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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package FTB (Applic. development R/3 Treasury risk simulation analysis) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-FINSERV.
Package | FTB |
Short Text | Applic. development R/3 Treasury risk simulation analysis |
Parent Package | EA-FINSERV |
SAP Package FTB contains 40 function groups.
0FTB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0TV1 | View Maintenance for Scenario |
ATRFVIEWS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
JBR1 | IS-B: RM Mainten.Modules(RH ext.rule) |
JBRV | IS-B: RM FIMA Enhancement |
RMCASH | BDT: Cash Management Link from Risk Obj. |
RMRR | RM: Help Fcts for Risk Hier. and Rules |
RMTL | RM: Translation of Standard Functions |
RMTR | RM: Transport Connect. to Stand. Functs |
TBF2 | File Interface 2 |
TBFD | BTCI Check Functions DTB Derivative Rate |
TBOP | Option valuation functions |
TVAR | Treasury: Value at Risk control |
TVBA | Method components forex instruments |
TVCOMPUTE | Valuation Control in Market Risk |
TVFI | Fictitious transactions |
TVGI | Grid and Sensitivity Evaluations |
TVGR | Graphic |
TVGS | Grid and sensitivity rules |
TVHB | General auxiliary modules |
TVHS | Historical Simulation Rules |
TVLT | List Tool Outputs |
TVPR | Additional Log Function |
TVPU | Market data buffer analysis system |
TVRA | Risk Management Aggregation |
TVRE | Rule buffer for market data scenarios |
TVRF | Risk Management: Risk Factor |
TVRFVIEWS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
TVRM | Risk Management FIMA Control |
TVRP | Lists for analysis |
TVSI | Functions for calculation of IRR, SK, TR |
TVSL | RiskM: selection for market risk |
TVSR | RiskM: general read and buffer modules |
TVST | Statistics Modules Risk Management |
TVSU | Scenario Administration |
TVVK | Variance/Covariance control |
TVZB | Method modules interest instruments |
TVZB01 | Method Modules for New Instruments |
TVZB02 | Service Modules for New Instruments |
TVZI | Interest - function modules |
SAP Package FTB contains 36 transactions.
FW29 | Maintain Index Type |
JBR0 | Maintain Market Data Shifts |
JBR0_OLD | Maintain Market Data Shifts |
JBRB1 | Summarization Rule - Default Setting |
JBRB2 | Summarization Rule - Spec. Settings |
JBRR | Maintain Risk Hierarchy |
RMCM | Link Between Cash Mgmt and Risk Mgmt |
S_ALR_87008526 | IMG activity: CURRENCY_VOLA_INPUT |
S_ALR_87008529 | IMG activity: INTR_VOLA_CURV_MRM |
S_ALR_87008530 | IMG activity: INTEREST_CURVE_INPUT |
S_ALR_87008531 | IMG activity: BARWERT_OTC |
S_ALR_87008532 | IMG activity: KORR_MAINTAIN |
S_ALR_87008533 | IMG Activity: BETAFAK_PFLEGEN |
S_ALR_87008534 | IMG activity: INDEX_VOLA_PFLEGEN |
TMRMB | Reporting Tree for MRM |
TV20 | Create Scenario |
TV21 | Change Scenario |
TV22 | Display Scenario |
TV35 | Effective Rate/NPV Underlying |
TV36 | Currency exposure |
TV38 | Position Evaluation |
TV39 | Global Evaluation of Cash Flow |
TV40 | Effective Rate Evaluation FX General |
TV42 | Interest exposure |
TV43 | Global IRR |
TV44 | P/L Evaluation |
TV45 | Matrix Evaluations |
TV46 | Bond price calc. |
TV48 | Historical Simulation |
TV49 | Variance/Covariance |
TV50 | Save OTC NPVs |
TVDT | Import DTB Derivatives Prices |
TVM1 | Market Risk and Analysis |
TVMD | Transfer Mkt Data |
TVS1 | Statistics calculator |
TXZI | Interest calculator |
SAP Package FTB contains 29 database tables.
