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Bei ansehen →The package ID-MX-DI (Localization Mexico - Digital Invoice) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | ID-MX-DI |
Short Text | Localization Mexico - Digital Invoice |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package ID-MX-DI contains 5 function groups.
IDMX_DI_BTE | Digital Invoice MX: BTE Implementation |
IDMX_DI_DET | Digital Invoice MX: Maintenance View |
IDMX_DI_SIGNATURE | Digital Invoice MX: Main Functions |
IDMX_DI_UTILITY | Digital Invoice MX: Basic Functions |
IDMX_OFF_NUMBER | Digital Invoice MX: ODN Functions |
SAP Package ID-MX-DI contains 1 transactions.
IDMX_MONTHREPORT | Monthly Invoice Report (Mexico) |
SAP Package ID-MX-DI contains 10 database tables.
IDMX_DI_BASIC | Digital invoice Mexico: general settings |
IDMX_DI_DOCTYP | Digital invoice Mexico: usable document types (payment flow) |
IDMX_DI_FIDCTP | Digital Invoice Mexico: Special FI Document Types (SAT) |
IDMX_DI_PROFDET | table to determine the valid pse-profile |
IDMX_DI_PSEPROF | pse-file and parameter (entities) |
IDMX_DI_PSEPROFT | SSF Profile - Text |
IDMX_DI_TAXES | Digital Invoice Mexico: Legal Abbreviations of Taxes |
IDMX_DI_TAXTYP | Table is OBSOLETE (replaced by IDMX_DI_TAXES) |
IDMX_DI_TXTIDDET | Digital Invoice Mexico: Data ID - Text ID Determination |
IDMX_DI_TXTOB | Digital Invoice Mexico: Valid Text Objects |
SAP Package ID-MX-DI contains 11 views.
IDMX_DI_HV_TAXFI | Digital Invoice Mexico: Help view Application for Acc.Key |
IDMX_DI_HV_TAXSD | Digital Invoice Mexico: Help view Application for Acc.Key |
IDMX_DI_HV_TXTOB | Digital Invoice Mexico: Help View For Valid Text Object |
IDMX_DI_VBASIC | General Settings for Digital Invoice |
IDMX_DI_VDOCTYP | Document Types for Payment Flow |
IDMX_DI_VPROFDET | Digital Invoice Mexico: PSE Profile Assignments of Company |
IDMX_DI_VPSEPROF | SSF Profile Parameters |
IDMX_DI_VTAXES | Legal Abbreviations of Taxes |
IDMX_DI_VTAXESFI | Legal Abbreviations of Taxes |
IDMX_DI_VTXTID | Determination of Text IDs |
IDMX_DI_VTXTIDFI | Determination of Text IDs |
SAP Package ID-MX-DI contains 25 structures.
IDMX_DI_C_ADDRESS_DATA_TYP | OIM VI. - 6th data block: Customer Address Data, a - j |
IDMX_DI_C_IDENT_DATA_TYP | OIM V. - 5th data block: Customer Identification data, a - b |
IDMX_DI_CMPNY_ADDRESS_DATA_TYP | OIM III. - 3rd data block: Company's Address Data, a - j |
IDMX_DI_CMPNY_GLOBAL_DATA_TYP | OIM II. - 2nd data block: Company Code Global Data, a - b |
IDMX_DI_COMPL_DOC_DATA_TYP | OIM XII. - 13th data block: Complement of document data, a |
IDMX_DI_CONST | structure of a SSF-profile in Mexico (entities) |
IDMX_DI_CUSTOMS_DATA_TYP | OIM: 8th data block, Customs Data |
IDMX_DI_DOCUMENT_DATA_TYP | OIM I. - 1st data block: Document Data, fields No a - l |
IDMX_DI_FIITEM_COMPLEMENTO_TYP | Accounting Document Item Complemento |
IDMX_DI_FIITEM_CUSTOMS_TYP | Line Item Customs Data |
IDMX_DI_FIITEM_PROP_ACCT_TYP | Line Item Property Account Number |
IDMX_DI_ITEM_COMPLEMENTO_TYP | Supplement Data of Billing Document Line Items |
IDMX_DI_ITEM_CUSTOMS_TYP | Line Item Customs Data |
IDMX_DI_ITEM_PROP_ACCT_TYP | Line Item Property Account Number |
IDMX_DI_LINE_ITEMS_TYP | OIM: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th data block, line items |
IDMX_DI_ORI_IN_MSG_TYPE | Digital invoice Mexico: data for Original input message |
IDMX_DI_PROFILE_DATA | profile data of a parameter id (ssf profile) |
IDMX_DI_SO_ADDRESS_DATA_TYP | OIM IV. - 4th data block: Sales Org. Address Data, a - j |
IDMX_DI_TAX_TYP | Tax data extension for tax code |
IDMX_DI_TAXES_TYP | OIM: 12th data block: Taxes, fields a - c |
IDMX_DI_TOTAL_TAXES_TYP | OIM XI. - 12th data block: Taxes, field d |
IDMX_DI_WITHHOLD_TAX_TOTAL_TYP | OIM: 11th data block: Withholding Tax Data, field c |
IDMX_DI_WITHHOLDING_TAX_TYP | OIM: 11th data block: Withholding Tax Data, a - b |
IDMX_DI_XML_ADDITIONAL | data of digital invoice to add into idoc for xml generation |
SAP Package ID-MX-DI contains 2 programs.
IDMX_CHECK_SIGNING | To Check Signing of Mexico Digital Invoice |
IDMX_MONTHREPORT | Monthly Invoice Report (Mexico) |
SAP Package ID-MX-DI contains 5 search helps.
IDMX_DI_SH_TAXFI | Digital Invoice Mexico: Search Help Application for Acc.Key |
IDMX_DI_SH_TAXSD | Digital Invoice Mexico: Search Help Application for Acc.Key |
IDMX_DI_SH_TDOBJ | Digital Invoice Mexico: Search Help For Valid Text Object |
IDMX_DI_SH_TXTID | Digital invoice Mexico: search help for textID |
IDMX_DI_SH_TXTOB | Digital invoice Mexico: search help text objects |
SAP Package ID-MX-DI contains 1 message classes.
IDMX | Localization Mexico - Digital Invoice |