Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package GJV2 (Joint Venture Development) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package JVA_JV.
Package | GJV2 |
Short Text | Joint Venture Development |
Parent Package | JVA_JV |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 53 function groups.
0GJ2 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJ4 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJ5 | JV/CO configuration |
0GJ6 | Joint venture event table maintenance |
0GJA | JV Job Analyzer |
0GJB | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJC | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJE | EDI Inbound |
0GJF | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJI | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJL | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJO | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJPE | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0GJPT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0GJS | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJT8JZ | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
GJAL | List modules AM/MM |
GJAM | Joint Venture AM/MM Transfers |
GJAT | Joint Venture AM/MM table accesses |
GJAV | JV: AM/MM Update Modules |
GJAY | Joint Venture Archiving |
GJBR | Validation / Substitution in JVA |
GJCBEX | Joint Venture Cutback Process |
GJDI | JV Direct Input |
GJED | JV: EDI Inbound |
GJEI | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC & FB01 Doc.# |
GJEO | JV: EDI Outbound |
GJF4 | JV user exits for search helps |
GJGR | JV posting to gross ledger |
GJLB | JV Lockbox functions |
GJMD | JV Master Data |
GJPM | JV functions for PM |
GJPO | JV Postings with direct input |
GJRP | Report Writer utilities |
GJSH | Functions for search help user exits |
GJT1 | Checks which can't be done in CORE |
GJTAXREP | JV functions for tax reporting |
GJTL | Tools for JVA |
GJTS | Tax only postings |
GJTX | Advanced Tax Report |
GJU1 | JV Utilities |
GJV_BE | JV billing extract functions |
GJV_BTH | JV billining threshold |
GJV_MASTER | Open Interface for other components |
GJV_SCHEDMAN | JV specific handling for Schedman |
GJVH | Joint Venture |
GJVO | JV data maintenance in external objects |
GJVPSC | JVA specific PSC functions |
GJVS | Cash Call function group |
GJVX | JV/CO core interface for actuals |
JVEI | xxxxxx |
L0GJMODIF | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
OGJE | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 277 transactions.
GJ_GD13 | Display JVA and JV-Billing totals |
GJ_GD20 | JVA and JV-Billing items |
GJ2A | Display JV partners |
GJ2B | Maintain JV partners |
GJ3A | Display JV project in suspense |
GJ3B | Cutback rules / intercompany assets |
GJ3C | Cutback rule: Networks |
GJ3D | Cutback - Intercompany networks |
GJ4A | Periodic updates for company code |
GJ60 | EDI Outbound Base Configuration |
GJ74 | Stepped rate rules |
GJ86 | Customize report selection |
GJB1 | BI for supplemental detail |
GJB2 | Account for supplemental detail |
GJB3 | Project type for supplemental detail |
GJB4 | Cost center type for suppl. detail |
GJB5 | Order type for supplemental detail |
GJB6 | SDS protocol |
GJBA | Balance sheet accounts for splitting |
GJBR | Billing reconciliation |
GJBS | Assign substitution to JV company |
GJBT | Billing threshold check |
GJBV | Assign Validation to JV Company |
GJCC | Copy configuration from company code |
GJCG | Carried interest groups |
GJCM | Change message control for JVA |
GJCS | JV settlement manipulation rules |
GJCU | Cutback Ledger Update |
GJDA | Delete JOA |
GJDC | Dunning |
GJE0 | EDI invoice service codes |
GJE2 | JV Customize EDI Suppl Seg Drivers |
GJE3 | JV Customize EDI Segment Components |
GJE4 | EDI JIBE condition codes |
GJE5 | JV EDI Communications Code |
GJE6 | JV EDI Bill Ind to Svc Code mapping |
GJE7 | JV EDI Outbound: Company Config. |
GJE8 | JV EDI Terms of Payment |
GJE9 | JV EDI Contact Function Codes |
GJEA | EDI inbound: company configuration |
GJEB | JV EDI Outbound: Control Processed |
GJED | JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE No |
GJEE | JV EDI Inbound: Property Table |
GJEF | EDI inbound: withhold code |
GJEG | EDI inbound: mapping qualifier |
GJEH | JV EDI Inbound: Cost Object Mapping |
GJEI | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref |
GJEJ | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class |
GJEK | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class+Sub |
GJEL | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class |
GJEM | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class+Sub |
GJEN | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE |
GJEO | EDI inbound: 819 account mapping |
GJEP | EDI inbound: 819 acc class mapping |
GJEQ | EDI inbound: 819 acc class+sub |
GJER | JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Mapping |
GJES | JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Service Code |
GJET | EDI inbound: 810 account mapping |
GJEV | Process history |
GJEW | EDI inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC no |
GJEX | JV mapping: Material - Service code |
GJEY | JIB/JIBE Tubular Sub-Accounts |
GJEZ | JIB/JIBE Non-Tubular Sub-Accounts |
GJFA | Print Allocation Information |
GJGO | Driver transaction for customizing |
GJGR | Graphical Navigation JVA |
GJIS | Install JV standard reports |
GJJ1 | Generate JADE audit file |
GJJ2 | Billing extracts |
GJJ3 | JADE file description |
GJJA | JV Load Balancing |
GJJE | Joint venture event maintenance |
GJL7 | Plan Data Transfer by Documents |
GJL8 | Company code (global data) |
GJLB | Load Balancing Distribution |
GJLI | Summary ledger line items |
GJLI2 | Billing ledger line items |
GJLV | Line item report list variants |
GJPA | Partner regional addresses |
GJPC | Penalty categories |
GJPTS | Payment term schema |
GJR3 | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report |
GJR4 | EDI: Invoice and Operating Statement |
GJR5 | JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure |
GJR6 | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects |
GJR7 | JV EDI Inbnd: Expenditure Comparison |
GJR8 | 810/819 Mapping Report |
GJR9 | 810/819 Property Error |
GJRG_5J1A | Gross bill./all by venture/account |
GJRG_5J1B | Gross billable / all by cost object |
GJRG_5J1C | Gross bill/partner net by cost obj. |
GJRG_5J1D | Gross bill./all by cost obj. F.Curr |
GJRG_5J1E | Gross billable/partner net for JIB |
GJRG_5J1F | Remaining cutback by cost object |
GJRG_5J1G | Posted suspense overview |
GJRG_5J1H | Gross non-operated by cost object |
GJRG_5J2A | Venture/EG/Billing indicator |
GJRG_5J2B | Partner/Billing indicator |
GJRG_5JCA | Cost centers: overview actuals |
GJRG_5JCB | Internal orders: overview actuals |
GJRG_5JCC | WBS elements: overview actuals |
GJRG_5JCD | Cost centers: actual/plan gross/net |
GJRG_5JCE | Int. orders: actual/plan gross/net |
GJRG_5JCF | WBS elements: actual/plan gross/net |
GJRS | Configure report selection |
GJRT | Overhead burden rate type |
GJRX | Bericht auswählen |
GJS1 | Create account set |
GJS2 | Change account set |
GJS3 | Display account set |
GJSX | Call set maintenance |
GJT0 | Reverse AM/MM Transfer document |
GJTA | Depreciation area update by RI |
GJTB | Transaction Type Subst. for Cutback |
GJTD | Transaction types per line |
GJTF | Fields to be copied to new assets |
GJTR | C FI Month End Advance Tax Return |
GJU1 | Customizing groups |
GJU2 | Customizing group definition |
GJU3 | Processes for authorization |
GJVA | Advance Tax Report |
GJVB | JV Billing formats |
GJVC | IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting con |
GJVD | Joint Venture Deletion |
GJVE | List Venture / Equity Groups |
GJVF | Bank Acct Switch - Maintain Data |
GJVG | Bank Acct Switch - Create Data |
GJVL | JV layout sets |
GJVP | IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting pro |
GJVS | JV Supplemental detail |
GJW1 | Create JV-Pricing archive |
GJW2 | Delete archived JV-Pricing Data |
GJW3 | JV-Pricing Archive-Administration |
GJX3 | Maintain Access (Sales Price) |
GJX4 | V-T681F: Index Field Catalog |
GJY1 | Create JV-Cutback archive |
GJY2 | Delete archived JV-Cutback Data |
GJY3 | Reload JV-Cutback Archives |
GJY4 | JV-Cutback Archive-Administration |
GJZ1 | Create JV-Billing archive |
GJZ2 | Delete archived JV-Billing Data |
GJZ3 | Reload JV-Billing Archives |
GJZ4 | JV-Billing Archive-Administration |
GJZA | Company code (global data) |
GJZC | Company code (corporate information) |
GJZD | Company code (detailed data) |
S_KK4_66000001 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0021 |
S_KK4_66000002 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0020 |
S_KK4_66000003 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0019 |
S_KK4_66000004 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0018 |
S_KK4_66000005 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0017 |
S_KK4_66000006 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0016 |
S_KK4_66000007 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0015 |
S_KK4_66000008 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0014 |
