Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package FC00_UC (Cons: General consolidation (cannot be FC01-FC09)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | FC00_UC |
Short Text | Cons: General consolidation (cannot be FC01-FC09) |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package FC00_UC contains 23 database tables.
MCDX2 | Compressed Consolidation transaction data |
TF001 | SAP Cons.: Global Specifications |
TF002 | SAP Cons.: Assignment of Sets -> Items |
TF003 | SAP Cons.: Assignments of Items --> Sets |
TF010 | Generate Request Screen: Control Information |
TF011 | Generate Request Screen: Formating Instructions |
TF020 | Textinformation for Domains |
TF030 | Dimension and Version-Dependent Settings |
TF040 | Default Values for Subassignments |
TF080 | List Directory of MCDX |
TF090 | Interactive Excel Attributes |
TFIN011 | Mapping of Profit Centers to Profit Center Groups |
TFMIG01 | Allocation: Ledger -> Ledger |
TFMIG02 | Allocation: Company -> Consolidation Unit |
TFMIG03 | Allocation: Subgroup -> Consolidation Group |
TFMIG04 | Allocation: FS Item -> FS Item |
TFMIG05 | Allocation: Transaction Type -> Subitem |
TFMIG06 | Assignment: Version -> Legacy Data Version |
TFMIG10 | Migration: Processing Options |
TFMIG11 | Migration: Control for Cons Charts of Accounts |
TFMIG12 | Migration: Control for Subitem Categories |
TFMIG13 | Migration: Control Sets |
TFMIG15 | Migration: Status |
SAP Package FC00_UC contains 15 views.
V_T881_CS | Ledger Currency |
V_TF001 | Global System Settings |
V_TF010 | Selection Screen Generation |
V_TF011 | Selection Screen Generation |
V_TF020 | Textinformation for Domains |
V_TF030 | Integrated Entry: Investment/Equity |
V_TF040 | Default Values for Characteristics |
V_TF040_DEP | Default Values for Characteristics |
V_TFMIG01 | Allocation: Ledger -> Ledger |
V_TFMIG02 | Allocation: Company -> Consolidation Unit |
V_TFMIG03 | Allocation: Subgroup -> Consolidation Group |
V_TFMIG04 | Allocation: FS Item -> FS Item |
V_TFMIG05 | Allocation: Transaction Type -> Subitem |
V_TFMIG06 | Assignment: Version -> Legacy Data Version |
V_TFMIG10 | Migration: Processing Options |
SAP Package FC00_UC contains 178 structures.
ECCS_AUTHA | EC-CS: Structure for authorization fields in Consolidation |
ECCS_T884 | SAP Cons.: Extension of T884 |
FC00 | Screen Fields for Function Group FC00 |
FC00_BCF_LCC_ROUND | Structure for Rounding with Local Currency Change |
FC00_S_ADD_FIELDS | Selected Information on Characteristics |
FC00_S_ARCHIVE_RYEAR | SAP Cons: Years with Open Status for Archiving |
FC00_S_AUX_SEL | Specification of Characteristics for Determining Max Sets |
FC00_S_BCF | Interface for FC_BCF: Reclassification using Carryforwarding |
FC00_S_BCF_CU_CURR | Interface for FC_BCF: Local Currency and Data Entry Flag |
FC00_S_CHDV | Interface for FC_CHAR_DEFVAL_GET: Default Value (Structure) |
FC00_S_CHDV_PARAM | Interface for FC_CHAR_DEFVAL_GET: Parameters |
FC00_S_DDINFO | SAP Cons.: DDIC Information for Structure Download |
FC00_S_EXTRACT_BCS | File Structure for Extract |
FC00_S_FATTR | Attributes |
