Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package CV (Document Management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CV |
Short Text | Document Management |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CV contains 49 function groups.
0CV5 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CACV_GKS_GET_DOCFILE | Function Group for Document Storage |
CV_AUTH_RFC | Read and Set Authorizations Using RFC |
CV_AUTH_USERGROUP_RFC | RFC Modules for User Group Maintenance |
CV_AUTH01 | Authorization Check |
CV_AUTH02 | Read and Set Authorizations |
CV00 | DMS Transactions |
CV100 | Document Search |
CV110 | DMS: Transactions |
CV111 | DMS: Data buffer |
CV115 | DMS: Service/Help functions |
CV116 | DMS: Word processing |
CV117 | DMS: Dialog boxes and so on |
CV118 | DMS: Status handling |
CV119 | DMS: Profiles, Settings, and so on |
CV120 | DMS: Handle originals |
CV121 | DMS: Redlining |
CV122 | DMS: Internal APIs |
CV130 | Object Link Document -> Object |
CV140 | Object Links to DMS |
CV145 | Interface to Knowledge Warehouse |
CV150 | DMS: Office integration (new) |
CV200 | Database access for DMS |
CV210 | DMS: General |
CV211 | Conversion Exits |
CV212 | Conncetion to DocuFinder |
CV220 | DMS: Document search using IMS |
CV221 | DMS: Internet transactions |
CV222 | DMS: Internet: Download/Upload |
CV225 | DMS: Internet - Favorites management |
CVAD | Arch Class Object Links |
CVALE | DDS: ALE document distribution |
CVAU | ===> Object DOK_AUDIT , generated by |
CVBAPI | BAPIs for document info records |
CVBE | BTE for Documents |
CVBI | Batch Input Functions for Documents |
CVCH | Object_check_draw |
CVGL | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CVIN | General DMS Functions |
CVIT | Internet scenarios (DMS) |
CVOB | Object Link Functions |
CVORIGINALS | Handle originals |
CVSL | Document Management Selects |
CVST | DMS Status Management |
CVWEB | DMS - Web Interface |
CVWG | Test for Up-/Download ActiveX |
SAP Package CV contains 31 transactions.
CV00 | Document Management |
CV01 | Create Document Info Record |
CV01N | Create Document |
CV02 | Change Document Info Record |
CV02N | Change Document |
CV03 | Display Document Info Record |
CV03N | Display document |
CV04 | List Document Info Records |
CV04N | Find Document |
CV130 | TEST_CV130 |
CV90 | Number ranges for documents |
CVAD | Initial Screen for Archiving |
CVAR | Archive DMS Tables |
CVLO | Delete Archived DMS Table Entries |
CVRE | Read Archived Tables |
CVW1 | Internet scenario for doc. search |
CVW2 | Index search DMS in WWW |
CVW3 | Find documents in the World Wide Web |
CVW3A | Find documents in the World Wide Web |
CVW4 | Display document lists in WWW |
CVW4A | Display document lists in WWW |
CVWEB_DOCLIST_SHOW | Find documents in the World Wide Web |
CVWG | DMS: Test for up/download ActiveX |
DMS_FOLDER1 | Find favorites |
OD12 | Maintain Number Range for Vaults |
OD50 | DMS IAC - group definition |
OD52 | DMS IAC - User allocation |
OD90 | Record Layout for Batch Input (Docs) |
OD91 | Document Data Transfer |
OD92 | Document Batch Input Example File |
OD93 | Display Document File |
SAP Package CV contains 97 database tables.
