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Bei ansehen →The package CUMT (Maintenance Environment for Dependencies) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.
Package | CUMT |
Short Text | Maintenance Environment for Dependencies |
Parent Package | ABA |
SAP Package CUMT contains 30 function groups.
CARD1 | API Modules for Reading Dependencies |
CEBW | Dependencies in configurator |
CLD2 | Distribution of Dependencies |
CUD2 | Table Maintenance |
CUD3 | Runtime objects for variant tables |
CUD4 | Read Content of Variant Table |
CUD6 | Check Class Environment for Constraints |
CUD8 | Table transfers |
CUDD | Process variant table using DB table |
CUFA | Variant functions - master data APIs |
CUFS | Read variant function |
CUFU | Variant functions - user interface |
CUK1 | Dependency Network Maintenance |
CUKD | Dependency Maintenance |
CULI | Object Dependencies Function Library |
CUP1 | Parser Functions |
CUPA | Parser for Object Dependencies |
CUPB | Variant 2 of Object Dependency Parser |
CUPC | Composition of PMS Segments (3.1) |
CUPP | Pretty Print for Object Dependencies |
CUPS | Parsers with SCE capability |
CUT3 | Variant 3 of Justification Management |
CUTA | Variant tables - master data APIs |
CUTQ | Read variant table - structure |
CUTU | Maintain variant table structure |
CUUI | SAP Editor User Interface |
CUVB | Dependency Maintenance Update Program |
CUVF | Save variant functions |
CUVT | Update Variant Tables |
CUVTOPFI | Open FI Activities / Variant Tables |
SAP Package CUMT contains 20 transactions.
CU01 | Create Dependency |
CU02 | Change Dependency |
CU03 | Display Dependency |
CU04 | Dependency List |
CU05 | Dependency Where-Used List |
CU21 | Create Dependency Net |
CU22 | Change Dependency Net |
CU23 | Display Dependency Net |
CU59 | Transfer Variant Table Contents |
CU60 | Table Maintenance |
CU60E | MS Excel Upload of Variant Tables |
CU61 | Create Table Structure |
CU62 | Change Table Structure |
CU63 | Display Table Structure |
CU64 | Table Structure List |
CU65 | Create Function |
CU66 | Change Function |
CU67 | Display Function |
CU68 | Function List |
CUNK | Number Ranges for Dependencies |
SAP Package CUMT contains 50 database tables.
CUCVRNT | Variants of Constraints |
CUEX | Dependency Storage - Compilation |
CUKB | Administrative Information for Dependency Maintenance |
CUKBT | Text Table for Dependency Maintenance Admin. Information |
CUKN | Dependency Storage - Variants/Configuration |
CUOB | Assignment of Object to Dependency |
CURSADD | Dependency Net Additional Data |
CURSCOD | PMS Master Data: Storage of Code to be Evaluated |
CURSDNN | PMS master data: discrimination net node |
CURSDNS | PMS master data: subsequent discrimination net node |
CURSOBJ | PMS Master Data: Conversion of PMS Object Keys |
CURSPAT | PMS Master Data: Patterns (of End Points) |
CURSSPN | PMS Master Data: Simple Pattern Nodes |
CURSSPS | PMS Master Data: Follow-Up to Simple Pattern Node |
CURSVAR | Internal Variables of Constraints |
CUVFUN | Variant functions |
CUVFUN_ADM | Administrative Data for variant function |
CUVFUN_GR | Group for variant functions |
CUVFUN_GRT | Texts for variant function groups |
CUVFUN_IND | Value assignment alternatives for variant function |
CUVFUN_PAR | Parameters of variant function |
CUVFUN_ST | Variant function status |
CUVFUN_STT | Variant function status description |
CUVFUN_TX | Text table for variant functions |
CUVFX | Structure for locking variant functions |
CUVT | Variant Table |
CUVTAB | Variant table basic data |
CUVTAB_ADM | Variant table - administrative data |
CUVTAB_FLD | Fields of variant table |
CUVTAB_GR | Group for variant tables |
CUVTAB_GRT | Variant table group descriptions |
CUVTAB_IND | Value assignment alternatives for variant table |
CUVTAB_ST | Variant table status |
CUVTAB_STT | Status description for variant table |
CUVTAB_TX | Descriptions for Variant Table |
CUVTAB_VALC | CHAR format values for variant table |
CUVTAB_VALN | NON-CHAR format variant table values |
CUVTLN | Line object of variant table |
CUVTX | Structure for locking variant tables |
CUXREF | Object Dependency Cross References |
TCUAU | Authorizations for Maintaining Dependencies |
TCUB | Authorizations for Maintaining Dependencies |
TCUBT | Authorizations for Maintaining Dependencies |
TCUD | Dependency Maintenance - Allowed Dependency Types per Object |
TCUG | Dependency Maintenance - Groups |
TCUGT | Dependency Groups - Texts |
TCUO | Dependencies - Objects |
TCUOT | Dependencies - Object Texts |
TCUX | Dependency Maintenance - Statuses |
TCUXT | Dependency Maintenance Statuses - Texts |
SAP Package CUMT contains 11 views.
