
SAP Package CY2C

Customizing planning table

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The package CY2C (Customizing planning table) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CY2C
Short Text Customizing planning table
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CY2C contains 3 function groups.

0C19 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
2C19 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
PLTC Planning table Customizing


SAP Package CY2C contains 12 transactions.

OPC0 Axis representation selection
OPC1 Maintain axis representation
OPC2 Curve representation selection
OPC3 Maintain curve representation
OPG0 Profile for planning table
OPG1 Chart sequence - selection
OPG2 Line representation
OPG3 Scale time axis
OPG4 Time scale profile
OPG5 Graphic obj.type sel./repr.profile
OPG7 Line display selection
OPG9 Graphical object type/obj.represent.


SAP Package CY2C contains 22 views.

V_TCY44 Graphic Object Type - Fields
V_TCY45 Object Representation - Graphical Element Category
V_TCY45K Object Representation: Header
V_TCY47 Object Representation Selection - Decision Steps
V_TCY47K Customizing: Selection of Object Representation
V_TCY48 Profile for Planning Table
V_TCY50 Chart Position
V_TCY50K Chart sequence: Header - Customizing
V_TCY52 Line Representation
V_TCY53 Drag and Drop
V_TCY55 Node Types
V_TCY58 Customizing Time Scale Profile
V_TCY61 Line Representation Selection - Decision Steps
V_TCY61K Line Representation Selection
V_TCY62 Representatin profile
V_TCY62K Representation Profile - Header
V_TCY63 Axis Representation Selection - Decision Steps
V_TCY63K Axis Representation Selection
V_TCY64 Axis Representation
V_TCY65 Curve Representation - Decision Steps
V_TCY65K Curve Representation Selection
V_TCY66 Curve Representation