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Bei ansehen →The package CY1C (Customizing Resource Planning) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | CY1C |
Short Text | Customizing Resource Planning |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package CY1C contains 2 function groups.
0C18 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0C29 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package CY1C contains 17 transactions.
CY38 | Resource planning format |
OPD0 | Resource planning overall profile |
OPD1 | Resource planning selection profile |
OPD2 | Capacity leveling - time profile |
OPD3 | Resource planning evaluation profile |
OPD4 | Resource planning period profile |
OPD5 | Flow control definition |
OPD6 | Flow control control table |
OPD7 | Flow control statuses |
OPD8 | Flow Control Actions |
OPD9 | Flow Control Messages |
OPDA | Transition matrix (setup matrix) |
OPDB | Capacity Leveling Strategy Profile |
OPDH | Capacity leveling - list profile |
OPDJ | Define layout |
OPDQ | Profile for planning table (tab.) |
OPG6 | Transition matrix setup fam.key |
SAP Package CY1C contains 3 database tables.
TCY56 | Profile for planning table (tabular form) in cap. leveling |
TCY56T | Texts for profiles for pln. tab.(tab. form) in cap. leveling |
TCYE | Capacity planning: Object type table for detailed cap. list |
SAP Package CY1C contains 18 views.
V_TCY30 | Capacity Leveling - Overall Profiles |
V_TCY31 | Definition of a Requirements Grouping |
V_TCY31_S | Definition of the groups within a requirements grouping |
V_TCY32 | Capacity Leveling - Selection Profiles |
V_TCY33 | Capacity Leveling - Time Profile |
V_TCY34 | Capacity Leveling - Evaluation Profiles |
V_TCY35 | Capacity Leveling - Profiles for Period Layout |
V_TCY37 | Capacity Leveling - Strategy Profiles |
V_TCY38 | Layout key |
V_TCY38_D | Data structures per layout key |
V_TCY40 | Control table for flow control |
V_TCY40K | Definition of a Control Table (With Text) |
V_TCY41 | States of a Flow Control (With Text) |
V_TCY42 | Actions of Flow Control (With Text) |
V_TCY43 | Messages for flow control (with text) |
V_TCY56 | Capacity Leveling - Profiles for Planning Table |
V_TCYTM | Setup Matrix |
V_TCYTM_PI | Transition Identifications for Resources |
SAP Package CY1C contains 3 structures.
CYCRPTPPRO | Profile for planning table (tab. form) for cap. leveling |
CYFCACT | Structure with actions and active/inactive switch |
CYFCDISP | Output structure for the functions of a flow control |