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Bei ansehen →The package FMMD_CORE (Funds Management: Master Data Core Objects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | FMMD_CORE |
Short Text | Funds Management: Master Data Core Objects |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package FMMD_CORE contains 10 function groups.
0FMP | FM: Customizing Master Data |
FMCI0 | Internal Module Commitment Items |
FMCI1 | Read Commitment Items |
FMCI2 | Maintain Commitment Items |
FMCI3 | Commitment Items Database Actions |
FMCI4 | Commitment Items General Functions |
FMCI6 | Change Documents for Commitment Items |
FMCI7 | CHDO FMCI => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
FMG1 | Read Commitment Item in FM Area |
FMG4 | Commt Item in FM Area General Functions |
SAP Package FMMD_CORE contains 9 transactions.
FMCIA | Edit Commitment Item |
FMCIC | Display commitment item |
FMCID | Change Commitment Item: Hierarchy |
FMCIE | Display Commitment Item: Hierarchy |
FMCIH | Commt Items: Alternative Hierarchy |
FMGX | Commitment Item Issue to UNIX-File |
FMGY | Create Commitment Items via UNIX |
FMSK | Commitment Item Check |
OFDE | FM: Delete Cmmt Items in FM Area |
SAP Package FMMD_CORE contains 49 database tables.
FM01_ST | Assign Field Selection String -> FM Area |
FM01BSP | FM Area - Fund Center for the Budget |
FM01H | Year-Independent Assignment of Hierarchy Variants to FM Area |
FM01P | Year-Dependent Assignment of Master Data to FM Area |
FM01S | Additional master data for budgeting tools |
FMCI | Commitment items master data |
FMCIT | Commitment items texts |
FMCIVARNT | Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts |
FMCIVARNTT | Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts |
FMED00 | Preparation of Commitment Items |
FMED01 | Special Character for Preparing Commitment Items |
FMFCTR | Funds Center Master Record |
FMFCTRT | Funds Center Text |
FMFINCODE | FIFM: Financing code |
FMFINT | FIFM: Fund texts |
FMFUSE | FIFM: Application of Funds from Secondary Sources |
FMFUSET | FIFM: Application of Funds from Secondary Sources |
FMFXPO | Commitment item, internal and external number (conversion) |
FMHICI | Commitment items hierarchy |
FMHIPG | Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Fiscal Year |
FMHIPP | Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Chart of Cmmt Items |
FMHISV | Hierarchy table of funds centers in Hivariant |
FMHIVARNT | Funds Center Hierarchy Variant: Entities |
FMHIVARNTT | Funds Center Hierarchy Variant: Entities |
FMHSART | FM: Budget Line Type |
FMHSARTT | FM: Budget Line Type |
FMKR | Commitment Item Criterion |
FMKRG | Commitment Item Criterion Category Group |
FMKRGT | Text: Commitment Item Criterion Category Group |
FMKRGTP | Assignment Table: Criterion Category to Crit.Cat.Group |
FMKRT | Text: Commitment Item Criteria |
FMKRTP | Commitment item criterion category |
FMKRTPT | Text: Commitment Item Criterion Category |
FMMDST | Field selection string |
FMMDSTF | Field Selection String and Fields |
FMMDSTT | Text for Field Selection String |
FMPG | Commitment Items in FM Area/Fiscal Year |
FMPOSIT | Commitment Item Assignment to Internal Number (FIPEX-POSIT) |
FMPP | Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items |
FMPPLAN | Chart of Commitment Items: Entities |
FMPPLANT | Chart of Commitment Items: Entity Texts |
FMPPT | Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items: Texts |
FMSTATUS | FIFM: Status for FIFM Account Assignment Objects |
FMTTXID | Help Table for Maintenance View: Long Texts |
FMVARNT | Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity Texts |
FMVARNTT | Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity Texts |
FMVORTR | Cmmt items for carryover item category of totals records |
FMVORTR0 | Carryforward Item Categories of Totals Records |
FMZUBSP | Assign Budget Structure Elements |
SAP Package FMMD_CORE contains 22 views.