S_KK4_66000009 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0013 |
S_KK4_66000010 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0022 |
S_KK4_66000011 | IMG activity: SIMG_BIL_0002 |
S_KK4_66000012 | IMG activity: SIMG_BIL_0001 |
S_KK4_66000013 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0029 |
S_KK4_66000014 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0028 |
S_KK4_66000015 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0027 |
S_KK4_66000016 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0026 |
S_KK4_66000017 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0025 |
S_KK4_66000018 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0024 |
S_KK4_66000019 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0023 |
S_KK4_66000020 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011E |
S_KK4_66000021 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011F |
S_KK4_66000022 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011G |
S_KK4_66000023 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0010 |
S_KK4_66000024 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_009A |
S_KK4_66000025 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0009 |
S_KK4_66000026 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0008 |
S_KK4_66000027 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0030 |
S_KK4_66000028 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0007 |
S_KK4_66000029 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011B |
S_KK4_66000030 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0012 |
S_KK4_66000031 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011L |
S_KK4_66000032 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011K |
S_KK4_66000033 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011J |
S_KK4_66000034 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011I |
S_KK4_66000035 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011H |
S_KK4_66000036 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011D |
S_KK4_66000037 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011C |
S_KK4_66000038 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011A |
S_KK4_66000039 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0006 |
S_KK4_66000040 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0005 |
S_KK4_66000041 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0004 |
S_KK4_66000042 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0003 |
S_KK4_66000043 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0002 |
S_KK4_66000044 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0001 |
S_KK4_66000045 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0024 |
S_KK4_66000046 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0011 |
S_KK4_66000047 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0010 |
S_KK4_66000048 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0007 |
S_KK4_66000049 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0015 |
S_KK4_66000050 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0013 |
S_KK4_66000051 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0012 |
S_KK4_66000052 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0014 |
S_KK4_66000053 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0011 |
S_KK4_66000054 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0010 |
S_KK4_66000055 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0009 |
S_KK4_66000056 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0002 |
S_KK4_66000057 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0001 |
S_KK4_66000058 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0014 |
S_KK4_66000059 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0016 |
S_KK4_66000060 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0015 |
S_KK4_66000061 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0013 |
S_KK4_66000062 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0012 |
S_KK4_66000063 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0006 |
S_KK4_66000064 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0005 |
S_KK4_66000065 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0004 |
S_KK4_66000066 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0003 |
S_KK4_66000067 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0017 |
S_KK4_66000068 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0009 |
S_KK4_66000069 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0008 |
S_KK4_66000070 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0007 |
S_KK4_66000071 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0023 |
S_KK4_66000072 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0022 |
S_KK4_66000073 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0021 |
S_KK4_66000074 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0020 |
S_KK4_66000075 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0019 |
S_KK4_66000076 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0018 |
S_KK4_66000077 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0008 |
S_KK4_66000078 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0007 |
S_KK4_66000079 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0006 |
S_KK4_66000080 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0029 |
S_KK4_66000081 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0005 |
S_KK4_66000082 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0004 |
S_KK4_66000083 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0003 |
S_KK4_66000084 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0002 |
S_KK4_66000085 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0001 |
S_KK4_66000086 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0017 |
S_KK4_66000087 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0016 |
S_KK4_66000088 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0015 |
S_KK4_66000089 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0014 |
S_KK4_66000090 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0013 |
S_KK4_66000091 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0012 |
S_KK4_66000092 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0011 |
S_KK4_66000093 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0010 |
S_KK4_66000094 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0009 |
S_KK4_66000095 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0009 |
S_KK4_66000096 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0008 |
S_KK4_66000097 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007 |
S_KK4_66000098 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0006 |
S_KK4_66000099 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0005 |
S_KK4_66000100 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0004 |
S_KK4_66000101 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0003 |
S_KK4_66000102 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0002 |
S_KK4_66000103 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0001 |
S_KK4_66000104 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0015B |
S_KK4_66000105 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0015A |
S_KK4_66000106 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007C |
S_KK4_66000107 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007B |
S_KK4_66000108 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0014 |
S_KK4_66000109 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0012 |
S_KK4_66000110 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0013 |
S_KK4_66000111 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007A |
S_KK4_66000112 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0010 |
S_KK4_66000113 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0003 |
S_KK4_66000114 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0025 |
S_KK4_66000115 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0021 |
S_KK4_66000116 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0004 |
S_KK4_66000117 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0024 |
S_KK4_66000118 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0022 |
S_KK4_66000119 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0027 |
S_KK4_66000120 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0023 |
S_KK4_66000121 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0026 |
S_KK4_66000122 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0018 |
S_KK4_66000123 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0019 |
S_KK4_66000124 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0002 |
S_KK4_66000125 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0001 |
S_KK4_66000126 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0028 |
S_KK4_66000127 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0005 |
S_KK4_66000128 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0006 |
S_KK4_66000129 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0020 |
S_KK4_96000372 | S_KK4_96000372 |
S_SK4_49000001 | Transact. for SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 168 database tables.
