
SAP Package FKBD

Bank Customer Accounts: Balancing

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The package FKBD (Bank Customer Accounts: Balancing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-FINSERV.

Technical Information

Package FKBD
Short Text Bank Customer Accounts: Balancing
Parent Package EA-FINSERV

Function Groups

SAP Package FKBD contains 35 function groups.

FB8L Help Functions for List Tool
FBM5 BCA: Account Time Periods- Application
FBM6 Parallel Processing / Dispatcher
FBM7 BCA: Posting Categories
FBM9 BCA: Periods to be Newly Balanced
FBMA BCA: Account Balancing - Online
FBMACBAL Process Control Account Balancing
FBMAPPLLOG Parallel Processing Log
FBMB BCA: BAPIs and PI Sample Function Module
FBMBALNOT_APPL BCA: Balance Notification: Application
FBMBALNOT_DB BCA: Balance Notif.: Database Accesses
FBMBALNOT_PROC BCA: Balance Notif.: Process Flow Logic
FBMBALNOT_SUR BCA: Balance Notification: Interface
FBMBANKSTAT Process Control Bank Statement
FBMBKSTARCH Bank Statement: Archiving
FBMC BCA: Balancing Authorizations
FBMCASHCONC Process Control Cash Concentration
FBMD BCA: Balancing Interface
FBME BCA: BTE Function Module Call-Ups
FBMF Mass Run: Block Management
FBMH Application Process Parallel Processing
FBMI Parallel Processing - Dispatcher
FBMJ Methods for End of Day Processing
FBMK BCA: End-of-Day Processing - DB Accesses
FBML Application Process - Database Accesses
FBMM Parallel Proc. End Day Proc. Interface
FBMOBJECTS BCA: Objects for Parallel Processing
FBMPAAPPL Application Processes: Class Methods
FBMREPORTS BCA: Report Chaining
FBMREPORTSDB BCA: Report Chaining - DB Accesses
FBMREPORTSSCR BCA: Report Chaining - Interface
FBMWORKLIST Parallel Processing: Worklist
FBVM2 Maintenance Modules
FKBD Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)


SAP Package FKBD contains 32 transactions.

F9C% Job Distribution on Server
F9C& Interval Size / Balanc. Parall. Mode
F9C+ Bank State. Dispatch Type Mainten.
F9C10 Maintain Business Transaction Code
F9C11 Maintain Reports End of Day Process.
F9C12 Scheduling Reports End of Day Proc.
F9CAPPLREL Relationships Betw. Applic. Types
F9CPP Settings for Parallel Processing
F9L1 Create Posting Category Assignment
F9L2 Change Posting Category Assignment
F9L3 Display Posting Category Assignment
F9L4 Posting Date for Closing in Dialog
F9N1 Create Bank Statements
F9N10 Overview End of Day Processing
F9N11 Start End-of-Day Processing
F9N12 Overview of Current Mass Runs
F9N13 Accts. Blocked by Single Balancing
F9N14 Duplicate Creation Bk.State. Restart
F9N15 Duplicate Creation Single Run
F9N16 Balance Notification Mass Run
F9N17 Balance Notification Single Run
F9N18 Restart Balance Notification
F9N19 Balance Notification Application Log
F9N2 Change Definition Posting Categories
F9N3 Application Log Bank Statement
F9N4 Restart - Bank Statement
F9N6 Posting Date for Balancing as Batch
F9N7 Bank Statement - Single Account
F9N8 List of Accounts in End of Day Proc.
F9N9 Bank Statement - Duplicate Creation
F9NARCH Archiving Bank Statements
F9NCHAIN Start End-of-Day Processing

Database Tables

SAP Package FKBD contains 66 database tables.

