Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package FREP (RF reporting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | FREP |
Short Text | RF reporting |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package FREP contains 20 function groups.
0F030 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0F33 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0F40 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
F003 | Determine Offsetting Account |
F009 | RF: Read DB Tables Directly for G/L Acts |
F018 | Preliminary Company Code Auth. Check |
F021 | RF: Read Customer DB Tables Directly |
F023 | Buffer for T001 |
FALV | FI Lists with ALV |
FBEW | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FEUO | Alternative Local Currency for Reporting |
FI_CHECK_DATE | Authorization Check (Tax Reduction Law) |
FI_ITEMS | Line Item Display with ALV |
FI_ITEMS_DDIC | FI Line Items: DDIC Changes |
FI_ITEMS_ENJOY | Parallel Old/New Line Item Display |
FI_MSG | Message Utilities Line Item Report |
FI_REP_UTIL | Utilities for Reporting |
FREP | Utility FI Reporting |
LDB_LOG | Output of Logical DB to Application Log |
SAP Package FREP contains 54 transactions.
F.27 | Periodic Account Statements |
F.2E | Reconciliation Btwn Affiliated Comps |
F.2F | Management Acct Group Reconciliation |
F.2G | Create Account Group Reconcil. G/L |
F.2I | Document Assignment User Settings |
F.2K | Manage Templates for Notifications |
F.61 | Correspondence: Print Requests |
F.62 | Correspondence: Print Int.Documents |
F.63 | Correspondence: Delete Requests |
F.97 | General Ledger: Report Selection |
F.98 | Vendors: Report Selection |
F.99 | Customers: Report Selection |
F04N | Vendor Foreign Currency Valuation |
F05N | Customer Foreign Currency Valuation |
F06N | Foreign Currency Val. (G/L Accounts) |
F48A | Document Archiving |
F53A | Archiving of G/L Accounts |
F53V | Management of G/L Account Archives |
F56A | Customer Archiving |
F58A | Archiving of Vendors |
F64A | Transaction Figure Archiving |
F66A | Archiving of Bank Data Storage |
FBDF | Menu Banque de France |
FBF1 | C80 Reporting Minus Sp.G/L Ind. |
FBF2 | Financial Transactions |
FBF3 | Control Report |
FBF4 | Download Documents |
FBF5 | Reports Minus Vendor Accounts |
FBF6 | Document Changes |
FBF7 | C80 Reports Minus Sp.G/L Ind. |
FBF8 | C84 Reports |
FBFT | Customizing BDF |
FBL1N | Vendor Line Items |
FBL2N | Vendor Line Items |
FBL3N | G/L Account Line Items |
FBL4N | G/L Account Line Items |
FBL5N | Customer Line Items |
FBL6N | Customer Line Items |
FBWAPI0 | FI Internet: Vendor Line Items |
FBWAPI0EA | FI Internet: Vendor Line Items |
FBWARI0 | FI Internet: Customer Line Items |
FBWARI0EA | FI Internet: Customer Line Items |
FC80 | Document C80 |
FC82 | Document C82 |
OB_9 | C FI Maintain Table T044J: Display |
OBC9 | External Group Number for Taxation |
OBEA | Maintain Convertible Reports |
OBEB | Main.Table for Old Local Curr.(EURO) |
OBUV | TxApportnmnt for Cross-Co.Cde Trans. |
OBVY | C FI Maintain Table T030H |
S_P00_07000065 | Anal.GR/IR Clrg Accts and Dis.Acq.Tx |
S_P9C_18000044 | Annual Sales Ret. to Tax Office (PT) |
S_PL0_09000447 | Withholding Tax Report for Vendor |
UKVC | Number range maintenance: IDWTVC |
SAP Package FREP contains 50 database tables.
