SAP Package CS

R/3 Application development: PP Bills of Material

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The package CS (R/3 Application development: PP Bills of Material) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CS
Short Text R/3 Application development: PP Bills of Material
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CS contains 55 function groups.

0CS7 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0CS8 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
CBEX EWB Explosion of BOMs
CPCC_BUS1080 BAPI's for material BOM
CSAI BOMs: internal APIs
CSAL Allocation: object - BOM
CSAP API modules for BOMs
CSAR BOMs : Archiving
CSBC Change BOM via batch input
CSBD BOMs Business Add Ins
CSBE LO-MD-BOM Business Transaction Events
CSBI Batch input functions for BOMs
CSBT Document tables for BOM processing
CSCA Bills of Material - Component Allocation
CSCH Generally Used Routines BOM
CSCI BOMs: CAD interface
CSCL Class item
CSCL_BOM Class BOM header and MAST
CSCO BOMs: communication
CSDE BOMs: dialog functions ECM
CSDI BOMs: dialog control
CSDS Bills of Material: ALE Distribution
CSDU Execution unit: DB layer
CSEP Functions for Enterprise Portal
CSFA Bills of Material: SFA Extractor
CSFF External functions for BOMs
CSGU BOMs: general function modules
CSIO Access routines for BOMs
CSMC BOM message control
CSME BOMs: Order BOM Proj. Material Replace.
CSMT BOMs: maintain control tables
CSOC Object Check for Classification
CSOM BOMs: order change management
CSOV Overview: BOM header, item
CSQU BOMs: variable-size item data
CSRC BOMs: recursiveness check
CSRT Reference tables for BOMs
CSS3 Alternative BOM determination
CSS4 BOM explosions
CSS5 BOMs: where-used list
CSS6 Variable Lists (Profile Analyses)
CSS7 Explode BOM (Document)
CSS8 BOM Selection for Co-Products
CSSF BOM service functions
CSSO Bills of Material: Order BOM
CSTA WB: ATAB-table access
CSTO BOMs: tools
CSUE BOMs: user exits
CSVB BOMs: update routines
CSVE BOMs: Update from ECM_
HBIL Hierarchy graphics in BOMs
STUV ===> Object STUE_V , generated by


SAP Package CS contains 82 transactions.

BD30 Distribute material object list
BD31 Distribute document object list
BD32 Distribute plant allocations(matBOM)
BD33 Distribute material variants (ALE)
BD34 Distribute order BOM
CS00 BOM Menu
CS01 Create Material BOM
CS02 Change Material BOM
CS03 Display Material BOM
CS05 Change Material BOM Group
CS06 Display Material BOM Group
CS07 Allocate Material BOM to Plant
CS08 Change Material BOM - Plant Alloc.
CS09 Display Allocations to Plant
CS11 Display BOM Level by Level
CS12 Multilevel BOM
CS13 Summarized BOM
CS14 BOM Comparison
CS15 Single-Level Where-Used List
CS20 Mass Change: Initial Screen
CS21 Mass Material Change: Initial Screen
CS22 Mass Document Change: Initial Screen
CS23 Mass Class Change: Initial Screen
CS25 Archiving for BOMs
CS26 BOM deletion
CS27 Retrieval of BOMs
CS28 Archiving for BOMs
CS31 Create class BOM
CS32 Change class BOM
CS33 Display class BOM
CS40 Create Link to Configurable Material
CS41 Change Material Config. Allocation
CS42 Display Material Config. Assignment
CS51 Create standard BOM
CS52 Change standard BOM
CS53 Display standard BOM
CS61 Create Order BOM
CS62 Change Order BOM
CS63 Display Order BOM
CS71 Create WBS BOM
CS72 Change WBS BOM
CS73 Display WBS BOM
CS74 Create multi-level WBS BOM
CS75 Change multi-level WBS BOM
CS76 Display multi-level WBS BOM
CS80 Change Documents for Material BOM
CS81 Change Documents for Standard BOM
CS82 Change documents for sales order BOM
CS83 Change documents for WBS BOM
CS84 Change documents for class BOM
CS90 Material BOM Number Ranges
CS91 Number Ranges for Standard BOMs
CS92 Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs
CSA1 Enqueue test for dialog RFC
CSA2 Current settings
CSAB Browse Sales Order BOM
CSC5 Single-Level Class Where-Used List
CSD5 Single-Level Doc. Where-Used List
CSK1 Sales order BOM multi-lev. explosion
CSK2 Multi-level sales order BOM
CSK3 Sales order BOM - summarized BOM
CSKB Start order Browser
CSMB Start material BOM browser
CSP1 Multi-level WBS BOM explosion
CSP2 WBS BOM multi-level BOM
CSP3 WBS BOM - summarized BOM
CSPB Start WBS BOM browser
CV11 Create Document Structure
CV12 Change Document Structure
CV13 Display Document Structure
CV15 Change Document BOM Group
CV16 Display Document BOM Group
CV80 Change Documents for Doc. Structure
CV91 Number Ranges for Doc. Structures
OS42 Process Transfer File
OS43 Copy BOM changes
OS44 Copy BOM variants
OS45 Copy BOM with description
OS46 Edit transfer file (long text)_
OST1 CS Transport C Tables TCS21/TCS22
OST2 CS Transport C Tables BOM Usage
OST3 Transp. Customizing tabs T418F,T418G

