
SAP Package CURT

Runtime Environment for R/3 Configurator (Central, High+Low)

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The package CURT (Runtime Environment for R/3 Configurator (Central, High+Low)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CURT
Short Text Runtime Environment for R/3 Configurator (Central, High+Low)
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CURT contains 4 function groups.

CUFC Variant Function Calls
CUIN Runtime Environmt of R/3 Config: Events
CUTC Configurator Trace Module
CUTS Access to variant tables


SAP Package CURT contains 15 structures.

CUKR_02 Ranges Tables for Internal Dependency Number (KNNUM)
CUKR_03 Dependency Number + Source Code Line
CUKR_04 Ranges Table for Allocation Object (KNOBJ)
CUOV_00 Global Data for Calling Object Dependency Functions
CUOV_01 Interface for Calling Object Dependency Functions
CUOV_02 Input Interface for Multiple Line Table Access (ext)
CUOV_03 Output Interface for Accessing Tables
CUSL_02 Output Interface for Accessing Tables
CUSL_05 Input interface for multi-line table access
CUSL_06 Output Interface for Accessing Tables
CUTC_TAB Table Structure for Trace on Trace Module
RCUTC Help Structure for Trace Data
RCUTC1 Objects per Module to Trace
RCUTC2 Modules to Trace
RCUTCMSGBL Transfer Structure for Trace Message Block