BWKS | Accounts Blocked by Valuation Selection |
BWPOS | Valuations for Open Items |
DKKOP | Balance Audit Trail |
DKKOS | Balance Audit Trail |
DKOKP | Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail |
DKOKS | Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail Master Record |
DSKOP | Balance Audit Trail |
DSKOS | Balance Audit Trail |
QSTRE | FI/HR Withholding Tax Report for Spain |
RFASLD11B | EC Sales List (Spain) |
RFSCASH | Cash Book table |
T001M | Data on Z5A Foreign Trade Regulations Report, Germany |
T007G | Table no Longer Used -> T007K/L |
T007H | Table no Longer Used -> T007K/L |
T007J | Tax Advance Payment per Taxes on Sls/Pur.Grp and Cal.Yr |
T007K | Table for Grouping Tax Basis Balances |
T007L | Table for Grouping Tax Balances |
T007R | External Group Number for Tax Amounts |
T007X | Text for Grouping Tax Amounts |
T007Z | Time-Dependent Version Assignment - For ELSTER |
T030HB | Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences |
T042X | Company Codes Blocked by the Payment Program |
T044D | Work Files for the Extract of the Accum.Balance Audit Trail |
T044E | Foreign Currency Valuation: Items with Special Cover |
T044G | Valuation Adjustment Key |
T044I | FI Valuation: Determine Base Value |
T044J | Preference Key for Reading Valuation Results |
T044KT | Further Specifications for Sorted List |
T044L | Sorted List of Open Items |
T044LH | Sort Methods |
T044LT | Sorted List of Open Items |
T049A | Posting Data For Autocash With Lockbox |
T049B | Control Parameters for Autocash |
T049C | Evaluation of the Autocash Tapes |
T049E | Control Data for Swiss POR Procedure |
T049F | Cashed Checks Control Table |
TABKT | Automatic Accounts for End-Year Closing/Opening Postings ITA |
TBKOW | Valuation Difference Temporary Storage |
TBUVTX | Transfer Posting of Tax in a Cross-Company Code Transaction |
TEURA | Reports Supporting Alternative Local Currencies |
TEURB | Altern. Local Currency and Exch.Rate Type for a Company Code |
TFE01 | BDF: Currency Key |
TFE02 | BDF: Countries |
TFE05 | BDF: State CB Indic. |
TFE18 | BDF: Identif. of Offsett. Accounts |
TFE19 | BDF: Accts Subj. to Report. |
TITVAR | Line Items: Line Layout Variants, Assignment Old-New |
TRVOR | Control Statements |
UMSV | Tax Balances per Comp.Code, Tax Code and Process.Key |
UMSVZ | Advance Return for Tax on Sls/Pur.Period |
SAP Package FREP contains 23 views.
V_T007R | External Group No. for Tax Amnts for Sal/Purch.Tax Reporting |
V_T007Z | Assign Time-Dependent Tax Group Version |
V_T030HB | Account Determination |
V_T033 | FI Valuation Area |
V_T044E | Hedged Foreign Currency Items |
V_T044G | Maintain Accumulated Depreciation Key |
V_T044I | FI Valuations: Determine Base Value |
V_T044L_CRE | Sorted List of Open Items Callup Point |
V_T044L_DEB | Sorted List of Open Items Callup Point |
V_T044LA | Sorted List of Open Items |
V_TEURA | Reports Supporting Alternative Local Currencies |
V_TEURB | Alternative Local Currency for Certain Reports/Company Code |
V_TFE01 | BDF: Currency Key |
V_TFE02 | BDF: Countries |
V_TFE05 | BDF State Central Bank Indic. |
V_TFE18 | BDF: Identif. of Offsett. Accounts |
V_TFE19 | BDF: Identif. of Offsett. Accounts |
VB_DEBI | View of KNA1, KNB1 and BSID |
VFC_DEBI | View For Balance Audit Trail With A/B/C Data |
VFC_KRED | View For Balance Audit Trail With A/B/C Data |
VPIT_KNA1 | Line Item Display: Customer Header Information A-Seg |
VPIT_KNB1 | Line Item Display: Customer Header Information B-Seg |
VPIT_T001 | Line Item Display: Company Code Header Information |
SAP Package FREP contains 184 structures.
