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Bei ansehen →The package DCAT (Computer Aided Test Tool: Composite Report) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | DCAT |
Short Text | Computer Aided Test Tool: Composite Report |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package DCAT contains 13 function groups.
ACAT | CATT modules PS, CO-OPA |
BCAT | Test tool - Function modules |
CATA | Test tool - RA access routines |
CATC | CATT-COPA access functions |
CATM | Test tool - RM access routines |
CWEB | Function Group CATT/WEB |
EDIC | Function modules for CATTs in EDI |
HSRF | Function modules for CATT |
HTTK | Function Modules for CATTs |
IM_RE_CATT_FB | Function Modules for CATT Processes Only |
LCAT | CATT procedures |
PACT | CATT CO-PA function modules |
PICAT | PPI CATT function modules |
SAP Package DCAT contains 5 programs.
RACATT00 | Archiving program for Asset Accounting - Preprocessing program |
RSCATHR1 | Transfer CATT Tests from HR to Function Module CAT_START |
RSCATNTZ | Report for Converting RSCAT Attribute Use and/or Released |
RSCATNUM | Unused CATT Models |
RSINDXLI | WFEDI: Output of CATT data from the INDX list |