Database Tables

SAP Package CS contains 65 database tables.

CLST Link class - BOM
CSORDER_MAT Administration of generated materials per sales order
CSPRJ_MAT Management of generated materials to project
CSUSR_DATA User-defined data for order browser
DOST Document to BOM Link
EQST Equipment to BOM Link
KDST Sales Order to BOM Link
MAST Material to BOM Link
PRST Project - BOM link
PSGR Master item group
PSVR Master alternative items
STAS BOMs - Item Selection
STPN BOM Follow-Up Control
STPU BOM Subitem
STST Standard BOM Link
STVB Bills of Material - Serialization of Posting
STZU Permanent BOM data
T413 Spare Part Indicators
T413T Spare part indicator description
T414 Explosion Types
T414T Explosion type description
T415A Alternative BOM Determination
T415B Alternative Determination by Unit of Measure
T415M Material Types Allowed in BOM
T415S BOM status
T415T BOM Status Texts
T416 BOM Usage - Item Statuses
T416K Copying Defaults For Item Status
T416T BOM Usage Texts
T416V Copy defaults for BOM usage - item statuses
T417 Material Provision Indicators
T417T Materials Provided Indicator Texts
T418 Item Categories
T418D Definition of Variables for T418F
T418F Variable-Size Item Formulas
T418G Formula Texts
T418T Item Category Texts
TC04 Applic-Specific Criteria for Alternative Determination
TC04T Application Texts
TCS01 Screen Sequence Control for Item Detail Screens
TCS03 Modification Parameters/Defaults for BOMs
TCS05 Transaction-Specific Defaults for BOMs
TCS07 Default Sort Sequence for BOM items
TCS09 BOM Control Depending on Category and Usage
TCS11 BOM Objects
TCS13 Object Status for BOM Layout Variants
TCS15 BOMs with History Requirement
TCS17 BOMs with History Requirement
TCS19 BOM Item Object Types
TCS20 Texts for BOM Item Object Types
TCS21 BOM Item Object Types: internal --> external
TCS22 BOM Item Object Types: external --> internal
TCS31 BOM Field Selection - Usage (T416)
TCS32 BOM to Plant Allocation - Field Selection
TCS33 BOM Field Selection (SAP)
TCS34 BOM Field Selection - Control Data (TCS03)
TCS41 Automatic alternative BOM determination
TCSFG Field group definition - BOMs
TCSFGF Allocation of fields to field groups - BOMs
TCSFGT Field group texts for BOMs
TCSPR User Profile for BOMs
TCSVL User defaults list display (variable lists)
TPST Functional Location - BOM Link


SAP Package CS contains 16 views.