FC00_S_FDEP | Characteristic Compounds |
FC00_S_FICLST30 | List Display f. FICLST30 |
FC00_S_FICLST30SCR | Generation Screen f. LST30 |
FC00_S_FICSTC00 | List Display for FICSTC00: Main List |
FC00_S_FICSTC00SCR | Generated Screen for FICSTC00 |
FC00_S_FIELDS | Row Structure: Fields to be Selected |
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_FDISP | Displayed Chars/Attributes for FC_FIELD_SCREEN_x Modules |
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_FFIX | Fixed Char. Values for FC_FIELD_SCREEN_x Modules |
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_FIELD | Value per Char./Attribute(Single Value or Set, Default Flag) |
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_HANDLE | Handle for Usage of FC_FIELD_SCREEN_x Modules |
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_LAYOUT | Interface for FC_FIELD_SCREEN_... Modules: Layout |
FC00_S_FPROP | Field Attributes |
FC00_S_FPROP_BUF | Field Attributes: Buffer |
FC00_S_FPROP_BUFFER | Field Attributes: Buffer |
FC00_S_LVC_EVENTS | General List Display (ALV Grid Control): Events |
FC00_S_LVC_FCAT | General List Display (ALV Grid Control): Field Catalog |
FC00_S_LVC_SORT | General List Display (ALV Grid Control): Sorting |
FC00_S_LVC_TOOLBAR | General List Display (ALV Grid Control): Toolbar |
FC00_S_MESSAGE | Messages for Consolidations |
FC00_S_POST_COMMIT_DECIDE | Information for Determining Data Volume in Update Task |
FC00_S_RA_BUNIT | Structure Range - Consolidation Unit |
FC00_S_RA_CACTT | Structure Range - Task Category |
FC00_S_RA_CFHVARIANT | Structure Range - Hierarchy Variant |
FC00_S_RA_CMETH | Structure Range - Method |
FC00_S_RA_CONGR | Structure Range - Consolidation Group |
FC00_S_RA_CURRENCY | Structure Range - Currency |
FC00_S_RA_DIMEN | Structure Range - Dimension |
FC00_S_RA_DOCTY | Structure Range - Document Type |
FC00_S_RA_ITCLG | Structure Range - Cons Chart of Accounts |
FC00_S_RA_ITEM | Structure Range - FS Item |
FC00_S_RA_PERID | Structure Range - Period |
FC00_S_RA_PERTP | Structure Range - Period Category |
FC00_S_RA_PLEVL | Structure Range - Posting Level |
FC00_S_RA_RVERS | Structure Range - Cons Version |
FC00_S_RA_RYEAR | Structure Range - Fiscal Year |
FC00_S_RA_SITYP | Structure Range - Subitem Category |
FC00_S_RA_SUBIT | Structure Range - Subitem |
FC00_S_RA_UNIT | Structure Range - Unit of Measure |
FC00_S_RANGE | General Range Definition (for fc_totals_select) |
FC00_S_RIC_00 | Header Information for Referential Integrity Check |
FC00_S_RIC_01 | Detail Information for Referential Integrity Check |
FC00_S_SEL | Row Structure: Selection Condition (Range per Field) |
FC00_S_SEL_SCREEN_FDESCR | Field Descriptions of Selection Screens for Report Programs |
FC00_S_SETUSE | Where-Used List for Consolidation Sets |
FC00_S_VHELP_DISPLAY | Possible Entries for Chars: Indep. Fields for Display Only |
FC00_S_VHELP_VALUE | Possible Entries for Chars: Selection Results |
FC00_S_VM_TF040 | View Maint.for TF040 (Defaults for Chars) |
FC00_S_YEARPER | Structure with 7-digit Period |
FC00_SETUSE | Where-Used List for Sets |
