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Bei ansehen →The package I_MSM_GRAFIK (SM/PM Graphics Module) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | I_MSM_GRAFIK |
Short Text | SM/PM Graphics Module |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package I_MSM_GRAFIK contains 3 function groups.
I_MSM_COMM | Communication in SM/PM |
I_MSM_GRAPH | Graphics in SM/PM |
I_MSM_GRAPH_SYST | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package I_MSM_GRAFIK contains 1 transactions.
I_GRAPH_MONITOR | Monitor for Jobs |
SAP Package I_MSM_GRAFIK contains 4 database tables.
MSM_COMM_LOG_1 | Communication lof for MSM for paging |
MSM_COMM_LOG_2 | Commmunication log for MSM for paging status |
TMSMGRAPH8 | Control of MSM Graphic |
TMSMGRAPH8C | Customer Control for MSM Graphic |
SAP Package I_MSM_GRAFIK contains 1 views.
VIMSM_COMM_LOG | View output communication log for paging status |
SAP Package I_MSM_GRAFIK contains 10 structures.
LEFT_HAND | Object in the right hand column of the graphic |
MSM_COMM_LOG_SHOW_BOROBJ | Structure for displaying the paging log for a BOR object ID |
MSM_COMM_LOG_SHOW_PARNR | Structure for displaying the paging log for a partner ID |
MSM_COMMUNICATE | Global communication structure |
MSM_GRAPH_MONITOR_PARMS | Parameter for online control of MSM graphical monitor |
MSM_PERSON | Person Object Record |
RIGHT_HAND | Time object in right hand part of graphic |
SAP Package I_MSM_GRAFIK contains 1 search helps.
MSM_GRAPH_CR | Work center name |
SAP Package I_MSM_GRAFIK contains 2 message classes.
ICOMM | MSM Nachrichten für Kommunikation |
IGRAPH | Nachrichten für die Grafiktools in SM und PM |