M_CLFNA | Generated view for matchcode ID CLFN -A |
M_CLFNB | Generated view for matchcode ID CLFN -B |
M_CLFNC | Generated view for matchcode ID CLFN -C |
M_CLTBA | Generated view for matchcode ID CLTB -A |
M_CLTBB | Generated view for matchcode ID CLTB -B |
M_CLTBC | Generated view for matchcode ID CLTB -C |
M_CU01B | Generated view for matchcode ID CU01 -B |
M_CU01G | Generated view for matchcode ID CU01 -G |
M_CU01L | Generated view for matchcode ID CU01 -L |
V_CUVTAB_GR | Variant table group |
V_CUVTAB_GRT | Variant Table Group Descriptions |
SAP Package CUMT contains 102 structures.
API_FUNC | Structure for names of variant functions |
API_VTAB_ECM | Structure for ECM data for variant tables |
API_VTAB_FIELD | API interface for fields in variant table |
CEBW | Dependencies for object in configurator |
CFG_ARCH_VCHAR | CHAR Value in Configuration - Archiving |
CFG_ARCH_VCOM | Value in Archiving for Configurations - General |
CFG_ARCH_VNONCHAR | Value for Configuration not in CHAR Format - Archiving |
CONF_OUT | Configuration Output |
CTCU_02 | Structure for chars group/description |
CUALLOCHIS | Structure for change overview of allocations |
CUEX_OBJ | Dependency Maintenance - Structure for Compilation Storage |
CUEX_STRUC | Structure of dependency runtime format (KNBLK) |
CUKB_OBJ | Dependencies - Basis Data for Object Maintenance |
CUKBT_OBJ | Dependencies - Lang.-Dependent Texts for Object Maintenance |
CUKC | Structure for Object Dependencies Compilation |
CUKDTB | Help Structure for Dependency Data |
CUKN_OBJ | Dependencies - Dependency Storage in Object Maintenance |
CUKN_STRUC | Structure of dependency container (KNBLK) |
CUKO_02 | Configuration: Display Classification Data |
CUKR_01 | Compilations (KNNUM + CODE Line) |
CUOB_APPLI | Usage of dependency |
CUOB_TAB | Dependency Maintenance - Object Link Table |
CUPS_STPO | Componentization: STPO Items |
CURSAD1 | Help Structure: Dependency Net Additional Data |
CUSL_01 | Input Interface for Accessing Tables |
CUTEXT | Variant Configuration Description |
CUVA_OBJ | Help Structure for Updating Constraint Variables |
CUVBCOD | Update Structure for CURSCOD |
CUVBDNN | Update Structure for CURSDNN |
CUVBDNS | Update Structure for CURSDNS |
CUVBOBJ | Update Structure for CURSOBJ |
CUVBPAT | Update Structure for CURSPAT |
CUVBSPN | Update Structure for CURSSPN |
CUVBSPS | Update Structure for CURSSPS |
CUVBVAR | Update Structure for CURSVAR |
CUVBVRNT | Update Structure for CUCVRNT |
CUVR_OBJ | Help Structure for Updating Constraint Variables |
CUXR_OBJ | Structure for Updating Cross References of a Dependency |
DDB_AW | Configuration Transac. Data: Fact for Simple Characteristic |
DDB_C01 | Transaction Data: DDDB_HAS_VAL |
DDB_C02 | DDB Change Messages (Configuration) |
DDB_C03 | Configuration Transac. Data: General Value Set |
DDB_C04 | Value Structure for Reading Characteristic Values from DDB |
DDB_C06 | Describes a characteristic value, as in priority tables |
DDB_ITP | DDB: General Object Type |
IKNOBJ | Objects with Dependencies |
INCL_BILD | Structures for Calling with Screen Module |
KBD_TREE | Representation of a Pars Tree in ABAP |
KBD_XREF | Parser Cross Reference Structure |
KNOBJTAB | Buffer Table for Allocation Numbers |
LINEROW | Details of Line and Column |
OARG_01 | ID of a partial argument for an object |
OARG_02 | Information on a Part Argument |
OARG_03 | Information on a Part Argument |
PARS_TEXT | Line in Source Code of Object Dependency |
PARS_TOKEN | Structure of a Token in Dependency Parser |
PMS_DNTYP | Type description of DN node in PMS |
PMS_PAT_ID | Identification of 'Pattern' in PMS |
PMS_PATID | Identification of 'Pattern' in PMS |
PMS_SP_ID | Identification of 'Simple Pattern' in PMS |
PMS_VARID | Identification of Variable in PMS |
RCUD2 | Table Maintenance |
RCUD5_F | Transfer structure for function data |
RCUD5_T | Transfer structure for variant table data |
RCUD7 | Fields for Function Group CUD7 |
RCUDD_MATCH | Output Interface for Accessing Tables |
RCUDD_MATCH_M | Output Interface for Accessing Tables |
RCUDD_QUERY | Input Interface for Accessing Tables |
RCUDD_QUERY_M | Input Interface for Accessing Tables |
RCUDD_VALUES | Values for transferring variant table to database table |
RCUFU | I/O fields for program SAPLCUFU |
RCUFUN | Structure as Class Object for Functions |