FC00ACG10 | Structure of Table Control for Program FICACG10 |
FC00ACHGEN | Selection Screen for Authorization Generator |
FC00ACHLST | List Processor Output for Generated Authorizations |
FC00ATTR | Attributes of Consolidation (Characteristics w/o Trans.Data) |
FC00ATTR_RBUNIT | Attributes of Consolidation for Consolidation Unit |
FC00ATTR2 | Attributes of Consolidation (Characteristics w/o Trans.Data) |
FC00ATTR2_COICU | Attributes of Consolidation for Investee Unit |
FC00ATTR2_RBUNIT | Attributes of Consolidation for Consolidation Unit |
FC00ATTR2_RBUPTR | Attributes of Consolidation for Partner Unit |
FC00CPDGEN | for selection screen generation FICCPD00 |
FC00CPDLFX | List Fields for Copying Totals Records |
FC00CPDLST | List Fields for Copying Totals Records |
FC00CPSGEN | for Selection Generation FICCPS00 |
FC00CPSLFX | List Boxes ECCS Set Copy Program |
FC00CPSLST | List Boxes ECCS Set Copy Program |
FC00CPY10 | Structure f. FICCPY10 |
FC00FIELD | Characteristics for Consolidation |
FC00FLDATTR | Characteristics and Attributes for Consolidation |
FC00FLDSCR | Char. Selection, reserved for FC_FIELD_SCREEN_x Modules |
FC00LPDEL | EC-CS: Output Structure FICLPDEL |
FC00LST00D | List Display f. FICLST00: Detail List |
FC00LST00F | List display f. FICLST00: Fixed Fields |
FC00LST00M | List display f. FICLST00: Main List |
FC00LST01M | List display f. FICLST00: Main List |
FC00LST10M | List Display f. FICLST10: Main List |
FC00LSTGEN | Generated Screen for LST00/LST10 |
FC00MIGLFX | SAP Cons: Migration: Fields for List Header |
FC00MIGLST | SAP Cons.: Migration: Fields for List Output |
FC00SIUFIX | FICSIU00: Help Structure for List Output |
FC00SIULST | FICSIU00: Structure for List Output |
FC00SUBACCNT | Subassignments (without external key because of dimension) |
FC00SUBACCNTFLG | Flag per Subassignment |
FC00SYSLST | Performance Analysis of SAP Consolidation |
FC00TAB | Screen Fields for Function Group FC00 |
FC00TPCGEN | for selection screen generation FICTPC00 |
FC01_HLPTRANSTEXT | Include texts for hierarchy maintenance |
FC01_S_CPT00LST | Structure for Output List of Report FICCPT00 |
FC01_S_CPT10LST | Structure for Output List of Report FICCPT10 |
FC01_S_CPTSSC | Structure for Selection Screens |
FC01_S_ITGRPMAX | Breakdown Category: Maximum Set |
FC01_S_STP00LST | Structure for List Output of Report FICSTP00 |
FC01_S_STPSSC | Structure for Selection Screen of Report FICSTP00 |
FC01ATAB | Internal Structure for Specifying Several Item Ranges |
FC01BASEITCLG | Screen Fields, Item Master |
FC01BTAB | Structure (FS Items with Texts) |
FC01CGCU | Selection criteria for CU/CG |
FC01CSTREEFIND | Search in a Hierarchy |
FC01CTAB | Structure for Specifying CG/CU Ranges |
FC01DTAB | Structure for Creating CGs/CUs in Hierarchy Maintenance |
FC01ETAB | Structure for Creating Hierarchies in Hierarchy Maintenance |
FC01FICLMD61 | Print Item Hierarchy |
FC01FTAB | Structure for Creating CGs/CUs in Hierarchy Maintenance |
FC01H90LST | CG/CU where-used list - List proc. output |
FC01I90LST | Item Where-Used List - List Proc. Output |
FC01ITCLST | Mass Change CU: Structure of List Output |