AUSTE_SUM | Output Tax Data for Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchs |
AUSTRIA_XML_EC | EC Sales List in Austria |
B0SG | Navigation Selection for Logical Databases |
BKPF_ADDON | Additional Fields for Document Header Key |
BKPF_ADDON_TAB | Transfer of Additional Values for Document Header |
BOSG | Uppermost Hierarchy Segment for BRF |
BSBM03 | Screen for Flat-Rate Value Maintenance EWB |
BSBV | Display of Valuation Fields for Line Items |
BSIKEXT | Extended Structure for BSIK (plus BSEGA) |
BSISEXT | Secondary Index BSIS Plus Enhancement Section (BSEGA) |
BUKRS_BAL | Tax Data by Company Code for the Adv. Return for Tax on S/P |
CON_DTAJP1 | Japanese Foreign Exchange Trading Format (Header) |
CON_DTAJP2 | Japanese Foreign Currency Trading Format (General Data) |
CON_DTAJP3 | Japanese Foreign Exchange Trading Format (Order Data) |
CON_DTAJP4 | Japanese Foreign Exchange Trading Format (Payment Data) |
CON_DTAJP5 | Japanese Foreign Exchange Trading Format (Expenses Data) |
CON_DTAJP7 | Japanese Foreign Exchange Trading Format (Trailer Record) |
CON_DTAJP8 | Japanese Foreign Exchange Trading Format (End Record) |
DOC_HDR_ALV | FI-GL Transfer Postings (ALV): Line Layout |
DOC_LINE_ALV | FI-GL Transfer Postings (ALV): Line Layout |
ERROR_LIST | Log Table for Failed Authorization Checks |
F100FILE | Extract from the SAPF100 Evaluation |
FAADR | Address of Tax Office |
FAEDE | Transfer Structure for Determining Due Date |
FAGL_ACC_S_RFBABL00_ALV | Structure for display change documents. - RFBABL00_ALV. |
FAGL_ACC_S_RFUMSV25_LIST | Structure for ALV Conversion of RFUMSV25 |
FAGL_ACC_S_RFUMSV25_LIST2 | Structure for RFUMSV25 |
FAGL_S_RF_STEUERINFO_LIST1 | Structure for RF_STEUERINFO Detail List 1 |
FAGL_S_RF_STEUERINFO_LIST2 | Structure for RF_STEUERINFO Detail List 2 |
FAGL_S_RFAWVZ5A_LIST1 | ALV Structure for RFAWVZ5A List1 |
FAGL_S_RFAWVZ5A_Z5A2 | Output list reporting totals Z5a sheet 2 |
FAGL_S_RFBELJ00_DOCUMENTS | Document Journal: Individual Documents (ALV Structure) |
FAGL_S_RFBELJ00_DOCUMENTS_HEAD | Document Journal: Individual Documents (ALV Structure) |
FAGL_S_RFBELJ00_DOCUMENTS_ITEM | Document Journal: Individual Documents (ALV Structure) |
FAGL_S_RFBELJ10_DOCUMENTS_HEAD | Document Journal: Individual Documents (ALV Structure) |
FAGL_S_RFBELJ10_DOCUMENTS_ITEM | Document Journal: Individual Documents (ALV Structure) |
FAGL_S_RFDAUB00_LIST1 | ALV Structure for Report RFDAUB00 - Header |
FAGL_S_RFDAUB00_LIST2 | ALV Structure for Report RFDAUB00 - Lines |
FAGL_S_RFDEPL00_LIST1 | Output Structure for RDFEPL00 |
FAGL_S_RFDIFF00_DIF_LIST | Display Diff. List in RFDIFF00. |
FAGL_S_RFDSLD00_LIST1 | Output Structure for Report RFDSLD00 |
FAGL_S_RFDSLD00_LIST2 | Output Structure for Report RFDSLD00 |
FAGL_S_RFEBCK00_HR | Structure for RFEBCK00_ALV - HR Posting |
FAGL_S_RFEBCK00_LIST1 | Structure for RFEBCK00 List1 |
FAGL_S_RFEBCK00_LIST2 | Structure for RFEBCK00 List2 |
FAGL_S_RFEBCK00_STATS | Structure for RFEBCK00 Statistics |
FAGL_S_RFEPOJ00_LIST | Structure for ALV Output of RFEPOJ00 |
FAGL_S_RFKEPL00_LIST1 | Output Structure for RDFEPL00 |
FAGL_S_RFKLBU10_DK_LIST | Balance Audit Trail RFKLbu10 Vendors Customers Items |
FAGL_S_RFKLBU10_GL_LIST | Balance Audit Trail RFKLbu10 G/L Accounts Items |
FAGL_S_RFKLET01_LIST2 | ALV Structure for Report RFKLET01 |
FAGL_S_RFPUMS00_ALV | ALV Structure for Report RFPUMS00 |
FAGL_S_RFRDTXPT_LIST | Structure for ALV Conversion of RFRDTXPT_ALV |
FAGL_S_RFSABL00_LIST | RFSABL00_ALV(G/L Account Changes )- Field Catalog Structure |
