
PPSFC_OBJECT_RESBD_P_S_PDF | Structure for component RESBD_P |
PPSFC_OBJECT_SUBOPR_PDF | Structure for SubOperations |
PPSFC_OBJECT_SUBOPR_S_PDF | Structure for SubOperations |
PPSFC_OBJECT_TDLINE_PDF | Structure for long texts |
PPSFC_OBJECT_TDLINE_S_PDF | Structure for long texts |
PRE_DEC | Order: Structure of the table for preceding op. of an op. |
PRINT_CO | CIM order print: Structure of the print parameters of a list |
PRSEL | Dialog structure for entering selections for printing |
PSFC_COMP | Component information for PSFC layout sets |
PSFC_DISP | Help structure for display in production order |
PSFC_FRAME | Printing: Size and position for frame |
PSFC_HEAD | Header Information for PSFC Layout Sets |
R62CLORD | Control structure for collective order |
RANGE_ARB | Structure of a Range Table for Work Centers |
RANGE_AUF | Structure of a range table for order numbers |
RANGE_DISP | Structure of a Range Table for MRP Controllers |
RANGE_FEV | Structure of a Range Table for Production Schedulers |
RANGE_KOMP | Structure of a range table for order numbers |
RANGE_LGO | Structure of a range table for order numbers |
RANGE_MAT | Structure of a range table for order numbers |
RANGE_PVB | Structure of a Range Table for Supply Area |
RANGE_SCHG | Structure of a range table for scrap indicator |
RC27T | Text fields for popups in routings |
RC62C | Entries when copying order |
RC62F | Structure to set up PP order |
RCLST_AFAB | Access to RCLST Table |
RCN11 | Structure for tables of several networks |
RCODOC | Entry fields for order document display |
RCOLP | CIM order: Structure of phys. selection key in dialog table |
RCOLS | CIM order: Structure of sort key of dialog table |
RCOSA | EA structure for various selection screens (status) |
RCOSU | Structure to search for components/operations |
RESB_CLEAR | RESBD fields, that are initialised for orders with ref. |
RESB_KEY | Physical key for table RESB and object number |
RESB_WM | RESB view for WM material provision |
RESBB | Document table for order components |
RESBC | Copying Material Components |
RESBCP | Additional fields chemicals/pharma. |
RESBD | Reservation/Dependent requirements |
RESBD_P | Component structure for use in print reports |
RESBDF | Structure for variable filtering of RESBD fields |
RESBDGET | RESBD structure (material component) with update indicator |
RESBDS | Structure for variable sorting of RESBD fields |
RESBK | Structure with corresponds to KOMP_INT |
RESBSV | Structure view of RESB for availability check |
RESBZD | Additional Fields RESB for Missing Parts Management |
RSDBB | Buffer table structure RSDB |
RSDBSTUFE | Structure with RSDB and specification of level |
RSNUM_PRE | Table for PRE_READ of components |
RULST | Structure of dialog table for CIM confirmations |
SAFRU | Sib-operation confirmations - log. DB |
SCROLLTAB | Structure for table with dummy entries |
SDCOUPD | Structure for external update of sales document items |
SDORD_PRE | Read key for sales and distr. document |
SEVPD | Dialog structure for standard trigger point |
SFC_CODRD | Dialog structure for displaying the selected order in print |
SFC_COMW | Characteristics Attributes in PP |
SFC_ITAB | CIM order: Index table structure |
SFC_ITKY | Logical key of the index table |
SFC_POCO | List structure for collective conversion of planned orders |
SFC_SEQCHG | Dialog structure for swapping sequences |
SFCITABINF | Additional fields of ITAB which exceed the RCOLS |
SFCMATDR | Material master view in production order printing |
SFCNBAUD | Dialog structure for collective order overview |
SFCTTL_ACT | Operation-Related Standard Values |
SKBED | Capacity requirements for sub-operation - log. DB |
SOPER | Sub-operation for production order - log. DB |
T003O_PP_STSMA | Structure for Status Profile Display with Search Help |
T496D_INC | T496D Data Part |
T496D_SUB | Substructure for data per list in table T496T |
T496DD | CIM order: Dialog structure for maintaining T496D |
T496DD_SUB | Substructure of data per list in structure T496DD |
T496T_SUB | Substructure for data per list in table T496T |
TBWART | Table of movement types |
TCOAOBF | Selection str. for diplayed fields in order progress report |
TEXTCOPY | Structure for physically copying texts |
TTL_ACTIV | Tatal activity of an operation, calculated via formula |
TYP_ORD_COPY | Fields to be overwritten when creating by copying |
TYP_PPSFC_PLNUM | Creation of Batch Input Folders for CO40/COR8 |
TYP_SEQS | Order Split (COOSP): Structure Category for Order Sequence |
USR_AUFK | User-Defined Fields of AUFK |
VMNRPLANT | Material master include for printing production orders |
VSFHMINF | Version information about production resources/tools |
SAP Package CO contains 71 programs.