CS_T416 BOM Usage Database View
H_T413 Spare Part Indicator Help View
H_T415S BOM Status Help View
H_T416 BOM Usage Help View
H_T417 Material Provision Indicator Help View
H_T418 Item Categories Help View
H_T418F Variable-Size Item Formula Help View
H_TC04 Help View: Application-spec. Criteria for Alt. Determination
M_CV01B View for Search Help CV01B
M_STZ1D Generated View for Matchcode ID STZ1 -D
M_STZ1E Generated View for Matchcode ID STZ1 -E
M_STZ1M Generated View for Matchcode ID STZ1 -M
M_STZ1T Generated View for Matchcode ID STZ1 -T
STPO_V01 BOM Items View for Recursiveness Check
STPO_V02 BOM Item View for Co-Product
STPO_VMRP Projection view of STPO for MRP


SAP Package CS contains 225 structures.

API_STTMAT Entry Structure for API Material Variants
API_STTMAT_VAL Field Contents for Material Variant Distribution
API_STTMAT01 Entry structure API for material variants (external)
BAPI1080_BOM_C Alternative/Variant CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM
BAPI1080_ITM_C Components CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM
BAPI1080_MBM_C Material assignment CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM
BAPI1080_TXT_C Long text line: CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI for material BOMs
BGR_CLASS_DATA Data for BOM group class
BGR_CTRL_DATA Control Data for Assembly Class
BGR_INFO Additional Fields for STZU
BICSK Batch Input Structure for BOM Header Data
BICSP Batch Input Structure for BOM Item Data
BICSU Batch Input Structure for BOM Sub-Item Data
BOM_CLASS_DATA Data for the class of bills of material
BOM_CLASS_DATA_VIEW Texts, Descriptions, Additional Data for BOM
BOM_CLASS_LOCK BOM lock object
BOM_CLASS_SEL selection structure for BOM attributes
BOM_CLASS_VIEW Texts, Descriptions, Additional Data for BOM (Screen)
BOM_CTRL_DATA Control data for BOM class
BOM_CTRL_DATA_SCR Control data
BOM_HEADER_API01 Header Information
BOM_INFO Additional fields for STKO
BOM_LOG_DATA BOM Header Data for Log Display in Application Log
BOM_SORT_IDENT BOM identification during standard sort
BOM_SORT_STD Standard sort term for BOMs
BOM_SORT_VERSION BOM versions for standard sort
CLSTB Buffer table for CLST records
COPY_BY_ITM Copying of subordinated item objects
CS13 Object Status for Dialog Table Structure
CS31 Field Bar for Display TCS31-CFDAT
CSALLOC_TRANS Interanl structure of an automatic comp assignment order BOM
CSAP_DBOM API Structure: Document Structure Key Data
CSAP_KBOM API Structure: initial data customer order BOM_
CSAP_MAST API Structure: Link between Material and BOM
CSAP_MBOM API Structure: Material BOM Initial Screen Data
CSBOM Structure for Triggering Data Distribution
CSBOMEX Interface for BOM Display Module Pool / ABAP/4 Programs
CSCDOC BOM Explosion: Documents
CSCEQUI BOM Explosion: Equipments
CSCI_STKO BOM Header User-Defined Fields
CSCI_STPO BOM Item User-Defined Fields
CSCKND BOM Explosion: Sales Orders
CSCLRK Recursiveness Info on Objects in Classes for BOM
CSCMAT BOM Explosion: Materials
CSCOMP_ALV Output for BOM comparison
CSCSTD BOM Explosion: Standard Object
CSCTPL BOM Explosion: Equipments
CSDEP_DAT BOMs: Basic Data of a Dependency
CSDEP_DESC BOMs: Object Dependency Descriptions
CSDEP_DOC BOMs: Object Dependency Documentation
CSDEP_ORD BOMs: Sort Sequence of Object Dependencies
CSDEP_SORC BOMs: Source Code of Object Dependencies
CSDMU_TMX BOMs: DMU transformation matrices
CSDOC_LINK BOMs: Document assignments
CSDTAB BOM Interface Control Table
CSEXSTL External BOM Number Block Argument
CSEXT BOM Document Extension for Archive (Do Not Change !!!)
CSIDENT BOM Object Identifier for APIs
CSIDENT_01 Identification of BOM item for APIs