FAGL_S_RFSOPO00_LIST | Fields for Line Item Display in General Ledger |
FAGL_S_RFSSLD00_LIST | Structure for ALV Report RFSSLD00 |
FAGL_S_RFUMSANF_LIST1 | ALV Structure for RFUMSANF - List1 |
FAGL_S_RFUMSSUM_LIST2 | ALV Structure for Report RFUMSSUM Data per Tax Code |
FAGL_S_RFUSVS14_LIST1 | ALV Structure for RFUSVS14_ALV - List1 |
FAGL_S_RFUSVS14_LIST2 | ALV Structure for RFUSVS14_ALV - List2 |
FAGL_S_RFUVDE00_LIST | Print Program: Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases |
FAGL_S_RFVBER00_LIST1_ALV | Structure for List 1 in Program RFVBER00 |
FAGL_S_RFVBER00_LIST2_ALV | Structure for List 2 in Program RFVBER00 |
FAGL_S_RFVBER00_LIST3_ALV | Structure for List 3 in Program RFVBER00 |
FAGL_S_RFVBER00_PARK_LIST1_ALV | Structure for List 1 in Program RFVBER00_PARK |
FAGL_S_RFYTXU00_LIST | Update Audit File/Sales Tax Register from External TaxSystem |
FAGL_S_SAPF122_LIST | ALV Output Structure for SAPF122 |
FAGL_S_SAPF122_LIST_ALV | Structure for ALV Output of SAPF122 |
FC01 | BDF Header Record for Reporting |
FC80 | Individual Statistical Summary |
FC82 | Financial Transactions |
FC84 | Receivables and Payables Relating to Non-Residents |
FC99 | BDF: Closing Record for Reporting |
FLB01 | Lockbox Record Type 1 - Header Record |
FLB02 | Lockbox Record Type 2 - Service Record |
FLB04 | Lockbox Record Type 4 - Overflow Record |
FLB05 | Lockbox Record Type 5 - Detail Header Record (New Lockbox) |
FLB06 | Lockbox Record Box 6 - Detail Record (New Check) |
FLB07 | Lockbox Record Type 7 Batch Total Record (Bundle End in LB) |
FLB08 | Lockbox Record Type 8 Service Tot. Rec.End of all LB Bundles |
FLB09 | Lockbox Record Type 9 - Trailer Record (Last Record) |
FOAP_ACC_S_RFDABL00_LIST | ALV Structure for Report RFDABL00 |
FOAP_ACC_S_RFDOFW00_LIST | Structure for ALV Output of RFDOFW00_ALV |
FOAP_ACC_S_RFWOBL00_LIST | Structure for RFWOBL00 |
FOAP_ACC_S_RFWOBL10_LIST1 | Structure for ALV Output |
FOAP_S_RFBNUM10_HEADER | ALV Structure for RFBNUM10 (Header) |
FOAP_S_RFBNUM10_ITEM | ALV Structure for RFBNUM10 (Item) |
FOAP_S_RFCATX00_LIST | ALV Structure for RFCATX00 |
FOAP_S_RFDANZ00 | Structure for RFDANZ00 |
FOAP_S_RFDKAG00_LIST | ALV Structure for Report RFDKAG00 |
FOAP_S_RFDKLIAB | Structure for Field Catalog for RFDKLIAB |
FOAP_S_RFDOPR20_LIST1 | ALV Structure 1 for Report RFDOPR20 |
FOAP_S_RFDOPR20_LIST2 | ALV Structure 2 for Report RFDOPR20 |
FOAP_S_RFDUML00 | Structure for Report RFDUML00 |
FOAP_S_RFDUML00_LIST | Structure for Report RFDUML00_ALV - One-Time Account Data |
FOAP_S_RFKABL00_LIST | ALV Structure for Report RFKABL00 |
FOAP_S_RFKANZ00 | Structure for RFKANZ00 |
FOAP_S_RFKKAG00_LIST | ALV Structure for Report RFKKAG00 |
FOAP_S_RFKOFW00_LIST | Structure for RFKOFW00 |
FOAP_S_RFKSLD00_LIST1 | ALV Structure for Report RFKSLD00 |
FOAP_S_RFKUML00_LIST1 | Structure 1 for Report RFKUML00 - ALV Conversion |
FOAP_S_RFKUML00_LIST2 | Structure 2 for Report RFKUML00 - ALV Conversion |
FOAP_S_RFKUML00_LIST3 | Structure 3 for Report RFKUML00 - ALV Conversion |
FOAP_S_RFWEKO00_LIST | Field Catalog Structure for Report RFWEKO00 |
FOAP_S_RFWEKO01_LIST | RFWEKO01 Field Catalog Structure |
FOAP_S_SAPF104_LIST1 | ALV Structure 1 for Report SAPF104 |
FOAP_S_SAPF104_LIST2 | ALV Structure 2 for Report SAPF104 |
FOAP_S_SAPF104_LIST3 | ALV Structure 3 for Report SAPF104 |
FSABE | Accounting Clerk Address Data |
GRECON_TEXT | ACC Texts for Monitor Connection |
GSALV_S_RFHABU10_LIST1 | Structure 1 for ALV Conversion of RFHABU10 |
GSALV_S_RFHABU10_LIST2 | Structure of List Output for RFHABU10, List 2 |
GSALV_S_RFHABU10_LIST4 | Structure List Output RFHABU10, List 4 |
