Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package GLT0 (Basis functions G/L accounting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | GLT0 |
Short Text | Basis functions G/L accounting |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package GLT0 contains 13 function groups.
0GC6 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
G_BEB_FISPLIT | Online Split FI - Split Ledger |
G_GLFLEX_EXITS | User Exits for Flexible General Ledger |
GACC | Offsetting accts |
GFLEXCUST | Flexible G/L Customizing |
GLFLEX | Modules for updating GLFLEX |
GLT0 | FI-SL: Split processor |
GLT1 | FI-SL: Split processor:Customizing Views |
GLT2 | FI-SL: Split processor: FM Customizing |
GLT3 | FI-SL: Split processor: Other FMs |
GLT4 | Create document in FBRA |
GLT5 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
GLT9 | SL services |
SAP Package GLT0 contains 97 transactions.
FG99 | Flexible G/L: Report Selection |
GL10 | Flexible G/L: Transaction figures |
GLA1 | Activate flexible G/L |
GLBW | Foreign Currency Valuation:G/L Assts |
GLC1 | Flexible G/L: Currencies |
GLC2 | Flex.G/L: Activate local ledger |
GLCF | Blnce carrd fwrd: Summ for P&L accts |
GLDE | Deletion of Flex G/L transactn data |
GLFLEXCUS | Flexible General Ledger |
GLFLEXIMG | Flexible G/L Customizing |
GLFLEXSPL | Flexible General Ledger |
GLGCU1 | Transfer opening balance flex. G/L |
GLGCU2 | Copy transaction figures |
GLL1 | Create ledger |
GLL2 | Change ledger |
GLL3 | Display ledger |
GLL4 | Delete ledger |
GLLI | Activate Local Plan Line Items |
GLN1 | Flexible G/L:Actual Document Types |
GLN2 | Flexible G/L: Plan Document Types |
GLP2 | Flexible G\L: Versions |
GLPA | Offsetting account determination |
GLPV | Flexible G\L: Versions |
GLR1 | Flex. G/L: Create rollup ledger |
GLR2 | Flex. G/L: Change rollup ledger |
GLR3 | Display flex. G/L rollup ledger |
GLR4 | Flex. G/L: Delete rollup ledger |
GSP_CD | Maintain constants |
GSP_KD | Maintain account determination |
GSP_KD1 | Maintain acct deter: 0 balance |
GSP_KD2 | Maintain acct deter: Additional rows |
GSP_LD | Define item type |
GSP_LZ1 | SAP internal item cat. assignment |
GSP_LZ2 | Allocation: acct number - item type |
GSP_MD | Define Splitting Procedure |
GSP_PD | Define business process |
GSP_RD | Define Split Rule |
GSP_VD | Define business process variant |
GSP_VZ1 | Transaction->process var. assignment |
GSP_VZ2 | MM movem. type->process var. assgmt |
GSP_VZ3 | FI doc type->process var. assignment |
OBRX | Flexible G/L: Maintain Report Selec. |
S_ALR_87008900 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCT6 |
S_ALR_87008901 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GA27 |
S_ALR_87008902 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GA47 |
S_ALR_87008903 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0OB53 |
S_ALR_87008904 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLCF |
S_ALR_87008905 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLGCU1 |
S_ALR_87008906 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLGCU2 |
S_ALR_87008907 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGI4 |
S_ALR_87008908 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2GCR2 |
S_ALR_87008909 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2T892U |
S_ALR_87008910 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCT4 |
S_ALR_87008911 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2T001B_PL |
S_ALR_87008912 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2T894_PL |
S_ALR_87008913 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2T895 |
S_ALR_87008914 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2GP32 |
S_ALR_87008915 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2GCLE |
S_ALR_87008916 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIP |
S_ALR_87008917 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIT |
S_ALR_87008918 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0OBRX |
S_ALR_87008919 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFORFBGCUT |
S_ALR_87008920 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GS02 |
S_ALR_87008921 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GS12 |
S_ALR_87008922 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCTS |
S_ALR_87008923 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCAC |
S_ALR_87008924 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLDE |
S_ALR_87008925 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIR |
S_ALR_87008926 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIZ |
S_ALR_87008927 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGI1 |
S_ALR_87008928 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIO |
S_ALR_87008929 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIQ |
S_ALR_87008930 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIX |
S_ALR_87008931 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIY |
S_ALR_87008932 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0FGIV |
S_ALR_87008933 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GBEB_ACCDET |
S_ALR_87008934 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GINS |
S_ALR_87008935 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLL2_SPLIT |
S_ALR_87008936 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLL2 |
S_ALR_87008937 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0V_001_GKF |
S_ALR_87008938 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0OBG1 |
S_ALR_87008939 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCHE |
S_ALR_87008940 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0T000GL |
S_ALR_87008941 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GLR2 |
S_ALR_87008942 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0_T800D |
S_ALR_87008943 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0_T8G17 |
S_ALR_87008944 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0_T8G12 |
S_ALR_87008945 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0T882G_GL |
S_ALR_87008946 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2T811I |
S_ALR_87008947 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2T811I2 |
S_ALR_87008948 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFBT811U |
S_ALR_87008949 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORFB2GCA9 |
S_ALR_87008950 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GCT7 |
S_ALR_87008951 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GL21 |
S_ALR_87008952 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0T001A |
S_ALR_87008953 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GA11 |
S_ALR_87008954 | IMG Activity: SIMG_GLT0GA31 |
SAP Package GLT0 contains 48 database tables.