ARC_IDB_IT | Archive-Indextable for JV_BILLING |
ARC_IDJ_IT | Archive-Indextable for JV_OBJECT |
ARC_IDX_PR | Archiving index for JV_PRICING archives |
CRP_MIGO_BADI_TB | BADI in MIGO: Example Table |
RGJVXAFVC | Control table for transfer JV data from AFVC to AFVU |
SMJV | Specific CO-OM Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_coom) |
T8J_MODIF | Description of all Modifications |
T8J_POST_ERROR | Documents with errors in JV posting |
T8J_POST_ERROR_C | Documents with errors in JV posting (Open Items) |
T8J01 | Supplemental detail sets |
T8J02 | JV SDS text |
T8J03 | JV Billing levels (non-supplemental) |
T8J04 | JV Billing level (non-supplemental) text |
T8J09 | JV Billing SDS Elements Description |
T8J0I2 | Billing indicator mapping (viewing table) |
T8J0L | JV Billing levels |
T8J0M | JV Billing layout sets |
T8J0N | JV Billing level - SapScript text elements |
T8J0O | Billing form routines |
T8J0OT | Text table for billing form routines |
T8J0Q | JV Billing format master text |
T8J0R | JV Billing format |
T8J0S | SDS protocoll |
T8J0SA | JV Function (SAP delivered) |
T8J0T | JV Billing level description |
T8J0V | JV Billing types |
T8J0W | JV Billing types text |
T8J156S | JV Appendix for T1156S |
T8J156W | JV additions to T156W |
T8J156X | JV Appendix for T156X |
T8J1J | Asset intercompany cutback rule |
T8J1K | Network cutback rules |
T8J1L | Network intercompany cutback rules |
T8J1N | Profit Center Intercompany Cutback Rule |
T8J4E | Non-op bill user currency (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4J) |
T8J4F | Non op Bill table assets (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4I) |
T8J4G | Non-Op saved bills - Header Info (for holding bills) |
T8J4H | Non-Op saved bills - Detail Info (for holding bills) |
T8J4I | Non operated Billing Asset Tables (for holding bills) |
T8J4J | Non-Operated Billing User Currency Table (for holding bills) |
T8J5C | JV Recovery indicator for supplemental detail |
T8J5D | JV project type for supplemental detail |
T8J5E | JV cost center type for supplemental detail |
T8J5F | Supplemental detail for billing indicator |
T8J5G | JV order type for supplemental detail |
T8J60 | JV EDI Invoice Service Codes |
T8J61 | JV EDI Invoice Service Code Descriptions |
T8J62 | JV EDI Supplemental Segment Drivers |
T8J63 | JV EDI Segment Components |
T8J63D | JV EDI Segment Component Descriptions |
T8J63F | JV EDI Segment Component Fields |
T8J64 | JV EDI JIBE Condition Codes |
T8J65 | JV EDI JIBE Condition Code Descriptions |
T8J66 | JV EDI BI to Invoice Service Codes |
T8J67 | JV EDI Outbound: Company configuration |
T8J68 | JV EDI Terms of payment |
T8J6L | JV EDI Contact Function Codes |
T8J6LD | JV EDI Contact Function Code Descriptions |
T8J6M | JV EDI Communication Codes |
T8J6MD | JV EDI Communication Code Descriptions |
T8J6N | JV EDI Processed Partners/Ventures |
T8J6O | Tubular sub-account codes |
T8J6OD | Tubular sub-account code descriptions |
T8J6P | Non-Tubular sub-account codes |
T8J6PD | Non-Tubular sub-account code descriptions |
T8J6Q | JV mapping: Material - Service code |
T8JBI_TH | JVA billing thresholds |
T8JBI_THD | JVA billing threshold details |
T8JBS | Split specifically additionally balance |
T8JCCT | JVA: Customizing tables with company code |
T8JCG | Customizing groups for authorization |
T8JCGD | Definition of customizing groups |
T8JCGT | Description for customizing groups for authorization |
T8JDA | JV EDI Inbound: Company Configuration Table |
T8JDB | JV EDI Inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC Number Table |
T8JDC | JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE/PASC Number Table |
T8JDD | JV EDI Inbound: Property Table |
T8JDE | JV EDI Inbound: Property Description Table |
T8JDF | JV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Table |
T8JDG | JV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Description Table |
T8JDH | JV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Tables |
T8JDI | JV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Description Tables |
T8JDJ | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object Mapping Table |
T8JDK | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref) Mapping Table |
T8JDL | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref + Class) Mapping |
T8JDM | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref, Class, Subclass A) |
T8JDN | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class) Mapping Table |
T8JDO | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class + Subclass A) Mapping |
T8JDP | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Table |
T8JDQ | JV EDI Inbound: Account Transaction Mapping Table |
T8JDR | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class) |
T8JDS | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class+Subc) |
T8JDT | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping Table |
T8JDU | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping (Service code) Table |
T8JDV | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Account Transaction Mapping (Serv.Code) |
T8JDW | JV EDI Inbound: Processed Details per operations month |
T8JDX | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC to FB01 document numbers |
T8JER | Joint venture error table |
T8JEV | Joint venture event table |
T8JEVP | Joint venture event parameters |
T8JEVS | Joint venture event select options |
T8JHF | Fields to transport from sending to new receiving asset |
T8JHL | Configuration for JV AM/MM Transfers |
T8JHM | Transaction type per line type |
T8JHR | Depreciation areas not to update by recovery indicator |
T8JHT | Transaction Type Subsititution JV-AM |
T8JHV | Asset Operator Ownership Transaction Table |
T8JHX | Field Group definitions JV - AM/MM transfers |
T8JHY | Field selection CRP calculation |
T8JINT | Joint Venture Interest Types |