CVSE_DRAW_PROT | Log Table |
DMS_AUDITS | DVS: Indicator Audits |
DMS_CONT1_CD1 | DVS: Document conetnts in SAP-DB (main original) |
DMS_CONT1_HD1 | DVS: Document contents in SAP-DB (additional files) |
DMS_CONT2_CD1 | DVS: Document conetnts in SAP-DB (main original) |
DMS_CONT2_HD1 | DVS: Document contents in SAP-DB (additional files) |
DMS_CONV2KPRO1 | Conversion DMS storage data |
DMS_CONV2KPRO2 | Log table for conversion |
DMS_DOC_FILES | DMS: File Names for Documents |
DMS_DOC_FOLDER1 | DMS: Folder for documents (Header) |
DMS_DOC_FOLDER2 | DMS: Folder for documents (descirptions) |
DMS_DOC_FOLDER3 | DMS: Folder for documents (structure) |
DMS_DOC_FOLDER4 | Determine All Subscribed Root Folders |
DMS_DOC2LOIO | DVS: Link table DVS Key <-> LOIO-ID |
DMS_DOKNRCNV | Data for Document Number Conversion |
DMS_DOKNRCONV | Data for Document Number Conversion |
DMS_FILE_CP | DMS: Change Documents for Originals in KPRO |
DMS_GUID | GUID for Document management |
DMS_IDX_MIMES | DMS: Definition of the MIME type indexing |
DMS_LO_CD1 | DVS: LOIOS of main originals (conv. document) |
DMS_LO_HD1 | DVS: LIOS of addtional files (help document) |
DMS_LODESC_CD1 | DVS: LOIO-Descirption of the main original (conv. document) |
DMS_LODESC_HD1 | DVS: LOIO-Description of additional data (help document) |
DMS_LORE_CD1 | DVS: Outgoing links LOIOS for main originals |
DMS_LORE_HD1 | DVS: Otgoing links LOIOS for additional files |
DMS_LORI_CD1 | DVS: Incoming links LOIOS for main originals |
DMS_LORI_HD1 | DVS: Incoming links PHIOS for additional files |
DMS_MUPCAT | Markup categories |
DMS_MUPCATT | Description markup categories |
DMS_OI | DMS Customizing settings for office integration |
DMS_PH_CD1 | DVS: PHIOS of main originals |
DMS_PH_CHKF_CD1 | DVS: File name of last check out (main original) |
DMS_PH_CHKF_HD1 | DVS: File name of last check out (additional files) |
DMS_PH_CHKO_CD1 | DVS: Check out data to PHIO (main originals) |
DMS_PH_CHKO_HD1 | DVS: Check out data to PHIO (additional files) |
DMS_PH_HD1 | DVS: PHIOS of additional originals |
DMS_PH_PROP_CD1 | DVS: Attribute PHIOS (main originals) |
DMS_PH_PROP_HD1 | DVS: Attribute PHIOS (additional files) |
DMS_PHF_CD1 | DVS: PHIOS Components of main originals (conv. document) |
DMS_PHF_HD1 | DVS: PHIOS Components of additional files (help document) |
DMS_PHHYP_HD1 | DVS: PHIOS ???????????? |
DMS_PHIO2FILE | DMS: File Name for Phios |
DMS_PHRE_CD1 | DVS: Outgoing links PHIOS for main originals |
DMS_PHRE_HD1 | DVS: Outgoing links PHIOS for additional files |
DMS_PHRI_CD1 | DVS: Incoming links PHIOS for main originals |
DMS_PHRI_HD1 | DVS: Incoming links PHIOS for additional files |
DMS_PROC01 | DMS - Processes |
DMS_PROC02 | DMS - Processes/Text table |
DMS_PROF01 | DMS: Profile Definition |
DMS_PROF02 | DMS: Allocation Profile - Group/User |
DMS_PROF03 | DMS: Profile Definitions for Applications |
DMS_PROF04 | Profile definition for process |
DMS_PROP_CD1 | DVS: Attribute LOIOS (main originals) |
DMS_PROP_HD1 | DVS: Attribute LOIOS (additional files) |
DMS_RELA | DVS: Instances of links |
DMS_REPR | DVS: Attribute of links |
DMS_SELECTIONS | Find Document: Selection Variants |
DMS_SELECTIONST | Texts to Selection Variants |
DMS_USER_DEF01 | DMS: User-Specific Settings |
DMS1DIDSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
DRAD | Document-Object Link |
DRAD_LAST_CHANGE | DMS: Last Changes to Object Link |
DRAO | Originals for documents |
DRAOZ | Additional Files for DMS Originals |
DRAP | Document Log File |
DRAT | Texts for Document Info Records |
DRAW | Document Info Record |
DRAW_LAST_CHANGE | DMS: Last Changes to Document |
DRAZ | Table for Additional Files for DMS Originals |
DVSALE01 | Original transport definition for DMS ALE |
TCZ01 | Source Files for Application |
TCZ02 | Language-dependent source for original application files |
TCZ02T | Descriptions for laguage dependent source for originals |
TCZGL | Global DMS Settings |
TDWA | Document Types |
TDWA_VERSION | Version Sequence |
TDWAI | Internal SAP Document Types |
TDWAT | Document Type Texts |
TDWC | CAD - Systems |
TDWD | Data Carrier/Network Nodes |
TDWE | Data Carrier Type |
TDWF | Document Management Data Formats |
TDWI | Selection table - document search via internet |
TDWIU | User allocation - document search via internet |
TDWN | Mount Points and Logical Drives in Network |
TDWO | Document Management Object Link |
TDWOD | Screen for DMS Object Link |
TDWOT | Texts for Object Links in Document Management |
TDWP | Workstation Applications |
TDWS | Document Status |
TDWSEXIT | Find Document: Function Module for User Exits |
TDWSEXITT | Find Document: Texts to TDWEXIT |
TDWST | Document Status Texts |
TDWX | Workstation Applications in Network |
TDWX_HELP | Help for predefined applications |
TDWX_HELPT | Help for predefined applications |
SAP Package CV contains 13 views.