ATRF | Risk factor |
ATRFART | Risk factor type |
ATRFARTT | Risk factors - risk factor type texts |
ATRFBETA | Risk factor description beta factors |
ATRFKORR | Risk factor description correlations |
ATRFT | Risk Factors - Definition of Risk Factor Name |
ATRFVO | Risk factor volatilities |
JBRBFARTT | Beta factor type texts |
JBRIDXG | Allocation Class - Index |
JBRREGD | Rule Definition |
JBRREGDT | Text Table Market Data Shift Definition |
JBRREGW | Rules for multi-dimensional risk factor shift |
JBRREGWT | Text table for risk factor shift |
JBRRH | Check Table for Risk Hierarchy |
JBRRHBAUM | Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy |
JBRRHBAUMT | Texts for Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy |
JBRRHBLATT | End Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy |
JBRRHT | Texts for Risk Hierarchy Check Table |
VTVBAR | NPVs of OTC transactions |
VTVSZCR | Scenario Database: Exchange Rates |
VTVSZIDX | Scenario Database: Stock Indices |
VTVSZIDXVO | Scenario Database: Index Volatilities |
VTVSZIN | Scenario Database: Interest |
VTVSZIVO | Scenario database: interest volatilities |
VTVSZVERL | Scenario Progression: List of Scenarios and Validity Dates |
VTVSZVLKO | Scenario Progression Header |
VTVSZWPKUR | Scenario Database: Security Prices |
VTVSZWPKUV | Scenario Database: Security Price Volatilities |
VTVXCMRT | CM Data from Risk Objects Derived from Cash Management |
SAP Package FTB contains 24 views.
H_JBD15 | Help view yield curve reference interest rates and texts |
H_SZENARIO | Possible Entries for Scenarios |
H_VTVBEWZUMRM | Help view for market-risk-specific settings |
V_ATIVO | Interest Rate Volatilities |
V_ATRF | Risk Factors - Definition of Risk Factor Name |
V_ATRFART | Maintenance of Risk Factor Type |
V_ATRFBETA | Assignment Table for Risk Factor and Beta Factor |
V_ATRFKORR | Assignment of Risk Factor and Correlation |
V_ATRFVO | Volatilities for Risk Factors |
V_ATRFVOLAS | Assignment of Risk Factors and Volatilities |
V_ATWVO | Security Price Volatilities |
V_ATXKO | Maintenance View Correlations of All Instrument Categories |
V_ATXVO | Index volatilities |
V_ATZVO | Maintenance View Interest Volatilities with Curve Info. |
V_SZKKO | Scenario Header |
V_VTV0 | Scenario Header |
V_VTV1 | Scenario Database |
V_VTV1A | Scenario Database |
V_VTV2 | Scenario Database Exchange Rates |
V_VTV3 | Scenario Database Exchange Rate Volatilities |
V_VTVBAR | NPVs of OTC transactions |
V_VTVSZCR | Scenario Database Exchange Rates |
V_VTVSZCVO | Scenario Database Exchange Rate Volatilities |
V_VTVSZYC | Scenario Database |
SAP Package FTB contains 114 structures.
ATXKOS | Market data - buffer structure of correlations |
ATXVOS | Buffer structure for securities index volatilities |
ATZVOS | Buffer Structure for Ref.Int.Rate Volas w/ Curve Info. |
INDEXS | Index Values (Secur. Index) |
JBRACHSE | Axis Definition of a Valuation Grid |
JBRALVRH | RM: Display Structure for Risk Hierarchies |
JBRALVSR | RM: Display Structure for External Shift Rules |
JBRAPPLOBJ | RM: Display Structure for Application Objects |
JBRBEST | General Risk Management position structure |
JBRBETAS | Structure for beta factors |
JBRDEPEND | Dependencies in hierarchies |
JBRDPOS | Delta position per risk factor |
JBREOALL | General results structure - NPV simulation |
JBRGLPAR | Global evaluation parameters |
JBRGSREG | Buffer for explicit price changes |
JBRHSREG | Buffer for historical market price changes |
JBRIHSDEF | Default values for VaR evaluations |
JBRMSEG | Market segments for instrument valuation |
JBROPTI | General Risk Management option structure |
JBRPFCR | Price-forming factors: exchange rate pairs |