T8JINTT | Joint Venture Interest Type Text |
T8JIX | JV index table |
T8JJA | JV Load Balancing |
T8JL2 | Joint Venture:Recovery Ind.Determination via Manipultn Rules |
T8JL3 | Joint Venture: Manipulation Rules for Recovery Indicator |
T8JLP2 | Penalty Category Recovery Percentages* |
T8JLT | Penalty Category Table |
T8JMD | Customizing Dunning for JVA |
T8JMDET | Field movement for JADE - Details |
T8JMHDR | Field movement for JADE - Header |
T8JMUSE | Field movement for JADE - Usage |
T8JOA | Company addresses |
T8JOAT | Company addresses (text) |
T8JOH_ACSET_LIST | List of account sets for each base amount condition |
T8JOH_BASE_CONDT | Conditions used to capture base amount to calculate overhead |
T8JOH_C_KEYLIST | Overhead keyword list for each cost centers |
T8JOH_COMPLEX_F | Table of Complex Formulas in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_CONDT_TEXT | Base amount condition text for overhead organizer |
T8JOH_COSET_LIST | List of cost object sets for each base amount condition |
T8JOH_COST_OBJS | Table of cost centers, projects and orders for each overhead |
T8JOH_FMULA_TEXT | Text table for Overhead Organizer formulas |
T8JOH_FORMULA_TX | Formula text for Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_FORMULAS | Formulas used by each overhead in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_JOAS | List of JOA level parameters in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_KEYLISTS | List of overhead characters for each overhead key |
T8JOH_KEYTEXT | Text table for overhead keys |
T8JOH_KEYWORDS | List of keywords used to capture the cost objects for users |
T8JOH_O_KEYLIST | Overhead keyword list for each internal orders |
T8JOH_OH_DETAILS | Overhead general detail |
T8JOH_OHLISTS | List of overheads defined in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_OHTEXT | Text for each overhead key in different languages |
T8JOH_OVERHEADS | List of all overheads in each company |
T8JOH_P_KEYLIST | Overhead keyword list for each projects |
T8JOH_PERCENT_F | Table of Percentage Formulas in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_RUNS | List of run information for each <company, joa> |
T8JOH_STEPRATE_F | Table of Step Rate Formulas in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_STTRATIO_F | Table of Statistical Ratio Formulas in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_VENTURES | List of Venture Level parameters in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOVR | Overhead burden rate |
T8JOVRP | Overhead burden rate percentages |
T8JOVRT | Overhead burden rate text |
T8JPA | Processes for authorization |
T8JPAT | Descriptions for processes for authorization |
T8JPT1 | Cutback Payment Terms per Recovery Indicator |
T8JPT2 | Cutback Payment Terms per RI and Original Payment Terms |
T8JPTS | Payment Term Schema |
T8JPTST | Payment Term Schema Description |
T8JSC | Joint Venture Substitute Cost Object |
T8JVBA | Documents included in Bank Account Switching |
T8JVLVH | Line item report variants |
T8JVLVHT | Line item report variants |
T8JVLVL | Line item report variants definition |
T8JVORP | Overhead burden rate percentages (venture level) |
T8JVPSC | Venture Assignment to PSC |
T8JXC | Cross company account determination |
T8JXCP | Cross company account determination |
T8JZSUB | Validation of accounting documents |
T8JZVAL | Validation of JVA Documents |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 92 views.
H_T8JO | Helpview for T8JO (JV partners) |
H_T8JPA | Help view for T8JPA (processes for authorization) |
V_JVSO1_EURO | Euro fields to update in JVSO1 |
V_JVSO2_EURO | JVSO2 fields to update in EURO-conversion |
V_MBEW_JV | Pre-Paid Inventory maintenance |
V_T093_JV | Maintenance Negative Depreciation Areas |
V_T100C_JV | Control Of Messages By The User for JVA |
V_T894_4A | Plan Versions for JVA |
V_T8J_PE | Mainatin error documents |
V_T8J_PEC | Mainain and display clearing record with error |
V_T8J01 | SDS for JV billing |
V_T8J0I2 | Billing indicator mapping |
V_T8J0L | JV Billing levels |
V_T8J0M | JV Layout sets |
V_T8J0N | JV Billing events |
V_T8J0P | Form routines used for billing |
V_T8J0R | Billing formats |
V_T8J0S | SDS protocol |
V_T8J1J | Asset intercompany cutback rule |
V_T8J1K | Cutback rules: Networks |
V_T8J1L | Cutback: Intercompany network mapping |
V_T8J5C | Recovery indicator for supplemental billing |
V_T8J5D | Project types for supplemental detail |
V_T8J5E | JV cost center type for supplemental detail |
V_T8J5F | Billing indicator with supplemental detail |
V_T8J5G | Order type for supplemental detail |
V_T8J60 | JV EDI Invoice Service Codes and Descriptions |
V_T8J62 | JV EDI Supplemental Segment Drivers |
V_T8J63 | JV EDI Segment Components |
V_T8J63F | JV EDI Segment Component Fields |
V_T8J64 | JV EDI JIBE Condition Codes and Descriptions |
V_T8J66 | JV EDI BI to Invoice Service Codes |
V_T8J67 | JV EDI Outbound: Company configuration |
V_T8J68 | JV EDI Terms of payment |
V_T8J6L | JV EDI Contact Function Codes |
V_T8J6M | JV EDI Communication Codes |
V_T8J6N | JV EDI Processed Partners/Ventures |
V_T8J6O | Tubular sub-account codes |
V_T8J6P | Non-Tubular sub-account codes |
V_T8J6Q | JV mapping: Material - Service code |
V_T8JBS | Balance sheet accounts for splitting |
V_T8JDA | JV EDI Inbound: Company Configuration Table |
V_T8JDB | JV EDI Inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC Number Table |
V_T8JDC | JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE/PASC Number Table |
V_T8JDD | JV EDI Inbound: Property Table |
V_T8JDF | JV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Table |
V_T8JDH | JV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Tables |
V_T8JDJ | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object Mapping Table |
V_T8JDK | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref) Mapping Table |