BKKM_TS Bank statement time stamp
BKKM1 BCA: Bank Statement Data
BKKM2 Account Time Periods
BKKM3 BCA: Parameters for Mass Runs in Parallel Processing
BKKM4 BCA: Job Table for Parallel Processing of Acct. Balancings
BKKM5 BCA: Periods of Account Balancing to be Calculated (New)
BKKMACCUNR Blocked Objects of a Mass Run
BKKMAPPLDATA Application Parameter for Parallel Process. (Cluster Table)
BKKMBALNOT BCA: Balance Notification Data
BKKMDISPHD Header Data for Dispatcher
BKKMDISPINTERV Interval Data for Parallel Processing
BKKMDISPJOBS Jobs Started by Dispatcher
BKKMDISPLOOP Data on Interval Groups
BKKMDISPOBJECTS Objects in Parallel Processing
BKKMDISPTASK Data on Parallel Tasks
BKKMHEADER Header data for parallel processing (temporary data)
BKKMHEADERCURR Flow data for interval scheduling (parallel processing)
BKKMINTERV Interval data for parallel processing (temporary data)
BKKMINTVAREAHOST Interval areas processed with priority by host
BKKMPABANKAREA Bank Areas in Parallel Processing
BKKMPABANKAREAHD Bank Areas in Parallel Processing (Header Data)
BKKMPARUN Data for Current Runs of an Application Process
BKKMPARUNHD General Data for Mass Runs (Header)
BKKMPARUNKEYS Key Issue for Processes in Parallel Processing
BKKMPARUNOBJGRP Object Groups per Mass Run
BKKMPERSMNGT Persistence Management for Process Objects
BKKMPROCESSES Processes (in End of Day Processing)
BKKMPROCESSREL Predecessor<-> Successor Relationships in End of Day Proc.
BKKMREPCURR Data for End of Day Processing Reports
BKKMREPCURRHD Header Data on End of Day Processing Reports
BKKMREPORTS Data for End of Day Processing Reports
BKKMREST Objects of a Mass Run for Postprocessing
BKKMWORK Objects of a Mass Run being Edited
BKKMWORKLCNT Number of Objects in Parallel Processing
TBKKM_TS Control for Time Stamp Synchronization
TBKKM2 Posting Categories for Balancing Postings
TBKKM2T Texts for Posting Categories for Balancing Postings
TBKKM3 Assignment Posting Categories <-> Medium/Transaction Types
TBKKM4 Assignment Trans. Type -> Business Transaction Code
TBKKM5 Dispatch Types for a Bank Statement
TBKKM5T Texts for Dispatch Types Bank Statement
TBKKM6 Blocking Categories for End of Day Processing
TBKKM6T Text table for Blocking Reasons in End of Day Processing
TBKKM7 Detailed Blocking Reasons
TBKKM7T Text Table for Blocking Reasons
TBKKM8 Business Transaction Code
TBKKM8T Texts on the Business Transaction Codes
TBKKM9 Bank Statement Format
TBKKM9T Texts on the Bank Statement Formats
TBKKMCHAIN Chains in End of Day Processing
TBKKMCHAINT Short Description on End of Day Processing Chains
TBKKMDISP Intervals for Parallel Processing
TBKKMEVENT Events in Parallel Processing
TBKKMHOST Server Used for Parallel Processing
TBKKMLOCKAPPL Relevant Application Types
TBKKMNXTDT Elevate next date for account statement table
TBKKMOBJECTS Objects of Parallel Processing
TBKKMOBJECTST Text Table on Objects of Parallel Processing
TBKKMPAAPPL Application Categories in Parallel Processing
TBKKMPAAPPLT Texts on Application Categories in Parallel Processing
TBKKMPAEVENT Assignment Events <-> Application Categories
TBKKMPAEVENTT Text Table on Events
TBKKMPATECHSET Technical Settings for Parallel Processing
TBKKMREPCHAIN Concatenation of End of Day Processing Report
TBKKMREPORTS Reports Called Up in End of Day Processing
TBKKMREPORTST Descriptions of Reports in End of Day Processing


SAP Package FKBD contains 18 views.

V_TBKKM2 Maintain posting categories for balancing postings
V_TBKKM3 Assignment Posting Categories <-> Trans. Types Maintenance
V_TBKKM5 Dispatch Types for a Bank Statement
V_TBKKM6 Blocking Reasons for End of Day Processing
V_TBKKM7 Details on Blocking Reasons
V_TBKKM8 Business Transaction Code
V_TBKKM9 Bank Statement Formats
V_TBKKMCHAIN End of Day Processing Chains Maintenance
V_TBKKMDIS BCA: Interval Size for Balanc. Parall. Process. Maintenance
V_TBKKMEVENT Events in Parallel Processing Maintenance
V_TBKKMHOST Server Used for Parallel Processing
V_TBKKMLOCKAPPL Relevant Application Types
V_TBKKMNXTDT Specification: Increase Next Date for Bank Statement
V_TBKKMOBJECTS Parallel Processing Objects Maintenance
V_TBKKMPAAPPL Maintenance of Application Cats. in Parallel Proc.
V_TBKKMPAEVENT Maintain Events for Parallel Processing
V_TBKKMREPCHAIN Sequence of Reports in End of Day Processing
V_TBKKMREPORTS Reports to be Concatenated in End of Day Processing


SAP Package FKBD contains 88 structures.