CN24NREPORT_SUB | CN24N: Overall Network Scheduling |
CN24NRESULT | CN24N: Selection of Networks |
CO_OCM_OBJECT_LISTH_MAP | MiniApp order change process - initiating object |
COWORKDISPATCH | Dispatching of functional requests |
COWORKDISPATCH_SCHEDULE | Planning background processing of function requests |
COWORKDISPATCHNEW | Dispatching of Function Requests |
GM_LIST | Goods movement list |
MMCOSA02 | Value request: Display permitted user statuses |
PP_ORDER_PROGRESS | Order Progress Report |
PPARCHP1 | Production Order: Set Deletion Flag and Deletion Indicator |
PPBICO40 | Batch Conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders |
PPBICOR8 | Batch conversion of planned orders to production orders |
PPCO85EI | Setting of Print Control From User Perspective |
PPCOALTC | Exchangeable Operations |
PPCOBOMR | Read Bill of Material per Submit |
PPCOCOMM | Report to avoid timeout |
PPCOFA00 | Orders Acc. to Order Numbers |
PPCOFA10 | Orders for material |
PPCOFA20 | Orders for MRP Controller |
PPCOFA30 | Orders for Production Scheduler |
PPCONBDP | Order structure display in different roll area |
PPCOVGEX | External Check Routines for SAPLCOVG |
PPCOWE00 | Orders for Goods Receipt |
PPCOXPR1 | XPRA for Setting up a Missing Parts Index from the Table RESB |
PPF4AART | Order Types Allowed |
PPF4POTY | Order Types Allowed |
PPF4SLID | Order Types Allowed |
PPFTINDC | Creation of Missing Parts Index |
PPKALKFI | Report to fill table CKKALKSUBTAB from the production order |
PPORPFSE | View maintenance for order progress report - customizing |
PPORPPLA | Report to schedule the progress determination report |
PPORPPRO | Read logical database for projects |
PPPRABAP | PP print: Goods issue slip (ABAP report) |
PPPRBSCM | SE38 Screen Selection for Customizing PDC Transfer Frequency |
PPPRBSEL | Selection for Printing Orders in the Background |
PPPRBTCH | Printing Lists in Background |
PPPRBTCM | SE38 Screen Selection for Customizing PDC Transfer Frequency |
PPPRBTCP | Batch Printing Shop Floor Papers with Parallel Processing |
PPPRFHML | PP Print: PRT Overview |
PPPRFHMS | PP Print: Goods Issue Slip for PRTs |
PPPRKANB | Kanban Report |
PPPRLAUF | PP Print: Job Ticket |
PPPRLOHN | PP Print: Time Ticket |
PPPRMBRL | PP Print: Pick List |
PPPROBJU | PP Print: Object Overview |
PPPRRUEC | PP Print: Confirmation slip |
PPPRSPLT | PP Print: Operation Splits |
PPPRSTEU | PP Print: Operation Control Ticket |
PPPRWARS | PP Print: Goods Issue Slip |
PPPRZUGL | PP Print: Receipts List |
PPSFCACT | Mass Processing for Orders |
PPSFCAJB | SE38 Screen Selection for Customizing PDC Transfer Frequency |
PR1_XPRA | XPRA: Changes in production order print Customizing |
PSFC_DOCLINK_DIST | PPS Print: Document Distributions |
PSFC_DOCLINK_LIST | PP Print: Document Links |
PSFC_DOCLINK_LIST_PDF | PP Print: Document Links |
PSFC_OBJECT_LIST | PP Print: Object Overview |
PSFC_OBJECT_LIST_PDF | PP Print: Object Overview |
PSFCCONF | PP Print: Confirmation slip |
PSFCGISS | PP Print: Goods Issue Slip |
PSFCGRCL | PP Print: Receipts List |
PSFCJOBT | PP Print: Job Ticket |
PSFCOBJL | PP Print: Object list |
PSFCOPCT | PP Print: Operation Control Ticket |
PSFCPICK | PP Print: Pick List |
PSFCPRTL | PP Print: PRT Overview |
PSFCSPLT | PP Print: Operation Splits |
PSFCTIME | PP Print: Time Ticket |
QAPR0001 | Test Report: Print lists |
SAPMCODC | Change Documents for Order and Network |
SELECT_OPERATION | Selects operations. Is used by co_sf_select_operation. |
SAP Package CO contains 26 search helps.