M_FISTG | Search by Financial Management Area/Fiscal Year |
M_T001_FM | Assigning Company Codes to FM Areas |
V_FM01BSP | FM Areas - Funds Center for the Budget |
V_FM01P | Year-Dependent Assignment of Chart of Cmmt Items for FM Area |
V_FMCIT | FM: Commitment Item (Texts and Master Data) |
V_FMCIVARNT | Create Variants in FM Area/Fiscal Year |
V_FMHSART | Commitment Item Type |
V_FMMDST | Field Selection String for Master Data |
V_FMMDSTF | View: Field Status of Field Selection String |
V_FMPPLAN | Chart of Commitment Items: Entities |
V_FMPPT | Commitment Item Texts (FM Area/Fiscal Year and Plan) |
V_FMTTXID | Create Text Types |
V_FMVARNT | Chart of Commitment Items Variant |
V_FMVORTR0 | Totals Records Carryforward Item Categories for FMSU Table |
VFMPG | Commitment Item: Year-Independent and -Dependent Data |
VV_FM_SETCLS_CD | Maintenance of Change Document Indicators in Set Classes |
VV_FMMDST_1 | Field Selection String for Commitment Items |
VV_FMMDST_2 | Field Selection String for Funds Centers |
VV_FMMDST_3 | Field Selection String for Funds |
VV_FMTTXID_1 | Additional Text Types for Commitment Items |
VV_FMTTXID_2 | Additional Text Types for Fund Centers |
VV_FMTTXID_3 | Additional Text Types for Funds |
SAP Package FMMD_CORE contains 90 structures.
BIFMFSA | Batch-Input-Structure Rec. A Funds Ctr in FM Area |
BIFMFSB | Batch-Input-Structure Rec. A Funds Ctr in FM Area |
BIFMFSC | Batch-Input-Structure Rec. C Long Texts for Fnds Ctr in FMA |
BIFMFSD | Batch-Input-Structure Rec. A Funds Ctr in FM Area |
BIFMIMEX | Interface for UNIX file - Import/Export data |
BIFMPPA | Batch Input Structure Rec. A CI in Chart/FMA (Loc.Auth) |
BIFMPPAOLD | Old Structure Rec. A Comm.Item in Chrt/FM Area |
BIFMPPB | Batch Input Structure Rec. B CI in Chart/FMA (Loc.Auth) |
BIFMPPC | Batch Input Structure Rec. C CI in Chart/FMA (Loc.Auth) |
BIFMPPCOLD | Old Structure Rec. C Comm.Item in Chrt/FM Area |
BIFMPPD | Batch Input Structure Rec. D CI in Chart/FMA (Loc.Auth) |
BIFMPPDOLD | Old Structure Rec. D Comm.Item in Chrt/FM Area |
BIFMTXT | Batch Input Structure > Long Texts < (Loc.Authorities) |
BSPE | Budget structure element |
CFMCI | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
CFMCIT | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
CFMPP | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
FBSP | Assignment of Balance Objects to Budget Structure Elements |
FIPEX_STRUC | Subfields Commitment Item |
FMACASD2 | FM Acct Assgmts for Orders (such as PM) at Activity Level |
FMCI_BI_A | Batch input structure record A: FIPEX in FMA/FYear |
FMCI_BI_B | Batch Input Structure Rec. B Long Text for Fipex |
FMCI_BI_D | Batch Input Structure Record D: Balance Budget Assignment |
FMDERIFUAC | Structure for Derivation of Fund and Function |
FMFCTR_CD | Transfer structure for funds centers change documents |
FMFCTRT_CD | Transfer structure for change documents of fnds center texts |
FMGFLOGC | Copy Commitment Item Master Data |
FMSG | Logical Database Navigation Selection |
FMSLALL | Transfer Structure for Mass Selection |
FMSLBSP | Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Budget Structure |
FMSLFCTR | Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Funds Center |
FMSLFFND | Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Fund |
FMSLFIELDS | Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Add. List Fields |
FMSLFPEX | Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Commitment Item |
FMSLHEADER | Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: List Headers |
FMSLPARA | Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Preassigned Fields |
FMSLTRP | Transfer Struct. for Mass Selection: Master Data Combination |