H_DTYP | Data Carrier Type Help View |
H_TDWA | Document Types Help View |
H_TDWD | TDWD Help View |
H_TDWST | Status Abbreviations Help View |
M_CV01O | Generated View for Matchcode ID CV01 -O |
V_AFVC_AFKO | View Table Combining AFVC and AFKO |
V_DMS_IDX_MIMES | DMS: Definition of MIME Type for Indexing (View) |
V_TDWE | Data Carrier Type |
V_TDWI | Maintenance view for document search via internet |
V_TDWIU | Maintenance view - user allocation for IAC DMS |
V_TDWOD | Maintenance View for Screens to DMS Object Links |
V_TDWSEXIT | Function Module for User Exits |
V_TDWSEXITT | Find Document: Function Module for User Exits |
SAP Package CV contains 173 structures.
AUSP_BI | Batch input structure for characteristic values |
BAPI_CHAR_VALUES_KEYS | BAPI Structure for Characteristic Value Assignment (Docs) |
BAPI_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUES | BAPI structure for characteristic value assignment |
BAPI_CLASS_ALLOCATION | BAPI structure for allocation of object to class |
BAPI_CLASS_ALLOCATION_KEYS | BAPI Structure for the Assignment of Classes to Several Objs |
BAPI_DOC_ADMIN | DMS: Management Data for Document |
BAPI_DOC_APPLICATIONS | Structure of external aplications |
BAPI_DOC_AUX | BAPIS DMS: auxiliary structure |
BAPI_DOC_COMP | BAPIS-DMS: Components to Document-Originals |
BAPI_DOC_COMP_KEYS | BAPIs DMS: Components for Document Originals Including Keys |
BAPI_DOC_DRAD | BAPIS DMS: document object links |
BAPI_DOC_DRAD_SELECT | BAPIS DMS: select object links |
BAPI_DOC_DRAP | BAPIS DMS: status log |
BAPI_DOC_DRAP_KEYS | BAPIS-DVS: Status Log Including Keys |
BAPI_DOC_DRAT | BAPIS DMS: short texts |
BAPI_DOC_DRAT_KEYS | BAPIs DMS: Short Texts Including Keys |
BAPI_DOC_DRAW | BAPIS DMS: document data |
BAPI_DOC_DRAW2 | BAPIS DMS: Document Data |
BAPI_DOC_DRAWX | BAPIS DMS: X structure for document data |
BAPI_DOC_DRAWX2 | BAPIS DMS: X Structure for Document Data |
BAPI_DOC_FILES | BAPIS DMS: document originals |
BAPI_DOC_FILES2 | BAPIS DMS: Document Originals |
BAPI_DOC_FILES2_KEYS | BAPIs DMS: Document Originals Including Keys |
BAPI_DOC_KEYS | BAPIS DMS: document key |
BAPI_DOC_MASS_DRAWX2 | BAPIS DMS: X Structure for Document Data for mass |
BAPI_DOC_MASS_STRUCTURE | BAPIs DMS: Structure Data for a Document with child relation |
BAPI_DOC_SELNR | BAPIS DMS: document number range for search |
BAPI_DOC_STRUCTURE | BAPIs DMS: Structure Data for a Document |
BAPI_DOC_STRUCTURE_KEYS | BAPIs DMS: Structure Data for Several Documents |
BAPI_DOC_TDWA | BAPIS DMS: document types |
BAPI_DOC_TDWN | BAPIS DMS: data carrier types |
BAPI_DOC_TDWN2 | BAPIS DMS: data carrier types |
BAPI_DOC_TDWO | BAPIS DMS: definition of object links |
BAPI_DOC_TDWP | BAPIS DMS: work station applications |
BAPI_DOC_TDWS | BAPIS DMS: status data |
BAPI_DOC_TEXT | BAPIS DMS: long text data for a document |
BAPI_DOC_TEXT_KEYS | BAPIS-DVS: Longtext Data for Document Including Keys |
BAPI_DRAP | BAPI structure for status history of document |
BAPI_DRAT | BAPI structure for document info record descriptions |
BAPI_DRAW | BAPI structure for DRAW data of document to be created |
BAPI_DRAWKEY | Document key |
CAD_DOCUMENT_MESSAGES | Message text for mass processing |
CV100_RANGESAENNR | Selection Structure: Change Number |
CV100_RANGESAPPL | Range Table for Workstation Application |