ADRS | Operating Group Selection |
AUKOG | Networks created from original network (milestone function) |
COUP_SORT | Sort Profile for Collective Conversion of Planned Orders |
COVS | Versions for orders |
H_T024F | Help View for T024F |
H_T399X | Help View for Check Table T399X |
H_T437E | View of Withdrawal Sequence Group |
H_TCOF | Missing Parts Info System: Profile Overview |
H_TCOFF | Missing Parts Info System: Fields Displayed |
H_TCOFG | Missing Parts Info System: Grouping Criteria |
H_TCOFS | Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria |
ORDEC | Prod. Orders for the Source Order (Trigger Point Function) |
ORDED | Production Orders per MRP Scheduler |
ORDEE | Production orders using the info system |
ORDEF | Production Orders for the Production Scheduler |
ORDER_T430 | Control Key |
ORDES | Process orders for original order (trigger point function) |
ORDET | Process Orders for MRP Controller |
ORDEU | Process Orders for Production Scheduler |
ORDN | Matchcode - orders in collective order |
ORDNA | Matchcode for leading order of collective order |
PSFC | Matchcode object for production orders - sales order |
PSFCK | Orders for sales order |
SH_TCO43 | Production scheduling profile |
SH_TQ30 | Inspection type |
TCSUB_DPID_SUBSCREENS | Link Internal Screen Key with Short Text |
SAP Package CO contains 10 message classes.
C= | Messages aus Tabellenpflege Auftrag -> SAPLCOTA |
C2 | Weitere Nachrichten Fertigungsaufträge |
C6 | Messages PPS-Aufträge Service-Routinen |
C8 | Nachrichten zur Statusselektion |
CO | Meldungen PPS-Auftragsbearbeitung |
COIB | Nachrichten des Serialnummern-Zuordnungstools |
COTU | Nachrichten zur Teilumsetzung Plan- in Fertigungsauftrag |
COWBHU | HU Dialog für Fertigungsauftrag |
GOODSMOVEMENT | Meldungen zur PP-Warenbewegungen |
RU | Meldungen für Auftragsrückmeldung |
SAP Package CO contains 10 authorization objects.
C_AFFW_DEL | Authorization to delete incorrect goods mvts - not in use |
C_AFKO_ATY | CIM: Order category |
C_AFKO_AWA | CIM: Authorization for Prod.Order/Order Type/Plant/Activity |
C_AFKO_AWK | CIM: Plant for order type of order |
C_AFKO_DEL | Authorization to Delete Orders - Not in Use !! |
K_KA_RC | CO: Drill-down reporting - rows/columns (not up-to-date) |
K_KA_RCS | CO: Drill-down reporting - line-/column structures |
K_KA_REP | CO: Drill-down reporting - Reporting (not up-to-date) |
K_KA_RPT | CO: Interactive Drilldown Reporting - Reports |
K_KC_PRP | EC-EIS: Presentation authorizations (report names) |