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Bei ansehen →The package CS (R/3 Application development: PP Bills of Material) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CS |
Short Text | R/3 Application development: PP Bills of Material |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CS contains 55 function groups.
0CS7 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0CS8 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CBEX | EWB Explosion of BOMs |
CPCC_BUS1080 | BAPI's for material BOM |
CSAI | BOMs: internal APIs |
CSAL | Allocation: object - BOM |
CSAP | API modules for BOMs |
CSAR | BOMs : Archiving |
CSBC | Change BOM via batch input |
CSBD | BOMs Business Add Ins |
CSBE | LO-MD-BOM Business Transaction Events |
CSBI | Batch input functions for BOMs |
CSBT | Document tables for BOM processing |
CSCA | Bills of Material - Component Allocation |
CSCH | Generally Used Routines BOM |
CSCI | BOMs: CAD interface |
CSCL | Class item |
CSCL_BOM | Class BOM header and MAST |
CSCO | BOMs: communication |
CSDE | BOMs: dialog functions ECM |
CSDI | BOMs: dialog control |
CSDS | Bills of Material: ALE Distribution |
CSDU | Execution unit: DB layer |
CSEP | Functions for Enterprise Portal |
CSFA | Bills of Material: SFA Extractor |
CSFF | External functions for BOMs |
CSGU | BOMs: general function modules |
CSIO | Access routines for BOMs |
CSMC | BOM message control |
CSMD | BOMs: MRP data |
CSME | BOMs: Order BOM Proj. Material Replace. |
CSMT | BOMs: maintain control tables |
CSOC | Object Check for Classification |
CSOM | BOMs: order change management |
CSOV | Overview: BOM header, item |
CSQU | BOMs: variable-size item data |
CSRC | BOMs: recursiveness check |
CSRT | Reference tables for BOMs |
CSS3 | Alternative BOM determination |
CSS4 | BOM explosions |
CSS5 | BOMs: where-used list |
CSS6 | Variable Lists (Profile Analyses) |
CSS7 | Explode BOM (Document) |
CSS8 | BOM Selection for Co-Products |
CSSF | BOM service functions |
CSSO | Bills of Material: Order BOM |
CSTA | WB: ATAB-table access |
CSTO | BOMs: tools |
CSUE | BOMs: user exits |
CSVB | BOMs: update routines |
CSVE | BOMs: Update from ECM_ |
HBIL | Hierarchy graphics in BOMs |
STUE | CHDO STUE => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
STUV | ===> Object STUE_V , generated by |
SAP Package CS contains 82 transactions.
BD30 | Distribute material object list |
BD31 | Distribute document object list |
BD32 | Distribute plant allocations(matBOM) |
BD33 | Distribute material variants (ALE) |
BD34 | Distribute order BOM |
CS00 | BOM Menu |
CS01 | Create Material BOM |
CS02 | Change Material BOM |
CS03 | Display Material BOM |
CS05 | Change Material BOM Group |
CS06 | Display Material BOM Group |
CS07 | Allocate Material BOM to Plant |
CS08 | Change Material BOM - Plant Alloc. |
CS09 | Display Allocations to Plant |
CS11 | Display BOM Level by Level |
CS12 | Multilevel BOM |
CS13 | Summarized BOM |
CS14 | BOM Comparison |
CS15 | Single-Level Where-Used List |
CS20 | Mass Change: Initial Screen |
CS21 | Mass Material Change: Initial Screen |
CS22 | Mass Document Change: Initial Screen |
CS23 | Mass Class Change: Initial Screen |
CS25 | Archiving for BOMs |
CS26 | BOM deletion |
CS27 | Retrieval of BOMs |
CS28 | Archiving for BOMs |
CS31 | Create class BOM |
CS32 | Change class BOM |
CS33 | Display class BOM |
CS40 | Create Link to Configurable Material |
CS41 | Change Material Config. Allocation |
CS42 | Display Material Config. Assignment |
CS51 | Create standard BOM |
CS52 | Change standard BOM |
CS53 | Display standard BOM |
CS61 | Create Order BOM |
CS62 | Change Order BOM |
CS63 | Display Order BOM |
CS71 | Create WBS BOM |
CS72 | Change WBS BOM |
CS73 | Display WBS BOM |
CS74 | Create multi-level WBS BOM |
CS75 | Change multi-level WBS BOM |
CS76 | Display multi-level WBS BOM |
CS80 | Change Documents for Material BOM |
CS81 | Change Documents for Standard BOM |
