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Bei ansehen →The package CRM_CMS_BILL_CAP_RI (Rel Ind CMS plugin package to capture billing data) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package PI-CRM.
Short Text | Rel Ind CMS plugin package to capture billing data |
Parent Package | PI-CRM |
SAP Package CRM_CMS_BILL_CAP_RI contains 1 function groups.
CMS_PLUG_IN_RI | CMS Function Group for Pre Sell In Proc |
SAP Package CRM_CMS_BILL_CAP_RI contains 1 database tables.
CMSC_RFC_DES_QUE | CMS Table for storing RFC destination & que no range |
SAP Package CRM_CMS_BILL_CAP_RI contains 1 views.
CMSV_RFC_DES_QUE | CMS View for maintaining CRM RFC Des & que num range num |
SAP Package CRM_CMS_BILL_CAP_RI contains 16 structures.
BAPICMS_VBRK | CMS BAPI str for Billing Header data from R/3 |
BAPICMS_VBRP | CMS BAPI structure for Billing Item data from R/3 |
CMS_R3_SDCOND_CHAR | CMS BAPI str (Char) for Billing Header data from R/3 |
CMS_R3_VBRK_CHAR | CMS BAPI str (CHAR fields)for Billing Header data from R/3 |
CMS_R3_VBRP_CHAR | CMS BAPI str (Char fields) for Billing Item data from R/3 |
CMST_PI_CI_ADMIN | Channel inventory admin stucture |
CMST_PI_CI_COM | Channel inventory communication structure |
CMST_PI_CI_HEADER | Channel Inventory Header Table structure |
CMST_PI_CI_HISTORY | Channel Inventory History Table |
CMST_PI_CI_LKEY | Price bucket logical key |
CMST_PI_CI_NEWPRICING | Channel Inventory Price Structure - New Price |
CMST_PI_CI_OLDPRICING | Channel Inventory Price Structure - Old Price |
CMST_PI_CI_PRICING | Channel inventory pricing structure |
CMST_PI_CI_QUANTITY | Channel inventory quantity structure |
CMST_PI_CI_XNQTY | Channel Inventory Transaction Quantity Structure |
CMST_PI_EDIT_INFO | Time and User of Last Transaction Processing |
SAP Package CRM_CMS_BILL_CAP_RI contains 1 programs.
CMSR_OUTPUT_ENTRY | CMS Report program to redirect the flow to CMS Plugin components |