CV100_RANGESBEGRU | Selection Structure: Authorization Group |
CV100_RANGESCADKZ | Selection Structure: CAD Indicator |
CV100_RANGESDKTXT | Selection Structure: Short Text |
CV100_RANGESDOKAR | Selection Structure: Document Type |
CV100_RANGESDOKNR | Selection Structure: Document Number |
CV100_RANGESDOKSA | Range Table for Document Status |
CV100_RANGESDOKTL | Selection Structure: Part Document |
CV100_RANGESDOKVR | Selection Structure: Document Version |
CV100_RANGESDTTRG | Range Table for Data Carrier |
CV100_RANGESDWNAM | Selection Structure: Processor |
CV100_RANGESFILENAME | Range Table for File Names |
CV100_RANGESLABOR | Selection Structure: Lab/Design Office |
CV100_RANGESLOEDK | Selection Structure: Deletion Indicator |
CV141_TREE_STRUC | Structure for tree control |
CVAPI_DOC_COMP | DMS: Originals of a Document |
CVAPI_DOC_FILE | DMS: Originals of a Document |
CVAPI_DOC_FILE_MASS | DMS: Originals of a Document for mass |
CVAPI_DOC_FILE2 | DMS: Originals of a Document |
CVAPI_DOC_STATUS | Status Data for API |
CVAUTH_ACTIVITY | Activities from the ACO Authorization Concept |
CVAUTH_AUTH_BUFFER | Document with Activity |
CVAUTH_DOCREF_BUFFER | Cache for ACL buffer |
CVAUTH_PERMISSION | Authorization |
CVAUTH_TS_DB_INCLUDE | Include for Database Tables ACO_USER, ACO_USER_GROUPS, ... |
CVAUTH_TS_GROUP | Structure for Search Help ACO_BSP_USER_GROUP |
CVAUTH_TS_USER | Object-Specific Authorizations for a User |
CVAUTH_USER | Information About User Groups |
CVAUTH_USERGROUP | Information About User Groups |
DMS_ALV_FILES | DMS: ALV Tree for Originals |
DMS_ALV_FILES_SMALL | DMS: ALV Tree for Originals |
DMS_BAPI_DOC_BOM_VALUE | DMS: Structure for BOM value of mass documents |
DMS_CHECK_DRAD | Check of all Object Links |
DMS_CHECKIN_DEF | DMS: Definitions for Check in |
DMS_CHECKOUT_DEF | DMS: Definitions for Check Out |
DMS_DATA_CARRIER | DMS: Data carrier/Storage for DVS |
DMS_DB_DRAD | DVS: Structure for table DRAD |
DMS_DB_DRAT | DVS: Structure for table DRAT |
DMS_DB_DRAZ | DVS: Structure for table DRAZ |
DMS_DOC_APPL | Document - Application |
DMS_DOC_FILE | DVS: Help structure for document original |
DMS_DOC_FILE_MASS | DVS: Help structure for mass document originals |
DMS_DOC_KEY | DMS: Document Key |
DMS_DOC_KEY_ERROR | Document key with API status |
DMS_DOCUMENT_HIERARCHIE | Document hierarchy |
DMS_DRAD_BADI_OBJKY | Interface Definition for Object Link Document@Web |
DMS_DRAD_BADI_PARAM | Interface Definition for Object Link Document@Web |
DMS_DRAD_BADI_WORK | Interface for BAdI Object Link |
DMS_ECM_NUMBER | DVS: Change number for DVS |
DMS_FAVORITES_EX | Structure for export table of the relevant favorites data |
DMS_FRONTEND_DATA | DMS: Frontend Data (Hostname. Frontend Type,....) |
DMS_KPRO_IDX01 | Search request for full text search |
DMS_KPRO_IDX02 | Results of the full text search |
DMS_KW_OBJECT | Interface structure: Link between KW and DMS |
DMS_LOIO | DVS: Help structure for LOIOS of main original |
DMS_MUP_AUTH | DMS: authorizations for markup |
DMS_PHIO | DVS: Auxiliary structure for PHIOS of main originals |
DMS_PHIO_COMP | DMS: Auxilary Structure for PHIOS of Additional Files |
DMS_PHIO_MASS | DVS: Auxiliary structure for PHIOS of mass main originals |
DMS_REC_COMP | DMS: Auxilary Structure for PHIOS of Additional Files |
DMS_REC_FILE | Originals in DMS |