CS82 | Change documents for sales order BOM |
CS83 | Change documents for WBS BOM |
CS84 | Change documents for class BOM |
CS90 | Material BOM Number Ranges |
CS91 | Number Ranges for Standard BOMs |
CS92 | Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs |
CSA1 | Enqueue test for dialog RFC |
CSA2 | Current settings |
CSAB | Browse Sales Order BOM |
CSC5 | Single-Level Class Where-Used List |
CSD5 | Single-Level Doc. Where-Used List |
CSK1 | Sales order BOM multi-lev. explosion |
CSK2 | Multi-level sales order BOM |
CSK3 | Sales order BOM - summarized BOM |
CSKB | Start order Browser |
CSMB | Start material BOM browser |
CSP1 | Multi-level WBS BOM explosion |
CSP2 | WBS BOM multi-level BOM |
CSP3 | WBS BOM - summarized BOM |
CSPB | Start WBS BOM browser |
CV11 | Create Document Structure |
CV12 | Change Document Structure |
CV13 | Display Document Structure |
CV15 | Change Document BOM Group |
CV16 | Display Document BOM Group |
CV80 | Change Documents for Doc. Structure |
CV91 | Number Ranges for Doc. Structures |
OS42 | Process Transfer File |
OS43 | Copy BOM changes |
OS44 | Copy BOM variants |
OS45 | Copy BOM with description |
OS46 | Edit transfer file (long text)_ |
OST1 | CS Transport C Tables TCS21/TCS22 |
OST2 | CS Transport C Tables BOM Usage |
OST3 | Transp. Customizing tabs T418F,T418G |
SAP Package CS contains 65 database tables.
CLST | Link class - BOM |
CSORDER_MAT | Administration of generated materials per sales order |
CSPRJ_MAT | Management of generated materials to project |
CSUSR_DATA | User-defined data for order browser |
DOST | Document to BOM Link |
EQST | Equipment to BOM Link |
KDST | Sales Order to BOM Link |
MAST | Material to BOM Link |
PRST | Project - BOM link |
PSGR | Master item group |
PSVR | Master alternative items |
STAS | BOMs - Item Selection |
STKO | BOM Header |
STPN | BOM Follow-Up Control |
STPO | BOM item |
STPU | BOM Subitem |
STST | Standard BOM Link |
STVB | Bills of Material - Serialization of Posting |
STZU | Permanent BOM data |
T413 | Spare Part Indicators |
T413T | Spare part indicator description |
T414 | Explosion Types |
T414T | Explosion type description |
T415A | Alternative BOM Determination |
T415B | Alternative Determination by Unit of Measure |
T415M | Material Types Allowed in BOM |
T415S | BOM status |
T415T | BOM Status Texts |
T416 | BOM Usage - Item Statuses |
T416K | Copying Defaults For Item Status |
T416T | BOM Usage Texts |
T416V | Copy defaults for BOM usage - item statuses |
T417 | Material Provision Indicators |
T417T | Materials Provided Indicator Texts |
T418 | Item Categories |
T418D | Definition of Variables for T418F |
T418F | Variable-Size Item Formulas |
T418G | Formula Texts |
T418T | Item Category Texts |
TC04 | Applic-Specific Criteria for Alternative Determination |
TC04T | Application Texts |
TCS01 | Screen Sequence Control for Item Detail Screens |
TCS03 | Modification Parameters/Defaults for BOMs |
TCS05 | Transaction-Specific Defaults for BOMs |
TCS07 | Default Sort Sequence for BOM items |
TCS09 | BOM Control Depending on Category and Usage |
TCS11 | BOM Objects |
TCS13 | Object Status for BOM Layout Variants |
TCS15 | BOMs with History Requirement |
TCS17 | BOMs with History Requirement |
TCS19 | BOM Item Object Types |
TCS20 | Texts for BOM Item Object Types |
TCS21 | BOM Item Object Types: internal --> external |
TCS22 | BOM Item Object Types: external --> internal |
TCS31 | BOM Field Selection - Usage (T416) |
TCS32 | BOM to Plant Allocation - Field Selection |
TCS33 | BOM Field Selection (SAP) |
TCS34 | BOM Field Selection - Control Data (TCS03) |
TCS41 | Automatic alternative BOM determination |
TCSFG | Field group definition - BOMs |
TCSFGF | Allocation of fields to field groups - BOMs |
TCSFGT | Field group texts for BOMs |
TCSPR | User Profile for BOMs |
TCSVL | User defaults list display (variable lists) |
TPST | Functional Location - BOM Link |
SAP Package CS contains 16 views.