CSIDENT_02 Identification of BOM item for APIs internal
CSIN Interface for BOM Access
CSINR Interface for Variable-size Item
CSITEMID Fields to Uniquely Identify BOM Item for APIs
CSLTX_ALT BOMs: long text for alternative BOM
CSLTX_BOM BOMs: long text for BOM
CSLTX_ITM BOMs: long text for BOM item
CSLTX_ITM_02 BOMs: long text for BOM item
CSMDMAST Structure MDMAST for Interface
CSNFTAB Subordinate Groups within a BOM
CSNODE01 Transformation information for BOM nodes
CSREFTRANS Transformation structure BOM references
CSRFC_HEAD BOM Header Structure
CSRFC_ITEM BOM Item Structure
CSSORT Sort Criteria for BOM Items
CSSTZU Work Area for Reference BOM Header Data
CSTCLA Output for Initial Class in BOM Explosion
CSTDOC Output for Initial Document in BOM Explosion
CSTEQUI Output for Initial Equipment for BOM Explosions
CSTMAT Start Material Display for BOM Explosions
CSTSD01 Outline of transaction control data for customer enhancemnts
CSTTPL Output for Initial Functional Location in BOM Explosion
CSXDOC BOM Item (Document-Specific Explosion Data)
CSXEQUI BOM Item (Equipment-specific Explosion Data)
CSXGEN BOM Item (general explosion data)
CSXKLA BOM Item (Class-Specific Explosion Data)
CSXMAT BOM Item (material-specific explosion data)
CSXTPL BOM Item (Explosion Data for Functional Location)
CSZALT Allocation of Alternatives to Items
CWB_ITM_CREATE_BY_COPY Engineering Workbench: create item by copying
DOSTB Document Table for DOST Records
DOSTS DOST - Details
E1BP1080_BOM_C Alternative/Variant CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM
E1BP1080_ITM_C Components CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM
E1BP1080_MBM_C Material assignment CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM
E1BP1080_SUI_C Sub item CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM
E1BP1080_TXT_C Long text line: CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI for material BOMs
EQSTB Document Table for EQST Records
EQSTS EQST - Details
ITM_CLASS_DATA Data for the BOM item class
ITM_CLASS_DATA_VIEW Texts, Icons, Additional Data for BOM Item
ITM_CLASS_LINK Item class data
ITM_CLASS_LOCK Lock object for BOM item
ITM_CLASS_PRINT EMB: Print structure of BOM item
ITM_CLASS_SEL Selection structure for BOM item characteristics
ITM_CLASS_VIEW Texts, Icons, Additional Data for BOM Item (Screen)
ITM_CTRL_DATA Control data for BOM item class
ITM_CTRL_DATA_SCR Control data
ITM_HIER Superior hierarchy for BOM item
ITM_INFO Additional data for STPO
ITM_LOG_DATA BOM Item Data for Log Display in Application Log
ITM_SORT_IDENT Item identification during standard sort
ITM_SORT_STD Standard sort term for items
ITM_SORT_VERSION Item versions during standard sort
KBM_CLASS_DATA Data for sales order-BOM allocation class
KDSTB Buffer Table for KDST Records
KDSTS KDST - Supplement
KNUKN Structure: Node - Parent Node
MAST_API01 API Material BOM Structure: Fields that can be Changed
MAST_API02 API structure for material BOM: all fields
MAST_APICN Temp. Help Structure for Converting API Structures
MASTB Document table for MAST records
MASTS MAST - Details
MBM_CLASS_DATA Class data for material - BOM allocation
MBM_CLASS_DATA_PRINT Print Structure for Material-Bill of Material Assignments
MBM_CLASS_DATA_VIEW Descriptions of Material BOM Allocations
MBM_CLASS_SEL Selection structure for BOM object features
MBM_CLASS_VIEW Descriptions of Material BOM Allocations (Screen)
MBM_CTRL_DATA Control Data for Material-BOM Allocation Class
MBM_CTRL_DATA_SCR Control data
MBM_INFO Additional Fields for MAST
MBM_LOG_DATA Material BOM Data for System Log Display in Application Log
MBM_SORT_IDENT Identification of material allocation using standard sort
