
SAP Package CY03

R/3 Appl. Dev.: Control Station Resource Planning (SFC)

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The package CY03 (R/3 Appl. Dev.: Control Station Resource Planning (SFC)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CY03
Short Text R/3 Appl. Dev.: Control Station Resource Planning (SFC)
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CY03 contains 2 function groups.

CJPL GANTT chart non-applic.-dependent devt.
PLAT R/3 planning table functions


SAP Package CY03 contains 1 transactions.

CMCH Check overall profile

Database Tables

SAP Package CY03 contains 41 database tables.

TCY44 Graphical object type: Fields
TCY45 Graphical element category
TCY45K Object representation - header
TCY45T Object representation - text
TCY46 Graphical object type selection: Decision steps
TCY46K Graphic object type selection: Header
TCY46T Selection of graphic object type: Texts
TCY47 Object display selection
TCY47K Selection of object representation: Header
TCY47T Selection of object representation: Texts
TCY48 Profile for the planning table
TCY48T Text table for TCY48 (planning table profile)
TCY50 Chart sequence in planning table
TCY50K Chart sequence: Header
TCY50KT Chart sequence - text
TCY50T Chart sequence: Title
TCY52 Line representation in table section
TCY52T Text for line representation in section of table
TCY53 Drag and drop in planning table
TCY54D Measure - planning table
TCY54T Measure texts - planning table
TCY55 Graphic object type: Header
TCY55T Graphic object type: Texts
TCY58 Time scale profile in planning table
TCY58T Time scale - texts
TCY61 Line representation selection in table section
TCY61K Selection of line representation - header
TCY61T Selection of line representation - texts
TCY62 Representation profile for selection of graphic object type
TCY62K Representation profile - header
TCY62T Representation profile - texts
TCY63 Axis representation selection
TCY63K Axis representation selection - header
TCY63T Axis representation selection - texts
TCY64 Axis representation
TCY64T Axis representation - texts
TCY65 Curve representation selection
TCY65K Curve representation selection - header
TCY65T Curve representation selection - texts
TCY66 Curve representation
TCY66T Curve representation - texts


SAP Package CY03 contains 5 views.

V_TCY46 Customizing Graphic Object Type Selection
V_TCY46K Graphical Object Type Selection
V_TCY54D Scale Time Axis
V_TCY54H Help View for scale
V_TCYMI Definition of Transition Matrix


SAP Package CY03 contains 8 structures.

CAL_PR_CAP Calendar IDs for capacities or persons
CAL_PR_KAL Factory calendar ID and graphics calendar ID
CAL_PR_KID Calendar ID
CYDATELINE Date marker in capacity planning table
CYDECIDE Step in decision table for capacity planning table
CYPLTAXIS Planning table time axis fields for screen
FIXTB Fixing of planning areas (FIXED_TIME_BRACKETS)
ITCY50 Chart sequence with title


SAP Package CY03 contains 4 programs.

KZPLT000 Conversion Customizing PLT
RCCYOVRC Display and check overall profile.
RCY48X00 XPRA for Converting DEF_REPRAE from TCY46K to TCY48
RPPPLTCA Analysis of Customizing for Planning Table

Search Helps

SAP Package CY03 contains 1 search helps.

V_TCY54H Help View for Scale