CS_T416 | BOM Usage Database View |
H_T413 | Spare Part Indicator Help View |
H_T415S | BOM Status Help View |
H_T416 | BOM Usage Help View |
H_T417 | Material Provision Indicator Help View |
H_T418 | Item Categories Help View |
H_T418F | Variable-Size Item Formula Help View |
H_TC04 | Help View: Application-spec. Criteria for Alt. Determination |
M_CV01B | View for Search Help CV01B |
M_STZ1D | Generated View for Matchcode ID STZ1 -D |
M_STZ1E | Generated View for Matchcode ID STZ1 -E |
M_STZ1M | Generated View for Matchcode ID STZ1 -M |
M_STZ1T | Generated View for Matchcode ID STZ1 -T |
STPO_V01 | BOM Items View for Recursiveness Check |
STPO_V02 | BOM Item View for Co-Product |
STPO_VMRP | Projection view of STPO for MRP |
SAP Package CS contains 225 structures.
API_STTMAT | Entry Structure for API Material Variants |
API_STTMAT_VAL | Field Contents for Material Variant Distribution |
API_STTMAT01 | Entry structure API for material variants (external) |
BAPI1080_BGR_C | BOM group CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI material BOM |
BAPI1080_BOM_C | Alternative/Variant CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM |
BAPI1080_ITM_C | Components CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM |
BAPI1080_MBM_C | Material assignment CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM |
BAPI1080_REL_ITM_BOM_C | Assignments CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI ITM/BOM material BOMs |
BAPI1080_SUI_C | Sub item CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM |
BAPI1080_TXT_C | Long text line: CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI for material BOMs |
BGR_CLASS_DATA | Data for BOM group class |
BGR_CTRL_DATA | Control Data for Assembly Class |
BGR_INFO | Additional Fields for STZU |
BICSK | Batch Input Structure for BOM Header Data |
BICSP | Batch Input Structure for BOM Item Data |
BICSU | Batch Input Structure for BOM Sub-Item Data |
BOM_CLASS_DATA | Data for the class of bills of material |
BOM_CLASS_DATA_VIEW | Texts, Descriptions, Additional Data for BOM |
BOM_CLASS_LINK | BOM class data |
BOM_CLASS_LOCK | BOM lock object |
BOM_CLASS_SEL | selection structure for BOM attributes |
BOM_CLASS_VIEW | Texts, Descriptions, Additional Data for BOM (Screen) |
BOM_CTRL_DATA | Control data for BOM class |
BOM_CTRL_DATA_SCR | Control data |
BOM_HEADER_API01 | Header Information |
BOM_INFO | Additional fields for STKO |
BOM_LOG_DATA | BOM Header Data for Log Display in Application Log |
BOM_SORT_IDENT | BOM identification during standard sort |
BOM_SORT_STD | Standard sort term for BOMs |
BOM_SORT_VERSION | BOM versions for standard sort |
CLSTB | Buffer table for CLST records |
CLSTS | CLST - Extras |
COPY_BY_ITM | Copying of subordinated item objects |
CS13 | Object Status for Dialog Table Structure |
CS31 | Field Bar for Display TCS31-CFDAT |
CSALLOC_TRANS | Interanl structure of an automatic comp assignment order BOM |
CSAP_DBOM | API Structure: Document Structure Key Data |
CSAP_KBOM | API Structure: initial data customer order BOM_ |
CSAP_MAST | API Structure: Link between Material and BOM |