MBM_SORT_STD Standard sort term for material-BOM allocations
PLANT_API API structure: plants for plant allocations
PRSTB Buffer table for PRST records
PRSTS PRST table - extras
RC29B EATAB Special Batch Input Fields for BOMs
RC29B1 Dialog Structure for Order BOM Browser
RC29C Validity input/output table
RC29F Input/Output Table Filters - BOM Item
RC29G EATAB BOM validity
RC29L BOM Display input/output table
RC29N EATAB BOMs - initial screens
RC29R EATAB Variable-Size Item Data
RC29V IOTAB BOM Comparison
RC29V1 IOTAB BOM Comparison, Primary Item Fields
RC29V2 IOTAB BOM Comparison, Secondary Item Fields
RC29VH IOTAB BOM Comparison, Header Information
RC29Z BOM Input/Output Table: Additional Info
RCC00200_ALV Structure for Program RCC00200
RCS00120_1_ALV Structure for Displaying Header Data in Report RCS00120
RCS00120_2_ALV Structure for Displaying Item Data in Report RCS00120
RCS00140_ALV Structure for Displaying List in Report RCS00140
RCS00150_ALV Structure for Displaying List in Report RCS00150
RCS00160_ALV Structure for Displaying List in Report RCS00160 in ALV
RCSREO Initial Screen Fields for BOM Reorganization
RCSWB Screen table for module pool SAPLCSWB
RCSWBP Screen table for module pool SAPLCSWB
STASB Document Table for STAS Records
STASS STAS - Details
STKO_API01 API BOM Header Structure: Fields that can be Changed
STKO_API02 API structure for BOM header: all fields
STKO_APICN Temp. Help Structure for Converting API Structures
STKOAR BOM header for the archive with function flag
STKOB BOM Header Document Table
STKOI Internal BOM Headers (for APIs)
STKOS STKO - Details
STPNB Successor in the BOM
STPO_API01 API Structure for BOM Item: Fields that can Be Changed
STPO_API02 API Structure for BOM Item: All Fields
STPO_API03 API Structure for BOM Item: All + Identifying Fields
STPO_APICN Temp. Help Structure for Converting API Structures
STPOB BOM item document table
STPOD Additional Fields for Creation of Change Documents
STPOI Internal BOM Items (for APIs)
STPOID BOM Item: Identifier
STPOL BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)
STPOL_ADD BOM Reporting - Item Data Displayed
STPOS STPO - Details
STPOV BOM Item (extended for displaying where-used lists)
STPOV_ALV BOM item (expanded for displaying where-used list), ALV
STPOX BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)
STPOX_ALV BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)
STPU_API01 API Structure for Internal APIs: STPU and Identifier
STPUB BOMs - sub-item documents
STPUS STPU - Details
STSTB Buffer Table for STST Records
STSTS STST - Supplement
STZUB Permanent BOM data
STZUS STZU - Details
SUI_CLASS_DATA Class data for BOM sub-items
SUI_CLASS_PRINT EWB: Print structure of BOM subitem
SUI_CTRL_DATA_SCR Subitems control data
SUI_SORT_IDENT Identification for subitem for the standard sort
TABNAMES Table Name for Transfer to SFA Extractors
TPSTB Buffer Table for TPST Records
TPSTS TPST - Supplement
VDOST Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VEQST Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000
VKDST Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VMAST Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000
VPRST Structure for change documents, generated by RSSCD000
VSTAS Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VSTKO Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
VSTPO Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
VSTPOD Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VSTPU Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000
VSTST Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VTPST Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000


