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Bei ansehen →The package CR (R/3 Application development: PP Resources) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CR |
Short Text | R/3 Application development: PP Resources |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CR contains 16 function groups.
C_F4 | Special possible entries for CIM |
CR01 | Read accesses to work center for CIM |
CR02 | Periods |
CR04 | Graphical display of capacity |
CR05 | Calculation using formulas |
CR06 | Operating resource hierarchy |
CR0D | Work center maintenance dialog |
CR0V | Work center update |
CRA0 | PP Resources, Dialog |
CRAP | API Modules for Work Centers |
CRAR | Archiving Work Centers |
CRDC | ===> Object RESOURCE, generated by |
CRHV | Hierarchy maintenance update |
CRK0 | Capacity maintenance dialog |
CRK1 | Capacity - read accesses |
CRKV | Capacity update |
SAP Package CR contains 44 transactions.
CNR1 | Create Work Center |
CNR2 | Change Work Center |
CNR3 | Display Work Center |
CR00 | Resource Planning Menu |
CR01 | Create Work Center |
CR02 | Change Work Center |
CR03 | Display Work Center |
CR04 | Test Work Center Formulas |
CR05 | Work Center List |
CR06 | Work Center Assignment to Cost Ctr |
CR07 | Work Center Capacities |
CR08 | Work Center Hierarchy |
CR09 | Task list reference text |
CR0C | Work centers current settings |
CR10 | Work center change documents |
CR11 | Add Capacity |
CR12 | Change capacity |
CR13 | Display Capacity |
CR15 | Capacity where-used |
CR21 | Create Hierarchy |
CR22 | Change Hierarchy |
CR23 | Display Hierarchy |
CR40 | Work center usage in deleted object |
CR41 | Archiving work centers |
CR60 | Work center information system |
CRA1 | PP: Archiving work centers |
CRA2 | PP: Archiving delete work centers |
CRA3 | PP: Archiving work cntr maintenance |
CRAA | Display Work Center |
CRAH | Create Work Center |
CRAV | Change Work Center |
CRNA | Number Range Maintenance: CR_ARBPL |
CRNH | Number range maintenance: CR_HIERAR |
CRNK | Number Range Maintenance: CR_KAPA |
CRT0 | Copy C Tables Work Center |
CRT1 | Work Center Options in Rel. 2.1A |
CRT2 | Settings Work Center Rel. 2.2a |
CRT4 | Field selection transfer settings |
IR00 | PM Resource Planning Menu |
IR01 | Create Work Center |
IR02 | Change Work Center |
IR03 | Display Work Center |
OP36 | Maintain Capacity Default Values |
PI30 | PP-PI Options for Release 3.0 |
SAP Package CR contains 70 database tables.
CRCA | Work Center Capacity Allocation |
CRCIFOBJ | Object IDs of changed capacities |
CRCO | Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center |
CRHD | Work Center Header |
CRHH | Hierarchy Header Data |
CRHS | Hierarchy Structure |
CRID | CIM Resource - Entities |
CRTX | Text for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool |
KAKO | Capacity Header Segment |
KAKT | Capacity Description |
KAPA | Shift Parameters for Available Capacity |
KAPE | Capacity unit of measure allocation |
KAZY | Interval of Available Capacity |
T024C | Planner Group for CAPP |
T421 | Wage groups |
T421T | Language-dependent texts for T421: Wage groups |
T423 | Wage group qualification |
T423T | Language-dependent texts for T423: Qualifications/Wage grp. |
T428 | Setup type key |
T428T | Language-dependent texts for T428: Setup type key |