CSAP_MBOM | API Structure: Material BOM Initial Screen Data |
CSBOM | Structure for Triggering Data Distribution |
CSBOMEX | Interface for BOM Display Module Pool / ABAP/4 Programs |
CSCDOC | BOM Explosion: Documents |
CSCEQUI | BOM Explosion: Equipments |
CSCI_STKO | BOM Header User-Defined Fields |
CSCI_STPO | BOM Item User-Defined Fields |
CSCKND | BOM Explosion: Sales Orders |
CSCLRK | Recursiveness Info on Objects in Classes for BOM |
CSCMAT | BOM Explosion: Materials |
CSCOMP_ALV | Output for BOM comparison |
CSCPRJ | BOM explosion: WBS BOM |
CSCSTD | BOM Explosion: Standard Object |
CSCTPL | BOM Explosion: Equipments |
CSDEP_DAT | BOMs: Basic Data of a Dependency |
CSDEP_DESC | BOMs: Object Dependency Descriptions |
CSDEP_DOC | BOMs: Object Dependency Documentation |
CSDEP_ORD | BOMs: Sort Sequence of Object Dependencies |
CSDEP_SORC | BOMs: Source Code of Object Dependencies |
CSDMU_TMX | BOMs: DMU transformation matrices |
CSDOC_LINK | BOMs: Document assignments |
CSDTAB | BOM Interface Control Table |
CSEXSTL | External BOM Number Block Argument |
CSEXT | BOM Document Extension for Archive (Do Not Change !!!) |
CSIDENT | BOM Object Identifier for APIs |
CSIDENT_01 | Identification of BOM item for APIs |
CSIDENT_02 | Identification of BOM item for APIs internal |
CSIN | Interface for BOM Access |
CSINR | Interface for Variable-size Item |
CSITEMID | Fields to Uniquely Identify BOM Item for APIs |
CSLTX_ALT | BOMs: long text for alternative BOM |
CSLTX_BOM | BOMs: long text for BOM |
CSLTX_ITM | BOMs: long text for BOM item |
CSLTX_ITM_02 | BOMs: long text for BOM item |
CSLTX_LINE | BOMs: Long Texts |
CSMDMAST | Structure MDMAST for Interface |
CSNFTAB | Subordinate Groups within a BOM |
CSNODE01 | Transformation information for BOM nodes |
CSREFTRANS | Transformation structure BOM references |
CSRFC_HEAD | BOM Header Structure |
CSRFC_ITEM | BOM Item Structure |
CSSORT | Sort Criteria for BOM Items |
CSSTZU | Work Area for Reference BOM Header Data |
CSTCLA | Output for Initial Class in BOM Explosion |
CSTDOC | Output for Initial Document in BOM Explosion |
CSTEQUI | Output for Initial Equipment for BOM Explosions |
CSTMAT | Start Material Display for BOM Explosions |
CSTSD01 | Outline of transaction control data for customer enhancemnts |
CSTTPL | Output for Initial Functional Location in BOM Explosion |
CSXDOC | BOM Item (Document-Specific Explosion Data) |
CSXEQUI | BOM Item (Equipment-specific Explosion Data) |
CSXGEN | BOM Item (general explosion data) |
CSXKLA | BOM Item (Class-Specific Explosion Data) |
CSXMAT | BOM Item (material-specific explosion data) |
CSXTPL | BOM Item (Explosion Data for Functional Location) |
CSZALT | Allocation of Alternatives to Items |
CWB_ITM_CREATE_BY_COPY | Engineering Workbench: create item by copying |
DOSTA | DOST Phantom |
DOSTB | Document Table for DOST Records |
DOSTS | DOST - Details |
E1BP1080_BGR_C | BOM group CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI material BOM |
E1BP1080_BOM_C | Alternative/Variant CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM |
E1BP1080_ITM_C | Components CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM |
E1BP1080_MBM_C | Material assignment CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM |
E1BP1080_REL_ITM_BOM_C | Assignments CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI ITM/BOM material BOMs |
E1BP1080_SUI_C | Sub item CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI Material BOM |
E1BP1080_TXT_C | Long text line: CREATE-/CHANGE BAPI for material BOMs |
EQSTB | Document Table for EQST Records |
EQSTS | EQST - Details |
ITM_CLASS_DATA | Data for the BOM item class |
ITM_CLASS_DATA_VIEW | Texts, Icons, Additional Data for BOM Item |
ITM_CLASS_LINK | Item class data |
ITM_CLASS_LOCK | Lock object for BOM item |
ITM_CLASS_PRINT | EMB: Print structure of BOM item |
ITM_CLASS_SEL | Selection structure for BOM item characteristics |
ITM_CLASS_VIEW | Texts, Icons, Additional Data for BOM Item (Screen) |
ITM_CTRL_DATA | Control data for BOM item class |
ITM_CTRL_DATA_SCR | Control data |
ITM_HIER | Superior hierarchy for BOM item |
ITM_INFO | Additional data for STPO |
ITM_LOG_DATA | BOM Item Data for Log Display in Application Log |
ITM_SORT_IDENT | Item identification during standard sort |
ITM_SORT_STD | Standard sort term for items |
ITM_SORT_VERSION | Item versions during standard sort |
KBM_CLASS_DATA | Data for sales order-BOM allocation class |
KDSTB | Buffer Table for KDST Records |
KDSTS | KDST - Supplement |
KNUKN | Structure: Node - Parent Node |
MAST_API01 | API Material BOM Structure: Fields that can be Changed |
MAST_API02 | API structure for material BOM: all fields |
MAST_APICN | Temp. Help Structure for Converting API Structures |
MASTB | Document table for MAST records |
MASTS | MAST - Details |
MBM_CLASS_DATA | Class data for material - BOM allocation |
MBM_CLASS_DATA_PRINT | Print Structure for Material-Bill of Material Assignments |
MBM_CLASS_DATA_VIEW | Descriptions of Material BOM Allocations |
MBM_CLASS_SEL | Selection structure for BOM object features |
MBM_CLASS_VIEW | Descriptions of Material BOM Allocations (Screen) |
MBM_CTRL_DATA | Control Data for Material-BOM Allocation Class |
MBM_CTRL_DATA_SCR | Control data |
MBM_INFO | Additional Fields for MAST |
MBM_LOG_DATA | Material BOM Data for System Log Display in Application Log |
MBM_SORT_IDENT | Identification of material allocation using standard sort |
MBM_SORT_STD | Standard sort term for material-BOM allocations |
PLANT_API | API structure: plants for plant allocations |
PRSTB | Buffer table for PRST records |
PRSTS | PRST table - extras |
RC29B | EATAB Special Batch Input Fields for BOMs |
RC29B1 | Dialog Structure for Order BOM Browser |
RC29C | Validity input/output table |
RC29F | Input/Output Table Filters - BOM Item |
RC29G | EATAB BOM validity |
RC29K | EATAB BOM Headers |
RC29L | BOM Display input/output table |
RC29N | EATAB BOMs - initial screens |
RC29P | EATAB BOM Items |
RC29R | EATAB Variable-Size Item Data |
RC29U | EATAB BOM Sub-Items |
RC29V | IOTAB BOM Comparison |
RC29V1 | IOTAB BOM Comparison, Primary Item Fields |
RC29V2 | IOTAB BOM Comparison, Secondary Item Fields |
RC29VH | IOTAB BOM Comparison, Header Information |
RC29Z | BOM Input/Output Table: Additional Info |