GSALV_S_RFHABU10_POPUP_LIST | Structure List Output RFHABU10 |
GSEG | Offsetting Items for B-Segment in Reporting |
GSEGA | GSEGA - Extension to the Offsetting Item Segment |
GSS_ALV_S_RFFR0E84_LIST1 | ALV Structure 1 for Report RFFR0E84 |
GSS_ALV_S_RFFR0E84_LIST2 | ALV Structure 1 for Report RFFR0E84 |
GSS_RFASLD12_LIST | Structure List Output RFASLD12 |
GSS_RFFR0C02_LIST | ALV Structure for List RFFR0C02 |
ITEMSET | Settings in Line Item Display RFITEM** |
KKOP_DATA | Document Data |
KKOP_KEY | Document Key |
KKOS_DATA | Balance Audit Trail Data |
KKOS_KEY | Balance Audit Trail Key |
KLETPARAM | Report Parameter for Balance Audit Trail |
KOKP_KEY | Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail Key |
KOKS_KEY | Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail Key |
RF100 | Screen Fields for SAPF100 und SAPF101 |
RFABADAB | Screen Fields for RFABADAB |
RFCASH | Auxiliary Fields for Cashbook |
RFDOPR20 | Screen Fields for RFDOPR20 |
RFICRC00_TREE_DISP | Tree Structure RFICRC00 |
RFICRC00TAB | Internal Table for Screen Fields Reconcil. Receiv./Payables |
RFIDPTFO | Communication structure reporting Portugal |
RFKHELP | Help Fields for Reports RFKQST20, RFWMAN00, RFKQST70 |
RFPDO | Include the Report-Specific Parameter Documentation |
RFPDO1 | Include the Program-Specific Parameter Documentation |
RFPOSX | Line Item Data: RFPOS with Longer Amount Fields |
RFSBEW_INCL | Additional Account Assignment Fields for RFSBEWFX |
RFUMS_TAX_GT_ALV | Tax Data Output for Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchs |
SDIFF_EP | Difference Amounts from Tax Control |
SKC1A | G/L Account Sales Segment Derived from GLDB -Local Currency- |
SKC1C | G/L Account C-Segment from GLT0 -Currency Amounts- |
SKOP_DATA | Document Data |
SKOS_DATA | G/L Balance Audit Trail |
UKADR | Sender Address for Advance Return for Tax on Sls/Purch.Form |
UMSVP | Advnce Return for Tax on sls/Pur.: Base Amt Bals, Tax Bals |
UMSVV | Advnce Return for Tax on Sls/Pur.: Period and Add.Details |
VOSTE_SUM | Input Tax Data for the Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Prchs |
SAP Package FREP contains 219 programs.
RF_CONVERT_FBLX_LINE_LAYOUTS | Line Item Display: Layout Conversion for Upgrade to 4.6 |
RF_STEUERINFO | Tax Information (Country) |
RFABADAB | ABAP/4 Program Directory |
RFASLD11 | EC Sales List (Spain) |
RFASLD11B | EC Sales List (Spain) |
RFASLD12 | EC Sales List (Austria) |
RFASLDPC | Payment Medium International - Load Data Medium Exchange File to Disk |
RFASLM00 | EC Sales List |
RFAUSZ00 | Statements for Customers / Vendors / G/L Accounts |
RFAUSZ00_NACC | Statements for Customers / Vendors / G/L Accounts |
RFAWVZ58 | German Foreign Trade Regulations Report Z5a |
RFAWVZ5A | Foreign Trade Regulations Report Z5a |
RFAWVZ5A_NACC | German Foreign Trade Regulations Report Z5a |
RFAWVZ5P | German Foreign Trade Regulations Report Z5A - Load DME File to Disk |
RFAWVZ5P_NACC | German Foreign Trade Regulations Report Z5A - load DME file to disk |
RFBABL00 | Display of Changed Documents |
RFBABL00_NACC | Display of Changed Documents |
RFBALAAP | Current Balance for Vendor Accounts |
RFBALAAR | Current Balance for Customer Accounts |
RFBBBNR1 | Convert 8-Char. Company Number to International Location Number |
RFBBEW00 | Foreign Currency Valuation (Banks) on Key Date DD.MM.YY |
RFBBEW01 | Print Special Cover from T044E |
RFBBEW10 | Foreign Currency Due Date Analysis (Banks) on Key Date DD.MM.YY |
RFBELJ00 | Compact Document Journal |
RFBELJ00_NACC | Compact Document Journal |