GLFLEX00 | General ledger: Organizational units |
GLFLEX01 | General ledger: Technical fields |
GLFLEX02 | General ledger: Main account assignment |
GLFLEX03 | General ledger: SAP additional account assignment |
GLFLEX04 | General ledger: Customer additional account assignment |
GLFLEX05 | General ledger: Sender main account assignment |
GLFLEX06 | General ledger: Sender SAP additional account assignment |
GLFLEX07 | General ledger: Transaction attributes |
GLFLEX08 | General ledger: Branches |
GLFLEXA | Flexible general ledger: Actual line items |
GLFLEXP | Flexible G/L: Plan line items |
GLFLEXT | Flexible G/L: Totals |
T000GL | Flexible general ledger: Customizing check and activation |
T800F | Conversion table for flexible general ledger fields |
T882G | Company code - ledger assignment |
T886G | Flexible general ledger: Interface information |
T888G | Customer fields for flexible general ledger |
T888S | Update flexible general ledger: Standard scenarios |
T889G | Document types for the flexible general ledger |
T889GO | Number range for document types |
T889GT | Document type texts |
T8G01 | Splitting method |
T8G01T | Splitting method |
T8G02 | Item categories |
T8G02T | Item categories |
T8G03 | Business transaction |
T8G031 | Accounting transaction variant |
T8G031T | Accounting transaction variant |
T8G03T | Business transaction |
T8G10 | Assignment: Transaction code- accounting transaction variant |
T8G11 | Assignment: MM movement type- accounting transaction variant |
T8G12 | Classify FI Document Type for Document Splitting |
T8G16 | Allocation: internal key - item category (SAP) |
T8G17 | Allocation: acct number - item type |
T8G20 | Splitting Rule: Header Data |
T8G21 | Splitting rule: Item categories to be processed |
T8G21A | Splitting rule: Base item categories |
T8G22 | Splitting rule: Additional items |
T8G28 | Item categories permitted per accounting transaction variant |
T8G29 | Item categories permitted for each business transaction |
T8G30A | Acct determination key for doc splitting |
T8G30AT | Account determination key description for doc splitting |
T8G30B | Acct determination for document splitting - accounts |
T8G40 | Account assignment objects for document splitting |
T8G41A | Constants |
T8G41AT | Constants |
T8G41B | Values of constants |
T8G50 | Permitted Fields To Be Summarized (Before Doc. Splitting) |
SAP Package GLT0 contains 33 views.
H_T8G031 | Business process |
H_T8G29 | Allowed item categories |
V_GLFLEXA | Flexible general ledger: Actual line items |
V_GLFLEXC | Flexible G/L: View for consistency check of object numbers |
V_GLFLEXP | Flexible G/L: Plan line items |
V_GLFLEXT | Flexible G/L: Totals |
V_T000GL | Flexible G/L activation |
V_T882_GL | Parallel currencies for G/L |
V_T882G_GL | Flexible G/L: Parallel currencies |
V_T888G_GUV | Flex. G/L balance carried forward: Details of P&L accounts |
V_T889G_ACTUAL | Flexible G/L:Actual Document Types |
V_T889G_PLAN | Flexible G/L: Plan Document Types |
V_T8G01 | Splitting method |
V_T8G02 | Item categories |
V_T8G03 | Business transaction |
V_T8G03_CL | Business transaction |
V_T8G031 | Accounting transaction variant |
V_T8G10 | Assignment: Transaction code- accounting transaction variant |
V_T8G11 | Assignment: MM movement type- accounting transaction variant |
V_T8G12 | Classify FI Document Type for Document Splitting |
V_T8G16 | Allocation: internal key - item category (SAP) |
V_T8G17 | Classify G/L Accounts for Document Splitting |
V_T8G20 | Splitting Rule: Header Data |
V_T8G21 | Splitting rule: Item categories to be processed |
V_T8G21A | Splitting rule: Base item categories |
V_T8G22 | Splitting rule: Additional items |
V_T8G28 | Item categories permitted per accounting transaction variant |
V_T8G29 | Item categories permitted for each business transaction |
V_T8G30A | Acct determination key for doc splitting |
V_T8G30B | Acct determination for document splitting - accounts |
V_T8G40 | Account assignment objects for document splitting |
V_T8G41A | Constants |
V_T8G41B | Values of constants |
SAP Package GLT0 contains 23 structures.