RCC00200_ALV | Structure for Program RCC00200 |
RCS00120_1_ALV | Structure for Displaying Header Data in Report RCS00120 |
RCS00120_2_ALV | Structure for Displaying Item Data in Report RCS00120 |
RCS00140_ALV | Structure for Displaying List in Report RCS00140 |
RCS00150_ALV | Structure for Displaying List in Report RCS00150 |
RCS00160_ALV | Structure for Displaying List in Report RCS00160 in ALV |
RCSREO | Initial Screen Fields for BOM Reorganization |
RCSWB | Screen table for module pool SAPLCSWB |
RCSWBP | Screen table for module pool SAPLCSWB |
STASB | Document Table for STAS Records |
STASS | STAS - Details |
STKO_API01 | API BOM Header Structure: Fields that can be Changed |
STKO_API02 | API structure for BOM header: all fields |
STKO_APICN | Temp. Help Structure for Converting API Structures |
STKOAR | BOM header for the archive with function flag |
STKOB | BOM Header Document Table |
STKOI | Internal BOM Headers (for APIs) |
STKOS | STKO - Details |
STPNB | Successor in the BOM |
STPO_API01 | API Structure for BOM Item: Fields that can Be Changed |
STPO_API02 | API Structure for BOM Item: All Fields |
STPO_API03 | API Structure for BOM Item: All + Identifying Fields |
STPO_APICN | Temp. Help Structure for Converting API Structures |
STPOB | BOM item document table |
STPOD | Additional Fields for Creation of Change Documents |
STPOI | Internal BOM Items (for APIs) |
STPOID | BOM Item: Identifier |
STPOL | BOM Items (Extended for List Displays) |
STPOL_ADD | BOM Reporting - Item Data Displayed |
STPOS | STPO - Details |
STPOV | BOM Item (extended for displaying where-used lists) |
STPOV_ALV | BOM item (expanded for displaying where-used list), ALV |
STPOX | BOM Items (Extended for List Displays) |
STPOX_ALV | BOM Items (Extended for List Displays) |
STPU_API01 | API Structure for Internal APIs: STPU and Identifier |
STPUB | BOMs - sub-item documents |
STPUS | STPU - Details |
STSTB | Buffer Table for STST Records |
STSTS | STST - Supplement |
STZUB | Permanent BOM data |
STZUS | STZU - Details |
SUI_CLASS_DATA | Class data for BOM sub-items |
SUI_CLASS_PRINT | EWB: Print structure of BOM subitem |
SUI_CTRL_DATA_SCR | Subitems control data |
SUI_SORT_IDENT | Identification for subitem for the standard sort |
TABNAMES | Table Name for Transfer to SFA Extractors |
TPSTB | Buffer Table for TPST Records |
TPSTS | TPST - Supplement |
VDOST | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VEQST | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VKDST | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VMAST | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VPRST | Structure for change documents, generated by RSSCD000 |
VSTAS | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VSTKO | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VSTPO | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VSTPOD | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VSTPU | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VSTST | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VTPST | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
SAP Package CS contains 52 programs.