RFBELJ10 | Document Journal (Accessible) |
RFBELJ10_NACC | Document Journal |
RFBIBLT0 | Test Data for RFBIBL00 |
RFBIDET0 | Test Data for RFBIDE00 |
RFBIKRT0 | Test Data for RFBIKR00 |
RFBNUM00 | Gaps in Document Number Assignment |
RFBNUM10 | Invoice Numbers Allocated Twice |
RFBUEB00 | Document List |
RFBUST00_P | Cross-Company Code Tax (Japan and Denmark) |
RFBUST10 | Cross-Company Code Transfer Posting |
RFBUST10_P | Cross-Company Code Tax |
RFBUSU00 | Posting Totals |
RFBVOR00 | List of Cross-Company Code Transactions |
RFCASH00 | Cash Journal |
RFCASH10 | Cash Journal: Deleted Documents |
RFCATX00 | Post PST to Prior Period (Canada) |
RFCZZNP0 | Compulsory Declaration of Pmnts to/from Natural Persons-Czech Republic |
RFDABL00 | Display Changes to Customers |
RFDABL00_NACC | Display Changes to Customers |
RFDANZ00 | List Of Down Payments Open On Key Date - Customers |
RFDAPO00 | List of Cleared Customer Items |
RFDAPO00_NACC | List of Cleared Customer Items |
RFDAUB00 | Recurring Entry Documents |
RFDAUB00_NACC | Recurring Entry Documents |
RFDBLIW0 | Belgium: BNB : Open Items with Foreign Customers |
RFDEPL00 | List of Customer Line Items |
RFDEPL00_NACC | List of Customer Line Items |
RFDIFF00 | Difference Check Between RDIFF and BDIFF per Clearing Transaction |
RFDKAG00 | Customer Master Data Comparison |
RFDKLIAB | Display Changes to Credit Management |
RFDKVZ00 | Customer List |
RFDKVZ00_NACC | Customer List (Not Accessible) |
RFDOFW00 | Open Items - Customer Due Date Forecast |
RFDOPO00 | List of Customer Open Items |
RFDOPO00_NACC | List of Customer Open Items |
RFDOPO10 | List of Customer Open Items |
RFDOPO10_NACC | List of Customer Open Items |
RFDOPR00 | Customer Evaluation with OI Sorted List |
RFDOPR00_NACC | Customer Evaluation with OI Sorted List |
RFDOPR10 | Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of Overdue Items |
RFDOPR10_NACC | Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of Overdue Items |
RFDOPR20 | Customer Payment History |
RFDQST70 | Belgian Withholding Tax Report (Accounts Receivable) |
RFDSLD00 | Customer Balances in Local Currency |
RFDSLD00_NACC | Customer Balances in Local Currency |
RFDUML00 | Customer Sales |
RFDUML00_NACC | Customer Sales |
RFEBCK00 | Cashed Checks |
RFEBCKT0 | USA Cashed Checks |
RFEPOJ00 | Line Item Journal |
RFEPOJ00_NACC | Line Item Journal |
RFFR0C01 | Document C80, Reporting of Finan.Transacts Minus Sp.G/L codes A and W |
RFFR0C02 | Summarization of Financial Transactions |
RFFR0E84 | Report E84 - Receivables and Payables Re: Non-Nationals |
RFFR0TB0 | Customizing BDF |
RFFR1C01 | Document C80, Reporting of Finan.Transacts Minus Sp.G/L codes A and W |
RFFR2C01 | Document C80, Reports not Including Customer/Vendor Accounts |
RFFRDDE0 | C80/C82 Documents BDF |
RFFRLIST | Control Report |
RFFRMOD1 | Document Changes for Reporting to the BDF |
RFGBEW00 | Flexible Valuation of Foreign Curr.Bank Accts at the Key Date |
RFGSTAUS | Perform for the GST Calculation Sheet (F_RFUVAU___01) |
RFHABU00 | General Ledger from the Document File |
RFHABU00N | General Ledger from the Document File |
RFHABU10 | General Ledger Corresponding Accounts (Russia) |
RFICRC01 | Reconciliation of G/L Acccounts for Affiliated Companies |
RFITEMAP | Vendor Line Item Display |
RFITEMAR | Customer Line Item Display |
RFITEMGL | G/L Account Line Item Display |
RFKABL00 | Display Changes to Vendors |
RFKABL00_NACC | Display Changes to Vendors |
RFKANZ00 | List of Down Payments Open On Key Date - Vendors |
RFKAPO00 | List Of Cleared Vendor Items |
