
SAP Package FC06_UC

SAP Consolidation: Consolidation of Investments

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The package FC06_UC (SAP Consolidation: Consolidation of Investments) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package FC06_UC
Short Text SAP Consolidation: Consolidation of Investments
Parent Package APPL

Database Tables

SAP Package FC06_UC contains 37 database tables.

TF600 Consolidation of Investments Methods
TF602 C/I Methods: Cons Chart of Accounts-Based Settings
TF605 C/I Methods: Assignments
TF610 Tasks for the Consolidation of Investments
TF615 C/I Tasks: Assignment of Document Types
TF616 C/I Activities/Acctg Techniques: Document Type Assignments
TF620 Changes in Investments
TF625 Group Shares
TF630 Changes in Investee Equity
TF635 Goodwill/Neg.Goodwill
TF635A Goodwill/Neg.Goodwill
TF640 Fair Value Adjustments
TF641 Fair Value Adjustments: Subnumber
TF642 Fair Value Adjustments: Name
TF643 Fair Value Adjustments: Version/Date-Sensitive
TF644 Fair Value Adjustments: Cons Chart of Accounts-Sensitive
TF645 Reporting Fair Value Adjustment Data
TF646 Recorded Fair Value Adjustments
TF650 C/I Activity Numbers
TF651 Activity Numbers - Sequence
TF652 Activity Numbers - Sequence - Sort Status
TF655 C/I Entry of Activities: Default Values
TF656 Activities - Default Sequence
TF658 Activities: Reported Items - Equity
TF659 Activities: Reported Items for Push-down Goodwill
TF660 Equity Holdings Adjustments
TF661 Equity Holdings Adjustments by Upper Unit
TF665 Scope of Reported Data for the Equity Method
TF666 Scope of Reported Data for Equity Method - Descriptions
TF667 Reported Items for Equity Holdings Adjustments
TF690 C/I - System Utilization
TF691 C/I - Global Settings
TF692 Global Chart of Accounts-Based Settings for C/I
TF693 Subitems for Equity Aging Report
TF695 Selected Items for Consolidation of Investments
TF696 Posting Items for the Equity Method
TF697 Posting Items for Push-down Accounting


SAP Package FC06_UC contains 34 views.

V_TF600 Consolidation of Investments Methods
V_TF602 C/I Methods: Cons Chart of Accounts-Based Settings
V_TF610 C/I Tasks: Activity and Accounting Technique Assignments
V_TF615 C/I Tasks: Assignment of Document Types
V_TF615_I C/I Tasks: Assignment of Document Types
V_TF616 C/I Activities/Acctg Techniques: Document Type Assignments
V_TF635 Goodwill/Neg.Goodwill
V_TF635_1 Goodwill/negative goodwill
V_TF635A Goodwill/Negative Goodwill
V_TF635A_1 Goodwill/negative goodwill
V_TF640 Fair Value Adjustments
V_TF641 Fair Value Adjustments: Subnumber
V_TF643 Fair Value Adjustments: Version/Date-Sensitive
V_TF644 Fair Value Adjustments: Cons Chart of Accounts-Sensitive
V_TF645 Reported Data for Fair Value Adjustments
V_TF655 C/I Entry of Activities: Default Values
V_TF656 Activities - Default Sequence
V_TF658 Reported Items for Changes in Equity
V_TF659 Reported Items for Push-down Accounting
V_TF660 Equity Holdings Adjustments
V_TF665 Scope of Reported Data for the Equity Method
V_TF667 Reported Items for Equity Holdings Adjustments
V_TF690 C/I - System Utilization
V_TF691 C/I - Global Settings
V_TF692 C/I - Global Chart of Account-Based Settings
V_TF693 Subitems for Equity Aging Report
V_TF695_1 Minority Interest Items
V_TF695_2 Appropriation Items for the Group
V_TF695_3 Appropriation Items for Minority Interest
V_TF695_4 Statistical Shareholders' Equity
V_TF695101 Distribution of Dividends
V_TF695102 Directors' Bonus
V_TF696 Posting Items for the Equity Method
V_TF697 Posting Items for Push-down Accounting


SAP Package FC06_UC contains 36 structures.

FC06_S_ACT_READ_ISI Read Activities from Totals DB: Valid Combs of Item/Subitem
FC06_S_BUNIT_CMETH Consolidation Unit: Assigned Method
FC06_S_CONGR Structure for Consolidation Groups
FC06_S_CTR_FTVAL Pair of Values of Currency Translation
FC06_S_CTR_INFO Information for Reference/Specific Translation
FC06_S_CTR_XRATE_FACTOR E/R Ind., From/To Ratios, String Preparation for List
FC06_S_HR Fair Value Adjustments
FC06_S_HRA Fair Value Adjustments
FC06_S_HRPROP Attributes of Fair Value Adjustments
FC06_S_LCGCVAL Pair of Values for Currency Translation
FC06_S_OC_CU Organizational Changes/Consolidation Units
FC06_S_OC_SENDER_ERROR Receiver Groups for Org.Changes with Missing Sender
FC06_S_ORGCH Structure for Organizational Changes
FC06_S_ORGCH_CONGR Structure for Organizational Changes: Group Assignments
FC06_S_PGW Structure for Push-down Goodwill
FC06_S_PGW_CUSIT Customizing Structure for Push-down Goodwill Items
FC06_S_PGW_POSTIT Customizing Structure for Push-down Posting Items
FC06_S_PGW_VALUE Values at Push-down Goodwill Items
FC06_S_TF600_691_NKEY C/I: Optional Global oder Method-dependent Settings
FC06_S_TF602_692_NKEY C/I: Optional Global oder Method-dep., Cons Chart Settings
FC06_S_TF635_A_NKEY Goodwill/Neg.Goodwill: Data Portion
FC06COIA0LST ALV structure for FICCOIA0
FC06ESHTAB Subitems for Equity Aging Report, Screen Fields
FC06GWSCR Goodwill/Negative Goodwill
FC06HIRLST FVA Reported Data: Structure for List Output
FC06HRALST Recorded Fair Value Adjustments
FC06INPUT Screen fields for Entry of Fin.Data for C/I
FC06LIST C/I List: Data to be Transferred to the List Processor
FC06LISTFX C/I List: List header
FC06METH Screen fields assignment C/I methods
FC06PGWLST Pushdown-Goodwill-Struktur -Listprozessor
FC06SSCR Subscreen fields for consolidation of investments
FC06TAB Selection Screen Fields for the Consolidation of Investments
FC06TABPGW Selection Scr. Fields for the Consolidation of Investments
FC06UPLST Structure for list fields of program FICUP620

Search Helps

SAP Package FC06_UC contains 2 search helps.

FC_HRES1 Fair Value Adjustment
FC_HRES2 Fair Value Adjustments: Subnumber