BKK_S_DISPTASKSTATUS Status of the Jobs/Tasks of a Job Distributor
BKKD_S_LAUFID ID of a Processing Chain
BKKD_S_PROCPARAM General Process Parameters for End of Day Processing Runs
IBKK_ACCST Bank Statement Data (Interface)
IBKK_BALNOT Data for Balance Notification
IBKK_BKST Data for bank statement
IBKK_CLOPD BCA: Screen Structure for Setting Balancing Date
IBKK_COND_FOR_BKST Display Structure of Conditions for Bank Statement
IBKK_DYN_HY_ROOT BCA: Include Structure for Screen Fields Hierarchy
IBKK_DYN_HY_ROOT_CC BCA: Screen Structure: Root Account Cash Concentration
IBKK_DYN_HY_ROOT_IC BCA: Screen Structure: Root Account Interest Compensation
IBKK_DYN_PER_AB BCA: Structure for Sub-Screen: Time Periods Acct Balancing
IBKK_DYN_PER_BN BCA: Sub-Screen Structure: Time Periods Balance Notification
IBKK_DYN_PER_BS BCA: Structure for Sub-Screen: Time Periods Bank Statement
IBKK_DYN_PER_CC BCA: Structure for Sub-Screen: Time Periods Cash Concentrat.
IBKKBALNOT_LIST Display Structure of Balance Notification
IBKKBALNOT_RET Return Structure for Balance Notification
IBKKBALNOTAC BCA: Account Data in Bank Statement Header
IBKKBALNOTCTRL Control Indicator for Balance Notification
IBKKBALNOTHD BCA:External Interface for Bal. Notification Data (Header)
IBKKBANKAD Bank Statement: Address of Bank
IBKKBKST_SCR_PARAMETER Selection Parameters for Bank Statement Run (Display)
IBKKBKSTAC BCA: Account Data in Bank Statement Header
IBKKBKSTAC_EXT BCA: Account Data in Bank Statement Header (Ext. Display)
IBKKBKSTAD Bank Statement: Addresses of Bank Statement Recipients
IBKKBKSTAD_BINT BCA: Internal Bank Addresses
IBKKBKSTAD_INT BCA: Internal Bank Addresses
IBKKBKSTCH BCA: Currency Conversion Data in Bank Statement Header
IBKKBKSTCL Data from Account Balancings Since Last Bank Statement
IBKKBKSTCL_EXT Data from Account Balancings Since Last Bank Statement
IBKKBKSTCTRL Control Parameters for Bank Statement Creation
IBKKBKSTGP BCA: Name Data of a BP (for Bank Statement)
IBKKBKSTHD_EXT BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement Data (Header)
IBKKBKSTHY BCA: Interface for Bank Statement Data (Hierarchy-Info)
IBKKBKSTIT BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement (Turnovers)
IBKKBKSTIT_EXT BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement (Turnovers)
IBKKBKSTLI BCA: Interface for Bank Statement Data (Limit)
IBKKBKSTLI_EXT BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement Data (Limit)
IBKKBKSTNT Bank Statment: Payment Notes
IBKKBKSTOUT BCA: Fields for Bank Statement Form
IBKKBKSTPD BCA: General Data of a BP (for Bank Statement)
IBKKBKSTPN BCA: Name Data of a Natural Person
IBKKBKSTPO BCA: Name Data of an Organization
IBKKM_ROOT_LEVEL Corresponding Root and Hierarchy Level of an Element
IBKKM1 BCA: Structure for Balancing ID
IBKKM10 BCA: Additional Parameters for Account Balancing Call-Up
IBKKM12 Balancing Parameters to be Checked for Mass Run Admin.
IBKKM13 (Selection) Parameters for Bank Statement Creation
IBKKM14 Control Parameters for Mass Data Processing
IBKKM15 Data on Mass Balancing Category
IBKKM16 Issuing Data on Bank Statement Header
IBKKM17 Screen Structure for Balancing Data Output
IBKKM18 Help Structure for Transfer Parameters Reference Fields
IBKKM2 Structure for Table Control Account Balancing
IBKKM2_S Account Time Periods
IBKKM3 BCA: Balancing Parameters
IBKKM4 BCA: Flow Data for Account Balancing
IBKKM5 BCA: Transfer Data for Balancing
IBKKM6 BCA: Header Data for Bank Statement (Internal)
IBKKM7 BCA: Master Data for Account Time Periods
IBKKM8 BCA: Return Structure for Bank Statement Administration
IBKKM9 BCA: Balancing Transfer Structure
IBKKMACC Account key
IBKKMACCINPROC Display Fields of Accounts Being Edited by Mass Run
IBKKMARCH01 Display Detail Log Statement Archiving
IBKKMBALNOT_PARAM (Selection) Parameters during Creation of Bal. Notification
IBKKMBALNOT_RET Return Structure for Balance Notification
IBKKMBANKSTATPARAM Parameters for Bank Statement Creation
IBKKMCTRLFLAGS Control Flags for Mass Runs
IBKKMDISPOBJECTS Objects in Parallel Processing
IBKKMHY Key Account Hierarchy (Parallel Processing)
IBKKMINTVID Key to an Interval for Parallel Processing
IBKKMJOBKEY Key to a Background Job
IBKKMJOBSGROUP Number of Jobs per Server Group
IBKKMJOBSHOST Number of Jobs per Host
IBKKMLOCKDATA Data on Display of Block Data (Mass Runs)
IBKKMLOCKDISPLAY Display Data for Blocked Accounts
IBKKMPAOBJECT Object for Parallel Processing
IBKKMPOSTC Posting Categories for Processes
IBKKMREPCHAIN Output Structure for Status Data on a Processing Chain
IBKKMREPCHAINHD Status Data on a Processing Chain (Header)
IBKKMRUN Interface for Mass Run Administration
IBKKMRUNBKKRS Bank Areas of a Mass Run
IBKKMRUNINFO Display Fields for Mass Run Data
IBKKMRUNKEY Key Fields of a Mass Run
IFKKDIJOB BCA: Reference Interface for Parallel Processing
VBKKM2 Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000


