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Bei ansehen →The package HANDLING_UNITS (Handling Units - General Packing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Short Text | Handling Units - General Packing |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package HANDLING_UNITS contains 15 function groups.
HU_CHANGE_DOCUMENTS | ===> Object HANDL_UNIT, generated |
HU_GOODS_MOVEMENT | Goods Movements for Handling Units |
HU_HUMSEG | Handling Units - Material Doc. Reference |
HU_INITIAL_DATA_LOAD | Transfer Stock Data before Go-Live Date |
HU_INV | Handling Unit Physical Inventory |
HU_PACKING_STATION | Packing Station |
HU_STATUS | Status Maintenance for Handling Units |
HURES | HU Reservations |
V51C | Handling Units: Services |
V51E | Handling Unit Interfaces External |
V51F | Handling Units - Individual Functions |
V51G | Handling Unit - Dialog Processing |
V51H | Handling Units - Application Interfaces |
V51P | Handling Units - Central Functions |
V51S | Handling Units - Database Accesses |
SAP Package HANDLING_UNITS contains 28 transactions.
HU00 | Handling units |
HU02 | Creating and Changing Handling Units |
HU03 | Display of HUs |
HU04 | Creation of HUs with stock |
HU05 | Display of HUs for object |
HUCANC | Matl Doc. Cancellation of HU Gds Mvt |
HUCOWA | Display Staged HUs |
HUCOWE | Display Manufactured HUs |
HUIBD | Handling Units for Inbound Delivery |
HUIND | Database Indexes for Handling Units |
HUINV01 | Create HU Phys. Inventory Documents |
HUINV02 | Change HU Phys. Inventory Document |
HUINV03 | Enter Counted Qty for HU Phys. Inv. |
HUINV04 | Analysis of HU Phys. Inv. Documents |
HUINV05 | Post HU Phys. Inventory Differences |
HUINV06 | Delete Inventory Status for HUs |
HUINV07 | Display HU Phys. Inv. Documents |
HUMAT | Handling Units Related to Matl Doc. |
HUOBD | Display HUs for Outbound Delivery |
HUPAST | Packing Station |
HUPASTW | Packing Station |
HUTRA | Display HUs for Shipment |
OINV_HU | Number Range Maintenance: HUINV |
VEG5 | Handling Unit Group 5 |
VNKP | Number range maintenance: RV_VEKP |
VV61 | Create Output: Handling Units |
VV62 | Change Output: Handling Unit |
VV63 | Display Output: Handling Unit |
SAP Package HANDLING_UNITS contains 16 database tables.
HUEXIDV | Table with key 'external ID' |
HUINV_HDR | Handling Unit: Phys. Inv. Document Header |
HUINV_ITEM | Handling Unit: Physical Inventory Document Item |
HUINV_SERNR | Handling Unit Phys. Inv. Doc. - Serial Numbers for Item |
HUMSEG | Reference-HU-Item for Material Doc.Item that was Posted Last |
HUMSEG_SER | Serial Numbers for the HUMSEG Table |
HUPAST_T | Packing Station Profile |
HURES | Tentative Reservation of HU Items |
HUSSTAT | Individual Status for Each Handling Unit |
HUSTOBJ | Information about HU Status Object |
HUWM_LOAD_PROT | Log Table of Initial Data Transfer for Subsequent Posting |
THUBEW2 | HU: Movement Types for Stock Category Posting Change |
THUBEW3 | HU Movement Types for Packing and Unpacking with Posting Chg |
VEKP | Handling Unit - Header Table |
VEPO | Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents) |
VEVW | Where-Used List for Handling Units |
SAP Package HANDLING_UNITS contains 3 views.
V_MATNR_HU | Aggregated object for reading material number + description |
V_THUWBEVENT | Maintenance View for Goods Movement Events |
V_TVEGR | Material Group: Packaging Materials |
SAP Package HANDLING_UNITS contains 85 structures.