FMXCI_CUS | Structure of Customer Fields of Table FMCI for USER EXIT |
FMXCI_STD | Structure of Standard Fields of Table FMCI for USER EXIT |
FMXPG_CUS | Structure of Customer Fields for Table FMPG for User Exit |
FMXPG_STD | Structure of Standard Fields for Table FMPG for User Exit |
FMXPP_CUS | Structure of Customer Fields for Table FMPP for User Exit |
FMXPP_STD | Structure of Standard Fields for Table FMPP for User Exit |
FPEX | Commitment Items |
IFM_LONGTEXT | Screen for Alternative Long Text Maintenance |
IFM01KOM | AppendStructure for table FM01 for local authorities |
IFMCI | Structure of Commitment Item Master Data |
IFMCI_FMFCTR | Transfer Structure for Add. Customer Fields in Funds Centers |
IFMCI_FMFINCODE | Transfer Structure for Add. Customer Flds in Fnd Master Rec. |
IFMCI_FMPG | Trans.struct. for add.cust.fields to comm.items in FM area |
IFMCI_FMPP | Trans.struct.for add.cust.fields to com.itms in chrt of com. |
IFMCIDAT | Structure of Commitment Item Master Data |
IFMCIDY | Screen Field of Commitment Items |
IFMCIKEY | Key Fields Commitment Items (Table FMCI) |
IFMCIT | Structure of Commitment Item Texts |
IFMCITXT | Commitment Item: Text Fields for Screens |
IFMF4DY | Structure for the F4 Help for Commitment Items |
IFMFCTR_DATA | Structure for Attributes of a Funds Center |
IFMFCTRDY | Funds Center Screen Fields |
IFMFCTRTXT | Funds center: Text fields for screens |
IFMFINCODE_TXT | Fund: Text Fields for Screens |
IFMHRINTDY | Screen Structure Generate HR Commitment Items |
IFMMDSTDY | Screen Fields for Field Status Maintenance |
IFMPGDY | Screen Fields of Commitment Items in FM Area/Fiscal Year |
IFMPGEU | Append for the EU |
IFMPGKO | Add.Local Authority Fields for Cmmt Items in FM Area/Fisc.Yr |
IFMPGKOM | Append Structure for Cmmt Item (FMPG) (Local Authority) |
IFMPGTXT | Commitment Item in FM Area: Text Fields for Screens |
IFMPP | Data Structure for Commitment Items in Chart of Cmmt Items |
IFMPPDY | Chart of Commitment Items Screen Fields |
IFMPPKO | Local Authority Add.Fields for Cmmt Items in Chart of CIs |
IFMPPKOM | Local Authority Add.Fields for Chart/Items Append Structure |
IFMPPTXT | Chart of Commitment Items: Text Fields for Screens |
IFMSALD | Screen Fields: Assign to Net Voting (FMZUBSP) |
IFMST_ADDR | Address data of the funds center: Include |
IFMST_TELE | Telecommunications data of the funds center |
IFMSTATUS | FIFM: Status for FIFM Account Assignment Objects |
IFMZUBSPDAT | Data for Net Voting Assignment |
SAP Package FMMD_CORE contains 7 programs.
RFFMCDCI | Display Change Documents for Commitment Items in FM Area |
RFFMMDBI81 | Export commitment items in external file |
RFFMMDBI85 | Import Commitment Items from External File |
RFFMMDC2 | Master Data and Commitment Item Hierarchy Check |
RFFMMDD1 | Delete Commitment Items in FM Area and Fiscal Year |
RFMXPA01 | Conversion Program for CIs FI-FM Rel. > = 4.5 -> IS-PS Rel. 4.62 |
SAPMFMCI | Maintaining commitment items |
SAP Package FMMD_CORE contains 13 search helps.
FIPEX_1 | Search Using Name |
FIPEX_1_POSTABLE | Search Using Name |
FIPEX_2 | Search by Attribute |
FIPEX_2_POSTABLE | Search by Attribute |
FIPEX_APPEND | Appen search help for FIPEX |
FIPEX_POSTABLE | FM: Search Help for Postable Commitment Items (FIPEX) |
FIST | FM: Search Help for the Funds Center |
FISTH | Search Using Hierarchy Variants |
FM_MD_FMTTXID | FM: Search Help for TextID of Master Data |
FM_VARIANT | FM: Commitment item variant |
FM_VARNT | FM: Search help for variant |
FMTA_BUKRS_FIKRS | Search Using Assignment FM Area/Company Code |
FPOS | FIFM: Matchcode postable commitment items |
SAP Package FMMD_CORE contains 1 message classes.
F6 | Stammdatenpflege des Haushaltsmanagements |