
SAP Package IBOM

Application Development R/3 PM Bills of Material

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The package IBOM (Application Development R/3 PM Bills of Material) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package IBOM
Short Text Application Development R/3 PM Bills of Material
Parent Package APPL


SAP Package IBOM contains 20 transactions.

IB01 Create Equipment BOM
IB02 Change Equipment BOM
IB03 Display Equipment BOM
IB05 Change Equipment BOM Group
IB06 Display Equipment BOM Group
IB07 Assign Equipment BOM to Plant
IB08 Change Equipment BOM - Plant Alloc.
IB09 Display Equipment BOM Plant Alloc.
IB11 Create Functional Location BOM
IB12 Change Functional Location BOM
IB13 Display Functional Location BOM
IB15 Change FunctLocation BOM Group
IB16 Display FunctLocation BOM Group
IB17 Create FunctLoc. BOM Plant Assignmnt
IB18 Change FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc.
IB19 Display FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc.
IB80 Change Documents for Equipment BOM
IB81 FunctLocation BOM Change Documents
IB90 Equipment BOM Number Ranges
IB91 FunctLocation BOM Number Ranges