RFKAPO00_NACC | List Of Cleared Vendor Items |
RFKBLIW0 | Belgium : BNB : Open Items of Foreign Vendors |
RFKEPL00 | List of Vendor Line Items |
RFKEPL00_NACC | List of Vendor Line Items |
RFKKAG00 | Vendor Master Data Comparison |
RFKKAK00 | Open Item Balance Audit Trail by Alternative Account Number |
RFKKBU00 | Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail from the Document File |
RFKKBU00_NACC | Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail from the Document File |
RFKKBU10 | Accts Detailed Listing from Open Item Account Accumulated Audit Trail |
RFKKBU10_NACC | Accts Detailed Listing from Open Item Account Accumulated Audit Trail |
RFKKET00 | Extract for Accumulated Open Item Balance Audit Trail |
RFKKVZ00 | Vendor List |
RFKKVZ00_NACC | Vendor List (Not Accessible) |
RFKLAK00 | Historical Balance Audit Trail by Alternative Account Number |
RFKLBU10 | Account Details from Historical Accumulated Balance Audit Trail |
RFKLBU10_NACC | Account Details from Historical Accumulated Balance Audit Trail |
RFKLET00 | Extract for the Accumulated Historical Balance Audit Trail |
RFKLET01_NACC | Accumulated Balance Audit Trail |
RFKOFW00 | Open Items - Vendor Due Date Forecast |
RFKOPO00 | List of Vendor Open Items |
RFKOPO00_NACC | List of Vendor Open Items |
RFKOPR00 | Vendor Appraisal with OI Sorted List |
RFKOPR00_NACC | Vendor Appraisal with OI Sorted List |
RFKOPR10 | OI Analysis of Vendors by Balance of Overdue Items |
RFKOPR10_NACC | OI Analysis of Vendors by Balance of Overdue Items |
RFKORR01 | Create Tax Information for Tax-Exempt Sales |
RFKQSD10 | Withholding Tax Report to the Tax Authorities (Germany) |
RFKQSE10 | Withholding Tax Report (DME) to the Tax Authorities (Spain) |
RFKQSE11 | Form 190 to the Tax Authorities (Spain) |
RFKQST00 | Withholding Tax Return |
RFKQST10 | Withholding Tax Report to the Tax Authorities |
RFKQST20 | Withholding Tax Report for the Vendor |
RFKQST30 | Withholding Tax Report to the Tax Authorities (Japan) |
RFKQST50 | Withholding Tax Report to the Italian Tax Office |
RFKQST70 | Belgian Withholding Tax Reports 281.50 and 325.50 |
RFKQST71 | Program for SAPscript |
RFKQST80 | Withholding Tax Report - France |
RFKQSU00 | Postcard Printout of 1099 Vendor Addresses for Tax Code Request |
RFKQSU20 | 1099 Listings |
RFKQSU30 | 1099 MISC Form, Tape Reporting |
RFKSLD00 | Vendor Balances in Local Currency |
RFKSLD00_NACC | Vendor Balances in Local Currency |
RFKUML00 | Vendor Business |
RFKUML00_NACC | Vendor Business |
RFKXETUM | Conversion of Balance Audit Trail Data after 3.0 |
RFLBOX00 | Autocash: Lockbox |
RFLBOX20 | Autocash: Lockbox |
RFLBOX80 | Autocash: Lockbox |
RFLBOX90 | Autocash Statistics |
RFLBOXIN | Report Reference for Generating Test Data for Lockbox BAI Format |
RFOARCOC | Changing Archive Object Type in Link Tables |
RFPOSXEXTEND | Correction: Change/Activate RFPOSXEXT |
RFPUMS00 | Input Tax from Parked Documents |
RFRDTXPT | Tax Amount Rounding to Full Amount (Portugal) |
RFRUBLS0 | Tax List of Domestic/Foreign Banks (Russian Federation) Schedule 5,6 |
RFRUDOP0 | Tax Customer List (Russian Federation) |
RFRUKOP0 | Tax Vendor List (Russian Federation) |
RFRUKRL0 | Open Business Transactions with Vendors (Russia) |
RFSABG00 | Resetting of Accrual Postings |
RFSABL00 | Display Changes to G/L Accounts |
RFSABL00_NACC | Display Changes to G/L Accounts |
RFSBEWFX | G/L Account Balance Valuation at Key Date |
RFSBLIW0 | Direct Reporting of Bank Transactions for Belgium (BNB) |
RFSHRU00 | Cashed Checks |
RFSHRUT0 | Generate Test Data for Cashed Checks |
