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Bei ansehen →The package FTCM (Treasury: Cash Management (SWIFT, BAI, Fed Wire)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | FTCM |
Short Text | Treasury: Cash Management (SWIFT, BAI, Fed Wire) |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package FTCM contains 3 function groups.
FDPO | Electronic Banking and Polling Routines |
FDPRQ | Create payment requests |
FDWR | Funds transfer routines |
SAP Package FTCM contains 10 transactions.
FFW1 | Wire Authorization |
FFWR | Post Payment Requests from Advice |
FFWR_REQUESTS | Create Payment Requests from Advice |
FOEBL1 | Lockbox total report |
FPS1 | Load of Polling Data to Bank Buffer |
FPS2 | Generate Payment Advice from Polling |
FPS3 | Intraday Statment |
FRFT2 | Repetitive fast entry form |
TRCMB | Report Tree: Cash Management |
TRFMB | Report Tree: Cash Budget Management |
SAP Package FTCM contains 6 database tables.
FDAU | Cash Managment Advice Authorization Catalog |
FEBEXTTRN | External transaction code text definition |
FEBPI | Polling Statement Line Item Information |
T028R | Repetitive Funds Transfer Types |
T028RS | Repetitive Funds Transfer Type Names |
T028RTRANS | Repetitive Transfer Transactions |
SAP Package FTCM contains 7 views.
NEWDEBI | help view for DD30L and DD31S |
V_T028R | Repetitive funds transfer transaction groupings |
V_T028R_KNBK | Insert repetitive partner details - customers |
V_T028R_LFBK | Insert repetitive partner details - vendors |
V_T028R_TRTM | Insert repetitive partner details - treasury partners |
V_T028RTRANS | Insert repetitive details - bank to bank transfers |
VD_T028RTRANS | help find values of t028rtrans |
SAP Package FTCM contains 11 structures.
FAGL_ACC_S_RFEBKA86_ALV | Structure for report RFEBKA86_ALV. |
FDESINC | Append structure for FDES |
MSLKDTM100 | Dtam100 Append Structure for Citibanking |
RFPDO1_EN | Report specfic components |
ST028R_LINE_TYPES | Repetitive transaction line code types |
SVW_TRANS | Fast entry repetitive |
SAP Package FTCM contains 15 programs.
RFEBFW00 | Frameprogram: Set-up of Wire Payments from Payment Requests |
RFEBFW01 | Generate Payment Requests for Payment Advice |
RFEBKA86 | Manage Bank Data Buffer |
RFEBKA86_NACC | Manage Bank Data Buffer |
RFEBKAT5 | Generate test data for BAI bank statement and create open items |
RFEBLBR1 | Lockbox Totals Report |
RFEBPI00 | Load Polling Information to Bank Table Buffers |
RFEBPI20 | Polling Account Statement Overview and Processing |
RFEBPI20_NACC | Polling Account Statement Overview and Processing |
RFEBRFT1 | Repetitive Funds Transfer Transaction Selection |
RFEBRFT2 | Repetitive Funds Transfer Transaction Selection |
RFEBVND1 | Online freeform and vendor payment requests |
RFEBWR00 | Wire authorization report |
SAP Package FTCM contains 6 search helps.
BSH_T028RTRANS | Retrieve vendor lines from repetitive table |
FSH_T028RTRANS | Retrieve information from repetitive line table |
H_FTCM_BVTYP | Search vendor bank details |
KSH_T028RTRANS | Retrieve vendor lines from repetitive table |
NEWDEBI | search help to retreive hot-keys from DD30L |
NEWKRED | Help retreive collective help hot-keys |
SAP Package FTCM contains 1 message classes.
FTCM | Electronic Banking and Treasury for US Cash Management |