DMS_REC_FILE_MASS | Originals in DMS for mass |
DMS_REC_FILE2 | Originals in DMS |
DMS_REC_PHIO | Originals Including Components |
DMS_REC_PHIO_MASS | DMS: Originals includes components for mass |
DMS_REC_PROC | DMS Processes |
DMS_REC_TEMPLATE | Templates for DMS |
DMS_STORAGE_CAT | DVS: Storage data DVS |
DMS_TREE_ITEM | Item structure for originals in TREE-OCX |
DMSCLS_SEARCH_OBJECTS | Objects in Search Result |
DMSCLS_SIMPLE_SELECTION | Structure for Selection Table - Value Transfer in Strings - |
DMU_DOCUMENT | Document data (identifiable) |
DMU_FILE | Documents originals (identifiable) |
DMU_IDENT | Identification structure for DMU APIs |
DMU_MATRIX | Transformation matrix (identifiable) |
DMU_POSOBJ | DMU item object (identifiable) |
DMU_STPO | API structure BOM item (identifiable) |
DRAD_BI | Batch input structure for document links to objects |
DRAD_N | Contains an Object Key |
DRAT_BI | Batch input structure for document descriptions |
DRAW_BI | Batch input structure for document info record data |
DRAZ_BI | Batch input structure for additional files |
DVS_ALE_TXTL | Auxiliary structure for long texts DMS-ALE |
DVS_DRAD_TXT_HEADER | Auxiliary structure: DRAD long text header |
DVS_DRAD_TXT_LINES | Auxiliary structure: DRAD long text lines |
DVS_DRAT | DMS: Short Texts |
DVS_DRAT_TXT_HEADER | Auxiliary structure: DRAT long text header |
DVS_DRAT_TXT_LINES | Auxiliary structure: DRAT long text lines |
E1BP_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUES | BAPI structure for characteristic value assignment |
E1BP_CLASS_ALLOCATION | BAPI structure for allocation of object to class |
E1BP_DOC_COMP | BAPIS-DMS: Components to Document-Originals |
E1BP_DOC_DRAD | BAPIS DMS: document object links |
E1BP_DOC_DRAP | BAPIS DMS: status log |
E1BP_DOC_DRAT | BAPIS DMS: short texts |
E1BP_DOC_DRAW2 | BAPIS DMS: document data |
E1BP_DOC_DRAW21 | BAPIS DMS: document data |
E1BP_DOC_DRAWX2 | BAPIS DMS: X structure for document data |
E1BP_DOC_FILES2 | BAPIS DMS: document originals |
E1BP_DOC_TEXT | BAPIS DMS: long text data for a document |
E1DARID | Draw link table archive link |
E1DOCUMENT_LOAD | Header segment |
E1DOLKY | Key data for object link |
E1DRAWCOMP | Components |
E1DRAWFILES | Originals |
E1DRAWO | Originals |
E1DTXHM | Draw long text header |
E1DTXLM | Docmas long text lines |
FOUNDDRAW | CV04N: ALV Structure for Found Documents |
KSSK_BI | Batch input structure for classification data |
LTEXT_BI | Batch input structure for long texts |
MATCOMP | Structure for Material Component Selection |
MCDOK | Document Management I/O Table |
MCDOKOB | Help Structure for Object Link Key Fields |
RC77 | Attributes for signature for document |
RC77B | Signature: buffer document |
SELDRAD | Document search - selection via object links |
SI_DRAD | Help Structure for DRAD (Decoupling) |
TCHG_VERS | Table for Transferring Changed Document Versions |
TKTTXT | Document Management Relational Structure for Saving Texts |
TLTTXT | Document Mgmt Relational Structure for Saving Long Texts |
TSTATE_ORDER | Sequence of Status Check |
VDMS_FILE_CP | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VDRAD | Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VDRAT | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VDRAZ | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
SAP Package CV contains 60 programs.