T430 | Operation/Activity control key |
T430T | Language-dependent text table for the control key T430 |
T435 | Standard texts for routing/ref. op set items |
T435T | Language-dependent texts for T435: Standard text key |
T499S | Location |
TC10 | Initial values for CIM screen sequence |
TC20 | Formula Parameters |
TC20T | Text for parameter ID |
TC21 | Standard value key |
TC21T | Language-dependent texts for TC21: Standard value key |
TC22 | Field Name of Value from Transport Structure |
TC22T | Field Name of Value from Transport Structure |
TC23 | Key for use of the work center in the task lists |
TC23A | Valid types for the work center |
TC23T | Language-dependent texts for TC23: Usage key |
TC24 | Person responsible for the work center |
TC25 | Work center formulas |
TC25T | Short text for the formula |
TC26 | Capacity category |
TC26D | Default values for capacity |
TC26T | Description of the capacity category |
TC27 | Capacity planner groups |
TC27T | Text for the capacity planner group |
TC28 | Location groups |
TC28A | Move time matrix |
TC28T | Description of the location group |
TC30 | Work center category |
TC30A | Work center categories |
TC30C | Work center category screen selection |
TC30D | Defaults for the work center |
TC30T | Text for the work center category |
TC31 | Performance Efficiency Rate Key |
TC31A | Key for performance efficiency rate |
TC31T | Text for the performance efficiency rate key |
TC35 | Period pattern key |
TC35A | Definition of period pattern |
TC35T | Text for period pattern key |
TC36 | Available capacity version |
TC36T | Text for this version of available capacity |
TC37A | Shift definition |
TC37P | Break schedule |
TC37S | Texts for break plans |
TC37T | Texts for shift definitions |
TC38A | Shift sequence |
TC38T | Texts for shift groupings |
TC39A | Grouping shift definitions and shift sequences |
TC39T | Texts for grouping shift definition and shift sequence |
TCR00 | Installation constants for work center |
TCRCOT | Alternative Texts for Describing an Activity |
TCRH0 | Graphic profile for the hierarchy |
SAP Package CR contains 25 views.
CRHD_V1 | View of Work Center |
H_T499S | Location |
H_TC20 | Help View for Standard Value Parameters |
H_TC21 | Help View for Standard Value Key |
H_TC23 | Help View for Task List Usage |
H_TC24 | Help View for Person Responsible for Work Center' |
H_TC25 | Help View for Scheduling Formulas |
H_TC26 | Help View for Capacity Category |
H_TC27 | Capacity Planner |
H_TC28 | Help View for Location Group |
H_TC30 | Work center category |
H_TC30A | Work Center Categories Valid for an Application |
H_TC31 | Performance Efficiency Rate Key |
M_CRAMN | Generated view for Matchcode ID CRAM-N |
M_CRAMT | Generated view for Matchcode ID CRAM-T |
M_CRAMV | Generated view for Matchcode ID CRAM-V |
M_CRHMA | Generated view for Matchcode ID CRHM-A |
M_CRHMB | Generated view for Matchcode ID CRHM-B |
M_KAKMK | Generated view for Matchcode ID KAKM-K |
M_KAKMN | Generated view for Matchcode ID KAK-N |
M_KAKMO | Generated view for Matchcode ID KAKM-O |
M_KAKMP | Generated view for Matchcode ID KAKM-P |
V_TC22 | Field Name of Value from Transport Structure |
V_TC31A | Date-related Performance Efficiency Rate Key |
V_TCR00 | Work Center - Installation Constants |
SAP Package CR contains 111 structures.