RCUIND | Transfer Structure for KRIF Elements |
RCUKB1 | API Structure for Basic Data of Dependency |
RCUKBT1 | API Structure for Lang-Dependent Dependency Descriptions |
RCUKD | Fields for Dependency Maintenance |
RCUKDOC1 | API Structure for Dependency Documentation |
RCUKN1 | API Structure for Sources of Dependency |
RCUOB1 | API Structure for Allocations for Object Dependencies |
RCURS | Help Structure: Dependency Maintenance/Processing |
RCUSB | Dependency Maintenance - Output Fields for Screen Modules |
RCUTB | Transfer Structure: Syntax Check for Characteristics |
RCUTU | I/O fields for program SAPLCUFU |
RFELD | Field List with Names of the Changed Data Fields |
RKNNUM | Editor Format for Object Dependencies |
RKNOBJ | Help Structure for Object Dependencies |
SCUD2 | Parameters for Table Maintenance Interface Control (CU60) |
SEL_COD | Compilation of Selection Conditions (Test) |
TMS_JUST | Justification of DDB Declaration (Configuration) |
TMS_REF_T | Table structure for TMS ref. table (table of fact IDs) |
TMSX_JUST | Complete TMS justification |
VARFUN_WHERE_USE_RESULT | Result Structure for Where-Used List for Variant Functions |
VARTAB_WHERE_USE_RESULT | Result Structure for Where-Used List for Variant Tables |
VFUNC_ALT_INP | Value assignment alternatives for variant function |
VFUNC_ALT_INPUT | Value assignment alternatives for variant function |
VFUNC_BASIC | Header data of variant function |
VFUNC_BASIC_DATA | Variant Tables Structure |
VFUNC_CHARACT | Characteristics of variant function |
VFUNC_DESCR | Description of variant function |
VFUNC_DESCRIPT | Descriptions of variant function |
VTCHARS | Characteristics |
VTENTR_LONG | Variant Table Contents |
SAP Package CUMT contains 30 programs.
RCCUFN00 | Function List |
RCCUFN10 | Use of characteristic in variant functions |
RCCUTB00 | Table Structure List |
RCCUTB10 | Use of Characteristic in Variant Tables |
RCCUTCLB | Deactivate Runtime Objects for Variant Tables |
RCCUTCLD | Delete All Generated Table Clusters for Variant Tables |
RCCUVTDB | Transfer Variant Table Contents to Database Table |
RCCUVWFN | Where-Used List for Function in Object Dependencies |
RCCUVWTB | Where-Used List for Variant Table in Object Dependencies |
RCUDELCUXREF | Delete Compilation (CUXREF) of a Dependency That No Longer Exists |
RCUKD001 | Delete Unnecessary CUEX Entries (from 2.2.X) |
RCUKD003 | Sets dependency status to 'locked' (for first database record) |
RCUKD004 | Cleans up cross-references and code lines for locked dependencies |
RCUKD005 | Cleans up dependencies (datuv <>0 and AENNR = space becomes datuv = 0) |
RCUKDCHK | Object Dependencies Block Check |
RCUKDDET | Display Object Dependencies Detail |
RCUKDDSP | Object Dependencies Overview |
RCUKDECM | Display Object Dependencies for Change Number |
RCUKDLIS | Dependency List |
RCUKDUPD | Object Dependencies Block Check |
RCUKDVWG | Where-Used List for Dependencies |
RCUKDXRF | Use of Objects in Dependencies |
RCUPMDMP | Generate Short Dump for PMS Segment (such as Constraint Net) |
RCUVFSCD | Display Change Documents |
RCUVT_CHOV | Variant Table Report Change Overview |
RCUVTCCD | Display Change Documents |
RCUVTSCD | Display Change Documents |
RCUVWTF1 | Use of Characteristic in Variant Tables and Variant Functions |
RCUVWTF2 | Use of Characteristic in Variant Tables and Variant Functions |
RCVTLNCN | Overview of variant table lines for change number |
SAP Package CUMT contains 13 search helps.
CLFN | Variant functions |
CLFNA | Find by Description |
CLFNB | Find by Name |
CLFNC | Find by Group |
CLTB | Variant tables |
CLTBA | Find by Description |
CLTBB | Find by Name |
CLTBC | Find by Group |
CU01 | Matchcodes for Dependencies |
CU01B | Find by Dependencies (Language-Independent) |
CU01G | Find by Group |
CU01K | Find via class |
CU01L | Find by Local Dependencies |
SAP Package CUMT contains 4 message classes.
28 | Konfiguration |
2C | Customizing Merkmalbewertung |
CU | Messages Varianten / Konfiguration |
CUMTX | Variantenkonfiguration - Stammdatenpflege |
SAP Package CUMT contains 5 authorization objects.
C_LOVC_DBI | Variant Table - Link to Database Table |
C_LOVC_DEP | Dependency Maintenance |
C_LOVC_FUN | Variant Function |
C_LOVC_TAB | Variant Table - Structure |
C_LOVC_TCN | Variant Table - Contents |