V_T8JDL | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref + Class) Mapping |
V_T8JDM | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref, Class, Subclass A) |
V_T8JDN | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class) Mapping Table |
V_T8JDO | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class + Subclass A) Mapping |
V_T8JDP | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Table |
V_T8JDQ | JV EDI Inbound: Account Transaction Mapping Table |
V_T8JDR | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class) |
V_T8JDS | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class+Subc) |
V_T8JDT | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping Table |
V_T8JDU | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping (Service code) Table |
V_T8JDV | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Account Transaction Mapping (Serv.Code) |
V_T8JEV | Joint venture event table |
V_T8JEVP | Joint venture event parameters |
V_T8JEVS | Joint venture event select options |
V_T8JHR | Maintenance View for t8JHR |
V_T8JHV | View of Asset Operator Ownership Transaction Types |
V_T8JL | View for Penalty Category and text |
V_T8JL1 | Joint Venture: Manipulation rules for recovery indicator |
V_T8JL2 | Manipulation Rule Detail |
V_T8JMD | View for Dunning Customizing |
V_T8JMDET | Field movement for JADE - Details |
V_T8JMUSE | Field movement for JADE - Usage |
V_T8JOA | Partner addresses |
V_T8JOH_C_KEYWDS | A list of overhead keywords for each cost center |
V_T8JOH_O_KEYWDS | A list of overhead keywords for each internal order |
V_T8JOH_P_KEYWDS | A list of overhead keywords for each project |
V_T8JOVR | View for Overhead rate type and text |
V_T8JPT1 | Cutback Payment Terms per Recovery Indicator |
V_T8JPT2 | Cutback Payment Terms per RI and Original Payment Terms |
V_T8JPTS | Payment Term Schema |
V_T8JS_SD | Billing structures in supplemental detail |
V_T8JVBA | Table Entries for VBA Switching |
V_T8JVLVH | Line report list variants |
V_T8JVLVL | Line item report variant definition |
V_T8JXC | CO/JV cross company reconciliation |
V_T8JXCP | JV/CO/FI reconciliation |
V_T8JZ_NEW | JVA company code |
V_T8JZA | Company code global parameters |
V_T8JZC | JV company code parameter (corporate data) |
V_T8JZD | Company code (detailed data) |
V_T8JZSUB | Substitution |
V_T8JZVAL | Validation for JVA documents |
V_TABWG_JV | Asset Transaction Type Groups: JV Manual Overwrite Ind. |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 280 structures.
ALC_JV_LI | JV-Allocation: Communication Structure Line-Item-Check |
E1JVBIG | JV Beginning Segment for Invoice |
E1JVGE | JV Functional Group Trailer |
E1JVGS | JV Functional Group Header |
E1JVIEA | JV Interchange Control Trailer |
E1JVISA | JV Interchange Control Header |
E1JVN01 | JV Name Information |
E1JVN1 | JV Name Information |
E1JVN2 | JV Additional Name Information |
E1JVN3 | JV Address Information |
E1JVN4 | JV Geographic Location |
E1JVPE2 | JV Administrative Communications Contact |
E1JVRE2 | JV Reference Numbers |
E1JVRE3 | JV Reference Numbers |
E1JVREF | JV Reference Numbers |
E2JVBIG001 | JV Beginning Segment for Invoice |
E2JVGE | JV Functional Group Trailer |
E2JVGS | JV Functional Group Header |
E2JVIEA | JV Interchange Control Trailer |
E2JVISA | JV Interchange Control Header |
E2JVJIL | JV Line Item Detail for the Operating Exp Stmt Detail |
E2JVN01 | JV Name Information |
E2JVN1 | JV Name Information |
E2JVN2 | JV Additional Name Information |
E2JVN3 | JV Address Information |
E2JVN4 | JV Geographic Location |
E2JVN4_001 | JV Geographic Location |
E2JVN4001 | JV Geographic Location |
E2JVPE2 | JV Administrative Communications Contact |
E2JVPID | JV Product/Item Description |
E2JVRE2 | JV Reference Numbers |
E2JVRE3 | JV Reference Numbers |
E2JVREF | JV Reference Numbers |
E3JVGE | JV Functional Group Trailer |
E3JVGS | JV Functional Group Header |
E3JVIEA | JV Interchange Control Trailer |
E3JVISA | JV Interchange Control Header |
E3JVJIL | JV Line Item Detail for the Operating Exp Stmt Detail |
E3JVN01 | JV Name Information |
E3JVN1 | JV Name Information |
E3JVN2 | JV Additional Name Information |
E3JVN3 | JV Address Information |
E3JVN4 | JV Geographic Location |
E3JVPE2 | JV Administrative Communications Contact |
E3JVRE2 | JV Reference Numbers |
E3JVRE3 | JV Reference Numbers |
E3JVREF | JV Reference Numbers |
GJRK23B | Sender/Receiver Recovery indicators |
GJV_ALLOC | JV/CO-Allocation communication structure for line-item check |
GJV_EK08G | Joint Venture Fields |
GJV_OBJAPI | General assignments of application objects |
GJV_SCREEN | JV screen fields |
GJVFS | JV Field selection |
JVA_EBKN | Joint venture data |
JVA_EK05N | Joint venture data |
JVA_EKKN | Joint venture data |
JVA_EP_EGROUP | JVA Equity Group Data for E&P |
JVA_EP_INTERCOCD_CC | Cost Centre Intercompany Cutback Rule for E&P |
JVA_EP_JVCC | JVA comany code data for E&P |
JVA_EP_PARTNER | JVA PArtner Data for E&P |
JVA_EP_VENTURE | JVA Venture Data for E&P |
JVA_EXKN | Joint venture data |
JVA_SCR_FLD | Screen fields for JVA |
JVA_TAB_EP | Tax reporting structure |
JVACCTIT | Extension for Joint Venture Accounting |
JVACPR_OBJECT | JV Pricing archiveobject id structure |
JVAKOMP | Additional Fields JV |
JVAMBEFU | CA-JVA fields |
JVANLAV | JV fields appended to ANLAV for reporting purposes |
JVAP_APPEND_JV | JV Append for JVAP - additional items |
JVASSTHDR | Subnumber selection header data |
JVASSTLINE | Line for Asset subnumber selection |
JVBKPF | Joint Venture fields |
JVBSAD | Joint Venture Fields |
JVBSAK | Joint Venture Fields |
JVBSID | Joint Venture Fields |
JVBSIK | Joint Venture Fields |
JVDLINE | New Structure for JV Asset Posting line |
JVDM07M | Joint Venture Accounting Felder |
JVEMBEW | Joint Venture Accounting Fields |
JVFIELDS | JV: Fields to be transferred to new asset when created |
JVKOMG | JV Appendix |
JVMHND | Additional sort fields for Dunning |