ARB_SG3 | IDOC work center |
ARBPL_TAB | Transfer structure for FB CREATE_WC_IDOC |
CLCOMW | Assignment Internal Class Number with COMW |
CLINT_OBJ | Objects for Internal Class Number |
CRAP_API01 | API: Interval of Available Capacity (DX) |
CRAP_API02 | API Structure: Capacities, Header Data |
CRAP_API03 | API Structure: Work Center Default Values (DX) |
CRAP_API04 | API Structure: Capacities, Shift Values (DX) |
CRAP_API05 | API Structure: Work Center Scheduling |
CRAP_API06 | API structure: capacities, shift values |
CRAP_CRCO01 | API structure: work center capacity overview (DX) |
CRAP_CRHD01 | API Structure: Work Center Initial Data (DX) |
CRAP_CRHD02 | API Structure: Work Center Basic Data (DX) |
CRAP_CRHD03 | API Structure: Work Center Default Values (DX) |
CRAP_CRHD04 | API structure: work center capacity overview (DX) |
CRAP_CRHD05 | API Structure: Work Center Scheduling (DX) |
CRAP_KAPA01 | API structure: work center capacity overview (DX) |
CRAP_KAPA02 | API structure: capacities, header data(DX) |
CRAP_KAPA04 | API structure: work center capacity overview (DX) |
CRAP_KAZY01 | API structure: capacities, header data(DX) |
CRARCHIVE | Structure for Archiving Work Centers |
CRCA_API01 | API structure: work centers, capacity assignment |
CRCAP03 | Input/Output Structure for CR_CAPACITY_AVAILABLE_TIMES_03 |
CRCO_API01 | API structure: work center assignment to cost center |
CRCO_DXI01 | API DX structure: work center assignment to cost center |
CRHD_API01 | API structure: work center data on initial screen |
CRHD_API02 | API structure: work center basic data |
CRHD_API03 | API structure: work center default values |
CRHD_API04 | API structure: work center capacity overview |
CRHD_API05 | API structure: work center scheduling |
CRHD_DXI01 | API DX structure: work center data on initial screen |
CRHD_DXI02 | API DX structure: work center basic data |
CRHD_DXI03 | API DX structure: work center default |
CRHD_DXI04 | API DX structure: work center capacity overview |
CRHD_DXI05 | API DX structure: work center scheduling |
CRHRORG | Screen Input Fields for Assigning HR-Org to Work Center |
CRKEYK | Key for Related Cost Centers |
CRPLOG | HR PLOG for Unicode Work Center |
CRSHIFT | Shift values in CRK1 |
CRTIMEPERI | Time from - time to |
EINH | Alternative units of time |
KAP_PERS | People for capacity |
KAPA_API01 | API structure: capacities, initial screen |
KAPA_API02 | API structure: capacities, header data |
KAPA_API03 | API structure: capacities, intervals of available capacity |
KAPA_API04 | API structure: capacities, shift values |
KAPA_DXI01 | API DX structure: capacities, initial screen |
KAPA_DXI02 | API DX structure: capacities, header data |
KAPA_DXI04 | API DX structure: capacities, shift values |
KAPA_OBJ | Structure for table with capacities |
KAPID_TAB | Capacity IDs |
KAPM | Cap. - individual cap. (not persons) allocation |
KAPP | Structure KAP-PERS with cap-ID |
KAPT | Texts for person which are allocated to a capacity |
KAPV | Assignments to capacity (except to individual capacities) |
KAZA | General structure for KAZY and KAPA |
KAZY_DXI01 | API DX structure: Interval of Available Capacity |
OBJECT_PERSON_ASSIGNMENT | Asssigning a person to an object |
P3000 | Work Center: Infotype 3000 - PP Basic Data |
P3003 | Defaults for Operation/Activity at Work Center |
P3005 | Infotype 3005 - Scheduling data |
P3006 | Infotype 3006: Relationship of Capacity to Work Center |
P3007 | Infotype 3007: CAP Technical Data |
PAD011 | Attributes for Cost Center Assignment |
PERIOD | Period definition |
PERS_OBJ | Structure for table with persons |
RC65K | Structure for internal table KG (periods, avail. cap., load) |
RC68A | I/O Fields for Work Center Maintenance |
RC68H | Hierarchy Entry Fields |
RC68K | I/O Fields for Capacity |
RCR01 | View of Work Center from Task Lists |
RCR02 | Scheduling: Parameter Values |
RCR04 | I/O Fields SALCRR04 |
RCR06_A | Hierarchy Structure |
RCRCA | Table CRCA with Update Flag |
RCRCO | Table CRCO with Update Flag |
RCRCO_A | Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center |
RCRCO_TEXT | Descriptions of the activities defined in the work center |
RCRDE | Specific data elements for PP resources/ work centers |
RCREINH | Alternative units of time |
RCRENQ | Work center/Capacity Help Table for Enqueue |
RCRENQH | Hierarchy - Help Table for Locking |
RCRHD | Table CRHD with Update Flag |
RCRHD_A | Work Center Header Data with Short Text |
RCRHD_CLAS | Classification View of Work Center Using Table TCLO |
RCRHH | Table CRHH with Update Indicator |
RCRHS | Table CRHS with Update Indicator |
RCRID | Logistics object work center or capacity |
RCRKAKO | Table KAKO with Update Flag |
RCRKAKT | Table KAKT with Update Flag |
RCRKAPA | Table KAPA with Update Flag |
RCRKAPE | Table KAPE with update flag |
RCRKAPID | Capacity ID |
RCRKAPM | Cap. - individual cap. (not persons) allocation |
RCRKAPP | Structure KAPP with update flag |
RCRKAPT | Table KAPT with update flag |
RCRKAPV | Structure KAPV with update flag |
RCRKAZY | Table KAZY with Update Flag |
RCRKK | Interface to Capacity Header Data |
RCROP | Work Center Formulas: Valid Fields |
RCRTX | Table CRTX with Update Flag |
RCRUKZ | Work Area CR: Update Indicator for Tables with Includes |
RCRVGW | Work Center Formulas: Standard Values for Task Lists |
RKAKO_A | Capacity Header Data with Short Text |
VCRCA | Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VCRCO | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VCRHD | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VCRTX | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
SAP Package CR contains 26 programs.
