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Bei ansehen →The package IBOM (Application Development R/3 PM Bills of Material) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | IBOM |
Short Text | Application Development R/3 PM Bills of Material |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package IBOM contains 20 transactions.
IB01 | Create Equipment BOM |
IB02 | Change Equipment BOM |
IB03 | Display Equipment BOM |
IB05 | Change Equipment BOM Group |
IB06 | Display Equipment BOM Group |
IB07 | Assign Equipment BOM to Plant |
IB08 | Change Equipment BOM - Plant Alloc. |
IB09 | Display Equipment BOM Plant Alloc. |
IB11 | Create Functional Location BOM |
IB12 | Change Functional Location BOM |
IB13 | Display Functional Location BOM |
IB15 | Change FunctLocation BOM Group |
IB16 | Display FunctLocation BOM Group |
IB17 | Create FunctLoc. BOM Plant Assignmnt |
IB18 | Change FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc. |
IB19 | Display FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc. |
IB80 | Change Documents for Equipment BOM |
IB81 | FunctLocation BOM Change Documents |
IB90 | Equipment BOM Number Ranges |
IB91 | FunctLocation BOM Number Ranges |