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Bei ansehen →The package GJVB (Joint venture billing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package JVA_JV.
Package | GJVB |
Short Text | Joint venture billing |
Parent Package | JVA_JV |
SAP Package GJVB contains 13 function groups.
0GJ1 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
GJVB | Billing Function Group |
GJVC | Batch Entry Function Group |
GJVD | JV Equity Share Functions |
GJVE | Batch Message Handling Group |
GJVF | Document Date Retrieval Function Module |
GJVG | Billing Methods Function Group |
GJVJ | Attribute Function Modules |
GJVN | JV Non-operated Billing |
GJVR | Billing Reporting : Hard Copy and EDI |
GJVU | Update Task Function Modules |
GJVV | JV Validation Modules |
GVJR | Billing Reporting : Hard Copy & EDI |
SAP Package GJVB contains 41 transactions.
GJ01 | Net Cash Call to Equity Group |
GJ02 | JV Gross Cash Call To Equit Group |
GJ03 | JV Net Cash Call To Project |
GJ04 | JV Gross Cash Call To Project |
GJ05 | JV Non-operated cash call to eq grp |
GJ06 | JV Non-Operated Cash Call to Project |
GJ12 | Billing Ledger Extract |
GJ13 | Joint Venture Ledger Extract |
GJ14 | Hard Copy Billing |
GJ16 | EDI Billing |
GJ17 | Suspense Project / Equity Group |
GJ18 | Partner Suspense Clearing |
GJ19 | Equity Adjustments |
GJ20 | Venture Bank Account Switching |
GJ29 | Cutback rules / projects |
GJ30 | Cutback / project intercompany code |
GJ33 | Equity types |
GJ34 | JV project in suspense |
GJ35 | Bank accounts |
GJ36 | Funding groups |
GJ37 | Funding group assignment |
GJ39 | JV Billing indicator |
GJ40 | Accounts for supplemental billing |
GJ41 | JV Projects for supplemental billing |
GJ42 | JV Material Batch-Cond code x-ref |
GJ44 | Net profit interest groups |
GJ45 | JVA functions / function item types |
GJ47 | Billing methods |
GJ49 | Billing method posting rules |
GJ50 | JV Posting rule detail customizing |
GJ63 | JV Project types |
GJ64 | JV Cost center types |
GJ65 | JV Order types |
GJ80 | JIB account mapping for AFE |
GJ82 | Create BTCI Sessions for Cash Calls |
GJ90 | JV Realized exchange differences |
GJ91 | JV Unrealized exchange |
GJ92 | JV Goods receipt expense orders |
GJ93 | JV Goods receipt inventory orders |
GJCB | JV Cutback Program |
GJDE | Delete Joint Venture Data |
SAP Package GJVB contains 55 database tables.
JVBX | JV Billing Database (INDX-Table) |
T8J0A | JV Function |
T8J0B | JVA Function Text |
T8J0D | Posting Method Text |
T8J0E | Billing Formats |
T8J0F | Billing method Posting Rule |
T8J0G | Billing Method Posting Rule Detail |
T8J0H | JV Billing Form SAPscript Events |
T8J0I | Billing Indicator Mapping |
T8J0J | JV Function Items |
T8J0K | JV Function Items Text |
T8J1A | G/L Account Cutback Rule |
T8J1B | G/L Inter Company Account Cutback Rule |
T8J1C | Cost Centre Cutback Rule |
T8J1D | Cost Centre Intercompany Cutback Rule |
T8J1E | JV Project Cutback Rule |
T8J1F | JV Project Intercompany |
T8J1G | Order Cutback Rule |
T8J1H | Order Intercompany Cutback Rule |
T8J1I | JV Net Account Cutback Rule |
T8J2A | JV Net Profit Interest Group |
T8J2B | JV Net Profit Interest Group Text |
T8J2C | Carried Interest |
T8J3A | Non-operated Billing Form |
T8J3B | JV Non-operated Billing Form Text |
T8J3C | Joint Venture Non-operated Billing Form Line |
T8J3D | Joint Venture Non-operated Billing Form Line Text |
T8J3E | JV Non-operated Billing Operator Codes |