SAP Package CS contains 52 programs.

CS_RESET_CSXB_DATA Reset all locked user data CSKB in the system
MAT_BOMGROUP_CREATE_SAMPLE Export complete BOM group as file
RBDSEBMD Document Structure Distribution
RBDSEBOM Material BOM Distribution
RBDSEORD Distribution of Order BOMs
RBDSEPAM Plant allocations to material BOMs distribution
RBDSESTT Distribution of Material Variants
RCBOMDEL BOM Reset Program
RCC00110 Dynamic Comparison of Two Items or Headers in a BOM
RCC00200 Change Numbers for a BOM
RCCS0001 Correction STVKN
RCCSBISC Display Batch Input Data from Sequential File
RCCSBIST Display of Batch Input Data from Sequential File (for RCSBI040)_
RCS00100 BOM Change Documents
RCS00120 Display Change Documents
RCS00140 Information on Creating of BOM Items
RCS00150 Item Changes
RCS00160 BOM Changes for a Change Number
RCS11001 Display BOM Level by Level
RCS11011 Display Document Structure - Level by Level
RCS12001 Display Multilevel BOM
RCS13001 Summarized BOM - Multi-Level
RCS14001 BOM Comparison
RCS15001 Material Where-Used List
RCS15011 Single-level where-used for document
RCS15021 Single-Level Class Where-Used List
RCS70002 External Key Checks in BOM Tables
RCSA0001 Analysis low-level codes
RCSALPOS BOMs: List of Alternative Items
RCSALPOS_ALV BOMs: List of Alternative Items
RCSARCH1 Archiving Program for BOMs
RCSARCH2 Report for archiving BOMs, deletion program
RCSARCH3 Program for reading archived BOMs
RCSARCH4 Archived BOM: Check Usages
RCSBI010 Create BOMs using Batch Input
RCSBI020 Change BOMs using Batch Input
RCSBI030 Create Variant BOMs using Batch Input
RCSBI040 Create BOMs with all long texts using Batch Input
RCSKDSTD Order BOM: Set deletion flag in all assemblies
RCSMADX1 BOMs: Matchcode Editing
RCSMADX2 Bills of Material: XPRA to Edit Field Selection
RCSMADX4 Bills of Material: XPRA for Reorganizing Control Data, Field Selection
RCSMNGUE_ALV BOM Group: Summarized BOM List
RCSNFPOS BOMs: Discontinuation Data
RCSNFPOS_ALV BOMs: Discontinuation Data
SAPMC29A BOMs - Alternative Selection Dialog Module
SAPMC29B Display Change Documents for BOM
SAPMC29D BOMs - Read BOM Dialog Module
SAPMC29L BOM Reporting
SAPMC29M BOMs - Online Mass Changes
SAPMC29S BOMs: Maintenance Transaction Dialog
SAPMC29V BOMs - Online BOM Comparison

Search Helps

SAP Package CS contains 28 search helps.

CS_KDST Existing Order BOMs
CS_MAST Exisiting material BOMs
CS_MAT Complex Search Help in BOMs for Materials
CS_OBJECT_ASSY Objects in a sales order
CS_OBJECT_CLS Class items in the sales order
CS_OBJECT_DOC Documents in the sales order
CS_OBJECT_MAT Components in the sales order
CS_OBJECT_MSL Material BOM as entry object in BOM browser
CS_PSPNR Collective Search Help for WBS Elements
CS_STLAN Complex Search Help for BOM Usage
CS_VBELN Complex Search Help for Order Items
CV01B Document with BOM
H_STLNR Select BOM number
H_T413 Spare Part Indicator Help View
H_T415S BOM Status Help View
H_T416 BOM Usage Help View
H_T417 Material Provision Indicator Help View
H_T418 Item Categories Help View
H_T418F Variable-Size Item Formula Help View
H_TC04 Help View: Application-spec. Criteria for Alt. Determination
H_VERID VERID search help
STZ1 Matchcode for Central BOM Data
STZ1D BOM group (document BOM) by BOM group and BOM description
STZ1E BOM group (equipment BOM) by BOM group and BOM description
STZ1M BOM group (material BOM) by BOM group and BOM description
STZ1T BOM group (funct. loc. BOM) by BOM group and BOM description

Message Classes

SAP Package CS contains 3 message classes.

29 Stücklisten
BAPI1080 Meldungen - BAPIS zum BOR-Objekt BUS1080 (MatStücklisten)
BOM Stücklisten (2)

Authorization Objects

SAP Package CS contains 4 authorization objects.

C_STUE_BER CS BOM Authorizations
C_STUE_MAS CS BOMs - Mass changes
C_STUE_NOH CS Authorization to process BOMs without a change number
C_STUE_WRK CS BOM Plant (Plant Assignments)