

EC-CS: Interactive Excel

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The package FCXL_UC (EC-CS: Interactive Excel) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package FCXL_UC
Short Text EC-CS: Interactive Excel
Parent Package APPL


SAP Package FCXL_UC contains 15 structures.

FCXL_ATTDF Interactive Excel: Attributes of Characteristics
FCXL_CASPS Active Excel: Available Aspects
FCXL_CHRDF Interactive Excel: List of Available Characteristics
FCXL_CHRVL Interactive Excel: Value of a Characteristic
FCXL_DATA Interactive Excel: Data Element of the Matrix
FCXL_DEPDF Interactive Excel: Def. of Dependencies betw.Characteristics
FCXL_DEPVL Interactive Excel: Ties for the Dependencies
FCXL_DREQV Active Excel: Definition of the Data Matrix
FCXL_ERROR Interactive Excel: Error Messages for GAXL_SET_DATA
FCXL_HIRDF Interactive Excel: One Hierarchy
FCXL_HIRVL Interactive Excel: Nodes in a Hierarchy
FCXL_MESSG Active Excel: Error Message
FCXL_PTEXT Interactive Excel: Program Texts
FCXL_SETDF Interactive Excel: Element of a value set for a charact.
FCXL_SORT Interactive Excel: Sort Information for FCXL_GET_MASS_DATA