T8J4A | Cash Call Header table |
T8J4B | JV Cash Call Batch table |
T8J4C | Bill Trans Fields Table (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4G) |
T8J4D | Non-op Billing Item Table (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4H) |
T8J5A | JV Accounts for Supplemental Billing |
T8J5B | JV Projects for Supplemental Billing |
T8J6E | JV Master Data JIB Subclass B Codes |
T8J6F | JV JIB Subclass B Codes Text Table |
T8J6G | JV JIB Account Mapping for Non-AFE |
T8J6H | JV JIB Account Mapping and Class |
T8J6I | JV JIB Class and Account Mapping |
T8J6J | JV JIB Account Mapping for AFE |
T8J6K | JV EDI Processing Table: Map Biling indicators to EDI Codes |
T8JAC | JV Clearing Billing Indicator |
T8JB | JV Bank Accounts |
T8JC | Funding Currency |
T8JI | Joint Venture Inter-Company Ventures |
T8JM | Funding Group |
T8JMT | JV Funding Group Text |
T8JN | JV Funding Group assignment |
T8JO | Partner |
T8JP | JV Project in Suspense |
T8JQ | Joint Venture Owner Equity |
T8JTT | Joint Venture Venture Class Text |
T8JXT | JV Conditional Code Text |
T8JY | JV Billing Format Master |
T8JYT | JV Billing Format Master Text |
SAP Package GJVB contains 22 views.
H_T8JU | Helpview of T8JU |
V_T8J0A | JV Functions |
V_T8J0C | JV Posting method |
V_T8J0E | V_T8J0E |
V_T8J0F | V_T8J0F |
V_T8J0G | V_t8j0g |
V_T8J0I | Billing Indicator Mapping |
V_T8J0J | Function item types |
V_T8J1E | JV Project Cutback Rule |
V_T8J1F | JV Project Intercompany Cutback Rule |
V_T8J1I | JV Net account cutback rule |
V_T8J2A | JV Net profit interest group |
V_T8J5A | Accounts for supplemental billing |
V_T8J5B | JV Projects for supplemental billing |
V_T8J6J | JV JIB account mapping for AFE |
V_T8JA | Billing Indicator |
V_T8JB | JV bank accounts |
V_T8JE | JV Equity Type |
V_T8JI | JV Intercompany ventures |
V_T8JM | JV Funding group |
V_T8JN | JV Funding group assignment |
V_T8JP | Project in suspense |
SAP Package GJVB contains 75 structures.
JVAMT_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Amount Segment(AMT) |
JVBGM_EDI | JV International JIB - EDI Segment BGM |
JVBIG_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Begin Inv. Segment (BIG) |
JVBOS_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Begin Sstatement Segment (BOS) |
JVCNT_EDI | JV International JIB-EDI Segment CNT |
JVCOS_EDI | JV International JIB-EDI Segment COS |
JVCTA_EDI | JV International JIB-EDI Segment CTA |
JVCTT_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Trans Totals Segment (CTT) |
JVCUX_EDI | JV International JIB-EDI Segment CUX |
JVDTM_EDI | JV International JIB-EDI Segment DTM |
JVDTM_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Date/Time Segment (DTM) |
JVFII_EDI | JV International JIB-EDI Segment FII |
JVGCR_EDI | JV International JIB-EDI Segment GCR |
JVGE_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Function Group End Segment (GE) |
JVGS_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Functional Group Start Segment (GS |
JVIEA_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Interchange Trailer Segment (IEA) |
JVIT1_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Invoice Items Segment IT1 |
JVJID_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Equipment Detail Segment (JID) |
JVJIL_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Op. Stat Line Items Segment (JIL) |
JVN1_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Name Header Segment (N1) |