CS_RESET_CSXB_DATA | Reset all locked user data CSKB in the system |
MAT_BOMGROUP_CREATE_SAMPLE | Export complete BOM group as file |
RBDSEBMD | Document Structure Distribution |
RBDSEBOM | Material BOM Distribution |
RBDSEORD | Distribution of Order BOMs |
RBDSEPAM | Plant allocations to material BOMs distribution |
RBDSESTT | Distribution of Material Variants |
RCBOMDEL | BOM Reset Program |
RCC00110 | Dynamic Comparison of Two Items or Headers in a BOM |
RCC00200 | Change Numbers for a BOM |
RCCS0001 | Correction STVKN |
RCCSBISC | Display Batch Input Data from Sequential File |
RCCSBIST | Display of Batch Input Data from Sequential File (for RCSBI040)_ |
RCS00100 | BOM Change Documents |
RCS00120 | Display Change Documents |
RCS00140 | Information on Creating of BOM Items |
RCS00150 | Item Changes |
RCS00160 | BOM Changes for a Change Number |
RCS11001 | Display BOM Level by Level |
RCS11011 | Display Document Structure - Level by Level |
RCS12001 | Display Multilevel BOM |
RCS13001 | Summarized BOM - Multi-Level |
RCS14001 | BOM Comparison |
RCS15001 | Material Where-Used List |
RCS15011 | Single-level where-used for document |
RCS15021 | Single-Level Class Where-Used List |
RCS70002 | External Key Checks in BOM Tables |
RCSA0001 | Analysis low-level codes |
RCSALPOS | BOMs: List of Alternative Items |
RCSALPOS_ALV | BOMs: List of Alternative Items |
RCSARCH1 | Archiving Program for BOMs |
RCSARCH2 | Report for archiving BOMs, deletion program |
RCSARCH3 | Program for reading archived BOMs |
RCSARCH4 | Archived BOM: Check Usages |
RCSBI010 | Create BOMs using Batch Input |
RCSBI020 | Change BOMs using Batch Input |
RCSBI030 | Create Variant BOMs using Batch Input |
RCSBI040 | Create BOMs with all long texts using Batch Input |
RCSKDSTD | Order BOM: Set deletion flag in all assemblies |
RCSMADX1 | BOMs: Matchcode Editing |
RCSMADX2 | Bills of Material: XPRA to Edit Field Selection |
RCSMADX4 | Bills of Material: XPRA for Reorganizing Control Data, Field Selection |
RCSMNGUE_ALV | BOM Group: Summarized BOM List |
RCSNFPOS | BOMs: Discontinuation Data |
RCSNFPOS_ALV | BOMs: Discontinuation Data |
SAPMC29A | BOMs - Alternative Selection Dialog Module |
SAPMC29B | Display Change Documents for BOM |
SAPMC29D | BOMs - Read BOM Dialog Module |
SAPMC29L | BOM Reporting |
SAPMC29M | BOMs - Online Mass Changes |
SAPMC29S | BOMs: Maintenance Transaction Dialog |
SAPMC29V | BOMs - Online BOM Comparison |
SAP Package CS contains 28 search helps.
CS_KDST | Existing Order BOMs |
CS_MAST | Exisiting material BOMs |
CS_MAT | Complex Search Help in BOMs for Materials |
CS_OBJECT_ASSY | Objects in a sales order |
CS_OBJECT_CLS | Class items in the sales order |
CS_OBJECT_DOC | Documents in the sales order |
CS_OBJECT_MAT | Components in the sales order |
CS_OBJECT_MSL | Material BOM as entry object in BOM browser |
CS_PRST | Existing WBS BOM |
CS_PSPNR | Collective Search Help for WBS Elements |
CS_STLAN | Complex Search Help for BOM Usage |
CS_STLNR | BOM Number |
CS_VBELN | Complex Search Help for Order Items |
CV01B | Document with BOM |
H_STLNR | Select BOM number |
H_T413 | Spare Part Indicator Help View |
H_T415S | BOM Status Help View |
H_T416 | BOM Usage Help View |
H_T417 | Material Provision Indicator Help View |
H_T418 | Item Categories Help View |
H_T418F | Variable-Size Item Formula Help View |
H_TC04 | Help View: Application-spec. Criteria for Alt. Determination |
H_VERID | VERID search help |
STZ1 | Matchcode for Central BOM Data |
STZ1D | BOM group (document BOM) by BOM group and BOM description |
STZ1E | BOM group (equipment BOM) by BOM group and BOM description |
STZ1M | BOM group (material BOM) by BOM group and BOM description |
STZ1T | BOM group (funct. loc. BOM) by BOM group and BOM description |
SAP Package CS contains 3 message classes.
29 | Stücklisten |
BAPI1080 | Meldungen - BAPIS zum BOR-Objekt BUS1080 (MatStücklisten) |
BOM | Stücklisten (2) |
SAP Package CS contains 4 authorization objects.
C_STUE_BER | CS BOM Authorizations |
C_STUE_MAS | CS BOMs - Mass changes |
C_STUE_NOH | CS Authorization to process BOMs without a change number |
C_STUE_WRK | CS BOM Plant (Plant Assignments) |