SAP Package FKBD contains 36 programs.

RFBALNOTLOG View Application Log for Bank Statement
RFBK_PROCESS_END Process Flow at End of a Process
RFBK_PROCESS_START Process Flow (Background)
RFBKABSA Bank Statement Archiving: Archiving Program
RFBKABSD Bank Statement Archiving: Delete Program
RFBKABSR Bank Statement Archiving: Reload Program
RFBKABSS Bank Statement Archiving: Read Program
RFBKACCB Accounts Locked by End-of-Day Processing
RFBKACCBSINGLE Accounts Blocked by Individual Balancing
RFBKACCINPROC List of Accounts Edited by End of Day Processing Runs
RFBKBALNOT Create Balance Notifications - Mass Run
RFBKBALNOT_REST Start Balance Notifications - Restart
RFBKBALNOT_SINGLE Create One Single Bank Statement (on Request)
RFBKBALNOTFILL BCA: Entry of Periodic Data for Balance Notification
RFBKBANKSTATDUPL Start Creation of Bank Statements Duplicate
RFBKBSLG View Application Log for Bank Statement
RFBKBSRE Start Bank Statements - Restart
RFBKBSSG_DUPL Duplicate Creation of a Bank Statement (Single Run)
RFBKBSST Start Bank Statements
RFBKCHAINOVR Status Overview of Reports in End of Day Processing
RFBKCHAINSTART Start Sequence of Reports in End-of-Day Processing
RFBKCLEB End of Day Process. Batch: Increase Posting Date for Balancing Posts.
RFBKCLED End of Day Process. Online: Increase Posting Date for Balancing Posts.
RFBKDISPJOB Schedule Within a Background Job
RFBKEOFDAYPROC_WAIT Wait Till End of Previous Job
RFBKEOFSTEP End of a Processing Step in End of Day Processing
RFBKMASSREST Restart on a Mass Run in End of Day Processing
RFBKPARUNOVR Overview of Current End of Day Processing Runs
RFBKSYNCJOB Synchronization of Concurrent Process Branches
RFBKSYNCJOBOLD Synchronization of Concurrent Process Branches
RFBKUPTJOB Parallel Processing UPT JOB
RFBKUPTSYNC UPT Synchronization Report
RFBKXPR403_5 Conversion of Bank Area-Dep. Settings Re: Public Hols. Stand. Orders
RFBKXPR461_1 Copy of Table of Historical and Current End of Day Processing Steps
RFBKXPRA402_7 Conversion of Settings on Interval Size in Parallel Processing

Search Helps

SAP Package FKBD contains 4 search helps.

BKK_F4_EODP_STANDARDVAR Search Help for Variants to Reports in End of Day Processing
BKK_F4_SERVER Search Help for Servers
BKK_F4_STOCK_PLACE_TO Check Stack Locations for Direct Creation or Distribution
BKK_PERIODICITIES_HELP Search Help Other Time Periods

Message Classes

SAP Package FKBD contains 1 message classes.

1M BKK: Abschluß

Authorization Objects

SAP Package FKBD contains 1 authorization objects.

F_BAST_ACT BCA Bank Statement: Activity