JVMKPF | JV Fields for MKPF |
JVMSEG | Joint Venture Fields |
JVMSEGK | Addtional fields MSEGK |
JVRAM01 | I/O fields for AM/MM Transfers |
JVRAM02 | Display Interest in an Object |
JVRAM03 | Venture Data Header Display |
JVRAM04 | Input fields JV AM/MM reversal |
JVRFOPS | Joint Venture Fields |
JVRFPOS | Joint Venture Fields |
JVRFUMS_ALV | JV user fields for tax report in ALV |
JVSACCIT | Venture Information |
JVSO1_JV | Additional Fields Required by Joint Venture Accounting |
JVT8J6A | JV appandage for T8J6A |
JVT8JA | JV appendage for T8JA |
JVT8JF | JVA Development R3 3.0 |
JVT8JG | JVA Development in R3 3.0 |
JVT8JJ | JVA Development in R3 3.0 |
JVT8JW | JVA Extension for 3.0 development |
JVVYEAR | Vintage Year table for subnumber creation |
RGJVIX_FIDOC | JVA IM user exit structure: Company code flags |
RGJVIX_GLOBAL | global fields used as FC Import parameter |
SCHEDMAN_SPECIFIC_JV | Permitted JV Specific Fields for SchedMan |
T8J_AUTH | Joint Venture Accounting: fields for authority checks |
T8J_AUTHA | IS-OIL: authorization fields for JVA |
T8J_F | JV fields for data declarationsy |
T8J_TREE_ITEM | Joint Venture Item Sructure (for column tree and list tree) |
T8JAMFLDS | Preset fields for asset master records |
T8JBI_TH_S | Structure for billing threshold list |
T8JCB | JV cutback offset segment (batch input structure) |
T8JGROSS | gross ledger postings |
T8JGROSS_DOC | gross postings document list |
T8JLAVIP | Structure for lockbox structure LAVIP |
T8JOH_ACCOUNT_RANGE | Range structure for accounts |
T8JOH_ACSET_LIST_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_ACSET_LIST tab |
T8JOH_BASE_AMOUNT_CONDITION | Condition used to capture base amount to calculate overhead |
T8JOH_BASE_CONDT_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_BASE_CONDT tab |
T8JOH_COMPLEX_F_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_COMPLEX_F tab |
T8JOH_COMPLEX_ITEM | Complex Formula structure for expense / adjustment |
T8JOH_CONDT_TEXT_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_CONDT_TEXT tab |
T8JOH_COSET_LIST_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_COSET_LIST tab |
T8JOH_COST_CENTER_RANGE | Range Structure for cost centers |
T8JOH_COST_OBJS_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_COST_OBJS tab |
T8JOH_DB_FLAG | Flags that indicate how the row in internal table is changed |
T8JOH_DETAIL_REPORT_LINE | Single line of detail information in overhead report |
T8JOH_EQUITY_GROUP_INFO | Structure for list of equity groups in a venture |
T8JOH_FORMULAS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_FORMULAS tab |
T8JOH_JOA_STRUCT | A structure only contains JOA , and its related information |
T8JOH_JOAS_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_JOAS table |
T8JOH_KEYLISTS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_KEYLISTS tab |
T8JOH_KEYTEXT_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_KEYTEXT tab |
T8JOH_KEYWORDS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_KEYWORDS tab |
T8JOH_NETWORK_RANGE | Range Structure for Networks |
T8JOH_OH_DETAILS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_OH_DETAILS tab |
T8JOH_OHLISTS_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_OHLISTS table |
T8JOH_OHTEXT_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_OHTEXT table |
T8JOH_ORDER_RANGE | Range Structure for Orders |
T8JOH_OVERHEADS_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_OVERHEADS tab |
T8JOH_PERCENT_F_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_PERCENT_F tab |
T8JOH_POST_INFO | Posting Information for each overhead |
T8JOH_POSTING_DOC | Single posting document |
T8JOH_POSTING_LINE | Single posting line |
T8JOH_PROJECT_RANGE | Range Structure for projects |
T8JOH_RECIND_RANGE | Range Structure for Recovery Indicator |
T8JOH_REPORT_LINE | Single line of Overhead Report |
T8JOH_RUN_RANGE | Range Structure for overheads in run |
T8JOH_RUNS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_RUNS table |
T8JOH_STEPRATE_F_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_STEPRATE_F tab |
T8JOH_STTRATIO_F_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_STTRATIO_F tab |
T8JOH_SUMMARY_REPORT_LINE | Single line of Overhead Summary Report |
T8JOH_VENTURES_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_VENTURES table |
T8JOH_VTYPE_RANGE | Range Structure for venture type |
T8JOHS_AC_SET | Account set to be included/excluded in Base Amt Condition |
T8JOHS_ADJITEM | Complex Formula screen structure for adjustment line |
T8JOHS_CO_SET | Cost object set to be included/excluded in Base Amt Condtion |
T8JOHS_COMPANY | Company screen structure for Overhead Organizer |
T8JOHS_CONDT | screen fields for base amount conditions |
T8JOHS_EXPITEM | Complex Formula screen structure for the expense line |
T8JOHS_FORMULA | Screen fields for Overhead Organizer formula |
T8JOHS_JOA | JOA Folder in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOHS_KEYLIST | Screen fields for keyword list |
T8JOHS_OVERHEAD | Overhead Description |
T8JOHS_POST | Screen Posting Information for each overhead |
T8JOHS_RATE | Step Rate / Percentage Formula Screen Structure |
T8JOHS_RATIO | Statistical Ratio Formula screen structure |
T8JOHS_RUN | Information about a single run defined in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOHS_VENTURE | Venture Folders in Overhead Organizer |
T8JPMTXT | Text for PM order |
T8JV_CB_RESULT | JV Cutback Result Structure for CB User Exit Template |
T8JV_ITEM | JV Single Item Structure for CB User Exit Template |
T8JVB_H1I | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H1P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H1Y | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H2I | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H2P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H2Y | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K1I | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K1P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K1Y | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K2I | Include struct. for billing amts in GCurr(4C) Inc. to date |
