
SAP Package COPC

Production campaign

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The package COPC (Production campaign) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package COPC
Short Text Production campaign
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package COPC contains 2 function groups.

CPC1 IDoc for Production Campaign
CPC3 Determine Production Campaign


SAP Package COPC contains 7 transactions.

CPCN Nummernkreispflege: PCAMPAIGN
PCA0 Production campaign menu
PCA1 Creating a Production Campaign
PCA2 Change Prod. Camp.: Initial Screen
PCA3 Display Prod. Camp.: Initial Screen
PCCO Production Campaign: Costs
S_ALR_87005962 IMG Activity: PPPI_PC_100

Database Tables

SAP Package COPC contains 6 database tables.

PCMH Production campaign header
PCMO1 Pegged production campaign: material
PCMO2 Pegged production campaign: requirements
PCMO3 Pegged production campaign: recipe
PCMO4 Production campaign pegged reqmt resource network
PCMP Production campaign item


SAP Package COPC contains 14 structures.

E1PCMHL Production campaign header
E1PCMO1 Pegged production campaign: material
E1PCMO2 Pegged production campaign: requirements
E1PCMO3 Pegged production campaign: recipe
E1PCMPL Production campaign item
PCA_CONF_LOG Order Number Added to Application Log in Campaign
PCMH_KEY Production campaign number
PCMHB Buffer table for production campaign owner
PCMO1_KEY Production campaign - material
PCMO1B Buffer table for production campaign pegged reqmt - material
PCMO2B Buffer table for production campaign pegged reqmt - reqmts
PCMO3B Buffer table for production campaign pegged reqmt - recipe
PCMO4B Buffer table for prod. camp. pegged reqmt - resource network
PCMPB Buffer table for production campaign item

Search Helps

SAP Package COPC contains 4 search helps.

PCAMP Find Production Campaign Number
PCMH Production Campaign Search Help
PCMMAT Production Campaign for Material
PCMO1 Production Campaign for Material

Message Classes

SAP Package COPC contains 1 message classes.

PCA Nachrichtenklasse für Produktionskampagne

Authorization Objects

SAP Package COPC contains 1 authorization objects.

C_PCMP PP-PI: Production Campaign