BAPIHUSELMSG | Selected HU Output Keys |
HEADER51 | HU_Processing: General Header Data |
HUHDR_ADDITIONAL_DATA | Additional Data for HU Header |
HUHDR_CAPACITY | HU: Weight, Volume and Dimension Data |
HUHDR_PROPOSAL | Default: Basic Header Data for Handling Units |
HUHDR_TRANSPORT | HU Data Relevant for Transportation |
HUINV_COUNTING | Structure for Returning Physical Inventory Counts |
HUINV_GENERAL | Global Structure for Processing the HU Physical Inventory |
HUINV_HDR_DYN | Work Structure for Phys. Inv. Doc. Header Data |
HUINV_ITEM_DYN | Work Structure for Physical Inventory Document Items |
HUINV_SERNR_DYN | Work Structure for Serial Numbers: Phys. Inv. Doc. Item |
HUINV_VALUE | Additional Values for Determining the Value-Based Difference |
HUITEM_CHANGE | Stucture for Changing HU Item Attributes |
HUITEM_FROM | Handling Units: Description of HU that is Being Unpacked |
HUITEM_KEY | HU Item Key |
HUITEM_SERIALNR | Structure for Using Serial Numbers in Packing Defaults |
HUITEM_UNPACK | Handling Units: Structure for Unpacking Handling Units |
HUITM_PROPOSAL | Structure for Packing and Unpacking in One Handling Unit |
HUM_CUM_MATERIAL | Handling Units: Cumulated Material Quantity |
HUM_DATA_MOVE_TO | Target Stock Data for HU Goods Movement |
HUM_DEL_GENPOS | Structure of Delivery Items That Were or Are to Be Generated |
HUM_EXIDV | Handling Unit Identification |
HUM_HANDLE | Handling Unit's Identifier |
HUM_HDR_PROPOSAL | Default: Basic Header Data for Handling Units |
HUM_HUMSEG | Link Between IMSEG Line and HU Item |
HUM_HUMSEG_SERNR | Serial Numbers for HU-IMSEG Link During Partial Goods Mvmts |
HUM_INIT_WM | General Interface Structure for HU_PACKING_WM |
HUM_JSTAT | Individual Status for Handling Units |
HUM_MBLNR | HU's Material Documents |
HUM_MM_KOPFDATEN | HU: Header Data for Creating HUs |
HUM_MOVE_TO_DIALOG | Target Stock Data for HU Goods Movement |
HUM_OBJECT | Object Description of the Handling Units to be Processed |
HUM_PLANT_STLOC | HU: Header Data for Creating HUs |
HUM_PROFILE_S | Name of the Packing Station Profile |
HUM_QM | Structure for Copying into QM |
HUM_REHANG_HU | Copy Handling Unit into Delivery |
HUM_REP_SERNR | Serial Number Table for Repack |
HUM_REPACK | Structure for Repacking HUs |
HUM_SCALE | Interface for a Scale |
HUM_UPDATE_HEADER | Structure for Attribute Changes to HU Headers |
HUM_VENUM | Internal Handling Unit Number |
HUM_VERPO_SERNR | Serial Number for HU Item Proposal in the VERPO Structure |
HUMSEG_HU | Link Between HU Item and IMSEG for WM |
HUMSEG_INT | Internal Structure for Processing the HUMSEG Link |
HUMSEG_SER_INT | Internal Structure for Linking Serial Numbers with MSEG |
HUMTREE | ITEM Table for HU Packing Tree |
HUMTREECH | Structure for Changes in Tree |
HUMV4 | Packing Overview: Items and Handling Units |
HUOBJECT22 | Identification of an HU Object |
HUOBJNR_S | Structure of the General Object Number that the HU Contains |
HURES_INT | Internal Structure for Working with HU Assignments |
HUSTOCKCOMP | Stock differences for HU and WM |
HUWM_INITIAL_LOAD | Structure for Initial Data Transfer |
HUWM_INITIAL_LOAD_HEADER | Structure for HU-WM Stock Data Transfer HU Header |
HUWM_INITIAL_LOAD_ITEM | Structure for HU-WM Stock Data Transfer HU Items |
HUWM_INITIAL_LOAD_PROTOCOL | Log Structure for Initial Data Transfer with HUs |
HUWM_LOAD_PROT_CONTEXT | Context Structure for Log Output via Application Log |
HUWM_LOAD_PROT_INT | Internal Structure for Working During Initial Data Transfer |
KOMKBV6 | Output Determination Communication Area Header Appl. V6 |