T8JVB_K2P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K2Y | Include struct. for billing amts in GCurr(4C) Year to date |
T8JVB_SH1I | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SH1P | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SH1Y | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SH2I | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_SH2P | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SH2Y | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_SK1I | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SK1P | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SK1Y | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SK2I | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_SK2P | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_SK2Y | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_ST1P | Include structure statement (Amounts in FCurr) |
T8JVB_T1I | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_T1P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_T1Y | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB28 | JV SAPscript Billing Inv. (ETYPE) |
T8JVB60 | JV Non-op Billing Screen Structure |
T8JVBCI | CI billing structure |
T8JVBCI_INT | internal structure for ci/npi billing data extract |
T8JVBCM | CI billing structure master |
T8JVBCN | CI/NPI billing structure |
T8JVBEC1 | JV Billing Invoice for E&C |
T8JVBEC1S | JV Billing Invoice Supplement for E&C |
T8JVBEC2 | JV Billing Invoice for E&C |
T8JVBEC5 | Billing interface for EC |
T8JVBMAP | Billing indicator mapping |
T8JVBREP | Reporting structure for billing report |
T8JVC_BEG | CI beginning balance (with penalty) |
T8JVC_BIL | CI billing indicator |
T8JVC_BTX | Billing indicator text |
T8JVC_CUP | CI current balance (with penalty) |
T8JVC_CUR | CI current balance (no penalty) |
T8JVC_END | CI ending balance (with penalty) |
T8JVC_PCT | CI penalty category |
T8JVC_PEN | CI penalty categories |
T8JVC_PTX | CI penalty category long text |
T8JVCURR | JV currency types and currencies |
T8JVEXTR | Billing extract reporting |
T8JVEXTRZ | Additional reporting fields for T8JVEXTR |
T8JVM01 | GR and IR link structure |
T8JVRWCO | IS-OIL: Additional fields for JVA in CO Reporting |
T8JVRXV1 | Special text variables for T8JVEXTR |
T8JVTT | Transfer structure for text retrieval in Report Writer |
T8JVVTYP | Venture types |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 140 programs.
GJV2_ACT_IN_CLIENT | activate Joint Venture in Client |
GJVUMD | JV Exit Routines for SAPLGUMD |
RGJAIN00 | Joint Operating Agreement master data catalog |
RGJARC01 | JV-Data Archiving (JV_OBJECT) |
RGJARC02 | JV-Billing Archiving (JV_Billing) |
RGJARC03 | JV-Bank Account Switching documents archiving (JV_BANK_SW) |
RGJARC04 | JVA process event archiving (JV_EVENT) |
RGJDEL01 | Deletion Program for Deleting Archived JV-Data (JV_OBJECT) |
RGJDEL02 | Deletion Program for Deleting Archived JV-Billing Data (JV-Billing) |
RGJDEL03 | Deletion Program for deleting archived JVA banking data (JV_BANK_SW) |
RGJDEL04 | Deletion Program for Deleting Archived JV-Event Data (JV_EVENT) |
RGJGLXC1 | Activate company in JV |
RGJGLXC2 | Deactivate company in JV |
RGJGRA01 | Hierarchy Graphics for JOA Master Data Objects |
RGJJVD00 | Joint Venture Detailed Information |
RGJJVPO1 | Plan Line Items for Table JVTO1 |
RGJJVSO1 | Actual Line Items for Table JVTO1 |
RGJJVSO2 | Actual Line Items for Table JVTO2 |
RGJJVTO1 | Summary Records from Table JVTO1 |
RGJJVTO2 | Summary Records from Table JVTO2 |
RGJOADEL | Delete Joint Operating Agreement Master Data |
RGJOBJBI | JVA-Objectnumbertest with respect to code combinations JVTO2 - JVOO2 |
RGJOBJJV | JVA-Objectnumbertest with respect to code combinations of JVTO1-JVOO1 |
RGJOVR01 | Joint Venture Overhead Calculations |
RGJRDA01 | Example for reading archived actual line items (AO JV_OBJECT) |
RGJRDA02 | Example for reading archived actual line items (AO JV_BILLING) |
RGJRDP01 | Example for reading archived planning line items (AO JV_OBJECT) |
RGJRDT01 | Example for reading archived totals (Archiveobject JV_OBJECT) |
RGJRDT02 | Example for reading archived totals (Archiveobject JV_BILLING) |
RGJREL01 | JV-Data reloading (JV_OBJECT) |
RGJREL02 | JV-Billing data reloading (JV_BILLING) |
RGJREL03 | JVA Bank account switching archived data reloading (JV_BANK_SW) |
RGJREL04 | JVA process event archived data reloading (JV_EVENT) |
RGJRXT00 | Billing extracts |
RGJTKA04 | Create new business activity for controlling area |
RGJTSWDC | Display Switch document for selected JV doc in VBA |
RGJV_BILLING_SUPPLEMENT | Supplent for billing report |
RGJV2230 | Correction of JVSO1 (differences between 22D and 30x) |
RGJV2CO1 | Mrule handling in settlment rule maintenance |
RGJVACDL | JV CRP pricing data - Deleting of archived data |
RGJVACIC | JV CRP pricing data - Creating of archive index |
RGJVACID | Program for deleting indices of JV_PRICING archives |
RGJVACWR | JV CRP pricing data - create archive |
RGJVBILL | Form routines called by Billing SAPscript |
RGJVBILL_EC | Form routines called by Billing SAPscript |
RGJVBILL_EC2 | Form routines called by Billing SAPscript |
RGJVBJ02 | Jade File Generation for Auditing |
RGJVBR10 | Billing output: Hard copy billing |
RGJVBR15 | Billing output: Hard copy billing |
RGJVBR20 | Hardcopy billing configuration analysis report |
RGJVBR22 | JV Billing Extract Reconciliation Report |
RGJVBRTH | Billing threshold check |
RGJVBUP1 | Update Billing Extracts for New and Changed Fields |
RGJVBUPD | Change report for jvbx |
RGJVC001 | Program to delete duplicate entries in JVOO1 and JVTO1 |
RGJVCB10 | Cutback |
