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Bei ansehen →The package FC04_UC (EC-CS: Conversion) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | FC04_UC |
Short Text | EC-CS: Conversion |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package FC04_UC contains 8 database tables.
TF400 | Currency Translation Methods |
TF401 | Translation Methods: Name |
TF410 | Currency Translation Methods: Entries |
TF411 | Translation Methods: Entries for Subassignments |
TF415 | FS Items for Posting Trans. Diffs with Effect on Earnings |
TF420 | Exchange Rate Indicators |
TF421 | Exchange Rate Indicators: Description |
TF425 | Exchange Rate Indicators: ER Type Assignments |
SAP Package FC04_UC contains 10 views.
H_TF400 | Currency Translation Methods |
V_T884_1 | Method Entries for Currency Translation |
V_T884M_1 | Currency Translation Methods |
V_TF400 | Translation Methods |
V_TF400_T | Translate Currency Translation Methods |
V_TF410 | Method Entries for Currency Translation |
V_TF415 | FS Items for Posting Trans. Diffs with Effect on Earnings |
V_TF420 | Exchange Rate Indicators |
V_TF420_T | Translate Exchange Rate Indicators |
V_TF425 | Exchange Rate Indicators: Exchange Rate Type Assignments |
SAP Package FC04_UC contains 7 structures.
FC04_S_KEY | Currency Translation: Key Fields |
FC04ADFPRO | Characteristics for Apportionments |
FC04LST1 | Currency Translation: Structure of list body |
FC04LSTFIX | Currency Translation: Structure of list header |
FC04PROLFX | Apportionment: List header |
FC04PROLST | Apportionment: Main list |
FC04TAB | Internal table for screen fields of Currency Translation |