
SAP Package FARC

Archiving of FI objects

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The package FARC (Archiving of FI objects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package FARC
Short Text Archiving of FI objects
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package FARC contains 7 function groups.

FACU Customizing for FI Archiving
FAEB FI Archiving, Object FI_ELBANK
FAR0 FI Archiving, Superior Modules
FAR1 FI Archiving, Group FI_DOCUMNT
FARE Euro Conversion for FI Archives
FAST FI Archiving, Master Data Groups


SAP Package FARC contains 1 transactions.

FB99 Check if Documents can be Archived

Database Tables

SAP Package FARC contains 7 database tables.

ADMI_FIDOC Archive Management for FI_DOCUMNT Object
ADMI_FIDOQ Enhancement to Archive Mgt. for FI_DOCUMNT Object
ARIX_BKPF FI_DOCUMNT: Header-Oriented Document Index for Archive
ARIX_BSAD FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving Customer Accts
ARIX_BSAK FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Indx for Archiving Vendor Accounts
ARIX_BSAS FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving G/L Accounts
ARIX_BSIS FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving G/L Accounts


SAP Package FARC contains 16 structures.

ABKPF FI Document Header (Including Archive Information)
ADMI_FIDOCT Archive Management for FI_DOCUMNT Object
ADMI_FIDOT Tree Data Buffer for ADMI_FIDOC
ARCH_AREA Partial Areas in Archives Belonging to an Archiving Object
ARCHIVINFO Essential Attributes of an Archive
ARIX_EXIT Transfer Structure for ARCHIVE_READ_OBJECT User_exit
FARC_XREAD FI Archiving Transfer Structure: Read Which Tables?
FIDOCUMNT_AS_XBLNR Return Structure for AS Access via XBLNR
FIDOCUMNT_FC_003 Data Structure for Virtual Field Catalog SAP_FI_DOC_003
FITFGLF_FC_001 Data Structure for Virtual Field Catalog SAP_FI_TF_GLF_1
RFCU_DOC_T User Settings for FI_DOCUMNT Archive Search
RFCU_DOC_X User Settings for FI_DOCUMNT Archive Search
RFCU_FIDOC User Settings for FI_DOCUMNT Archive Search
RFPDO_ARCH Repository for Archiving Parameter Documentation


SAP Package FARC contains 35 programs.

FI_MONTHLY_DEL Archiving Transaction Figures: Deletion Program
FI_MONTHLY_WRI Archiving Transaction Figures: Write Program
FI_TF_GLF_DEL Archiving of G/L Account Transaction Figures (New): Deletion Program
FI_TF_GLF_PRE Archiving of G/L Account Transaction Figures (New): Preprocessing Prog
FI_TF_GLF_WRI Archiving of G/L Account Transaction Figures (New): Write Program
RFCORR53 FI: Delete Key Words for Archived/Deleted General Ledger Accounts
SAPARIDX General Archiving: Delete Archive Index ARCH_IDX
SAPARSCN General (Technical) Archive Scanner for Every Archiving Object
SAPF048L FI Documents: Display from DB and/or Archive
SAPF048S FI Document Archiving: Standard Document Search
SAPF048S_OVERVIEW FI Document Archiving: Contents Directory Display
SAPF048X FI Document Archiving: Enhancement/Repair to Extended Administration
SAPF048Z FI Document Archiving: Determine Archive Files for Documents
SAPF053 FI: Archiving Program for G/L Account Master Data
SAPF053D FI: G/L Account Master Data Archiving: Deletion Program
SAPF054 FI: G/L Account Master Data Archiving: Retrieval Program
SAPF056 FI: Archiving Program for Customer Master Data
SAPF056ALEDEL FI Customer Master Record Data Deletion Program (ALE)
SAPF056D FI: Customer Master Data Archiving: Deletion Program
SAPF056V FI Customer Master Data Archiving: Proposal List
SAPF057 FI: Customer Master Record Archiving: Retrieval Program
SAPF058 FI: Archiving Program for Vendor Master Data
SAPF058ALEDEL FI, Vendor Master Data ALE Deletion Program
SAPF058D FI: Archiving Vendors: Deletion Program
SAPF058V FI, Vendor Master Data Archiving: Proposal List
SAPF059 FI: Vendor Master Record Archiving: Retrieval Program
SAPF066 FI: Electronic Bank Data Archiving
SAPF066D FI: Electronic Bank Data Archiving: Deletion Program
SAPF067 FI: Electronic Bank Data Archiving: Reload Program
SAPF068 Accounting Interface, Document Archiving
SAPF068D Accounting Interface, Document Archiving: Deletion Program
SAPF069 Accounting Interface, Document Archiving: Reloading Program
TCJ_DOCARC FI, Archiving of Cash Journal Documents
TCJ_DOCDEL FI, Deletion of Cash Journal Documents
TCJ_DOCREL FI, Reloading of Cash Journal Documents