JVN2_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Addional Names Segment (N2) |
JVN3_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Address Segment (N3) |
JVN4_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Geographic Location Segment (N4) |
JVNAD_EDI | JV International JIB-EDI Segment NAD |
JVPER_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Admin Comms Contact Segment (PER) |
JVPID_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Product/Item Desc Segment (PID) |
JVPSA_EDI | JV International JIB-EDI Segment PSA |
JVPSA_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Partner Share Accounting Seg.(PSA) |
JVREF_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Reference Numbers Segment (REF) |
JVSE_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Trans Set Trailer Segment (SE) |
JVST_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Trans. Set Header Segment (ST) |
JVTDS_NEDI | JV North American JIB-EDI Total Invoice Amount Segment (TDS) |
RGJVS | Structure for ALREADY_SPLIT ind CLEARING function |
T8JVB01 | JV Structure Billing Invoice |
T8JVB02 | JV Billing Statement |
T8JVB03 | JV Expenditure Detail Rpt. |
T8JVB04 | JV Billing Table Supplemental Detail (JIB Mapped) |
T8JVB05 | JV SAPscript Billing Inv. (EGRUP) |
T8JVB06 | SAPscript Billing Inv. (VNAME) |
T8JVB07 | SAPscript Billing Inv. (PARTN) |
T8JVB08 | SAPscript Billing Stat. (PARTN) |
T8JVB09 | JV SAPscript Billing Stat. (EQGRUP) |
T8JVB10 | JV SAPscript Expend Rpt (JIB Mapped) |
T8JVB11 | JV SAPscript Expense Report |
T8JVB12 | JV Billing Header Data |
T8JVB13 | JV SAPscript Supl. Dtl. Rpt. |
T8JVB14 | JV SAPscript Table (INTTAB) |
T8JVB15 | JV Structure Billing TA Fields Table |
T8JVB16 | JV Expenditure Detail Rpt. (Unmapped) |
T8JVB17 | JV Supplemantal Detail Rpt. (Unmapped) |
T8JVB18 | JV Inttab WBS details |
T8JVB19 | JV Inttab Catatrophic Projects |
T8JVB51 | Totals of T8JVB50 |
T8JVC01 | Dynpro Table for SAPMJVC1 |
T8JVC02 | JV Cutback Table Structure |
T8JVN02 | JV SAPscript NPI and CI statement |
T8JVS01 | Bank Transfers Structur 1 for SAPSCRIPT in VBA Switching |
T8JVS02 | JV Receiving bank account for VBA Switching |
T8JVT01 | JV Batch Message Collection table |
T8JVT02 | JV Equity Share Table - structure |
T8JVT03 | JV Structure Table for Posting (Integr. Test) |
T8JVT04 | JV BIlling Invoice (INTTAB) |
T8JVTCL | JV structure for clearing |
T8JVTMA | I/O Fields for the Joint Venture Master transaction |
T8JVTTA | Discount totals Table |
T8JVTXT | JV Structure Textelements |
SAP Package GJVB contains 13 programs.
RGJPCO00 | Joint Venture Cost Calculations - International |
RGJVAP00 | Access to Automatic Posting Transaction for Joint Venture Accounting. |
RGJVBE01 | Billing data selection: Invoice / Statement |
RGJVBE02 | Billing data selection: Expenditure detail / supplemental detail |
RGJVBJ01 | Jade File Generation for Auditing |
RGJVGCCL | Cash Call Transaction Report |
RGJVGM10 | Excel Spreadsheet Download to FB01 Post Program |
RGJVT1S1 | AC Common Code Shell |
RGJVT2S2 | AC Module Pool Shell |
RGJVW001 | Valuation of foreign currency PO's assigned to an account |
SAPFGJRC | Partner Suspense Clearance |
SAPMGJC1 | cash call transaction |
SAPUGJC1 | Cash Call Update |
SAP Package GJVB contains 2 search helps.
JV_NON_OP_VENTURES | Non-Operated Joint Venture |
JVH_T8JV_3 | Search help for joint ventures based on operator |