GLFLEX_FMOD | Screen structure |
GLFLEX_GLSIP | Flexible general ledger line item writing |
GLFLEX_SCENARIOS | Standard scenarios for the flexible general ledger |
GLFLEX00_INC | General ledger: Organizational units |
GLFLEX01_INC | General ledger: Technical fields |
GLFLEX02_INC | General ledger: Main account assignment |
GLFLEX03_INC | General ledger: SAP additional account assignment |
GLFLEX05_INC | General ledger: Sender main account assignment |
GLFLEX06_INC | General ledger: Sender SAP additional account assignment |
GLFLEX07_INC | General ledger: Transaction attributes |
GLFLEX08_INC | General ledger: Branches |
GLFLEXDYNP | FI-SL Table Installation: Structure for Screen Creation |
GLFLEXKEY | Structure with the keys of the flexible general ledger |
GLFLEXS | Flexible General Ledger Reporting |
GLT0_INCLUDE_REF | Reference include for general ledger extension |
GLX_INST_HEADINGS | Header information fir the general ledger table extension |
GLX_TABLES_AND_INCLUDES | Tables, includes, and their dependency |
GLX_TODO | Messages from the installation check |
OFFSACCT_BUKRS | Company code for offsetting account determination |
RGFLEXDY | FI-SL Table Installation: Structure for Screen Creation |
SAPF100_INOUT | Mapping of SL to GL Names |
SAPF100_OUTIN | Name in GL - Required for Postings |
SPL_INCL | SL Online Splitter: Enhancement |
SAP Package GLT0 contains 18 programs.
F107_START | Program F107_START |
FAGL_SPLINFO_COMPRESS | Compression of equal entries in FAGL_SPLINFO and FAGL_SPLINFO_VAL |
RFKLET01 | Accumulated Balance Audit Trail |
RFKXET01 | Extract for accumulated open item balance audit trail |
RFVALU02 | FI Valuation Lists |
RGCOPYGLT0 | Flexible general ledger: Summary transfer from GLT0 |
RGGL10 | Execute Report - Account Balance - Flexible Ledger |
RGUFILL882FLEX | Fill report table T882 flexible general ledger |
RGUGGLT0 | Generate INCLUDES for New General Ledger |
RGUT000GL | Maintenance program for the flexible general ledger and table T882 |
RGUT882M | Maintenance Program for the Flexible General Ledger and Table T882 |
RGUT882M_LOCAL | Maintenance Program for the Flexible General Ledger and Table T882 |
SAPF107_START | Start SAPF107 as a Report |
SAPGLT0B | Subscreen Navigation for Viewcluster GBEB_SPLIT |
SAPGLT1TRANSACTION | Marker in View Cluster Maintenance GBEB_ACC_DET |
SAPGLT1UISPLIT | Interface for Views: View Cluster SPLIT |
SAPGLT2LIST | Output of Accounting Transactions with Splitting Control |
SAP Package GLT0 contains 4 search helps.
GBEB_SHLP_41B_FIELD | Characteristics for Constants |
H_T881_FLEX | Help View for the Ledger Display: Flexible General Ledger |
H_T8G031 | Business process variant |
H_T8G29 | Allowed item categories |
SAP Package GLT0 contains 5 message classes.
GLBP | GLflex BAPIs |
GLFLEX | Customizing für Flexibles Hauptbuch |
GLT0 | Splitprozessor |
GLT1 | Splitprozessor: Steuerungstabellen pflegen |
GLT2 | Splitprozessor: Steuerungstabellen auswerten |