DMS_CUST_CHECK01 | Verifying DMS Customizing on frontend |
DMS_CUST_CREATE01 | Standard settings for DMS applications |
DMS_DELETE_CORRUPTDATA_TDWD | DMS report to delete corrupt data in TDWD -Used for Unicode conversion |
DMS_KPRO_CHECK_ATTRIB | Check attribute for KPRO, and if necessary create |
DMS_KPRO_CHECK1 | KPRO Check Report |
DMS_KPRO_CONVERT | Migration DMS storage into KPRO storage |
DMS_KPRO_CONVERT2 | Physical Migration of Originals (to DMS_KPRO_CONVERT) |
DMS_KPRO_DELETE | Delete KPRO objects |
DMS_KPRO_FILL_CACHE | Fill Cache (Push) |
DMS_KPRO_IDX_SEARCH | Full-text search in KPro |
DMS_KPRO_READ | Determine original file from KPro for a document |
DMS_LOAD01 | Create file with IDOCs for data transfer |
DMS_RELOCATE_CONTENT | Transfer Documents |
DMS_TEMPLATES_CONVERT | Convert copy templates from TCZ01 to TCZ02 |
DOCVLTCH | DMS: Comparison of originals with vault files |
DOCVLTCH01 | FTP Vault: Find Missing Original Application Files |
DVSARCH1 | Archiving Program for Document Master Records |
DVSARCH2 | Report for Archiving Document Master Records, Deletion Program |
DVSARCH3 | Program for Archiving Document Master Records, Read Program |
MCDOKABL | Display Change Documents for Documents |
MCDOKAEN | Documents for Change Number |
MCDOKARA | Document Management Archiving Write Program |
MCDOKARL | Document Management Archiving Deletion Program |
MCDOKARR | Document Management Archiving Check In Program |
MCDOKAUD | Convert audit indicator from change documents to DMS_AUDITS |
MCDOKCHN | Change Person Responsible for Documents |
MCDOKDEL | Program for Deleting Documents with Deletion Indicator |
MCDOKDEL_OLD | Program for deleting documents with deletion indicator |
MCDOKDKL | Document Assignments to an SAP Object |
MCDOKDL1 | Execute Delete Dataset |
MCDOKPCS | Define Standard Customizing Settings for Document Management |
MCDOKPRT | Document Print Report |
MCDOKRET | Document list according to selection |
MCDOKSAW | F4 Function for Document status |
MCDOKSTL | Status Log |
MCDOKTLS | List of Document Parts |
MCDOKV10 | Start SAPFTP in Register Mode |
MCDOKV20 | Display Originals in Vault |
MCDOKVAULT | Test DMS vault |
MCDOKVLS | Document Versions |
MCDOKVRL | Sequence of Templates |
MCDOKZHI | Document Hierarchy |
MCDOKZNR | Form Routines for Exit Document Number |
MCSAPSCRIPT | Example of SAPscript as application |
MCSTAUE1 | Example: Convert Authorization Group for User Exit Status |
MCVAVUES | Example: Start AutoVue via DDE |
RBDSEDOC | Send Documents Directly |
RBDSEDOCUMENT_LOAD_MDTB | Create IDOC for data transfer |
RCCVBISC | Display Batch Input Data from Sequential File |
RCVBI005 | Generate Test File for Document Batch Input |
RCVBI010 | Create Document Info Records via Batch Input |
SHELLEX01 | Fast execute as %AUTO% when displayed |
XPRADVS1 | DMS: conversion DRAT |
SAP Package CV contains 11 search helps.
CV01 | Document management matchcodes |
CV01C | Find document via class |
CV01O | Matchcode via linked objects |
CV01T | Matchcode via description |
H_DTYP | Data Carrier Type Help View |
H_TDWA | Document Types Help View |
H_TDWD | TDWD Help View |
H_TDWST | Status Abbreviations Help View |
MAT_AUFNR | Network Number Search |
MAT_POSNR | Search Help for Material Component Assigned to an Activity |
MAT_VORNR | Search Help for Network Activity |
SAP Package CV contains 1 message classes.
26 | Dokumentenverwaltung |
SAP Package CV contains 7 authorization objects.
C_DRAD_OBJ | Create/Change/Display/Delete Object Link |
C_DRAW_BGR | Authorization for authorization groups |
C_DRAW_DOK | Authorization for document access |
C_DRAW_MUP | Authorization for Markups |
C_DRAW_STA | Authorization for document status |
C_DRAW_TCD | Authorization for document activities |
C_DRAW_TCS | Status-Dependent Authorizations for Documents |