FC01ITM | Selection criteria 'FS items' |
FC01ITXLST | Structure for List Output FICITX00 Item Used-list in Cust. |
FC01KITEM | Structure for SET Breakdown of Financial Statement Items |
FC01KSITEM | Structure for SET Breakdown of Subitems |
FC01LMDL10 | Data fields for master data lists: Dimensions |
FC02V90LST | List Proc. output - Versions |
FC03_S_UPL16 | Flexible Upload: Documents |
FC03_S_UPL16FLD | Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Documents |
FC03_S_UPL16LST | List Fields Flexible Upload: Documents |
FC03CPY10 | Copy Totals Records |
FC05_ECMC_VAL | SAP Cons.: Validation of Records to be Written |
FC05_S_DOCID_INFO | Posting Transaction: Keys of Held Documents |
FC05_S_IUELIST | IU Elimination: Structure for Output Lists |
FC05ECMCALIST | SAP Cons.: Structure for List Processor Output of ECMCA |
FC05ECMCLP | SAP Cons.: Structure of List Processor Output for ECMC |
FC05I90LST | IU Elimination: Structure for List Output |
FC05I91LST | IU Elimination: Structure for List Output |
FC05IPI90LST | Elim. of IU Profit/Loss - List Processor Output |
FC05PI85LST | Inventory Data: Structure for List Output |
FC05PI86LST | Supplier Data: Structure for List Output |
FC05U90LST | Reclassification Methods - List processor output |
FC05U92LST | Reclassification Methods - List processor output |
FC06ASSLST | Equity Holdings Adjustments: Structure for List Output |
FC06C90LST | C/I Customizing: List Processor Output |
FC06COI40LSV | Structure w/fields for program FICCOI40 f. ALV |
FC06COI40LSV2 | 2nd Structure w/Fields for Program FICCOI40 for ALV |
FC06COI70LST | List Output: GWA, Change of Cons Freq, Cons Groups |
FC06EQULST | Changes in investee equity: Layout for list output |
FC06GWALST | Goodwill: Layout for list output |
FC06GWHLST | Goodwill History Sheet: Structure for List Output |
FC06LCULST | Company List: Structure for List Output |
FC06PBDC | Posting transaction: Forwarding table for BDT processing |
FC06RTLIST | Changes in investments: Layout for list output |
FC06UPTAB | Structure for List Fields of Program FICUP620 |
FC07EISLFX | Fields f. List Header f. Transfers (EC-CS to EC-EIS) |
FC31_S_ITEM | Consistency Check: FS Items |
FC31_S_ITEM_PROC | Consistency Check: FS Items to be Processed |
FC31_S_ITGRP | Consistency Check: Breakdown Categories |
FC31_S_ITGRP_PROC | Consistency Check: Breakdown Categories to be Processed |
FC31TAB | Screenfields for Function Group 31 |
FCCPYLIST | Structure f. List Output of FICCPY10 |
FCIN_S_GLT3_DIFF | Differences Between GLT0 and GLT3 |
FCIN_S_GLT3_KEY1 | Totals Data for Prep. for Cons: Key Structure 1 |
FCLP_MCDXKEY | Key for MCDX Saving of Lists |
FCTYPETAB | Fields for Types of Type Group FC (31I) |
FCVLGRP | Decentralized data entry with MS Access: Validation groups |
FIC_MAIN_VERSIONS | Search Help for Main Versions in Consolidation |
KITEM | Structure for SET Breakdown of Financial Statement Items |
KSITEM | Structure for SET breakdown of Subitems |
TABCON_MF23A | Structure of Table Control for Program SAPMF23A/SAPMF23B |
SAP Package FC00_UC contains 70 search helps.
