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Bei ansehen →The package DI_CCM (Configuration Control) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-PLM.
Package | DI_CCM |
Short Text | Configuration Control |
Parent Package | EA-PLM |
SAP Package DI_CCM contains 22 function groups.
CCIE4N | CC - A&D: Obsolete Function Group -IE4N |
CCM_CFG_APPL_LOG_AREA | ConfigMgmt Application Log Screen |
CCM_CFG_BLANK_AREA | Configuration Management Blank Screen |
CCM_CFG_CHECK_AREA | Screen for MPL Check |
CCM_CFG_CHECK_LOG_AREA | Configuration Management Log Area Check |
CCM_CFG_CONTROLLER | Configuration Management Main Screen |
CCM_CFG_EQUI_AREA | Configuration Management Equip. Screen |
CCM_CFG_FLOC_AREA | Configuration Management FunctLoc Screen |
CCM_CFG_HOLE_AREA | Config. Management Structure Gap Screen |
CCM_CFG_POPUP_AREA | Popup Area for Selection |
CCM_CFG_POPUP_INFO_AREA | Display Icon Info |
CCM_TIME_SINCE_EVENT | Encapsulates Time-Since-Event Methods |
CCM01 | CCM: Services for Equipment Master |
CCM03 | CCM: DB-Layer for Structure Gap Table |
CCM07 | CCM: GUI-Layer Configuration Manager |
CCM09 | CCM: DB-Layer for OO Model <-> PM World |
CCMEQ | CC Tab Strip in the Equipment Master |
CCMSV | CCM: General Service Modules |
IE4N_CGP | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
IE4N_USP_ORG | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
IE4N_USP_USR | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package DI_CCM contains 9 transactions.
CCM2 | Configuration Control Workbench |
IE4NCGP | Maintain General Settings for IE4N |
IE4NORG | User-Group-Specific Settings |
IE4NUSR | User-Specific Settings |
S_KA5_12001272 | IMG Activity: IE4NCGP |
SAP Package DI_CCM contains 5 database tables.
CCMHOLE | Structure Gap Table |
IE4N_CGP | General IE4N Settings for Installation/Removal |
IE4N_USP | Definition of User-Specific Settings |
IE4N_USPI | Definition of User-Specific Settings: Installation |
IE4N_USPR | Definition of User-Specific Settings: Removal |
SAP Package DI_CCM contains 5 views.
V_CCM_CHECK_LOG | CC: Configuration Check Logs |
V_CCM_EQUI | Select Equipment Data for Time Since Event |
V_IE4N_CGP | General Settings for Installation/Removal |
V_IE4N_USP_ORG | Definition of the User-Group-Specific Settings |
V_IE4N_USP_USR | Definition of User-Specific Settings |
SAP Package DI_CCM contains 24 structures.
CCM_ACTUAL_GROUP | Equipment Grouped by Superordinate Equipment FID |
CCM_ALLOWED_ELEMENT | MPL Nodes with Their Allowed Parts |
CCM_ALLOWED_GROUP | MPL Nodes Grouped by Superordinate MPL-Node-FID |
CCM_APPL_LOGS | Structure for Maintenance of Application Log |
CCM_CFG_SELECTION_AREA | Selection Screen Data for Configuration Control |
CCM_CHKTAB | Layout for ALV Grid |
CCM_ELEMENT_NODE_STRUCTURE | Internal Structure for Maintenance Elements |
CCM_EQUI_NODE_STRUCTURE | Equipment Structure Information |
CCM_FIELDCAT_NAVIGATION_AREA | Field Catalog for Layout of Navigation Area |
CCM_FIELDCAT_TARGET_CONF_AREA | Field Catalog for Layout of Target Configuration Area |
CCM_FLOC_NODE_STRUCTURE | Structure Information for Functional Location |
CCM_HOLE_CONTEXT | Context Definition for Messages on Structure Gaps |
CCM_HOLE_LOCK | Structure for Locking Structure Gaps |
CCM_HOLE_NODE_STRUCTURE | Structure Gap Information |
CCM_LAYOUT | Layout For Field Catalog |
CCM_NOTIF_BUF_KEY | Table Types for Notification Communication Structure KEY |
CCM_OOREV_S | Revision Object Structure |
CCM_POPUP | Structure for Hardlink Selection |
CCM_POPUP_HOLES | Display Structure for Structure Gap Selection |
CCM_S_PROTOCOL_CONTEXT | Protocol Context Fields |
CCM_S_SUBSCREEN_XYZ | Template: Subscreen Communication Structure |
CCM_TARGET_CONFIG_DETAIL | Configuration Data for MPL Explosion |
CCM_TSE_OUTPUT | Output of TSE Calculation (One Event, All Dimensions) |
CCMHLDATA | Data for Screen Field Transport |
SAP Package DI_CCM contains 3 programs.
RCCM2_DISPLAY_CHECK_LOG | Display Configuration Check Log (Created by RCCM2BATCH) |
RCCM2BATCH | Program RCCM2BATCH: Execute CCM2 as a Background Job |
SAP Package DI_CCM contains 3 search helps.
H_CCM_CHECK_LOG | CC: Configuration Check Logs |
H_CCM_TASK_CODE | Search Help for Task Code |
IE4N_ORG | Organizational Units for Department Responsible |
SAP Package DI_CCM contains 1 message classes.
CCMM | Nachrichtenklasse für A&D CCM |
SAP Package DI_CCM contains 2 authorization objects.
I_CCM_ACT | Configuration Control authorization object |
I_CCM_STRC | Structure gap maintenance authority |