RFSKPL00 | Chart of Accounts |
RFSKVZ00 | G/L Account List |
RFSKVZ00_NACC | G/L Accounts List (Not Accessible) |
RFSOPO00 | General Ledger, Line Items |
RFSOPO00_NACC | General Ledger, Line Items |
RFSSLD00 | G/L Account Balances |
RFSSLD00_NACC | G/L Account Balances |
RFUFOI91 | Annual Tax Report for Customers/Vendors |
RFUFOI92 | Annual Tax Report for Customers/Vendors |
RFUMPT00 | Annual Sales Return to Tax Office (Portugal) -> File |
RFUMSANF | Posting Outgoing Tax from Down Payment Requests |
RFUMSANF_NACC | Posting Outgoing Tax from Down Payment Requests |
RFUMSSUM | Total Amounts in Several Tax Returns (Sale/Purch Tax) |
RFUMSV10 | Additional List for Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases |
RFUMSV20 | Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases- Italy/Spain |
RFUMSV25 | Transfer Postings for Deferred Taxes |
RFUMSV25_NACC | Transfer Postings for Deferred Taxes |
RFUMSV40 | VAT Report (Russia) |
RFUSVB10 | Annual Tax Report (Belgium) ---> On Tape / Paper |
RFUSVJ10 | Annual Tax Return |
RFUSVS10 | Annual Sales Report (Spain) > on Disk |
RFUSVS12 | Annual Sales Report (Spain) > on Disk |
RFUSVS14 | Annual Operations Report (Spain) |
RFUTAX00 | Record of Use and Sales Taxes (USA) |
RFUVBE00 | Print Program: Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases (Belgium) |
RFUVDE00 | Print Program: Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases (Germany) |
RFUVPT00 | Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases: Portugal |
RFVALU00 | FI Valuation Lists |
RFVBER00 | FI Document: List of Update Terminations |
RFVBER00_NACC | FI Document: List of Update Terminations |
RFVBER00_PARK | FI Document: List of Terminated Postings During Park |
RFWEDX00 | Data Medium Exchange with Disk (Bill of Exchange Presentation) |
RFWEKO00 | Bill of Exchange List |
RFWEKO01 | Extended Bill of Exchange Information |
RFWEKO02 | Extended Bill of Exchange List with ABAP List Viewer |
RFWERE00 | Analyze GR/IR Clearing Accounts and Display Acquisition Tax |
RFWMAN00 | Multi-Level Dunning of Bill of Exchange Requests |
RFWOBL00 | Maintain Bill of Exchange Liability |
RFWOBL00_NACC | Maintain Bill of Exchange Liability |
RFWOBL10 | Maintain Bill/Exch. Liability for Failed Bill/Exch. Prior to Due Date |
RFWT0020 | Recreating and Changing Withholding Tax Data with W/Tax Rate of 0% |
RFXPRA14 | Default Values for Printing Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases |
RFXPRA29 | Fill T007K/T007L from T007G/T007h, from T007I using T007J |
SAPF100A | Open Item - Foreign Currency - Valuation per ........ (Old) |
SAPF101A | Balance Sheet Supplement - OI - Analysis by ........ (Old) |
SAPF104 | Provisions for Doubtful Receivables |
SAPF106 | Open Item Balance Sheet Supplement (Russia) |
SAPF107B | Deletion of Fixed Amounts and Evaluations (F107) |
SAPF107D | Customer Evaluation at Key Date & |
SAPF107R | Reorganize Valuation Runs |
SAPF121 | Create Recurring Documents from Recurring Documents |
SAPF121G | Generation Report for SAPF121 |
SAPF121R | Report for SAPF121 |
SAPF122 | References from Original Documents to Following Recurring Documents |
V_T044LA_VCL | Program V_T044LA_VCL |
SAP Package FREP contains 3 search helps.
GKONT | Search Help for Offsetting Account |
H_T044L | Defined Account Keys |
T001E | Reply Addresses |
SAP Package FREP contains 2 message classes.
F1 | Messages aus Funktionsbausteinen RF |
MSITEM | Einzelpostenanzeige mit ALV, RFITEM** |
SAP Package FREP contains 1 authorization objects.
F_IT_ALV | Line Item Display: Change and Save Layout |