CRHDHRTY | Conversion Program for the Detail List for Capa. Evaluation (3.0) |
FCR05DEL | Delete Report FCR05XXX (XXX = Client) |
MAHCCR06 | Module Pool for CUA Interface of Work Center Hierarchy Graphic |
PSXPT430 | Convert XPRA table T430 |
RC_SNRIV | PP: Interactive Insertion of Intervals into Number Ranges |
RCR05GEN | Generate report FCR05xxx (xxx=client) for formulas |
RCRA0010 | Work Center List |
RCRA0011 | Entire Usage of Work Centers |
RCRA0020 | Assignment of Work Centers to Cost Centers |
RCRA0030 | Work Center Capacities |
RCRA0031 | Capacity: Where-used |
RCRA0040 | Work Center Hierarchy |
RCRA0050 | Work Center Change Documents |
RCRA0060 | Work center information system |
RCRAPDX1 | Generate Dataset for Work Centers |
RCRAPDX2 | Data Transfer of workcenters |
RCRARDL1 | Delete Work Centers |
RCRARWR1 | Archive and Delete Work Centers |
RCRFCRDL | Delete the program FCR05xxx (xxx = client) after client copy |
RCRXP401 | XPRA for converting older HR shifts to logistics tables |
RCRXP402 | Report program for converting HR assignments |
RCRXP403 | XPRA create an external link from the logistics work center to HR |
RCRXP461 | XPRA for converting the record type group and incentive wage indicator |
RMCCRXPR | Text Fields for Work Center and Hierarchy Matchcodes |
SAPMC68A | Work Center Maintenance |
SAPMCR05 | Test Formulas in Work Center |
SAP Package CR contains 26 search helps.
ASH_CRAM | Work Center Matchcode |
ASH_TC26 | Append Search Help for Capacity Category |
CRAMK | Find by class |
CRAMN | Name of work center |
CRAMT | Technical data |
CRAMV | Person responsible |
CRHM | Hierarchy matchcode |
CRHMA | Name |
CRHMB | Hierarchy description |
H_T499S | Location |
H_TC20 | Help View for Standard Value Parameters |
H_TC21 | Help View for Standard Value Key |
H_TC23 | Help View for Task List Usage |
H_TC24 | Help View for Person Responsible for Work Center' |
H_TC25 | Help View for Scheduling Formulas |
H_TC26 | Help View for Capacity Category |
H_TC27 | Capacity Planner |
H_TC28 | Help View for Location Group |
H_TC30 | Work center category |
H_TC30A | Work Center Categories Valid for an Application |
H_TC31 | Performance Efficiency Rate Key |
KAKM | Capacity |
KAKMK | Capacity short description |
KAKMN | Capacity name |
KAKMO | Pooled capacities |
KAKMP | Capacity planner |
SAP Package CR contains 3 authorization objects.
C_ARPL_ART | CIM: Work center category |
C_ARPL_WRK | CIM: Work center- plant |
C_KAPA_BRG | CIM: Capacity authorization group |