JBRPFVO | Price-forming factors: volatilities |
JBRPFYC | Price-determining factors: yield curves |
JBRREG | Rule Structure for Simulation Analyses |
JBRRHBL | End Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy |
JBRRHKNTS | Node structure of a internal risk hierarchy |
JBRRHST | Check Table for Risk Hierarchy |
JBRRPGUV | Final result structure - simulated gains and losses |
JBRRPHSVAT | Reporting Result Object - Value at Risk |
JBRRPVAR | Final result structure VaR |
JBRSENS | Price types for sensitivity analysis |
JBRSKRSVEK | Structure of a rate change vector |
JBRSZRCR | Rule Buffer - Substructure for Currency Area |
JBRSZREG | Buffer for Price Changes with Grid Simulations |
JBRSZRIN | Rule Buffer - Substructure for Interest Area |
JBRSZRIV | Rule Buffer - Substructure for Interest Rate Volatilities |
JBRSZRIX | Rule buffer - sub-structure for stock indices |
JBRSZRKU | Rule Buffer - Substructure for Security Class |
JBRSZRUL | Rule Buffer: Underlyings for Volatilities |
JBRTREEINC | Include Structure for Hierarchy Tree |
JBRZWEO | Interim result objects - NPV position per risk factor |
KALKU_ZI | Interest Calculator |
RMDPROT | RM: Structure for detail log |
TVRF_AUSWPARA | Evaluation Parameters for Reading Risk Factor |
TVRF_VALUES | Risk Factor: Return Values for a Risk Factor |
TVRTHIERA | RM, Fields from the Hierarchy Depiction FGET |
VTV_BARW | RiskM: Results structure for market risk calculations |
VTV_EXKALK | Supplement for KALKU, Calculation of Exotic Currency Options |
VTV_EXPOTA | Exposure table |
VTV_IRRES | Treasury CRM: Display structure effective interest rate |
VTV_KLKO | Analysis System Transition Structure |
VTV_KOPSK | Effective Rate Calculation Header Structure |
VTV_PARA | TR_MRM: Parameter string |
VTV_PROT | Log Parameter Structure |
VTV_PVANZ | Treasury CRM: Display Structure NPV |
VTV_RESULT | Treasury CRM: Display Structure Effective Rate |
VTV_SENS | Structure for Sensitivities |
VTV_SIGESH | Simulative Entry of Hedge Transactions |
VTV_SKKU | Transition Structure Effective Rate Mask |
VTV_SKRES | Treasury CRM: Display Structure Effective Rate |
VTV_STANDARD_KEYFIGURES | Standard RM Values (Examples: NPV, Duration, Convexity) |
VTV_SZYC | Screen Structure: Yield Curve Types |
VTV_TLEIST | Title structure RFTVIRR1 |
VTV_TORANZ | Displ.Structure for Total Return |
VTV_USEPRT | Use price table |
VTVBARW_MR | Market Risk: Position values |
VTVCASHFL | Cash Flow of Financial Instruments |
VTVCASHFLOW_ALV | Structure for Output of Cash Flow through ALV |
VTVCIP | Structure for interpolating a value from a curve |
VTVDETA_MR | Market Risk: Flow values |
VTVGRIDRES | Grid result structure |
VTVIVOLA | Buffer structure for interest volatilities |
VTVMETHIRR | Results structure for IRR |
VTVMETHOD | Method and Result Structure Treasury-RMDS |
VTVMETHOD1 | Method structure (only methods and rules) |
VTVPANDL | Profit and Loss Results Structure |
VTVPHKNTXT | RM Description of Characteristic Values |
VTVPVUEDATATYPES | Transfer Categories for External NPV Calculation |
VTVPVUEMSG | Error Messages for External Price Calculator |
VTVRFVOLA | Buffer Structure for Risk Factor Volatilities |
VTVRHFCAT | Field Catalog of Risk Hierarchy Attributes |
VTVRTCF02 | Technical Transaction Category - Cash Flow xSFGDT/SFGDT |
VTVRTCF08 | Technical Transaction Category - Cashflow SFGDT |
VTVRTCFFR | Tech. Transaction Category - Variable Assig. for Formula Ref |
VTVRTFIMA | Control Object RM-FIMA |
VTVRTGSEG | GAP Analysis Control for Instrument Valuation |
VTVRTKO01 | RM: INCLUDE Header Information xFGET/FGET |
VTVRTKO02 | RM: INCLUDE Header Information, FGET only |
VTVRTKO08 | RM: Include Header Information FGET |