FC_ACGR | Task groups |
FC_ASSVS | Version: Equity holdings adjustments |
FC_BUNIT | Consolidation units |
FC_CACTI | Consolidation tasks |
FC_CACTI_CACTT | Consolidation Tasks (can be restricted to task category) |
FC_CACTI_RO | Consolidation tasks |
FC_CACTT_N | Task Categories (Tasks without Settings) |
FC_CACTT_U | Custom Task Categories |
FC_CMETH | Methods |
FC_CMETH_CACTT | Methods (can be restricted to task category) |
FC_CMETH_RO | Methods |
FC_COCAT | Financial Data Types |
FC_COITP | Accounting Techniques from System Utilization |
FC_COIVS | Versions of Consolidation of Investment Methods |
FC_CONGR | Consolidation groups |
FC_CONTYP | Consolidation Types |
FC_CTRGR | Currency translation methods |
FC_CTRVS | Versions of Currency Translation Methods |
FC_CURVS | Versions for Exchange Rates |
FC_DENGR | Data entry groups |
FC_DIMEN | Dimensions |
FC_DTEQI | Scope of Reported Data for the Equity Method |
FC_EQUVS | Versions of Equity Capital |
FC_EXRIND | Exchange Rate Indicators |
FC_EXRTYP | Exchange rate type |
FC_FIXVS | Versions for Selected FS Items |
FC_FPERS | Position of contact person |
FC_FSCAT | Consolidation frequencies |
FC_GWAVS | Versions of Goodwill |
FC_HIRVS | Versions for Fair Value Adjustments (hidden reserves) |
FC_HLEVL | Hierarchy levels |
FC_HRCHY | Hierarchy |
FC_INPVS | Versions for Data Entry |
FC_INVVS | Versions for Investment Holdings |
FC_ITCLG | Consolidation Charts of Accounts |
FC_ITEM | ECCS: Search Help for FS Items |
FC_ITGRP | Breakdown categories |
FC_ITHRY | FS item hierarchy |
FC_ITTYP | FS item categories |
FC_JEFRM | Journal entry layout |
FC_KOKRS | Controlling Areas |
FC_LDRVS | Versions for Ledgers |
FC_LIB | Libraries for Consolidation |
FC_LOGFILE | Logical file name |
FC_NRRNG_505 | Help on searching number ranges |
FC_PCGRP | Profit center group |
FC_PERIV | Fiscal Year Variant |
FC_PERTP | Period Categories |
FC_PRGRP | Product groups |
FC_RCLVS | Version: Reclassifications |
FC_REASN | Reasons for inclusion in consolidation |
FC_REPID | Drilldown Reports for Consolidation |
FC_RFCDEST | Search Help for RFC Destinations |
FC_RGJNR | Report Groups of Library |
FC_RHRVS | Versions of Eliminated Hidden Reserves (FVA) |
FC_RLDNR | Ledgers |
FC_RUNIT | Quantity unit of measure for Consolidation |
FC_RVERS | Consolidation versions |
FC_SITEM | ECCS: Subitem in Subitem Category |
FC_SITYP | Subitem categories |
FC_STRVS | Versions of structures |
FC_TAXVS | Versions for Tax Rate |
FC_UPMETH | Upload methods |
FC_UPMETH_FOR_UPCAT | Upload Methods of an Upload Method Type |
FC_VALID | Search help for validations |
FC_WAERS | Transaction currency |
SAP Package FC00_UC contains 5 message classes.
G0 | Nachrichten SAP Konsolidierung |
G00 | SAP Konsolidierung |
G01 | SAP Konsolidierung |
G1A | EC-CS/SEM-BCS: Datenreduzierung (Archivierung/Datenvermeid.) |
GK | Nachrichten SAP Konsolidierung |
SAP Package FC00_UC contains 10 authorization objects.
E_CS_BUNIT | Consolidation Unit |
E_CS_CACTT | Consolidation Tasks |
E_CS_CONGR | Consolidation Group |
E_CS_DEFRM | SAP Consolidation: Data Entry Layout |
E_CS_DIMEN | Dimension |
E_CS_ITCLG | Consolidation Chart of Accounts |
E_CS_JEFRM | SAP Consolidation: Journal Entry Layout |
E_CS_PERMO | Monitor, Open/Close Periods |
E_CS_RPTNG | Reporting using Report Writer/Painter and Drilldown Reports |
E_CS_RVERS | Version |