KOMPV | Items to be packed |
PACKING_ITEM_HU | Structure for Packing and Unpacking in one Handling Unit |
REPACK_HU_WM | Repack Instructions for HUs from WM and Reassignment to Dlv. |
UHUSSTAT | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
UVEPO | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
V51GGL | Global Flags in Packing |
V51P_CHANGED | Structure for Import Table of Module LV51PV12 |
V51P_GEW_VOL | Calculated/Changed Weights and Volumes |
V51P_IMP_U12 | Structure for Import Table of Module LV51PV12 |
V51P_SELECT_FLAGS | Flags that Indicate What to Note When Accessing Database |
V51PGL | Global fields required during packing procedure |
V51VE | Handling Units |
V51VP | Items to be Packed |
VBLKP_HU | View Handling Unit Items for Picking |
VBPLK | Handling Unit Header-Data - Communication Structure |
VBPOK_HU | Verification of HUs during Picking |
VEKP_510 | VEKP Fields for Data Copy Routine 510 |
VEKP_TXT | Texts for VEKP Fields |
VEKPD | Dynamic Section of Handling Unit Header |
VEKPVB | Work Structure for Handling Unit Header |
VEPO_GM | Help Structure for HU Goods Movements |
VEPOD | Dynamic Part of Internal Tables That Save HU Items |
VEPOVB | Structure for Internal Tables with Contents of HU Items |
VEVWD | Dynamic Part of History Table VEVW |
VEVWVB | Structure for Work History Table VEVW |
SAP Package HANDLING_UNITS contains 22 programs.
RHU_CHANGE_EXISTING_HU | Create/Change Packing Dialog, Non-Assigned HU |
RHU_CREATE_HU_WITH_STOCK | Create Packing Dialog Available HUs With Stock |
RHU_DISPLAY_HANDLING_UNITS | Report for Displaying Handling Units |
RHU_DISPLAY_HU_COWA | Report for Displaying Handling Units for SD Shipment |
RHU_DISPLAY_HU_COWE | Report for Displaying Handling Units for SD Shipment |
RHU_DISPLAY_HU_IBD_DELIVERY | Report for Displaying Handling Units for Inbound Delivery |
RHU_DISPLAY_HU_MAT_DOCUMENT | Report for Displaying Handling Units for Inbound Delivery |
RHU_DISPLAY_HU_OBD_DELIVERY | Report for Displaying Handling Units for Outbound Delivery |
RHU_DISPLAY_HU_OF_OBJECTS | Report for Displaying Handling Units |
RHU_DISPLAY_HU_SD_TRANSPORT | Report for Displaying Handling Units for SD Shipment |
RHU_GOODS_MOVEMENT_CANCEL | Reverse Goods Movement with Handling Units |
RHU_HELP | Selection of Handling Units |
RHU_INV_ANALYSIS | Analysis of Phys. Inv. Docs |
RHU_INV_COUNTING | Enter Count Results for HU Inventory Docs. |
RHU_INV_DISPLAY | Displays of Inventory Documents (incl. Deleted Items) |
RHU_INV_DOC_CREATE | Select HUs and Create Physical Inventory Documents |
RHU_INV_EDIT | Process a Phys. Inventory Document |
RHU_INV_POST | Clear Differences from Inventory Documents |
RHU_INV_STATUS_DELETE | Delete Inventoried Status for HU |
RHU_STOCK_COMPARISON | Comparison Report for HU stock |
WSHUINDEX | Set Up Optional Database Indexes for Handling Units |
SAP Package HANDLING_UNITS contains 7 search helps.
HU_IDENT_01 | Identification by object |
HU_IDENT_02 | HU identification by creation |
HU_IDENT_03 | Identification by material and status |
HU_IDENT_04 | Identification by packing instructions |
HU_IDENT_05 | Identification Through Identification 2 |
HU_IDENT_ALLG | HU identification |
HUM_H_T157D | Generated Help View for Check Table T157D |
SAP Package HANDLING_UNITS contains 5 message classes.
HUDIALOG | Nachrichten aus dem Verpackungsdialog |
HUFUNCTIONS | Meldungen aus den FB die HU-Dienste anbieten ohne Globale T. |
HUGENERAL | Handling Units - verpacken |
HUINV | Nachrichten für Handling Unit Inventur |
HUSELECT | Nachrichten aus den FB die Datenbankzugriffe machen |