VTVRTMS01 | Include: Market Segments Ask/Bid |
VTVRTMSBW | Include: Evaluation Control |
VTVRTMSEG | Market segments for instrument valuation |
VTVRTMSEX | Include: External Price Calculator |
VTVRTMSGAP | GAP Analysis Valuation Control |
VTVRTMSMP | Include: Mapping Control |
VTVRTOP01 | Technical Transaction Category - Option Descriptors xSFGDT |
VTVRTOP08 | Technical Transaction Category - Option Descriptors FGET |
VTVRTSSEG | FGET: Valuation Control |
VTVRTVS01 | Include: VaR Valuation Control |
VTVRTVSEG | VaR Control for Instrument Valuation |
VTVSTUEDATATYPES | Data types for the RFC parameter transfer |
VTVSZCURR | Buffer Structure Exchange Rates |
VTVSZIWE | Buffer structure for interest values |
VTVSZLS | List of Calculated Interest Rate Scenarios |
VTVSZSHIFT | Structure for yield curve shift |
VTVSZVOLA | Buffer Structure for Exchange Rate Volatilities |
VTVSZWPKU | Buffer Structure for Security Prices (Current) |
VTVSZZINS | Yield Curves for Scenario |
VTVSZZK | Structure for Scenario Maintenance |
VTVUEMC_HIST_TIMESERIE | Transfer of Historical Time Per. Bootstrapping (Ext.MCSiml.) |
VTVUEMC_KORR_TIMESERIE | Transfer of Correlated Time Period (External MC Simulator) |
VTVWVOLA | Buffer structure for interest volatilities |
VTVXACHSE | X-axis grid |
VTVYACHSE | Y-axis grid |
VZBEST_RT | Position Structure/Reporting Char. MRM for Risk Objects |
SAP Package FTB contains 32 programs.
RFTBCMGT00 | Transfer Cash Management Cash Flows to Risk Management |
RFTBFF20 | File Interface: Import Statistics Data |
RFTBFF30 | BTCI: Import DTB Derivative Prices |
RFTVBW00 | Mark-to-Market Valuation of Financial Transactions |
RFTVBW11 | Matrix Evaluation Financial Transactions |
RFTVBW29 | Price Calculation for Securities (Bonds) |
RFTVBW50 | RM: Data Stored from Mark-to-Market Valuation of Financial Trans. |
RFTVBW94 | Display Shift Rules for VaR Simulations |
RFTVBW95 | Single Transaction |
RFTVBW96 | Market Data Used |
RFTVBW97 | Selection Loans-MM-FX-Derivatives via global logical DB |
RFTVBW99 | NPV Evaluation Financial Transactions Global |
RFTVCF00 | Cash Flow Analysis |
RFTVCM00 | Transfer Cash Management Payment Flows to Risk Management |
RFTVEX00 | Currency Exposure |
RFTVIRR1 | Interest Risk Analysis: Effective Interest Rate and Net Present Value |
RFTVPL00 | Profit & Loss - Analysis |
RFTVSEL0 | RiskM: Selection via TIF (old table) |
RFTVSK20 | Currency Risk Analysis: NPV Forex Transactions |
RFTVSK21 | Forex Risk Analysis: Effective Rate and NPV Forex Transactions |
RFTVST00 | Statistics Calculator: Estimate Volatilities and Correlations |
RFTVVAR3 | Treasury: Value at Risk Variance/Covariance |
RFTVVAR4 | Treasury: Historical Simulation for Value at Risk |
RFTVZX00 | Interest Exposure |
RJBRBRUS | Conversion of Product Cat., CF Type + Balance Type in Valuation Rule |
SAPMF7AK | Calculation Module for Standard Options |
SAPMF7AK_BIS110 | Calculation Module for Standard Options |
SAPMF7C1 | Module Pool for Scenario Maintenance |
SAPMF7ZI | Interest calculator |
SAPMJBRR | Maintain Risk Hierarchy (Old) |
SAPMJBRS | Maintenance Dialog for Market Data Shifts (New) |
SAPMJBRSN | Maintenance Dialog for Market Data Shifts (New) |
SAP Package FTB contains 5 search helps.
S_VTVSZKO_SZENARI | Scenario Search Help |
SH_JBD15 | Search help for reference rates and yield curve for correl. |
SH_JBD15_2 | Search help for reference rates and yield curve for correl. |
SH_VTVBEWZUMRM | Search help for market-risk-relevant settings |
SH_VWPANLA | Search help for sec. ID number and sec. long texts |
SAP Package FTB contains 1 message classes.
TE | Market Risk Management |
SAP Package FTB contains 1 authorization objects.
F_TR_MRM_S | Scenario Maintenance |