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Bei ansehen →The package GRPG (Grouping/Pegging for Individual Project Planning) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | GRPG |
Short Text | Grouping/Pegging for Individual Project Planning |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package GRPG contains 4 function groups.
GRMD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
GRPG | Check and replace modules for group. |
GRSV | Grouping: Service function modules |
PGSV | Pegging: service modules |
SAP Package GRPG contains 7 transactions.
GRM1 | Display Grouping WBS Elem Assign. |
GRM2 | Display MRP Group Assignments |
GRM3 | Colective Processing: Assignments |
GRM4 | Change Grouping Element Assignments |
GRM5 | Maintain MRP group assignments |
GRM6 | Grouping Consistency Check |
GRM7 | Display Grouping WBS Elem Assign. |
SAP Package GRPG contains 7 database tables.
GRPGA | Assignment of WBS elements to MRP WBS elements |
GRPGV | Validity of grouping WBS elements for plant/MRP group |
PEGOB | Peg (master data of the CO object) |
PEGQTY | Assigned quantity of pegging objects |
PGWIL | Work item list for static pegging |
TPGPRF | Profile for static pegging and data distribution |
TPGPRFT | Text table for pegging profile |
SAP Package GRPG contains 3 views.
V_GRPGA | Assignment of WBS elements to MRP WBS elements |
V_GRPGV | Validity area of the MRP WBS elements |
V_TPGPRF | Grouping/Pegging profile maintenance view |
SAP Package GRPG contains 16 structures.
GRINT | Interface parameters for grouping |
GRPG_COSBA_SUM | Grouping/Pegging: Variances/Results Analyses summary |
GRPG_COSPA_SUM | Grouping/Pegging primary costs/comms summary table |
GRPG_COSSA_SUM | Grouping/Pegging secondary costs/comms summary table |
GRPG_FMSUA_SUM | grouping/Pegging: FM Totals Records summary |
GRPG_PO_COMPONENT | Grouping/Pegging: purchase order object components |
GRPG_PP_OBJECT | Grouping/pegging: production order replenishment object id |
LOG_HEADER_PO | Reporting pegging results: header structure for prod. order |
PEGDATA | Interface structure for static pegging |
PEGOBLOG | Reporting structure for pegging process |
PEGOBQTY | Pegging objects and assigned quantities structur |
PEGPOINTER | Pegging pointer to replenishm./requirem./cmp WBS element |
PEGSEGM | Stock segment characteristics for pegging objects |
PGWLINT | Pegging work list interface structure |
PLMRGRPGA02 | Structure for Program RGRPGA02 |
REPLDATA | Interface structure for replenishment data (static pegging) |
SAP Package GRPG contains 5 programs.
RGRPGA01 | Collective Assignment of WBS elements to a Grouping WBS element |
RGRPGA02 | Consistency check: Settings for grouping WBS elements |
RGRPGA03 | Evaluation: All Valid Grouping WBS Element Assignments |
SAPMGR01 | Maintain assignments of WBS elemnts to MRP WBS elements |
SAPMGR02 | Maintain Assignments Between Grouping WBS Elements and MRP Groups |
SAP Package GRPG contains 1 search helps.
GRPG_WBS_ELEM | Grouping MRP elements |
SAP Package GRPG contains 1 message classes.
GRPG | Grouping/Pegging für Projekteinzelplanung |