RGJVCC00 | JVA: Copy/delete configuration for company code |
RGJVCF02 | JVA GL-X Carry Forward Program - RGJVCF02 (all GL-X ledger possible) |
RGJVCNET | Convenience Netting |
RGJVCORB | Correction program for false JV documents created by CO |
RGJVCUPA | Customizing Partner Address |
RGJVCYP1 | Print of all Cycle Information for Joint Venture Accounting |
RGJVEA10 | Prior period equity adjustment |
RGJVEDI1 | Translator for test purpose only (Inbound EDI) Text Document |
RGJVEDI2 | EDI Inbound Reports (Cost Objects/Account Mappings) |
RGJVEDIA | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report |
RGJVEDIB | JV EDI Inbound: Invoice and Operating Statement |
RGJVEDIC | JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure Report (819) |
RGJVEDID | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects |
RGJVEDIE | JV EDI Inbound: Expenditure Comparison Report |
RGJVEDIG | 810 to 819 Property IDoc Comparison Report |
RGJVEDII | JV EDI Inbound Process code configuration |
RGJVEDIR | Reset EDI inbound partner for processing |
RGJVEDIX | EDI Outbound Basic Configuration for new Client/Company/Billing-Struc. |
RGJVEUR_BALANCE_REBUILD | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR_CORRECT_CO_DOCS | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR_SINGLE | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR3 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR4 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR5 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR6 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR7 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR8 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR9 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEVNT | Display event table |
RGJVGJ4A | Periodic updates for company code |
RGJVIMCOR003 | Find unnecessary JVJV documents |
RGJVIMG1 | Test |
RGJVIS00 | JVA: Install standard reports |
RGJVJOBC | JV Job Load Balancer |
RGJVLB00 | Load balancing for JV processes |
RGJVLBOX_DATA_CREATION | Lockbox data creation based on JV ledger |
RGJVMISSINGTABLE | Missing table entries in 4.0b new install |
RGJVOO2 | Correction program for JVOO2 |
RGJVPLRP | Delete and repost JV plandata created by CO |
RGJVPS01 | Modification for SAPLCOKO to add JV data to networks |
RGJVRDFN | Read file from PC for update JVSO1 |
RGJVREC1 | Simulate the posting of an FI document |
RGJVREC3 | Simulate the posting of an existing MM document |
RGJVREC5 | Report to repost FB08 documents which are missing in JV |
RGJVREC7 | Re-post a clearing document |
RGJVREC8 | Detecting and reposting incorrect JV documents |
RGJVREC8B | Reverse and Rebook of MM invoice documents |
RGJVREC9 | Reverse and rebook of MM documents |
RGJVRECS | Missing JV document list |
RGJVROLLUP | Find the correct rollup and start the rollup processing |
RGJVRU00 | Suspense projects and equity groups |
RGJVRXDT | Transfer automatic postings to CO |
RGJVTAX2 | Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases |
RGJVTAXR | Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases |
RGJVTO10 | Drill-down receiver report dispatcher |
RGJVTO1I | Customize drill-down reports for billing reporting |
RGJVVBAT | Create Table Entries for VBA Switching |
RGJVXEDA | EDI Outbound XPRA for Application code conversion in configuration |
RGJVXMODIF | Maintain modifications |
RGJVXPR2 | RGJVXPR1 Umsetzung von JVTO1/JVSO1 |
RGJX20B1 | Conversion program - Table T8JZ |
RGJX20B2 | Conversion program - Table T8JZ |
RGJX20C1 | Conversion program - Table T8JZ |
RGJX20C9 | RGJX20C9 Maintain and check JV specific tables in customer client |
RGJX20D2 | Conversion program - Table T8JZ |
RGPSAX47_PSC_TO_PSA_INSERT | create testdata for xpra |
RGPSAXENT20_INSERT | Programm to create Testdata |
RGPSAXENT20_INSERT2 | create testdata for XPRA |
RGUREC51 | Re-post Plandata by Document Number |
SAPFGJCG | CI/NPI Processing |
SAPFGJVX | Exits for billing extract reporting (Report Writer) |
SAPMGJAM | JV - AM/MM Transactions |
SAPMGJB2 | Non-operated Billing transaction |
SAPMGJCG | Cutback GB01 Posting Transaction |
SAPMGJGO | Driver transaction to call customizing views |
SAPMGJGR | Module Pool for Graphic Displays in FI-JVA |
SAPMGJSX | Call set maintenance (create/change/display) |
SAPMGJTS | Subscreen processing for Tax Screen in SAPMF05A for ISOIL-UPSTREAM |
SAPMGJVL | Proto type view cluster with SUBSCREEN technology (STEP LOOP) |
SAPMGJVMDJOA | JOint Venture Masterdata: Joint Operating Agreement |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 19 search helps.
APP_JVH_VPTNR | JV partner in coding block |
JVA_KOST | Append search helps for JVA cost center |
JVA_ORDE | JVA search help append for orders |
JVA_PRPM | JVA search help append for WBS elements |
JVH_EXP_TYPE | Expense types |
JVH_KOSTG | Joint venture |
JVH_NOP_BNKT | Help for bank types |
JVH_NRIV | Help for JOA number ranges |
JVH_OH_BASE_CONDT | Base amount condition in Overhead Organizer |
JVH_OH_FORMULA | Formula in Overhead Organizer |
JVH_ORDEI | Joint Venture |
JVH_PRPMG | Joint Venture |
JVH_T8J0M | Search help for layout sets by billing structure |
JVH_T8J0R | Search help for billing structures |
JVH_T8JV_1 | Search help for joint ventures based on name |
JVH_T8JV_2 | Search help for joint ventures based on description |
JVH_VPTNR | JV partner in coding block |
JVMA | Joint Venture |
MANIPRULE_JVA | JVA append Maniprule |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 5 message classes.
G2 | Joint venture customizing |
G4 | EC-CS Konsolidierung |
G5 | IS-Oil /Joint Venture/ Material transfer pricing |
G6 | EDI messages in JV |
G9 | Joint-Venture-Archiving |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 3 authorization objects.
J_JVA_CUS | Joint Venture Accounting: Customizing |
J_JVA_PRC | Joint Venture Accounting: Processing |
J_JVA_REP | Joint Venture Accounting: Reporting |